The Kitsune Child (originally...

By Pokemonweeb17

17.3K 440 70

What if instead of kurama being sealed inside of Naruto he raised Naruto in the outskirts of the village away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (rewrite)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 (rewrite)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (rewrite)
Chapter 18 (rewrite)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (rewrite)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (rewrite)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (rewrite)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (rewrite)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
⚠️Chapter 34⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
The Final Chapter....... Or is it?
Book 2?

Chapter 13

420 18 1
By Pokemonweeb17

Naruto POV

Today konoharmu was introducing me to his friends. Since I didn't really know them yet I just smiled and listen in as konoharmu talked to them about his training with papa.

My thoughts were Interrupted when the girl with two orange ponytails. Asked if she and the other boy with snot running down his nose could also join in the training. I just shrugged not really sure how to answer.

"What if we go ask Kurama-Sensei right now." konoharmu insisted.

Before I could reply konoharmu ran away heading for my house with his two friends running right behind him. Next thing I knew I was running behind them as well.

When Konoharmu and his friends turned a corner konoharmu suddenly yelled and I could hear him fall.

I then picked up the pace also turning the corner to see Konoharmu being held up by a boy in all black with purple Markings on his face and some kind of hat with small cat ears. Beside him stood a blonde girl with four ponytails and on her back was a giant fan.

"You should watch where your going brat." The boy with the purple markings said.

"Let konoharmu go you big bully!" The girl with orange ponytails said sternly.

"Y-yeah you d-don't know who your messing with!" The boy with a runny noise shouted.

The boy with cat ears just scoffed and turned his attention to me. "And who the hell is the freak. This is your friend right aren't you gonna save him." He sneered.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I felt my body freeze again. I really suck at confrontation.

The boy with cat ears just snickered.

"If you hit me you and your whole village will regret it!" Konoharmu shouted.

"Pretty big words from a little runt." The boy said holding him a little higher as he reached for something wrapped in bandages around his back.

Then the blond girl  stepped in and held the boy with cat ears shoulder. "Calm down kankuro he's just a little kid let him go."

"He's very important to the village so please don't hurt him." I muttered softly.

"Huh!?! Speak the hell up!" Kankuro yelled.

It's happening again. The world around me swallowed me whole and I could feel those men gabbing my arms and legs so tightly that I can't move an inch.

I yell at myself to move. To help Konohamaru but I can't. I can do nothing but swish my useless one tail around as I felt my chest tighten.

"I'm the grandchild of the third hokage! Hit me and it will be a declaration of war you jerk!" Konoharmu announced smugly smirking at him.

His shouting has snapped me out of my dark world but I still can't move.

Before anyone else could react sand suddenly appeared and surrounded Kankuro. "Gah!" He yelled as he dropped Konoharmu and began to struggle.

"You must have a lot of nerve hurting my cousin and his friends." A cold voice said.

I looked to the source of the voice and sound and i began to wag my tail like crazy.

"GARRA!" I yelled.

"Garra I missed you so much." I beamed crying tears of joy completely forgetting my fear from moments before.

"H-hey let me down!" I heard Kankuro grunt as I remember he was being crushed by sand.

Garra got up and glared at him. "Apologize to Naruto and those kids Now."

"T-they are the ones who were bothering me and Temari." Kankuro retorted.

It was then I realized that the girl "Temari" was sitting on the floor horrified and scared.

After Garra caused the sand to crush him more.

"Apologize" Garra said again with more venom.

"I-I'm sorry!" Kankuro gagged. After he said that he was dropped and the sand retreated back to the gourde that I know realized was on Garra's back. I looked under the gourd to see that Gaara's tail was much more grown. It used to be to size of a chicken's tail when we were younger but now it was touching the floor.

As I far as I knew everyone in Gaara's family could control sand. It kept him safe. He never got hurt and we would always have so much playing with his sand as he made all sorts of little toys, friends, foods and lots of things.

He was now facing me and I gave him a big hug. "I'm sorry I never came back to visit but I will explain everything back at my house." He nodded as we began to walk. Konoharmu said that he and his friends were going to the playground so I waved them goodbye.

As we started walking holding hands I noticed that Kankuro and Temari were following us a few yards away from us with another man.

"Umm... Garra..." I said whispering to him. I glanced back at them and he got the hint.

"They are just some stupid bodyguards meant to keep me in check that were assigned by the kazekage. The man is my sensei and the other two are my teammates." Garra explained.

We finally reached the estate and when I opened the gate I could hear papa yelling.

