We are Different & Weird| BTS...

By Shippedfanfictions

41K 2K 553

"Namjoon is weird." is the common phrase in his college. But Namjoon never mind it.. He was just happy to... More

28 (18+)


1.2K 65 9
By Shippedfanfictions

Oblivious Guy

"This is your house?"
asked Jimin in astonishment as he entered the dancer's studio apartment.

"Rented" replied hobi, who was taking off his shoes..a very hard task.. His face red with embarrassment..He kept fidgeting..and couldn't be able to open his laces.

"Didn't you say you are background dancer? Aren't you supposed to earn like ton of money?" Jimin questioned

"I am as replaceable as trash... There is no shortage of talented people out there..so i take whatever i can get.. no matter what the pay is" hobi answered.. now finally frustrated with his laces and just kicked his shoes out of foot with help of hands.

He stood up and smiled at Jimin.. but Jimin was wearing a rather sour look on his face.

"What?" He asked

"Don't call yourself trash" he said seriously

"Its just a word.. i was just saying–"

"Don't call yourself trash..." he repeated.. cutting Hobi's line.

"Okay.. okay.. not a trash.. but still replaceable..its not like i am some famous porn star.. who is desired by all" Hobi said winking at Jimin..

"So you knew" Jimin said smirking..

"Took me a while.. first i thought you were just a look alike of him.. but then when you said what Dr. John's research was about.. i was sure" Hobi replied smiling..

"Why didn't you said so earlier.. when i told you i work in movie industry in the car...?"

"Because it was kinda true..  its just porn movie Industry.. you just left out one keyword..frankly its your work.. it doesn't matter what you do"

Embarrassed and relieved that Hobi didn't really mind him being a porn star Jimin was finally relaxed....He followed him inside and chose a chair near study table to sit down.. Hobi excused himself for a minute to go to washroom.

Jimin scanned the whole room..  two words coming to his mind..Empty and clean.

Inside Hobi's house.. there was just one study desk where he is already sitting on, there was certainly lack of furniture.. but seeing in which area his house is.. Jimin understood that Hobi is struggling financially.. but also.. isn't lack of furniture will give the guy more space to do dance practice?

Hobi returned with a tray carrying glass of water and some snacks for his guest and put it on the neatly organised desk. He already cchanged into black lower and a white t-shirt saying 'Sunshine' in yellow.

"You seriously going to dance?" Jimin asked in surprise as hobi started playing music for warmup.

"Didn't i said i was going to do practice.. you wanted to tag along..." Hobi said while selecting one of his fevs..

Jimin let out a chuckle and raised his both hands in defeat.. telling hobi to continue.. He did wanted to accompany him..  but when he said he will hangout with him in his apartment.. this was not what he meant.. Nevertheless it was their first meeting.. and seeing how oblivious Hobi is... Jimin found it quite cute and refreshing.. he can take time with this one.. afterall not all food are meant to eat whole at a time. some delicacies are best to savour slowly..

Jimin popped one sweet tart from the tray into his mouth and keep watching Hobi.. who was now doing basic exercise to warmup his hand and leg muscles.

He turned towards the desk and drank a gulp water.. as he turned again to look at hobi–

Wrong idea!!!

He spurted all the water out from his nose and mouth...
What caused this action you ask?

The moment Jimin turned to look back at hobi, he came into a view of beautiful ass that was perked up in the air..hobi folding himself in half...
Jimin started coughing violently.

Hobi stood up from his position and came to look at Jimin.. "Hey you good?"

"yes! I'm fine" wheezed Jimin as he pushed hobi back.. telling him to continue.

after a while when he finally composed and mentally scolded himself for behaving like a horny teenager..who never had sex or seen ass..

He finally stood up.. He had watched hobi dance for last half an hour.. he didn't stopped once since the music started playing.. still not out of breath..despite the dance routine he was practicing looks quite exhausting .. Jimin knew.. how good he was..His body flowing like a water with beats...Sometimes hobi will close his eyes and just dance to feel the rhythm.. disconnecting himself from the world..
Right now Hobi was doing exactly that.. Jimin approached him and when Hobi made a sharp turn.. he stumbled in jimin's body.. Jimin grabbed Hobi's waist to try to balance him... Hobi opened his eyes smiling.. a twinkle in his eyes... this was his passion.. jimin can see that clearly.

He caressed his cheeks... and took the hair which was falling on hobi's eyes and put them back in place..Jimin smiled at hobi and said "You dance so beautifully... i have never seen anyone like you"

"You liked it?" hobi asked.. his eyes becoming more brighter. His body is so hot that Jimin can feel it burning...

"I loved it.. its sad that i have to go now.. or i could have watched you all day" jimin answered him.. He then pulled hobi in one tight hug... "next time when we meet, let me take you somewhere"

"where?" hobi asked still unaware of the younger's emotions.

"On a date sunshine" jimin said relasing hobi from hug and finally confessing straightforwardly to this dumb guy... he figured that he have to be clear with hobi.. He doesn't understand underlying meanings of people's actions or words.

"on a date? with me? you want to date me?"
now it was hobi's trun to be embarrassed

"yes... I'm really get late to my work.. i will text you date and time.. if you are ok with that?" he asked again.. making sure to get the guy's consent.

"ok" hobi said in high pitch voice which didn't sounded like his at all

"Cute" chuckled jimin.. He took hobi's both hands in his and slowly bowed to kiss his hands.. giving enough time to latter to stop him... he finally kissed his back hands..
and looked at hobi..his lips still hovering their on his hands after the kiss..
"See you later sunshine". Jimin winked making eye contact with flushed hobi.

As soon as Jimin left the apartment... he heard a crazy scream coming from inside the house.. He couldn't help but laugh out loud on the elder's cuteness.

His phone rang at that moment.. he took his phone out.. his expressions changed to fear and anxiety at once by looking at the screen ..

"Where are you boy?" came a gruff voice of a man

"On my way.."

"You better hurry up... if i get one more complain from any client... you know what will happen to you"

"Ye– Yes Master" stuttered Jimin.. as the line got cut.

Gone was the confident guy.. instead in the hallway was a guy who was wiping his tears as he ran towards his car... to get to his client.

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