The Kitsune Child (originally...

By Pokemonweeb17

14.8K 417 54

What if instead of kurama being sealed inside of Naruto he raised Naruto in the outskirts of the village away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (rewrite)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (rewrite)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (rewrite)
Chapter 18 (rewrite)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (rewrite)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (rewrite)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (rewrite)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (rewrite)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
⚠️Chapter 34⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
The Final Chapter....... Or is it?
Book 2?

Chapter 11

400 11 0
By Pokemonweeb17

Kurama's POV

Today Naruto had to take a picture for his ninja profile so people know who they are hiring.

(the picture above is what he is wearing)

Naruto POV

"Bye Papa!" I said waving my hand as I rushed off.

(Time skip)

I finished my picture quickly and we also took one as a team. We each got to take a framed picture home with us. I was talking with Kakshi sensei on my way home because he said he wanted to meet papa. I had to explain he would have killed any human that was with me without any kind of warning.

We continued to chat as we walked down the village when kakshi-sensei suddenly looked up. "Hmmm" he said just staring at a bird circling. "What's wrong sensei?" I said looking very confused "It's nothing much it looks like the hokage wants to talk to you." He said.

The hokage. I never liked him and never will. I said goodbye to Kakshi and rushed to the hokage tower.

I was told to go to the hokage's office very rudely by the secretary but I just ignored that and didn't respond.

I knocked on the door before hearing a "come in" from inside.

The hokage told me to sit in a chair that stood in the middle of the room where the elders and the hokage sat.

I could smell their disgust and hatred for me a mile away.

"Mind explaining what this is boy?" The hokage said glaring daggers at me as he held up the individual photo I took half an hour before.

"That's my ninja profile sir....." I mumbled looking down at my feet.

"Speak up! And look at us when we talk to you brat!" I heard one of the elders sneer.

I looked up at the group of people with my ears and tails down. "It's my ninja profile sir!" I said louder so they could hear.

The hokage scoffed. "I want you to redo it and this time fix your mistake" he said ripping the photo.

"I will sir! But may I ask what the problem was with this photo?" I questioned hesitantly.

"Your 'features' are the problem. No one will hire you if they see your ears and tail. I will be kind enough for you to have them out when on missions but not on your profile. I want you to have your father use a genjutsu to get rid of this mistake." The hokage explained to me.

"I understand sir" I said bowing my head while sitting.

Just before I was going to get up and leave a small kid rushed in yelling with a shiruken in hand.

"I challenge you old man!!! I will defeat you and become the next hokage!!" The child announced.

Then....... he tripped on his scarf. He layed there for a few seconds flat on his face then hopped back up.

"It was you! You made me fall!" He yelled pointing a finger in my face."

"I wasn't the one who tripped you. Maybe f you fixed your scarf-" I started to explain to the boy but then I smelled his scent.

I leaned in a little closer subconsciously to his face to get a better smell. That's when a man in all black and black glasses came in. He apologized to the hokage for getting lose of the kid and saw me sniffing the small boy.

I gasped. "Are you the grandson of the hokage?" I said a little surprised backing away from his face.

"Y-yeah what's it to you!?! Are you challenging me big guy!" He yelled with a mad but smug look.

"No! I would never. I apologize if I gave you that idea." I said but before I could explain better the man who came in after the boy grabbed me by my collar and held me up forcefully.

"How dare you threaten the honarable hokage's grandson. You demon!" He yelled straight into my face. I flattened my ears but stayed silent as he continued to yell and He just threw me to the ground.

"Don't hurt him yet. He still has a picture he needs to retake." The hokage said not actually caring.

I took this as my que to leave. I got up and bowed to them and left.

Konoharmu POV

"Grandfather?" I asked looking up at him. "Who is he?"

"That was the 9-tailed demon's offspring. He is the village's weapon." Grandfather said sternly.

"Weapon?" I said looking more confused not really understanding.

"Yes if you become hokage you will use him to protect the village but until then we must keep him contained." He explained.

That's when I decided I was going to see just how strong he is. Without anyone noticing I left the room to go track him down.

Naruto POV

I sat down on a bench brushing my tails with my hands to make my tails neater after the man had ruffled it up when he threw me.

Suddenly I smelled the third hokage's scent. No it wasn't him it was his grandson. I turned my head to see him retreat back around the corner thinking I didn't see him.

"I can smell you from a mile away I know your there honorable grandson." I sighed . He then popped up around the corner again snickering.

