๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—๐“๐‡ ๐†๐ˆ๐‘๐‹ โžค Ray

By Amanda_Grathan

200K 8.2K 16.6K

"Come escape with us and be free." "Come and escape with me." ๏พŸ Summary - โžด With the escaping and... More

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4.2K 201 632
By Amanda_Grathan

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

14th of January, the year 2046.

He was turning twelve in an hour.

The things that had happened throughout his life were both awful and wonderful. He got to spend time with all of his siblings. He had enjoyed his life with his two closest friends, Norman and Emma.

He got to meet her.

He was still devastated by the fact that
(Y/N) was gone. It was still surprising. He felt like she was still there.

His heart ached.

Two persons that were very dear to him has now departed from their world. Norman, the genius whom he treated as his brother. (Y/N), the mysterious girl that makes him wonder about her.

He hummed his Mother's lullaby. Remembering all his nightmares and also (Y/N), who played the song with her guitar.

Isabella. His mother whom he hated so much. He does admit that he felt a little love towards her. But other than that, it's just pure burning anger.

Did his own mother even care for him? He bet that when he is engulfed with flames. She'll probably try and take his body out and serve it for the demons.

Did Isabella love him? Maybe, maybe not. He couldn't care less anyway.

His thoughts were interrupted when suddenly a familiar voice called him. "Ray."

"What are you doing at this hour?" Emma asked, walking towards him with her crutches.

"It's my last night." Ray said, looking up. "So I'm saying goodbye to the house."

"Ray, it's your birthday tomorrow right?"

"Yeah." He said. "Tonight is the last night. Tomorrow, it's goodbye."

The boy grinned internally. He knew his best friend too well. "Hey, Emma."

"You haven't actually given up, have you Emma?" He turned to the girl, whose head was down.

Emma smirked as she rose up his head. This girl surely doesn't have giving up in her vocabulary.

"I've been thinking." Emma started. "What should I do for Norman's sake?"

"The answer is to do nothing." She said. "Mom told me to give up, to free myself from the pain. But I will never, ever give up."

"I won't let Norman die in vain." She said, full of determination. "And you, Ray?"

"We always are thinking of the same thing in the end." Ray chuckles.

"Let's run away, Ray." She said. "I've came to talk about that."

"I know. You, Gilda and Don are running away." He said. "Thanks to (Y/N)."

"Yeah, she was really helpful." Emma looked down. "We didn't get the chance to talk so thankfully she was there."

A long silence blanketed around them. The mention of the girl made him a little uncomfortable.

"Mom was being cautious. She did not let her eyes off me for one second. I used that to my advantage. I kept her eyes focused on me and not the others."

"Don and Gilda, huh?"

"Yes, I left everything to them." She said. "Training for the escape and all the other stuff."

"How far along are you?" He asked.

"Everything is ready. Supplies, food and warm clothing." She said. "We can escape anytime."

"That's pretty impressive." He admitted. "How will you run away?"

"I worked that out too. I have a plan prepared. Let's run away tomorrow afternoon, before you get shipped out."

"Wait." He held up his hand. "It's too reckless to got out during the sun is up. The situation is different from before. We should leave at night when it's easier to hide."

"Hear me out." He said. "Sit."

Both of the eleven-year-olds sat on their own chairs, facing one another.

"There are two problems. First, Mom's watchful eyes. She is always watching us and moreover she is holding one of the younger ones."

"She'll be obviously doing that at daytime. At night, the babies are in her room." He explained. "In order to escape with everyone. We have to distract Mom and separate her from the little ones."

"And then, past the wall is a cliff. We can't climb down so if we escape it will have to be through the bridge." He said. "But there is only one and I am sure there is security. Also, it's near the headquarters. There must be monsters everywhere."

"Once they found out that we have escaped, they will surely rush there as it was our only option."

"So, what are you going to do?" Ray asked, getting up from his seat. "I think this is the best answer."

He opened up the box for Emma to see. "Oil?" She mumbles.

