Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.5K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Eight - Pearl

1.3K 219 173
By Chrissyvellis

Gunner snorted next to me. Looking up—was that a smile? But the sun was behind him in my eyes, so I could have imagined it.

Squinting.  Yup, definitely a smile. "What's going on with this?" My finger drew circles around his face. I'd seen him crack a smile once, maybe twice—well apart from his sinister I'm going to enjoy killing you smirk.

He looked down, lifting an eyebrow. Ah, that's more like it. His signature fuck off face.

I held his stare. Perhaps it was being here... in this place. It was different from what I'd expected. The smell for one and the pack members I'd met so far, well apart from being built like super-hot sex bots! They were all nice and friendly.

Sylar nudged me. "You feel it too?"

Turning. "Yeah, but I couldn't' tell you what it is, but something about this pack—just feels right."

"Like home," he said to my surprise.

"Hmmm." I hummed in agreement. Like home.

As we stood around, obviously waiting for the Alpha to show up. A breeze rolled in, overwhelming me with that smell. The heavenly scent of Nutella and pine, oh and let's not forget cinnamon.

I didn't think I could ever tire of that smell as the rush of arousal kicked off... again.

Oh bollocks!   I needed to get a grip on this. I couldn't constantly walk aroused; I would end up jumping someone. Good job I'd brought Charlie along for the ride. Mind you, if I played my cards right, I could very well be in for some real-life cock. The looks that were being thrown my way by a few pack members made me feel like a happy meal and I was up for being devoured!

Looking over my shoulder, I spotted movement in the thick bushes. A head larger than I'd ever seen broke through, and silvery grey eyes stared back.

My cheeks heated, pulse quickened and then everything silenced and I'm not lying when I say, my heart stopped and the air in my lungs froze as if the world had shifted around me and I was in the centre being pulled in, or rather sucked in.    

I blinked twice as the compact undergrowth parted and through the greenery out came the biggest, most magnificent wolf I'd ever seen—with the blackest of coats apart from a silver patch over one ear.

Fuckity-fuck!  He was beautiful.

His eyes flashed in the sunlight and out of nowhere my wolf erupted into a giddy girly mess, prancing around, whimpering, swishing her tail before bending on her front legs to stick her arse in the air.   Oh yes, she was attracted to this wolf.

Damn, I was attracted to this wolf! He made me want to get down on all fours and stick my arse in the air.

Rein it in Pearl.

His huge paws thudded on the ground as he kept his head low, his ears pricked back and his eyes on me. He came closer, and each step was almost a swagger—yeah, a wolf swaggering if you could believe it.

He came to a stop in front of us as his top lip curled to show his menacing fangs.

Gunner took a step closer to me, putting his arm out diagonally across me.

The giant wolf didn't like that. He growled, which broadcasted more like thunder from his chest, warning Gunner.

'Stand down Gunner.'   Sylar instructed.

Gunner growled and reluctantly shifted his arm.

'He's their alpha and you know him, don't you Pearl,' asked as a question and a statement from Sylar.

And I did.  Mate.  'Mate.'  Both me and my wolf answered.

We stood staring for what seemed like a lifetime, everyone had stilled around us and then the unexpected happened and it blew my ever-loving mind.

The wolf shoved his head right into the seam of my thighs—dead centre and I almost came when he tilted his head higher, pushing his nose deeper.


The exhaled air from his nose warmed me as my eyes closed.  Unconsciously I moaned and reached out, running my fingers through his fur, which was silky soft and warm.  I wanted to grind myself on his nose as the heat throbbed between my legs, which would have been super embarrassing, but damn, I was just about to...

What the?   Then it was over. He pulled back and stomped the ground with his giant paw and almost looked pissed off as he chuffed and stepped back.


I wanted to speak, but my mouth wouldn't work—which was a first for me.

And just when I thought I had mastered speech again, he turned and stalked off, heading inside the open door of the pack house.

My breath left me in a whoosh, and I gripped Sylar's arm to steady myself.

'What the fuck's his problem?'  Gunner growled.

Now I'm not one for encouraging Sylar to read people—it's creepy and all sorts of wrong. But I hoped he had been taking a sneaky peek inside his head.  Fingers crossed!

'Sylar, care to enlighten me?' 

His eyes fixed on the door where the wolf had gone inside.  'I only picked up bits and pieces. He knows you're his mate, and he was frustrated.  That's what I sensed the most.'

Frustrated?  What the hell?  That must have been a record for me. Usually took someone around ten whole minutes before they became frustrated with me.

My eyes shifted towards movement; Seth nodded in my direction before heading inside.

A few pack members began chatting between themselves—they too seemed surprised as their gazes kept drifting my way.

Ten minutes later Seth appeared at the door and walked my way, that sexy smile of his fixed in place.  "You make quite the impression Pearl DuPonte."

And was that a good thing?

