Addicted Book 3: Life And Dea...

By FfreaksonlyY

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Chapter 1: "Nice girl talk?"
Chapter 2: "Don't Call Me Sir though, Just Jordan"
Chapter 3: "You Are More Than Enough In My Book"
Chapter 4: "You're the Only One, Like Always"
Chapter 5: "I'd Guessed That You Wanted To Fuck Me Like A Slut"
Chapter 6: "When Will You Understand?!"
Chapter 7: "We Don't Speak Of This, Okay?"
Chapter 8: "His Dad Was In Prison For Raping A Woman"
Chapter 9: "I Knew This Wasn't A Good Idea"
Chapter 10: "Who Does She Think She Is?!"
Chapter 11: "Hopefully I Was Able To Help"
Chapter 12: "You Could've Stopped This!"
Chapter 13: "I Don't Know What This Is"
Chapter 14: "Uh.. d--done."
Chapter 15: "Okay, Kyjuan."
Chapter 16: "Well, Just Don't Take Too Long..."
Chapter 17: "Better Watch Your Nuts Little Squirrel"
Chapter 18: "I Can't Hurt Her Like This Anymore!"
Chapter 19: "Leave, And Don't Be Here Whenever I Get Back."
Chapter 20: "I Gotta Go Now!"
Chapter 21: "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 22: "An Interest?"
Chapter 23: "I Guess I'll Catch You."
Chapter 24: "I Think I Might Like This Place."
Chapter 25: "Fuck Her."
Chapter 26: "What's There To Talk About?"
Chapter 27: "I Personally Decided Not To Be Stuck On This."
Chapter 28: "Temper, Temper."
Chapter 29: "She's Not What You Think."
Chapter 30: "So, What Did You Do Before You Came Here?"
Chapter 31: "And It Is...?"
Chapter 32: "Oh Who Am I Kidding?"
Chapter 33: "What Do You Mean?"
Chapter 34: "Weak? I Know."
Chapter 35: "Every Detail."
Chapter 36: "Perfect? It's Freezing."
Chapter 37: "Shut Up and Drive."
Chapter 38: "Finally, You're Awake."
Chapter 39: "Goodnight."
Chapter 41: Make Your Own Happiness

Chapter 40: "It's Time You Knew The Truth."

18 4 0
By FfreaksonlyY



My phone rang repeatedly. It was almost completely dark in my dorm. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, pulling my thick comforter back. I was nothing but a pair of boxers.

I reached over and took my phone off of the charger and saw that Donna wa calling. Her calling me at this hour was out of the ordinary.

"Donna what's up?" I asked sleepily.

"Trent get to Dad now! No time to explain get there please!" She shouted, hyperventilating. I furrowed my eyebrows as the call dropped. I jumped up and threw a hoodie and sweatpants on. I grabbed my keys and stuffed my phone and wallet in my pocket.

I pulled out of the parking lot quickly, making the tires screech and I sped to Aunt Kiara's house where Dad was. I didn't know how much I could take within such a small time frame.

When I pulled up, there were police cars all outside of the house. I didn't even bother turning the car off, I pulled in and practically jumped out of the car. My heart was racing. I saw Dad, good he's okay. I saw Skylar and her mom, Angelique, Donna, Kyle, Diamond, all distraught as they stood together by 2 policemen. I approached them.

"Thank God you're here." Donna came up and hugged me.

"What's going on?" I asked quickly. Donna broke out in tears again.

"Kalani...she's missing." She said sadly. My heart dropped.

"Missing? What the hell do you mean missing?" I became infuriated. I turned to Dad and the police.

"What the fuck." I said flatly.

"Trent we're doing everything we can. I don't know how this happened." Dad said.

"What did happen?"

"I put her to bed like usual. Locked up the house. Had a glass of wine and got ready for bed. I woke up to a loud bang and went to search the house but found nothing out of the ordinary. Something told me to go check on her and I did, and she wasn't there. We looked everywhere and couldn't find her. I don't know where she'd be or who'd want to take her." He replied. I sighed, trying to subside my anger. I looked to the yard where forensic scientists were looking around the house. I walked away to get some air. This was all too much.

I called Victoria.

"Hello?" Her sleepy voice answered.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry to wake you." I said.

"What's wrong? Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm at my aunt's. Police are here, my little sister is missing."

"What?!" She said loudly. "Send me the address, I'm coming." She hung up. I chuckled and sent her my aunt's address. She was here in no time.

"Trent!" She called for me as she came up to hug me. "Any new information?"