"At night, we will set the house on fire." Ray smirked, picking up a can of oil.

"You're going to start a fire?"

"That's right. When Mom is distracted putting the fire out, we'll lead everyone outside. Saying it's an evacuation." He said. "If we seal the secret room, Mom can't notify the headquarters. And they will think it's just a fire, not an escape."

"Then security won't go towards the bridge. We can escape through it while they are busy. As a bonus, I also hid some molotov behind some rocks in the forest."

"Molotov bottles?" Emma said.

Those were bombs. Once they meet a single speck of fire, it will all light up crazily. "Don't underestimate my six years of preparation." Ray scoffed. "Throw those in the neighboring plants on the way to the bridge. If it all goes well, the security will be even weaker."

"Since it's nighttime, no one will be in the forest. No one will die." He paused. "Instead of tomorrow, let's run away tonight."

"Can you do it, Emma?" He asked the girl.

"Don't worry this place is the farthest from the rooms. They can escape before the fire reaches them." Ray said. "They've been trained run in formation right? Or is your leg still-"

"It's all fine!" She stood up and stomped her foot on the floor.

"Then it's decided." Ray opened the can of oil that he held, pouring it all on the floor.

"But you know, Emma." He said. "I'm still against the idea of taking everyone. Especially after hearing there's a cliff. Even if you take some, it should be onky Gilda and Don. You should at least leave the babies behind, for their sake and for yours too."

"But you won't listen to me even if I stop you." He said to his stubborn friend. "And it's better than having you stay behind and not escape. So I won't say anything to you anymore, you decide."

"What are you standing around? Go tell Don and Gilda."

"You said to throw the molotov bottles?" She said, sounding a little hesitant.

"Yeah, maybe you or Don could."

"I'm worried about one thing. Even if we start a fire, what if Mom abandons the building? She might give up putting the fire out and refuse to take her eyes off her precious merchandise."

Ray sighed, so she has realized.

"You realized huh? There's a good possibility of that happening. That's why starting a fire won't be good enough." Ray smiled in the dark, holding up a can of oil. "If we don't stop Mom, then we won't have any chances of escaping from her."

"But don't worry, I just have to do this." Ray smiled sadly, opening up the oil can. The boy started to pour it all over him, causing Emma to jolt up.

"Ray?!" Emma exclaimed. Her voice filled with fear and worry.

"Isn't this the greatest?" He smirked, almost insanely. "The perfect scorer with a set shipment date will burn into crisp. She won't be able to abandon me."

"I've been waiting for this day. I decided it a long time ago. Many, many years ago." Ray laughed. "It's a childish retaliation."

"You know what, Emma? I wasn't really interested in studying or reading. But I endured it, I worked hard to improve my value to the highest it could ever be!"

"Twelve years, I am a feast they all have been waiting for. I'm going to take that away from them tonight. Right before the harvest they've been looking forward to."

"Don't think you can eat me! Don't think you can serve me! Food? Merchandise? I don't care about all of that! I'm a human being, serves them right!" He was yelling crazily, which made Emma alert in fear.

"Ray." Emma called.

"It's fine this way. This is the best way. I've watch my family die all these years. I used them and they were all good kids. They were all kindhearted."

Now he was going to join them.


"Don't move." He said, stopping her. "Listen, Emma. You only have one chance, make this work. Please don't let me and Norman die in vain."

"Here, this is for you." He tossed the book he had with him to her.

Emma opened it up, revealing the picture of her and Norman. Upon seeing the photograph Ray has taken of them, a tear slipped from her eye. "From that time.."

They could hear the clock chime, indicating it was now twelve in the morning.

"I'm now twelve years old. It was a life I wanted to curse, but the time I spent with everyone was really fun." Ray smiled, his eyes tired and almost lifeless.

"No, stop!"

"Thank you and.." He held up the lit match he was holding. "Bye-bye, Emma."

He wanted to end it all now. He wanted to live his next life with pure joy. He could at least atone his sins by dying. Who knows? He might meet her on the other side. He might meet Norman, that idiot who left him.

