The Kitsune Child (originally...

By Pokemonweeb17

17.3K 440 70

What if instead of kurama being sealed inside of Naruto he raised Naruto in the outskirts of the village away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (rewrite)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (rewrite)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (rewrite)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (rewrite)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (rewrite)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (rewrite)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (rewrite)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
⚠️Chapter 34⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
The Final Chapter....... Or is it?
Book 2?

Chapter 18 (rewrite)

339 9 0
By Pokemonweeb17

It was nightfall and Kabuto had already explained our plan on our way to the tower. We stopped to discuss our plan still a far distance from our destination.

My ears then twitched. Something was moving behind us. I took out my kunai and threw hitting who or whatever it was.

We all turned to see it was a big centipede. A very very big one.

I sighed in relief before Sakura began to shout.

"You idiot what the hell are u thinking scaring us like that!" She screeched.

"Keep it down will you we don't need to tell the whole forest we're here." Kabuto scolded.

We started walking deeper into the night filled forest when suddenly Sakura tripped over a wire. I was the only one to hear and realize because of my ears. I pushed her out of the way as fast as I could when I suddenly saw a parade of kunai flying at me. I shut my eyes ready for the impact when suddenly Kabuto jumped in and took the hit for me. Luckily it was a substitution.

Sakura shoved me off her and I thanked Kabuto for the save.

After a few more hours I left out a sigh out of exhaustion and annoyance.

"What's your problem dobe." Sasuke said also sounding annoyed.

"it's nothing." I quickly replied avoiding eye contact.

"If u got something to say than say it." Sakura sneered.

"Well... it feels like we have been walking for awhile dont you think?" I started.

"Yeah so what about it." Sasuke stated.

"Even though we have been walking for awhile the tower Dosent seem to be getting any closer." I pointed out.

"Your right it seems someone has been following us. See that." Kabuto said pointing behind us.

We all turned to see the over sized centepied I had hit earlier.

"Everyone stay alert." Kabuto warned us.

Suddenly many figures began to emerge from the floor and trees surrounding us.

As the clones began to surround us i became skeptical about them. They just seemed a little off but I couldn't tell what.

I threw a kunai with a paper bomb and it exploded one of the clones but instead of it disappearing it became liquid and split in two.

Sasuke activated his sharigan quickly but as he watched them I saw him freeze. One of the clones threw a double bladed kunai at Sasuke and as he watched the kunai near he still didn't move.

"Sasuke!" I yelled out. As Kabuto shoved Sasuke down avoiding the kunai but getting slightly cut in the process. Kabuto got back up but Sasuke still lied down still.

Kabuto examined the kunai while Sakura helped out Sasuke.

"Surrender your scroll." All of the clones began to whisper.

"Even thought that weapon they threw is real it's no question they are shadow clones but at the same time clones are supposed to disappear when hit so why don't these ones." I questioned.

"It's a genjutsu." Sasuke suddenly announced.

"If it was a genjutsu how did Kabuto get that cut." I questioned.

"Your right the cut is real but perhaps the enemy is in hiding. Someone nearby they are coordinating real attacks behind their illusions so we are fooled to think they are real." Kabuto explained.

By now I was in a fighting stance with a kunai in hand ready to attack.

(Ok I'm so lazy I'm just going to skip this fight  just imagine the same thing happens in the OG show)

We quickly made our way to the tower.

"There you are Kabuto took you long enough." We heard someone say who I guessed was Kabuto's team mates.

"Sorry about that I got a little sidetracked." Kabuto chuckled.

"We are really glad you did, it was all thanks to you that we were able to get both our scrolls thank you so much." I thanked bowing.

"Anytime." Kabuto smiled as he left.

"Huh?" I said opening the door. "There's no one else here what happened."

Than Sasuke pointed the riddle on the wall that Sakura read.

After reading it and discussing we decided the right answer was to open the scrolls.

When we opened the scroll we quickly threw the scrolls when we realized it was a summoning scroll. Than appeared iruka-sensei.

I slightly whimpered at the sight of this. Iruka Sensei wasn't exactly very fond of me and he always made sure I knew. I began to slightly step behind Sasuke and Sakura not making eye contact with him.