"The Alpha will see you now, this way." He cocked his head for me to follow.

Gunner and Sylar stepped up with me.  "Pearl will meet the Alpha alone," stated Seth.

Gunner growled, stepping closer.

"She will be safe. The Alpha would never harm her."  His smile softened as his eyes remained on me.

"I'll be fine, boys, you can wait here."

Gunner grunted.

'Call, if you need me,' said Sylar.

I nodded and followed Seth, anticipation literally fizzing across my skin. My wolf too was excited. More than she'd ever been. 

And check me out! I'd bagged an Alpha for a Mate!

My grandfather's words of I'd be nothing to no one echoed through my head—Yeah, well fuck you grandfather! Looks like the Moon Goddess had a plan for me after all.

Heading down the side of a stairway, through a dark corridor. I had to walk fast to keep up with Seth's long strides.  Abruptly stopping, I almost toppled into the back of him. He let out a deep chuckle as he opened a door.  Light flooded in.  "Go through, he's waiting Pearl."

He offered a smile and rested his hand on my shoulder for a moment. "Don't be afraid, he won't hurt you."

Hurt me? Ha!

It had been two years and my vagina was like a grenade, and I was way overdue from having my pin pulled!  Perhaps Seth should be worried I might hurt his Alpha.  I might have been tiny compared to most of the pack members here—but damn, I was a miniature bomb when my fuse was lit.

I stepped into the room, what looked like a study.  Seth closed the door behind me, leaving me with the Alpha... my mate!

My Mate—I loved the sound of that and there would be no shifting the stupid grin on my face. And six feet away from his enormous desk. I stopped dead. 

Spank me pink... my eyes exploded as another rush of Nutella made my mouth water.

Holy. Fucking. Shit!

They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. Everything stopped apart from the throbbing in my clit—that was beating to its own little drum.

My mate was sexy as fuck. And I think this time my knickers actually disintegrated!

Oh boy, I'd hit the jackpot.  I will admit I'd always been a wee bit jealous of Sage netting Hunter Stone, because I would never deny he was hot and sexy—but Hunter paled in contrast to what was in front of me.

Sat behind a huge wooden desk (one that Hunter would be jealous of) was every woman's or wolf's fantasy. And even sat down, I could tell he would be huge when standing. And the width of him. Oh my, I would have to climb up the man.  My thighs clenched as the floodgates well and truly opened down below.

And the smell of Nutella and pine became stronger. He was making my blood boil.

His eyes were still lowered, and his long thick lashes prevented me from seeing their colour.  But I could see the rest of his face.  Strong nose with a bump in the middle and full kissable lips and a firm square jaw, which I was looking forward to nibbling and licking.

I had to curl my toes to contain myself from climbing across his desk, straddling his lap, and running my fingers through his thick dark hair and planting a kiss on those full lips, which were enhanced by a dusting of stubble.

I was drooling.  Okay, rein it in.  Let's be cool about this. Deep breaths. I swallowed, waiting for him to acknowledge me.

A whole minute ticked by. Okay, why wasn't he speaking—or looking at me?

Just about to speak. He flicked his head slightly as his black wavy hair fell across his eyes. 

My body hummed, and another burst of heat shot through the centre of me, I thought my legs might buckle as I pressed my thighs together. Which sadly only intensified the ache between them. 

Fuck!  Was this what it was like when all wolves found their mates? 

He still hadn't looked at me.  His eyes down, staring at what I thought might be a picture, so I raked over the rest of him. The grey t-shirt he wore stretched across his huge muscles and his biceps flexed. I imagined licking across those bad boys.

He was perfect. And he was mine—or so I thought.

"Tell me what you know of Willa King!" His voice was deep, dark and gravelly. 

I shivered, letting it wash through me as I imagined that voice talking dirty to me. I would need a change of underwear at this rate.

"I asked you what you know of Willa King."

Oh shit, yes, he'd asked me a question, but I'd got lost in his voice. We could add that to the list of things I already loved about him.

Anyway, back to the question.  Willa King?  What?  Who?  "Willa King?"

Still not looking at me. He thrust the picture in his hand towards me.  I stepped up to his desk and leaned across to take the picture.  His intoxicating smell was making my head a little fuzzy and my mind shot off in another direction, wondering what he would taste like.  Hmmm... Nutella flavoured skin.

Refocusing my eyes, I stared at the picture.  It was a picture of him with a girl. He was looking down at the girl, smiling and fuck me, were those dimples?  I forced myself to look at the girl whom I assumed was Willa King? 

"Should I know her?" Stupid question, but my mind was still in a haze of wanting to kiss him silly or have his stubbled jaw ease its way up my thighs.

Focus, Pearl!

He still wouldn't look at me, in fact he was practically scowling as he scrubbed a hand across his face.

I took another look at the picture. The girl, Willa, looked younger than him, but only by a few years and she was very pretty.  But why did the name Willa ring a bell?  I shook my head. No doubt it would come to me later. 