"No. They have people out on a search and a forensic crew looking around the house trying to find some kind of clue." I replied. She wrapped her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I don't get it. Who would want to take Kalani?"

"Idiots. She's alright." She reassured me. I sighed, the weight on my shoulders seeming to cave in. I covered my face and looked away. "Baby, stop don't get upset."

"I can't. This is too much." I said quietly while doing my best to hold back my tears. "What if they killed my little sister?"

"They didn't." She said firmly. She gasped. "Kalani...Kalani?!" She said to herself. I looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh....oh my fucking..." She began before her eyes began to water. "I'm such a fucking idiot!"

"Baby what's going on?" I asked. Her burst out drew attention to us and everyone was beginning to come over.

"I didn't even realize...I think I know who did this." She replied.

"W---how?" I asked, puzzled.

"When we met, remember I talked to you about family baby sitting a little girl named Kalani? For who they called a 'family friend'?" She squinted.

"Victoria, are you positive?" Dad said firmly, visibly angry. Victoria nodded slightly.

"Every time I came over and they said they were watching her she was asleep and in a room where it was quiet enough for her. I never got to see her. And it would make sense with--" she paused and looked and Dad and I "Yeah."

"Wait're...?" Dad started. Victoria looked to me. I nodded.

"I'm Alonzo's daughter, Mr. Davis." She admitted. Dad was straight faced. He walked over to me and pulled me to the side.

"Trenton what the actual fuck are you doing?" He flatly said.

"Dad I didn't find out until after we got...talking." I replied. "She's not like them."

"Yeah, they're very good actors if you haven't seen enough."

"Dad, I'm serious she isn't."

"And what if she is, Trent? Then what?" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"And if she isn't, she can be used as intel from an inside source. C'mon Dad. I learned from the best." I nodded. He sighed and nudged me back to the group. "Baby, listen to me." I grabbed her hand. "Get inside information and get your eyes on her. We'll come up with a plan to get her in case whatever happens. Do not be obvious. You understand?"

"Yes." She said softly, intently listening to what I was saying. I hugged her then shortly after, let her go.


We all slept over at Aunt Kiara's for the night and Victoria had just left. None of us could sleep at the thought of not knowing where Kalani was or how she was doing. Even more so, we couldn't shake the thought of Victoria saying they'd had her before. They had to have had a way to gain access to her repeatedly in the middle of the night with no one noticing until now. What creep would do something like this?

"Want a shot?" Dad offered. Donna was outside on the phone, Kyle and Diamond were in the living room and Aunt Kiara sat at the bar. Ms. Angelique sat in the reclining chair with earbuds in. I shrugged.

"Why not?" I said, standing in the kitchen and leaned on the counter. We both took a shot together to loosen up a bit.

"It's all going to be alright, you know that right?" He said. I nodded.


My phone buzzed repeatedly.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Get on this side of town. Keep it low key. Don't be obvious." Victoria said discreetly.

"Gotcha." I replied and put my phone in my pocket. "Dad, Kyle, Donna, Diamond, Ang, Auntie, let's go."

We all got into Kiara's car and pulled off, going the speed limit but being very observant and discreet. Shortly after, I got a text from Victoria.

Tori: 2nd floor, all the way down the left side of the hall. Hurry when you see me come outside with a guy

Dad parked the car a block away from the house.

"Me and Dad are gonna go in and get Kalani. Aunt, Angelique, Donna, stay in the car and be ready to pull out. Kyle, come as the lookout." I stated.

"I'm coming. She's my little sister. I'm coming." Donna said.

"Baby, I don't want you to get hurt please just--"

"Dad. After everything that's happened just this month alone, I deserve to fight for something. With all due respect, this is my decision." She stated calmly. Dad nodded.

"Move in when she comes outside with a guy." I said. We stood and watched the house, waiting for the front door. Surely enough, Victoria came out of the front door holding some young guy's hand. My heart dropped. "W..but...wh--" I stammered.

"Snap out of it Trent. Focus on Kalani. It's probably the only way she could distract him. Move in." Dad said firmly, putting his hand on my shoulder. I followed him as we moved toward the house quickly and quietly. Kyle stood on the side of the house and Donna stood at the back door as Dad and I walked in. We saw the stairs and slowly walked up. The house reeked of weed and alcohol and the base from the music that was playing seemed to vibrate even the air around us. I motioned for him to go all the way down and we discreetly sped walked past all of the closed doors.

"Shit." Dad murmured.

"What?" I whispered.