"I don't understand what's going on." Sakura asked

"At the second exam we chunin are given the job to welcome the testers and it was just my luck that I got  to be the messenger for you guys." Iruka Sensei explained.

"Messenger?" Sasuke asked.

"Congratulations you all pass the second exam. I would love to treat you all to ramen but...."  iruka-sensei started giving me a quick glare but before he could finish Sakura than asked about the writing on the wall."

Iruka-Sensei than explained it.

Too lazy to write out the whole thing

After a while later we all gathered together in rows of our teams with all of our sensei's in-front of us also with the 3rd Hokage. I smiled brightly while wagging my tail and I looked over and with a sigh of relief glad to see that Garra also passed.

"For the third exam....." the 3rd started. When suddenly a Chunin appeared. "3rd hokage. Before you do please allow me, Gakiyo the proctor of the 3rd exam to say something to them."

The hokage nodded his head and aloud him to speak.

"Before the third exam you will have to participate in preliminary round."

Everyone gasped and Sakura asked out loud why we needed to do it.

"The thing is we never expected so many people to pass so we are going to have to shorten the number of u guys." He explained. "We are starting immediately so if you think you can't handle it leave. The winner will be decided by one on one combat.

Suddenly I heard Sasuke groan in pain as he flinched and gripped onto his shoulder.

" have got to quit." I heard Sakura whimper.

Me and Sasuke both gasped at this. Quit? Why? What was wrong with Sasuke.

"You've been like this ever since you tangled up with orchimaru ." Sakura started "and now it's getting worse." Now with worry in her eyes.

I then heard her whisper something about a mark. I was really confused on what was going on. "Mark? Sasuke are you ok what is Sakura talking about?" I mumbled still loud enough for them to hear.

Sasuke gave me a quick glare .Could it be those markings on him when he broke those kid's arms.

"Please... Sasuke please quit now... I'm scared about what might happen." Sakura said looking like she was about to tear up.

"Sasuke if your not feeling well then you should quit." I tried to assure him as Sakura joined also trying to persuade him.

"That's enough out of both of you just shut the hell up." Sasuke spat at us glaring daggers.

Suddenly a hand went up in the air. "Alright you got me I give up." I heard as I turned away from Sasuke to see Kabuto was the one to raise his hand.

Kabuto? Why would he quit?

Sakura was about to raise her hand to what I assume was to tell the senseis' that Sasuke should quit when Sasuke forcefully shoved her hand down before anyone could see telling her to keep quiet with the same angry eyes he had when he broke the kid's arms.

"Sasuke this isnt right it's just a test! If your hurt then we should say something you need help. And you shouldn't be so mean to Sakura she only doing this because she cares about you." I explained.

"Naruto..... your the one I want to fight the most." Sasuke said.

I looked at him in surprise. What did he mean?

I was snapped out of thought when the 3rd exam instructor began to explain the preliminary round.

The first names to pop up on the screen were....


Sasuke was up against one of Kabuto's team mates. We were than told to clear the area and head to the upper outer ring. I made my way quickly to Garra wagging my tail latching on to him.

"I'm so glad you passed!" I cheered.

"Yeah I'm glad you passed too Naruto." Garra smiled patting my head.

As we watched the fight Sasuke was fighting strangely. He wasn't using any jutsu's only taijutsu. Sasuke wasn't bad at it but at the same time it wasn't his specialty.

It seemed as though his opponent was stealing Sasuke's chakra.

"He's pretty pathetic for an Uchiha." Garra hummed in disapproval.

I silently watched and as I looked closer I saw those marks reappear this time them swirling like fire around his body before retreating back to his shoulder.

I was even more surprised when he used a moved I have never seen before. Did he copy it from someone? When did he learn this move? I wondered.

It was Sasuke's win.

I saw Sasuke and Kakshi quickly whisper something to each other and head off. I saw Sasuke holding the same shoulder that the tattoos retreated to. Just what is going on.

                        S H I N O   ABURAMA
           Z A K U   ABUMI

Shino was a boy in my class. He was quiet and never bothered me or anyone eles. He didn't seem that bad of a person but I never got to really know him so like everyone else I didn't trust him. He was going against the boy who I broke his arm. I was really confused on how he would fight with only one good arm.

(Not much Changes so watch the video if you want)

Next up was Kankuro one of Garra's "siblings". He was going up against one of the other teammates of Kabuto.