So, he dropped the match. Wanting to burn until he was gone.

To his surprise, Emma caught the match before it landed on the floor. He wasn't getting his wish so easily.

"Nice catch." Emma grinned, making him annoyed.


"Sorry, I'm not going to let you die. Not me, not the other children."

"The other children?" Ray asked.

Suddenly there was a knock from the door. Emma ran over and opened it. Revealing Lannion and Thoma, holding a box with Ray's clothes and some various meat.

"I brought what you asked for, Emma." Thoma held up the box.

"And everyone's good to go." Lannion smirked and cheerfully reels up his fists.

"Thank you, Thoma and Lani." Emma smiled, letting them in the room.

"You can come in as well, (Y/N)." She said. "No I'm just kidding." She said, laughing.

"You've got the guts to joke around in this situation, Emma." Ray frowned, glaring at the girl.

"But she's alive." Those words halted him. "She's safe, Ray."

"She wasn't a traitor, Ray." Emma said. "She just said that for our sake."


"You wanna know what actually happened?"

"Emma.." Phil said in a wary voice.

"Yes, Phil?"

"I've been hearing strange noises in Mom's room. The other kids are starting to think it's a ghost." Phil said. "So, I went in to check it."

Emma gasped. "Did you get caught?"

"No." Phil said. "But someone was crying and I didn't know where. I started to get scared because maybe there was indeed a ghost!"

"Then there was someone pounding the walls. It might be a ghost after all!"

Emma looked shocked, so was Gilda and Don beside her. "That's no ghost.." She trailed off.

"(Y/N)!" They all exclaimed, causing the little boy in front of them confused.

"(Y/N)? But isn't she.."

"It's a long story, Phil." Emma sighed as she stands up.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get her out!" Don yelled as he stood.

"Wait." Gilda stopped him. "It's too reckless. Mom is still watching us and we can't get the key so easily like last time."

"Then what do we do?" Don asked.

"Let's get her out during nighttime." Emma said. "During the time when Mom is bathing the babies."

"But won't she be in her office after that? She'll always be checking (Y/N). And she always go to the secret room underground you know?" Don said.

"This is indeed a tricky situation." Emma said, thinking for ideas on how to get her out.

"Why not on the time when I get the babies out of Mom's room?" Gilda suggested. "We will prioritize on getting the babies safely out, then picking the door on the way back."

"That does sound like a plan." Emma nods.

"Basically we free her when the fire has started?" Don asked.

"Yes." Gilda answered.

They were now in silence. Totally forgetting that Phil was still in presence. "What happened to (Y/N)?"

"Oh! Phil! I totally forgot about you."

"She's trapped in some sort of secret room. But don't worry, we'll save her." Don grinned as he ruffled the boy's head.

"Alright!" He smiled happily.

"If she was actually a traitor. Mom would've known your scheme on setting yourself up on fire." She said, walking towards Ray.

"Wait, you knew all along? Her too?" Ray asked, surprised.

"Yup." She smugly said. "I didn't know I'd actually convince you but well I did."

"Now come on, hurry up and change." Emma said, while Lanni and Thoma gave him the fresh clothes and shoes they brought.

"You done changing?" Emma asked.

Thoma and Lannion both crouched at the puddle of oil. Then placing Ray's old clothes, the meat they brought and hair.

"Wait, but.. Emma-" He was cut off by a hard slap on his face, courtesy of Emma. It stung and made his cheek red from the pain.

She grabbed his head forcefully, making him widen his eyes in surprise. The pressure of her hands were so painful that he felt like his skull was about to break. "Do you still want to die, you blockhead? Stop yapping because we're escaping!" Emma yelled straight to his face, glaring.

He learned something new, don't make the protagonist angry.

"Emma, we're done here." Lanni and Thoma both said. Emma looked over them and checked all was done.

"Good." Emma replied, walking towards the two boys.

Ray stared at Emma, stunned and also fearful by what happened. He rubbed the side of his face while making way to them.