"So you have a good nose I see!" He chuckled as he pointed his finger in my face.

I just nodded at him and went back to cleaning my tails. I guess he didn't like that because he then spurted out "don't ignore me! I challenge you!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not aloud to fight you honorable grandson." I refused not even looking at him.

Once I finished fixing my tails I got up and started to walk away. He followed close behind and I didn't know why.

"Umm if the villagers see your with me I'll get in trouble Honorable grandson." I Told him.

He looked confused and asked "huh? How come?"

I just sighed and explained to him that humans don't like me bc I'm not like them. "And my papa Dosent like humans especially your grandfather so if he sees me hanging out with his grandson I don't know how he will react." I finished.

"Hey! Isn't your dad supposed to serve my grandfather!" He yelled after I spoke.

"Yeah but that Dosent mean he wants to let alone enjoys it" I explained.

We were now entering the Main Part in the village and I could already hear the villagers. I just kept my head down as the boy rambled on about how he is going to be the best hokage.

" and stop with the Honorable grandson crap my name is konoharmu!" He stated as he walked beside me. I just nodded and kept walking.

"Well... come on say it." He urged.

I looked at him confused slightly lifting my head.

"Same my name come on!" He said grinning.

"Umm sure... k-konoharmu." I stuttered. He went back to rambling on and on about training when we finally reached the path that led to my house.

I turned to him and said "I think you should go now konoharmu."

He looked at me confused.

"I told you my dad Dosent like humans he might hurt you,." I tried to explain to him.

He huffed angrily before he could throw a fit I ran off hoping he would get the hint and leave me alone .

A few minutes later Just before I got close enough to open the gate to the estate papa's shadow passed me at blinding speed with a kunai in hand. He completely passed me. I turned around to see him holding konoharmu by the hair with a kunai to his neck.

"You smell of that bastard of a old man.You must be his grandchild or something." He growled into his ear.

I could see the fear In konoharmu's eyes. He was scared and he knew he had made a mistake following me.

"Papa wait! I'm sorry! it's my fault plz don't hurt him." I pleaded running up to him holding the arm that held the kunai.

He sighed and just let him go. He then walked into the house leaving the door open. I took that as our que to come in. I motioned for konoharmu to follow even though he was visibly shaken up.

My dad told us to sit at the table while he got drinks for me, him, and konoharmu.
(Room looks something like this)

Me and papa sat down while konoharmu stood in the doorway trembling.

"I'm not going to kill you boy. Since your the Honorable grandson of the third hokage I have no choice but to keep you alive. " papa sighed boredly.

That somehow convinced him and he sat down with us.

"So why are you late kit? I thought the ninja profile was done an hour ago." Papa said taking a sip of his tea.

I explained to him what the hokage had told me and he didn't seem happy about it.

"Damn bastard." He growled .

He then took a glanced at konoharmu.

"Hey." He said kinda glaring at him.

"Y-yes!" konoharmu said quickly.

"Don't be so tense I'm not gonna kill you. And besides I wanna ask you something." Papa started.

This is actually the first time I have seen papa talk to a human so calmly except for Tenzo when papa would tell him to take me to school.

"What do you think of your grandfather Honorable grandson."

Papa said. This shocked me and konoharmu.

"Well.... he is strong and smart. But he's always busy and doesn't have time for me. I'm not really sure myself what I think of him." Konoharmu said looking a little more relaxed.

"I see" Papa said seeming satisfied enough with his answer.

"And mister?" Konoharmu started. "My names Konoharmu not Honorable grandson."

This made papa chuckle But before any other words could be spoken the man from before came sprinting into the room!

"HONORABLE GRANDSON!!!" He yelled as he threw two kunais at papa.

Papa dogged one of the kunai's and caught the other in his hand and quickly threw it back at the man cutting his cheek.

"Shut the hell up your being too noisy." Papa growled taking another sip of tea.

Before the man could make another move papa picked up the kunai he threw earlier back at him this time it hitting his sleeve and making him get stuck to the wall.

"Wow that's super cool!" Konoharmu said with stars in his eyes. "Hey mister can you train me! I wanna get strong too and do badass stuff like that!"

Papa just scoffed at this. "Sure why the hell not I got nothing better to do."

Ok I got pretty lazy at the end of this so let's just say konoharmu's trainer (forgot his name) took konoharmu back and Naruto retook his picture so it looked more "Normal". Next chapter will be 2 weeks later.

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