"Get the hell up you lazy ass! Is this what happens when you have no one to check up on you dumbass!" He said angrily.

I looked to see what he was yelling at and then I saw him. "Uncle shukau!!!" I squealed.

(What he looks like)

"Huh?" My dad and uncle said not noticing us standing there.

"Hey Naruto! How's my little fur ball I see you found my son." Uncle greeted.

Papa took this chance to force uncle to stand up. "Bout time you got your lazy ass up." Papa groaned.

"It's nice to see you again Garra." Papa greeted patting his head.

This is when papa noticed the humans a few yards away from us.

"Naruto why the hell do you keep bringing humans here." Papa sighed as if he was expecting it.

"They are Garra's bodyguards." I replied.

He glared at them before turning and inviting us in.

Third Person POV

Kurama aloud everyone inside as he sat down at the floor table with shukau, Garra, and Naruto with temari, Kankuro, and Baki standing at the doorway observing.

"So why the hell did you and Naruto stop visiting us we got real lonely without you. Did you suddenly get interested in the Fox Hunt. That isn't like you big bro." Shukaku chuckled but said it in a serious tone.

Kurama and Naruto both sighed.

"The year we stopped visiting 4 years ago I got bored so I-I left the house without telling papa. When I went into the village all of the villagers threw stones and yelled at me. So I ran further into the village and got lost." Naruto started flattening his ears and looking down.

But then Kurama continued also looking down"I later went into the village myself to look for him. I spent a few hours looking for him until it got dark. I did find him but when I did there were three men I found with Naruto.....and they....."

Kurama balled up his fist. He began to growl under his breath before continuing. "The damn bastards raped him." He said softly but you could hear the guilt and anger in his voice.

Garra and Shukaku gasped at this and Temari, Kankuro, and Baki eyes widened in shock.

"I killed all three on the spot and took Naruto home." Kurama continued. "The next morning the hokage and some of the villagers came knocking on my damn door. They all came complaining about the murder so I told the hokage off." Kurama explained. "I was downstairs in the kitchen while Naruto was in his own room. That was until an anbu and the hokage got into Naruto's room and attacked him." As Kurama said this Naruto pulled down his shirt to show the two cuts in his shoulder that left a scar.

This made everyone in the room gasp again

"The hokage used Naruto as a hostage to get me to put him into the academy so he could become a ninja and so the hokage could use him as a tool, the damn bastard. He even had the balls to use that damned seal on me." Kurama growled. "And of course after that we were no longer given permission to visit you guys."

At this point the bloodlust oozing from Shukaku was so thick it could probably choke someone.

"Calm down father." Garra said calmly but at the same time he was also feeling a great anger as

This was the first time that Kankuro and Temari had seen Garra with such a sad expression.

"Well what about you two. You didn't come to visit either." Kurama stated

"Heh, heh, well you see." Shukaku started "4 years ago around the time we were waiting for your visit me and Garra were asleep in our own rooms when an anbu of the kazekage snuck into Garra's room in an attempt to kill him. When I heard a scream I rushed to Garra's room. When I entered the room the anbu was already dead." Shukaku explained.

"Dead?" Kurama questioned a little surprised taking a glance at Garra.

"Yes he was dead. Garra killed him. When Garra was 8 he killed an anbu." Shukaku huffed sternly and a little proudly.

"Garra you really did that! But how?!" Naruto wondered sounding a little excited.

"It was more of my sand than me I did it subconsciously." Gaara explained.

"When the Kazekage got word of what Garra had done he kept telling me to train him but I told him he was too young. Of course the Kazekage didn't like that so since then he kept on sending more and more anbu and jonins to kill Garra as some sort of test." Shukaku continued rolling his eyes at the end.

"We lost a lot of sleep because of the attacks." Garra explained.

"And we had to deal with a hell a lot of bodies too." Shukaku added as well.

Shukaku, Kurama, Naruto, and Garra began to talk about the things they have done through the years.

(A few hours later of snacks and talking.)

"You two can stay here until after the chunin exams then." Kurama offered.

"I still can't believe you agreed to train the Honorable grandson!" Shukaku laughed.

Kurama then put him into a playful headlock. "I'll show you, you lazy bastard!"

Naruto and Garra just chuckled.

"Garra let's go to my room and get ready for bed." Naruto insisted.

Garra nodded with a small smile.

It was now late and Kurama had forced Garra's "bodyguard" to leave despite their arguing.

Until Next Time!

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