Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything

1.3K 62 6
By AshleyH713

Groaning to herself, Hikari lulled her side to the side before immediately getting struck with a massive headache, the girl pushing her hands to her head before cursing under her breath. Shit, it felt like she was hit by a damn truck or something. "Mmmm.."

Although she was quickly woken up when she heard someone next to her chuckle under his breath, the man's voice speaking to someone else in particular. Where the hell was she? Did she hook up with some random guy again? Is that why she couldn't remember?

Dreading to find out what kind of terrible decision she had made this time, the girl groaned before turning her head towards the stranger as she moaned in pain at her headache. Whoever this asshole was, he was too loud that was for sure.

Hikari paused when she felt a warm hand rest on top of her, stopping her movement as she felt herself automatically relax for some reason, catching some of his conversation.

"Let's cut the shit you frozen discounted happy meal. I want progress now. I sent you to get information on the heroes weeks ago and you still have nothing for me. Do you know how bad that looks, right? It looks like you aren't that serious about joining the league after all..."

Yet in her own hazy state it was impossible for the girl to understand the context of the conversation, only catching his deep amused tone as he responded back a couple minutes.

"Listen to you, so entitled. Sorry to disappoint but I can't meet you now and talk about whatever bullshit excuses you're going to spew. You see, I'm a little busy at the moment..."

The voice on the other side sounded annoyed but Hikari could hardly care, flopping her eyes open as her blurry gaze vaguely picked out the purple skin that she knew all too well.

Oh good, well at least it wasn't some random guy next to her this time. That was a plus.

Although his voice was too loud for her fragile ears, causing the girl to make a stupid decision because she couldn't understand the situation or the danger at hand.

No, instead Hikari decided to speak, her voice coming out raspy and irritated, focusing on getting her friend to finally shut his mouth for once so she could sleep. "D-Dabi shut's too loud...I can't..."

And almost immediately Dabi felt his eyes widen at her foolish decision as the man on the other end, Hawks, clearly caught a woman's voice, his tone serious.

"What was that?"

Glaring at the blonde haired girl in order to get her to shut up, it was obvious to tell that Hikari still wasn't fully awake, rolling around with her hands rubbing her eyes in another low groan.

This wasn't going to work, the girl didn't even know what she was doing right now.

Knowing he had to think fast, the villain saw the idiotic blonde hair about to speak again, not knowing she was going to ruin her entire mission like this.

Ah well, I just had to do everything himself, don't I?

Before she could finish her sentence, Dabi quickly reached down towards the slumped over figure before grabbing her neck forcefully and bringing it up to his eye level, squeezing the passageway of her breathing so she couldn't speak.

HIkari gasped at the sudden contact as the room began to spin at the motion before putting a weak hand to his arms that were holding her in hopes he would let her go. She didn't know what was happening but he seemed pissed off for some reason. Was he hungover too?

Forcing her lips together in annoyance, Hikari opened her mouth before rasping out a quiet. "D-Dab...?"

This caused the villain to groan before coming up with another plan instead, one that he knew would make Hawks very upset in the future once he figured out what was really going on.

Well, desperate times I suppose...

Opening her mouth before to finish her sentence, Hikari didn't have much time to think before Dabi forced her head forward before pushing his lips onto hers, the girl widening her eyes at the contact just as he shoved his tongue down her throat a moment later in order to cause her to practically choke and stop speaking.

Gasping at the sensation, the villain then closed his eyes before working his tongue around the edges of her mouth, exploring the area as Hikari felt her body immediately heat up and twitch from the mix of her headache and the newfound pleasure.

Wait, was he kissing her right now? No, there was no way. It had to be some kind of sick dream, some kind of strange nostalgia that was making her remember the past. That had to be it.

Although, even in her groggy and sleep like state couldn't help but hum at the contact, wondering how long it had been since he had kissed her like this. She missed it, although it wasn't like she was ever going to tell him that. Then she'd have to hear about it for days.

Even so, she couldn't help but pull herself back to the past, her childhood and all of the pain and betrayal that came with it. His touch, his words and his scars, it seemed like nothing had fully disappeared, just simply covered up in order allow Hikari to cope with the loss of this special kind of warmth.