"I've been here before." He said before rushing to the room I described. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Kalani sat on a king bed with toys, facing away from us and watching cartoons on a flatscreen tv. "Oh thank God." Dad breathed and rushed to her.

"What the hell?"

"Daddy!" Kalani smiled. Dad furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of makeup on her, and she was in nothing but a diaper.

"Let's go. Quick." Dad said as we hurried out of the room and down the hallway. My heart thumped faster, hoping nobody saw us. We safely got out of the back door and we all began to sprint back toward the car, ducking behind trees and bushes. Victoria kept glancing over to the car as we loaded her in and shut the doors. We slowly inched the truck further and further from the house so it wasn't noticeable. Shortly after, Victoria waved goodbye to him and got back into the car. As she started the car, we pulled off so she could follow us.

"Kyjuan what the hell is on her face?" Kiara asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I swear if they were doing things...that will remain unnamed right now." Dad shook his head, his body tensing.

"Let's not go there. I'm texting the detective." Kiara replied quickly. My phone vibrated.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Hey baby. Is everything good?"

"Yeah we got her. Follow us back to my aunt's." I replied.

Kiara took Kalani to bathe and be freshened up while we all sat downstairs. Everyone kept getting quiet on and off.

"Since no one else is going to bring it up, what happens when they realize she's gone and comes for us?" I asked. Victoria sat on my lap and held my hand.

"We get rid of them with everything we've got." Dad said. He stared at the carpet continuously, not breaking his gaze. He was thinking up a storm. I sighed and went and got some orange juice. Victoria followed me into the kitchen.

"Trent, how long are we going to be playing the security game?"

"What do you mean? As long as we need to, it's my sister."

"So every day from here on out, we just take shifts sleeping or something? We still have lives we need to tend to as well." She replied.

"I know. We'll figure this out, okay? Just fall back for now." I replied, rubbing my hand down her cheek. The sound of glass shattering startled us all.

"Get on the ground!" Dad shouted. Everyone collapsed and laid stomach down on the floor. Multiple gunshots sounded and shot through the windows and walls of the house.

"What's going on?!" Kiara shouted.

"Keep Kalani covered do not lose track of her or let her get hurt!" Dad shouted back.

"Trent!" Victoria screamed as I grabbed her hand. The shots stopped, but a few seconds later there was hard continuous banging on the door. After just 3 hard bangs, the wood from the door began to crack. Shortly after, there was a hole near the handle, and an arm reached in, unlocking the door. We all watched in fear. The person had on black gloves, a black jacket, black sweatpants, a black beanie and a black mask. He slowly walked in, shutting the door behind him. He pulled his mask down.

"That door was not hard to take down. You guys should get better housing material. Let's get down to business. Where's my child?" He questioned.

"Your child? That's my daughter that you took from me punk." Dad stood.

"Really? You're the chump Symphony settled for, correct?" He replied. He could tell how serious Dad was and began to chuckle. "I guess now is the time to bring some shit to the light." He said and got a walkee talkee out of his back pocket. "Reinforcements move in."

4 different men came in, setting chairs back to back then forcefully lifting us and placing us in them. The harder of a time we gave them, the more aggressive they got. They duct taped and roped us all together then took all of our phones and put them together on the other side of the room. 3 men guarded different spots, one stood on one side of us, another stood on the other side with whoever this man was in the middle and the third guy stood by the front door. The 4th man that came in with the reinforcements originally was sent to search the house.

"Now, I'd like to introduce myself. One of you seem to already know me." He said, glaring at Victoria. "How could you betray the family like this?"

"Given the circumstances, I feel I had every right to do what I did." Victoria spat.

"Tori who is this?" I asked.

"Allow me. My name is Theo. I'm an old business partner of her father's. Victoria, your father would be so disappointed seeing that you got with one of them. The boy is a spitting image." He rolled his eyes. "Mr...Kyjuan is it?"

"Yeah." Dad said firmly.

"It's time you knew the truth. For starters, Kalani isn't yours." He said plainly.

"What do you mean?"

"You obsessed freak." Donna chuckled and rolled her eyes. Theo looked pissed, and nodded to his reinforcement that stood by her. He forcefully hit her, busting her lip. Dad and I tried to jump out of our seats but we were firmly strapped down.

"Don't touch her!" Dad snarled.

"Well teach this sweet heart to only speak when she's spoken to. Now. Symphony...boy oh boy. My baby." He sighed. "Rest her soul."

"Your baby? Please." Dad scoffed.

