By _parkerslatte_

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Fics for the one and only Spencer Reid. More

Spencer Reid Fics
Lazy Mornings
A Little Convincing
Welcome to the Family
Reid to Me
Having Your Baby [One]
Having Your Baby [Two]
Don't Leave Me
Tough Times [One]
Tough Times [Two]
Tough Times [Three]
Someone Like Me
Happy Place
Young Love
Dance With Me Tonight
Birthday Surprises
Life's Too Short
Know Your Worth
Good People, Bad People
Happy Family
Everything to Lose
Broken Bones
Sleepless Journeys
Wish That Were Me [One]
Wish That Were Me [Two]
Wish That Were Me [Three]
Stood Up
Lazy Day In
Stars in the Sky
Every Step of the Way
Missing You
Well Kept Secrets
"Why Are We Yelling?"

Silent Treatment

17.4K 185 53
By _parkerslatte_

Summary: After Y/N saw Spencer kissing Lila Archer, she gives him the silent treatment as she is jealous.


Seeing someone you like kissing someone else can be painful, but knowing that someone else was Lila Archer was a whole other level of pain. She was the famous, perfect movie star. No flaws, perfect body, all around gorgeous. Y/N was jealous.

She had seen the pictures not too long after the case of Spencer kissing Lila in her pool. She had also see the magazine cover of the two plastered everywhere. At this point, it was causing Y/N physical pain.

Y/N walked into the bullpen. It had been a few days since the case involving Lila Archer. Without realising it Y/N avoided Spencer when she walked in. She normally greeted him every morning but today, she breezed right past him and sat down at her desk.

Spencer, who had been expecting her greeting, watched her walk past ignoring him completely. He watched as she approached her desk, thinking that she was just going to place her bag down before coming over to him. Spencer was wrong. Y/N sat down at her desk without a glance in Spencer's direction. Spencer hadn't realised but a small pput hand appeared on his face.

"What's up with you, Pretty Boy?" Derek questioned, approaching Spencer's desk.

"Y/N didn't greet me this morning," Spencer spoke, "Everyday without fail she walks around the bullpen to my desk and talks with me for a while, she didn't do that today."

Derek glanced over at Y/N, who was already hunched over doing her work. He sighed, Derek could tell exactly what was going on with Y/N, it was obvious to everyone but Spencer.

"Maybe she's just tired." Derek suggested, not wanting to give the actual reason for why Y/N had avoided Spencer, he was going to let them work it out on their own.
Spencer didn't look too convinced however, he continued to stare at Y/N. He knew that something was up with her and he wanted to know what it was, maybe he could help.

Y/N, who was pretending to look through files, could feel the eyes of Spencer Reid bore into her. She wished she could ignore it and continue her work in peace but she couldn't. Rising up from her seat, she headed over to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. What she didn't realise was Spencer getting up from his desk to do the same thing, though he had other ideas in mind than making a coffee.

"Y/N." Spencer called out to her.

Y/N only glanced his way, offering him a small smile before she began to make her coffee. She tried her best to ignore Spencer as he approached her. Be stood close to he as he began making a coffee of his own. Occasionally his arm brushed hers, causing what felt like small electric shocks to travel down her arm.

"Are you okay?" Spencer questioned, looking down at Y/N, who was stirring her coffee.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Y/N responded, a little more harsh than she intended.

"Oh," Spencer stuttered, "I'm sorry is I offended you. I wanted to know if you were okay."

"No, no, I'm sorry for snapping," Y/N apologised, "I'm just tired."

"It's alright," Spencer said, "If you ever need to talk about anything I'm here."

Y/N looked up at Spencer for a split second. He was looking down at her, a caring look in his eyes.

"Thanks Spencer." Y/N responded before taking her mug and heading back towards her desk, leaving Spencer standing in the kitchen. She didn't speak to him for the remainder of the day.
It was the end of the day and Y/N and Spencer were the only two who remained in the bullpen, everyone else had gone home. It was silent between the two. Spencer had been stealing glances towards Y/N the entire day but she never looked back at him.

Once she had finished with her final piece if work for the day, Y/N stood up from her chair and packed her things away. Spencer, who had finished his work about half hour ago, stood up also.
Without a word, Y/N headed to the elevator, Spencer hot on her heels. No matter how much Y/N wanted to speak to Spencer, she couldn't bring herself too. After everything that happened with Lila Archer, Y/N was sure that Spencer didn't like her back. And Y/N wasn't sure if she could stand to have a conversation with him knowing that he's lusting over a Hollywood celebrity.