"What is this?" Ray asked, confused by the things they put on the floor.

"Your replacement." Lannion said, proudly smiling.

"It'll create a certain smell." Thoma added, also proud.

"Those braids." He recognized the hair placed on the floor. Those were Anna's braids she had been growing for years. He didn't think she would actually cut it for helping him.

"Anna gave them to me." Emma said. "Also, the tracking device. Sit with your ear facing towards me."

"Emma, is this.."

"You can die anywhere, but it doesn't have to be here. I'll show you something cool, so shut up and come." Emma said. "A message from Norman."

"Norman?" Ray asked, surprised. So the genius actually had a plan in mind when he explained what he will do in case Norman dies. Truly a genius.

"Yeah, he left a message." Emma said, giving him a piece of paper. It was his message, actually written on paper. This boy was on a whole other level.

Emma nodded at the two boys. Lannion and Thoma went out. "Make sure everyone is safe, including (Y/N). Alright?" Emma said.

"You got it!" They shouted, rushing towards the door.

"You go now, idiot." Emma teased. "Don't want you to be caught by the fire."

"Why you-"

"(Y/N)'s waiting." Emma said. "I believe you need to hear her explanation and apologize."

She was right. He needed to apologize for his actions towards her without knowing that she wasn't actually a traitor. (Y/N) was so hard to read that he can't tell if she was lying or not.

"Now, let's begin." He heard her as he runs out of the hall.


─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"(Y/N)!" Nat exclaimed as he saw the (H/C) haired girl. "You're alive."

"In the flesh." She chuckled as she picks up her own bag.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Jemima exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised by the girl's appearance. Ray had his mouth agape, eyes widened. He thought he could have never seen her again.

Unaware, he suddenly hugged the girl. Which again, surprised the crowd around them. "Idiot, why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."

(Y/N) relaxed and hugged him back, a little bit awkwardly. "Ray, let's talk about that later." She whispered, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ray didn't want to let go, he was confused and shocked. He was crying.

"Emma! Ray is crying." Alicia pointed to him.

Emma only smiled.

He abruptly let go of her and wiped his eyes. "No, I'm not." He said, which wasn't very convincing. How was he going to react when he suddenly saw the person who was supposed to be dead, breathing and smiling?

"So, come on now fire bender." (Y/N) joked. "Don't you play around fire anymore."

"You don't have to think about dying now. So, come and escape with us and be free."

"Come and escape with me." She smiled.

The girl's perspective really changed. At first, she was a girl who didn't know what to do. A person who once welcomed death, like him. But now, she looked determined.

She was really something unexpected.

"Everyone! Let's run to the wall hurry!" Emma shouted as everybody followed her.

"(Y/N)! Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" Emma said, running beside her.

To Ray, she looked very exhausted despite only running halfway. She was not athletic after all. "I'm fine, Emma."

"Hey Don, what's going on?" Ray asked the ten-year-old boy. "Do they all know about the house and the escape."


"How?" Ray asked, befuddled.

"Emma first told them about it." Don said. "At first we told four. Nat, Anna, Lannion and Thoma. We let them hear what Sister Krone had to say."

"Since that far back?"

"For the rest of them, we spent two months recruiting them in. Mom probably didn't notice it at all." Don said. "That Emma was only pretending to have given up, but was actually giving everyone instructions. Training for the escape and other preparations."

"You guys.." They actually have really laid it out so good. It was rather impressive.

The group came to halt when they reached the large wall.

"Nat and I will climb first." Emma said. "Then we will pull everyone up."

"Okay, everyone! Just do it like we have trained alright? And you all will be fine." Don reassured.

"Wait, is this all of us?" Ray mumbled. "the four-year-olds and under aren't here?"

"I'm leaving them here." Emma answered. "What you said before, I thought about it."

"I won't take them now. Only Phil knows the truth. The others don't know about the house or the fire. I'm leaving that all to Phil." Emma explained, while Ray listened in shock.