"Look, since you're so arrogant, listen. After she got pregnant by you, she was pissed. She felt like a second option, a trash bucket if you will, for you to screw out your bad decisions. Especially after she found out you got another woman pregnant right before her. Son," he looked to me. "You were supposed to get aborted after your father was behind bars, but she got cold feet. We hooked up for a while, even after you were born. When Kyjuan got out, I had to go back to staying low key. She knew Kyjuan would want to be involved with his child, but the most irritating part was that she told me she started to get feelings for you again." He stared straight ahead with a slight smirk. "I dealt with it. Up until about 2 years ago. She came running back of course. We met up, had a little fling, a month later we find out she's pregnant with my beautiful girl that you have hidden away."

"Fucking delusional." Dad scoffed.

"Am I? She told me she was pregnant before she even thought about telling you. Then she found out you were sleeping with...." He trailed off, looking at Angelique. "Hm. I see why." He smirked at her. "And got in touch with me again. I knew your every move with my kid. See, I waited and waited for her. But she was so caught up on you." He chuckled and scratched his head.

"Sounds like someone is going through a bit of jealousy. All of this over what exactly? I'm with someone else, Symphony is gone. She was killed."

"Yes! I had to kill her. I had to do it." He said. My eyes burned with angry tears. He reached into his pocket, pulling out photos he had in his wallet. He showed them to Dad. He became more visibly angry.

"This...this wasn't even over could could she?!" He shouted, angrily shaking the chairs. The pictures were of Theo and Mom, some of when she was younger, when she was pregnant with Kalani, bedroom pictures, etc. "Fuck what you say. Kalani is still mine. I dedicated everything to her."

"So did I chump. I have DNA tests if you still need proof that she's mine." He said boringly.

"You can't have her." He repeated. There was a gunshot from somewhere else in the house. Victoria cried. "Kalani!" Dad shouted. Theo swiftly pulled a pocket knife from his waist and shoved it into Dad's thigh quickly. I screamed at the sight and Dad screamed at the pain. Blood began to accumulate on him.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Theo sighed. He left the knife in his leg while Dad screamed in agony. Another gunshot sounded and one of his men fell. He quickly pulled out a gun and aimed it behind us. We looked and saw Kiara with Kalani on her back, clinging onto her by wrapping her arms around her.

"Put it down and I put her down." Kiara said. Theo stared at her intently. "I've already put down 2 of your men. Just put it down." She said. Instead of putting it down, he aimed the gun at Dad's head. Angelique whimpered.

"How about you put my daughter down and I won't blow your brother's head off of his fucking shoulders?" He said in a matter of fact tone. "You shoot, I shoot. I know a bit about you sweetie. You have little to no experience with a gun."

Kiara stared at him, contemplating her options. She dropped her gun and set Kalani down, holding her hands up.

"There." She said. Theo smiled. My body shook with absolute fear. Victoria's face was covered in tears and her makeup was smearing.

"Thank you. But you still have to pay for the lives of my 2 reinforcements." He responded and swiftly pulled the trigger, killing Dad on the spot. I screamed, horrified as his blood spilled everywhere. Theo quickly moved his aim to Kiara, and he pulled the trigger. He shot her point blank between the eyes. Kalani cried, and the remainder of us screamed.

" can't--" I began.

"Oh I can bucko." He began to cackle. I yanked repeatedly at the ropes, yelling at the top of my lungs with anger.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" I shouted repeatedly at him. Angry tears continued to pour down my face. His remaining men pointed their guns at me.

"No!" Victoria screamed. "Please, no!"

"You seem to really care about this boy, Victoria. What happened to the old Victoria I knew that didn't care at all about boys, just her education and career?" He asked.

"She's right here. But don't do anything to him, hurt me." She replied.

"Tori, stop." I said firmly. He landed a heavy blow to my ribs, making me lose all the air in my chest. I coughed.

"Don't tell my niece what to do." He replied, then landed another blow to my right eye. I groaned in pain as the vision in that eye became extremely blurry.

"Theo, stop!" Victoria pleaded.

"That last one was just for fun, love." He said, cracking his knuckles. For a guy his size, he could kind of pack a punch. I tried not to gag at the thought and smell of dead bodies around me.

Kyle was on the opposite side of me and I could feel him very softly tugging at the rope and tape that tied our hands. There was nobody watching his side and I covered his hands so I tried to stall for a while. Theo went and picked up Kalani.

"Jesus, what kind of man does this?" I spat.

"Trent, stop." Victoria whispered.