The elevator ride was silent, Spencer wanted to speak but couldn't find the right words to say, he didn't want to accidentally offend Y/N as he did previously in the day. He fiddled with his bag strap.

After the elevator doors opened, Y/N stepped out and headed to her car. She watched as Spencer stood just outside the elevator before he began to walk the other way. Without thinking, she called out to him.

"Spencer, where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm getting the subway home," Spencer stated, "Morgan was meant to give me a ride but he went home early."

Y/N contemplated for a moment. She knew she would inevitably give Spencer a ride home, especially when they lived so close, but she didn't think she could bare the silence any longer.

"Do you want a ride?" Y/N offered.

Spencer's eyes lit up, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Y/N responded and Spencer headed over to her car and climbed in the passenger seat.
As Y/N drove, Spencer's leg bounced up and down. He was nervous.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Spencer asked bluntly.

"What?" Y/N asked, even if she was fully aware that she hadn't spoken to him, she was surprised by Spencer's bluntness.

"You have barely said a word to me all day," Spencer started, "First you don't greet me like you do every morning, next you lie about being tired to get out of a conversation with me and when we are the only two left in the bullpen, you don't say a single work to me for hours."

"Spencer, I-"

"This doesn't have anything to do with Lila Archer does it?" He questioned.

"What? No!" Y/N lied, "Why wouldn't you think that?"

"Because that's when you began acting weird, and it's only around me, you were laughing and joking around with JJ earlier."

Y/N pulled up outside Spencer's apartment but he didn't move to get out of the car.

"I'm not getting out until you give me an answer, Y/N."

"Spence, it's just...hard to explain." Y/N said.

"How is it?" Spencer questioned, "You've been acting fine with everyone but me. You've avoided me all day and you don't even want to explain why."

"It's just that-"

"It's just what, Y/N."

Looking into Spencer's eyes, Y/N could see through frustration that had built up within the last few minutes. Y/N couldn't think of a verbal response to Spencer's question. So she did, what she thought, was the only logical thing. She kissed him.

Y/N lips were planted on Spencer's, her hands gripping his shirt, pulling him forward. Spencer went rigid with shock, his brain trying to process what was happening.

Y/N pulled away once she realised that Spencer didn't kiss her back, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that-"

Spencer's lips were planted on Y/N's again, this time it was Y/N's turn to be surprised. She kissed him back with as much passes as he did. Her hands became tangled in his shirt once again, creasing it. One of Spencer's hands gently caressed her cheek, while the other held the back of her neck, keeping her in place.

This kiss was nothing like the one Spencer had shared with Lila Archer a few days prior. This kiss was something Spencer couldn't describe. It was filled with passion and longing.

Spencer pulled away, resting his forehead against Y/N's. He opened his eyes while hers remained closed, still trying to process the events that had jut taken place.

"The reason I was ignoring you Spencer was because if Lila Archer," Y/N admitted, "I was jealous that you were kissing her and not me."

Spencer took in Y/N words. He always had an attraction towards Y/N but he always knew that she would never feel the same. She was gorgeous and Spencer was...just Spencer.

"The only reason I kissed Lila was because I thought I couldn't have you." Spencer said, moving his hands to hold Y/N's.

"Why do I find that hard to believe," Y/ N said watching as Spencer laced their fingers together, "You would pick me over a Hollywood actress?"

"I would," Spencer said, "I would pick you over anyone."


"Why wouldn't I?" Spencer said, thumb brushing over Y/N's knuckles, "Ever since I've known you, I knew that I wanted to be with you. You're beautiful, funny and kind. I thought that kissing Lila would make my feelings disappear, but it didn't because the whole time I kissed her, I imagined she was you."

"Do you really mean that?" Y/N questioned.

"Every word." Spencer mumbled, his lips ghosting over Y/N's.

"Good." Y/N respond before pecking Spencer's lips.

"Do you want to come in?" Spencer said, "I think my apartment will be more comfortable than your car."

"What are you implying, Dr Reid." Y/N smirked.

"I'm not implying anything." Spencer said innocently.

"Let's go." Y/N said climbing out of her car and following Spencer up to his apartment.


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