"But I haven't given up. I'll definitely return within two years." Emma smiled. "That's when I take Phil and the others. As well as the kids from the other plants."

"Everyone, run as fast as you can!" Emma shouted as they run towards the way of the bridge.

While they were running, a loud deafening noise was heard. "What do we do? We're still far from the bridge." Ray frantically asked.

"We'll cross from here." Emma stopped and pointed at the closest cliff, to a tree.

"Cross? But at that time, Norman said."

"If we're escaping, it'll be through the bridge. But that's what would anyone think. There's no way we would cross a cliff. I checked the geographical features, it's indeed dangerous. But there's a spot that you can cross. That's what Norman had said." (Y/N) explained.

"It's okay, they trained a lot." Gilda reassured him.

"Trained? Wait (Y/N) how- you didn't tell me?" He asked, surprised.

"It was Emma's orders." She said. The typical her, always doing her orders.

"Let's say it's a request." Emma laughed awkwardly. She never knew it sounded like an order to (Y/N).

"Nat!" Don yelled at Nat who was on a tree, tying the rope secure.

Everyone cheered when Nat confirmed everything was settled. Don threw the rock as hard as he could and it landed securely at the other side of the cliff. Ray was shocked by all of this.

(Y/N) went to help them, leaving Ray staring at the scene unfold before him.


"What a smug face, how annoying." Ray mutters, his eyes narrowing.

"Well, we were able to completely fool you."

"You'll show me something cool, so shut up and come huh?" Ray stared at his siblings.

"Isn't it cool? Look, it's a scenery we never thought we would see."

"Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be possible to take everyone. I thought they would be hindrance." Ray looked at the sight beflre him. "I didn't even expect (Y/N) would be here. She's.."

"She's a special one, don't let her go."

"I hesitated too, but in the end I made a decision. It's thanks to Emma."

"Everyone joined full faith because of Emma."

"She's reckless and unreasonable. But she can say we're taking everyone without a second thought."

"You don't have to give up, Ray."

Don't give up, huh? He won't ever now. Because he has come so far with his family. Also with (Y/N).

Then Norman vanished.

"I'm scared!" Jemima exclaimed as she hugs (Y/N).

"It's alright, Jemima." She hushed. "It's not scary."

Most of them had gone off to the other side. Only Emma, Ray, (Y/N), Jemima, Lannion and Thome were on the wall. They must go through the cliff and survive the fear of falling. But that's not going too well with Jemima.

Upon hearing Jemima's complain, Lannion and Thoma started to hug each other and look down the cliff.

"It's okay, Jemima." Ray said, picking her up. "Let's cross together."

"Emma, you still have the rope?"


"Can you help me tie this around me and Jemima, (Y/N)?" Ray asked, which (Y/N) indeed do.

"You know how to cross?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I've seen them do it." Ray said. "Now, hold on tightly."

"Don't be scared, Jemima." (Y/N) smiled, her face glowed under the bright moon.

The little girl nodded as she hugged tightly onto her big brother. And so they went down with no worries.

Jemima opened her eyes and saw Alicia smiling at her. Thoma and Lannion both slid down, with Don and Gilda catching them.

"Come on, Emma!" Everyone shouted. "Slide down (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N)?" Both girls halted when they heard the voice of their mother. She was hyperventilating from all the running she must have. Ray got alarmed by it.

"Goodbye, our house. Our home that we loved so much." Emma looked back. "Goodbye, Mom." Emma said, before sliding down with everyone.


"Goodbye, Mom." She said. "I appreciate everything."

And with that, she went down with everyone. Leaving their mother alone up the wall.


Not really that interesting but hey guess what?

You're alive.

Everyone has escaped! What lies beyond their paths?

And oh yeah, you didn't notice but I added a foreshadowing in this chapter.

Good luck on finding it ;D

Well, anyways hope you enjoyed this update and see yah for another.. MONTH-

Also, if you ever plan on commenting. Please censor your uhm, you know. I'M SO BAD AT THIS-


Her last smile. 🗒

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