"No, what kind of man does this in front of their 1 year old daughter?" I asked. I began to laugh. "Fuck it, beat me. I don't care anymore. Kill me like how you killed my fucking parents. Like how you were supposed to do when I was the size of a pea. DO IT!" I shouted, not breaking eye contact with him. He smirked.

"That'd be too easy. You want it so badly. I can torture you though. I won't kill you. I want you to feel everything. And Victoria sweet heart. I won't harm you physically, but you will be punished for betraying the family. You will watch me torture him." He replied. He looked at a reinforcement and nodded toward her. He cut Victoria free and held her tightly. She tried to wiggle free but his grip was too firm. He retied her to the chair but had it facing me at about 6.5 feet away. He put a piece of tape over her mouth.

Theo grabbed my hair and yanked it back, exposing my neck and gently running his knife across it. I groaned from how hard he pulled my hair.

"Smith." He said, letting me go. One of the reinforcements, whom I now knew as Smith, came and began punching me repeatedly. I gasped for breath and felt my eyes swell.

"Don't cry, your father would have wanted this." Theo tried to cheer Victoria up. Donna screamed for him to stop. I felt Kyle continuously going at it. I kept tugging my hands.

"Is that really your worst?!" I asked, spitting out blood and chuckling. He hit me harder, yes it hurt like God knows what but I didn't let it show. His other reinforcement began to walk toward Donna, stroking her face.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" I shouted. Smith hit me harder. I groaned and coughed. He proceeded to run his fingers through her hair, trailing his finger down her shoulder. He got on his knees in front of her and pulled her shirt down exposing her bra. Donna cried and pleaded for him to stop but he put tape over her mouth. When Angelique began to protest, he put tape over her's as well.

He proceeded to take off her bra and pinch her nipples, then sucking on them and caressing her body. He sucked her neck and began to undo her arms, taking a pair of handcuffs out of his back pocket. Smith held my head still and made me watch what they did to her.

Angelique wiggled and screamed at the top of her lungs and cried along with Victoria. My face was bloody as I cried helplessly.

"How does it feel seeing your family in danger and you can't do a thing about it Trenton? Your father is dead, your mother is dead, your aunt is dead and you will never see your sister again?" Theo asked. I shook my head slowly, speechless as the man ripped Donna's shirt off and snatched her pants down. Donna cried as she was tossed onto the couch with her legs spread apart.

"Such a pretty little pussy." The man said before undoing his pants and kneeling behind her.

"Stop!" I shouted. Smith slapped the side of my face and held my head firmer, almost in a chokehold. He began to rape her, not lasting long at all.

"My goodness that bitch was so tight. Want some Theo?" He asked.

"Hm. No I'm good." He said. Donna dropped to the floor, weeping. I began to see everything in doubles and everything I heard had an echo. I panted, looking down. I could feel all of the dark energy around me beginning to overtake me. He sat Kalani on the floor and she got up and ran to a corner, frightened. I felt around my wrists snap. I sighed.

"I am contemplating on if I want to just kill you all now and get with it or bring you back and have you in my possession."

"We're not your damn objects." I spat.

"I don't think you have a choice anymore, darling." Theo yawned. "Now, here's what I'm going to do." He began before turning around and looking at all of the decorations in Kiara's house. While he was explaining, I firmly grabbed the back of the chair. I prayed to God that Kyle followed my lead. Fuck it.

I quickly swung the chair over my head, smashing it down onto Theo causing him to tumble to the ground. Almost immediately after I stood up, Kyle split off to the right and broke his chair on Smith's head. He quickly pulled the knife that sat in Dad's leg to swiftly break the ties on everyone else's wrists while I took on Theo and Smith.

"Get out of here!" Kyle shouted to the others. He then took on Smith while Theo and I fist fought. The girls went outside and called for help. Victoria ran back inside to grab the phones.

We exchanged blows back and forth, and at this point I really didn't feel a thing. It didn't seem like we were fighting long before police showed up. A few of the officers present now were present when Kalani went missing.

"Freeze!" One of the officers shouted. There were about 4 officers, all aiming guns. We all stopped what we were doing and held our hands up. They came and arrested only Theo, Smith and the third reinforcement. An officer came and talked to me and Kyle.

"Follow me." She said. She led me outside to where Angelique, Donna, Diamond and Victoria were sitting with blankets around them. Angelique held Donna tightly. I came and hugged them all.

"Trent, my gosh." Victoria whimpered, softly putting her hand on my cheek.

"Oh hush, it's fine." I replied. She slightly pressed her finger down and I winced.