"How is that even fair. It's basically two against one how is that aloud Garra?" I asked.

"It's not really two against one, it's a puppet not another ninja. You can think of it like a ninja tool." Garra explained.

                      S A K U R A   H A R U N O
       I N O Y A M A N A K A

(I'm not even going to bother posting a video of this.)

(Time Skip after the fight brought to you by Kankuro's puppet.)

"That was the most pathetic fight I've ever seen they are both Disappointments to their village." Garra snarled.

I chuckled slightly. It was a pretty lame fight. They even slapped each other instead of punching.

After that fight it was Ten Ten vs Garra's female teammate.

The Next fight was.

                   N A R U T O   K Y U B B I
        K I B A   I N A Z U K A

Like Shino kiba was in my class. I didn't like kiba much because he would sometimes blame me if he got in trouble.

I looked over to see kiba smirking and so was akamaru like they had just won the lottery. I was going to show them just how hard I worked.

"You got this. Don't lose." Garra said patting my head playfully.

I smiled giving him a nod saying I was going to win.

"This is my time to shine." I mumbled.

(Basically the same fight but we are going to be skipping it near the end.)

Kiba was rushing at me before I could finish making a shadow clone. He was to fast there was no way I could dodge or block this attack. Am I going to really lose?!

He then swerved around me attempting to hit me from behind when suddenly at out of instinct I focused my mind and chakra.

I don't know why but it almost felt like I flew or teleported. When I looked to see again I was in the air but kiba was ok the ground and still didn't attack me.

Sasuke POV

No way.

There is no way Naruto out of all people just did the flicker technique. Kiba was about to win the fight with one more blow when Naruto disappeared and reappeared in the air.

The Body Flicker Technique, also known as 瞬身の術, Shunshin no Jutsu; is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To anyone watching it appears as if the user has teleported.

Naruto keeps getting more and more ahead of me. First in the forest of death and now.

Naruto POV

I couldn't figure out what happened right now I had a battle to win!

I took out two kunai s throwing them at Kiba but he jumped back and dodged.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I yelled creating 5 clones.

We surround kiba and all jumped at him. The first clone punched him causing him to lose his balance as the other four kicked him up and I the original kicked him back down causing him to black out.

"Kitsune Barage!" I yelled.

I thought of this while watching Sasuke and added some of the things papa taught me.

Once the fight the fight was over I rushed up the stairs and hugged Garra tightly while laughing.

"You saw that! I can't believe I won!" I cheered.

He chuckled while giving me a head pat. I was so happy. I was going to go to the next round my tail was wagging like crazy.

"Ummmm N-Naruto....." I heard someone say softly.

I let go of Garra to turn to see it was hinata. She was in my class as well. She was quite but really smart.

I stopped wagging my tail and hid behind Garra. She was hard to read mainly because of her eyes. I found them beautiful but I could never tell what she was thinking. Me and Garra watched as she began to play with her fingers with a cup in her hand.

She slowly walked up to us. More precisely to me before bowing down handing me the small cup.

I tilt my head in confusion while still hiding behind Garra. "It's a healing ointment." Kurani sensei said.

"For me?" I mumbled looking back at hinata with a blush.

She nodded slightly but didn't reply.

Garra began to glare at kurani-sensei and hinata. "Who's to say it's not poison. Naruto did just beat your teammate right why tend to him." Garra said coldly.

"W-well... umm the reason is...." hinata began to stutter fiddling with her fingers again looking even more red.

"Don't worry I promise it's just a healing ointment." Kurani sensei chuckled.

"Thank you.." I mumbled before her and Kurani sensei walked off.

"She's so cute...." I muttered absently after taking a sip of the ointment.

"Do you like her?" Garra said out of the blue.

"Huh!?! Of course not! W-What could I have you that idea!?" I sputtered feeling my face heat up .

"Hm yeah sure. By the way how did you do that?" He asked.

"Hmm do what?" I said sounding even more confused than when hinata handed me the ointment.

"You know the flicker technique. When did you learn it?" Garra said.

I pondered on what he was talking about for a moment when I realized he was talking about when I disappeared and reappeared.

"I'm not really sure I just did it out of instinct this is my first time doing it." I chuckled.

"Impressive." He said with a smirk.

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