"Is this your sister?"  I hoped to god it was his sister and not Mrs Alpha King or his Luna. Yeah, that was what they called someone who was mated to an Alpha... Luna.

My stomach dropped. What if she was his mate? 

"Yes," abruptly replying.


The silence thickened around us as I offered the picture to him, but he didn't budge. I placed it down, flat on the table.  "I'm sorry I don't know her, your sister."

He didn't answer but growled. A low, deep growl that maybe was threatening but did nothing but turn me on more. 

Quit it, Pearl.

But, What was his problem? He seemed mightily pissed off and still wouldn't look at me.

I shifted on my feet as the silence stretched before us. And no matter how turned on or attracted to him I was. He was annoying the hell out of me. "Have I done something to offend you?"

"You may go female," abruptly said.

My wolf whimpered.

What the?  Did he just call me female?  And he wanted me to leave?  Indignant annoyance prickled my spine and I stood taller. 

No, no, no!  That shit wasn't happening—not till I got some answers. 

My cheeks burned, but not from feeling horny.  He was about to get it—both barrels.  I planted my hands on my hips. "First off the bat!  I have a name sunshine and—"

"I'm well aware of who you are." He stopped me in my tracks. Pushing his chair out, he stood and turned towards the huge, windowed doors behind him. Flinging them open, he inhaled deeply.

I stood staring like a gaping fish for a moment before I gave my head a little shake. 

But I was right about his size. He must have been touching six-four or six-five. Bigger than Gunner.  He was huge!

"You brought me all the way here to ask me one question and now what—I can go now.   Do you mean leave...go back home? To England?"

He folded his arms across his huge sexy chest... sexy? 

"Yes, leave now."

I clenched my fists on either side of me.  He may have been my mate—and I was more than attracted to him. but I'd be fucked if I was going to let him talk to me like I didn't matter.

"Listen here, buddy. I know you feel something for me because not ten minutes ago you had your head all up in my groin.  So, let's not pretend that you don't know what I am to you!"

There I'd said it—without saying it.  My wolf whimpered, a little upset with how our first interaction was going.

"The Moon Goddess got it wrong." Cold fury tainted each word.

He did not just say that.  "Are you saying you don't want me as your mate?"

He didn't answer. 

This should have made me walk right up to him and punch him in the centre of his perfect face—but I didn't.  First, I would need a ladder and second, the thought of damaging his gorgeous face made me a little sad.

I walked around his desk to be closer to him, taking a second to gather my thoughts.  I'd always been told I was a straight shooter. Speaking my mind, wearing my heart on a sleeve, was just who I was. 

So, pushing all pride aside, I spoke from my heart. "What is wrong with me? Because I honestly can't see anything I don't like about you." 

He didn't say a word as I stood staring at his back. My body and mind were torn in different directions. Part of me still wanted to kiss him silly, but I was fucking annoyed with him acting this way.

"Please... just go, Pearl."

His tone was slightly softer and bonus!  He'd said my name.  But I wasn't ready to give up yet.  I stepped even closer, his heat, his smell sang to me.  Reaching for his arm, I gently tried to tug.  Electricity ran up my arm, tingling all over as I shuddered. 

How could this be wrong—when everything about him made me feel this way?

He didn't budge.  It was like trying to shift a slab of concrete.  "Please talk to me, you must feel this too."

His breath hissed out. "No!"

Oh, and we're back to being pissed off... wonderful.  I bristled at his obvious lack of denial. 


My anger bubbled and my mouth ran wild.  "You're either a sandwich short of a picnic or blind not to see what's right in front of you."

I slapped my hand across my mouth as he seemed to grow even taller and wider in front of me. 

He turned, as a part roar, part howl erupted.  I jumped back, and he stepped forward—lifting his desk three feet in the air as if it weighed less than a leaf. 

Pictures, papers and a paperweight flew up into the air as the table came crashing down, shaking the ground and the bookcases along the wall.  


My wolf retreated, and I stood there, slack jawed, speechless as he spun and shifted into his enormous wolf, his shredded clothes falling to the floor.  Howling, he belted off towards the woods beyond the pack house.

Well, I'd fucked that up good and proper.

The next minute Sylar and Gunner launched themselves into the room, almost yanking the door from its hinges, followed by Seth.

"Jesus, Pearl—what happened? What did you say to him?" asked Sylar, staring at the upturned table.

Oh yeah!  Typical.   This had to be my fault.  I sighed, turning back towards the open doors. "I think I've just been rejected."  Saying the words out loud left me feeling hollow as I heard his howls in the distance,  it sure as shit didn't feel good.

My wolf popped her head up.  Mate.

I'm not so sure, girl.  I replied, determined that I would not cry.  I'd experienced rejection from my mother, my grandfather, and even my father to a lesser extent. 

I would get over this too.

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