"Yeah, uh huh." Victoria replied.

"Mr. Davis?" An officer came up to me while holding Kalani. "Our next steps is to fill out paperwork for the little one. Ms. Valentine accepted to raising her. We also need to get you and your sister to the hospital." He said. I nodded.

"Can I ride in the ambulance with him?" She asked. The officer nodded. Victoria handed me my phone and gave everyone their phone while we were waiting for everyone to get situated.

I had countless texts from Winston and the team, along with class reminders. I ignored it all. My dad and aunt being shot and my sister being raped right in front of me continued to play in my mind and made me angry. I didn't notice how tight my fists had became. Victoria rested her palms on them.

They took the people they arrested away in handcuffs in the back of cop cars and took pictures of the scene, taking the bodies away. Donna cried as they wheeled them off onto a stretcher. They then yellow taped around the property of the house. We were then put on stretchers and taken away in separate ambulances. A nurse came and instructed me to take off my shirt, then she took my vitals.

"Well Trent, I'm surprised you're still coherent. You took one hell of a beating." She said, listening to my breathing. "Slight abdomen injury to your spleen but nothing terrible. It's swelled a little bit, that's where the pain in your abdomen is coming from when you move. Your face will take about 2 weeks to heal the most that it'll heal, but we can get that swelling down now." She said a grabbed me some ice and started putting ointment on the cuts on my face and bandaging them. I held the ice on me.

"Babe, you really took a beating. You're a soldier though." Victoria said, grabbing my hand.

"I didn't want anyone else to have to. I'm glad that's over though, sheesh." I rolled my eyes. Victoria chuckled.

"I didn't know you were so tough." She smirked. I sighed through my nose with my eyes closed. Instant fatigue began to wash over my body

I woke up to a doctor putting a bandage on my side. The light above my head was bright, and I noticed that Victoria had her hand in mine.

"Hey." She smirked and caressed my face. I smiled at her.

"I wish that all of this was a dream." I sighed, the pang of emotion finally hitting me seeing as my adrenaline had drained out. My eyes began to sting at the thought of the loss of both of my parents, my aunt, and the rape of my sister.

"Donna, W--where's Donna?" I asked as I wiped the tear that had ran down my face. Victoria nodded toward the curtain. I noticed a male's voice. It didn't seem familiar, and it had a British accent. I didn't know anyone who was British.

"Yeah, I was just as weirded out as you are." Victoria chuckled and pulled the curtain back. Donna laid in a bed with Winston right next to her, speaking to her. He paused when he saw me.

"'re British? Since when?" I asked, baffled.

"Always, I guess." He shrugged.

"We'll talk about that later. Donna are you okay?" I asked. She nodded slightly. She looked weak and drained. I ripped the cords from off of me and got up. The doctor was at the counter and turned around as he heard the rips.

"Sir, you can't--"

"Shut up." I said aggressively and raised my hand as I walked toward Donna. I kissed her forehead and say in a chair next to her bed. "Donna I am sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have let anything happen to you. I shouldn't have let him out of there alive--" i began to speak aggressively.

"Trenton." She said firmly. Hardly anyone called me by my full name anymore. "For starters...calm down. People are listening. If you would have done any of that, you'd be behind bars instead of with me right now. Who's to say how much time you would have gotten? Who's to say more people wouldn't have came seeking revenge after you were gone and at that point what kind of protection would you be able to give from prison? I don't blame you for anything. It's all over now." She reassured me and put her hand on my clenched fist. I looked at her and felt my chest relax a bit.

"Pardon me, I'm looking for Donna." A voice said from behind us. Winston and I looked back, and Winston instantly stood and walked toward him, stopping inches from his face.

"Looking for her for what? What do you need?" He asked firmly. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around awkwardly.

"Winston chill, they work here." I said.

"Yes, we just wanted to notify her that officers will be here shortly for more questions sir."

"Thank you." He said and walked back to Donna's side. I scratched my head awkwardly.

"Just keep that side sterile and take it easy for the next week and a half to 2 weeks. The swelling in your face has also gone down and those stitches under your eye should heal up nicely." The nurse said as she touched up my bandages.

"Thank you." I said, wincing in pain. A few hours later, we were all released. Since we were all over the age of 18, they weren't worried about contacting anyone. We left the hospital all together, having Victoria's sister pick us up. Donna went with Winston.

"Let me know where you guys end up crashing. I'm gonna stop by tomorrow." I said.

"Alright." Donna said, wrapping me in a tight hug. "You guys drive safe."

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