So much so that she closed her eyes a moment later, taking in the scent of ash and smoke that always seemed to radiate around her throughout her entire life. In the darkest moments, in the cruelest tricks, he was always there.

And to most people that kind of scent would be seen as dangerous, like a warning but for Hikari, she always couldn't help but feel comforted by it, the smoke smell tasting like nostalgia for her, a terrible and horrible nostalgia that made her long for more..

As much as she hated it, a part of her wished to go back, when everything was simple, when she was young and stupid enough to believe that people like her deserved to be loved also..

And because of that, she began to kiss him back, pushing her head closer as Dabi's hand around her neck tightened slightly at the movement before Hikari moaned at the sensation of such a familiar feeling.

Although as soon as she began to reciprocate, Dabi seemed to snap out of his own delusions before focusing his eyes open and immediately pushed Hikari off of him, the man practically shoving the girl onto the mattress a moment later.

Breathing heavily, Hikari felt the world spin around her as she groaned, pushing her hands to her headache in order to comprehend what was happening as the girl finally pushed herself into reality.

Dabi watched this for a moment, taking in her heaving chest and closed eyes before forcing his lips into a tight amused smile before pushing the phone back to his ear as he got back to his actual purpose of that kiss.

"You hear that Hawks? Like I said, I'm busy. Call me when you actually have something."

And that's why he did it, that's why he suddenly pushed his friend like that, specifically because Hawks was watching, because he was listening to every sound his sister was making. He didn't know it now, but Dabi was sure that was going to hurt the bird once he found out the truth.

It was never too early to set those seeds of hatred after all.

Then the villain hung up abruptly before glancing towards Hikari as she groaned back through the sheets, trying to calm her heartbeat, the dizziness from all the alcohol last night and the sudden rough kiss. "What the hell was that..?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Dabi pushed himself off the bed before moving towards the dresser on his left, his expression hidden before answering plainly.

"Didn't you just accuse me of ruining everything? Nah Princess, I think you're doing that just fine on your own. You almost spilled the beans to your dear brother back there, or are you still too shit faced to realize that yet?"

Mulling the words in her mind, Hikari forced herself to focus them, only drawing a blank as she couldn't think about the meaning just yet. "Brother..?"

Although that's when everything smacked into her at once, Hikari immediately widening her eyes before forcing her body up, not realizing that she was still hung over, as the girl shouted back.

"Shit shit shit, my brother! That's who you were talking to. God, how could I be so stupid to not realize that..I....."

Immediately gaining a dizzy spell though, Hikari screwed her eyes shut before the pounding in her head and forcing her to slump back down with a curse as Dabi hummed.

"Great job, you finally put two and two together. Took you long enough.."

Yet that's when Hikari realized something else, recalling their kiss before the girl's face immediately began to turn completely red before grabbing the nearest pillow next to her and throwing it in his direction.

"Y-You asshole..!! You kissed me just because Kei was on the other line. You knew it would piss him off, didn't you? You fucking used me again..!!"

Because of her hangover though, the throw wasn't as strong, causing Dabi to casually step to the side before the pillow hit the wall behind him.

"What, you didn't think I did it cause I had feelings for you? I thought we were over this already Princess..."

Widening her eyes at the accusation, Hikari felt her face grow even more red before grabbing another pillow behind her and using her off her newfound anger to aim it at his face in a huff.

"In your dreams! Like I want that in the first place you crusty skinned burnt toast bastard!! Why am I even here anyways? You miss me or something..?"

Before the pillow could make contact with Dabi's face though, the villain easily grabbed the object before throwing it aside, and casually stepping forward, his face obviously not bothered by her childish demeanor.

"No actually, You see, I was enjoying my night when someone called me shit faced drunk and forced me to take her back here after she tried to fuck two random guys in a bar. Does any of that ring any bells?"

Hikari replayed the words in his mind, her lips twisted into a pout before fully connecting what he was saying as her eyes widened in newfound shame. "Oh, please tell me you're not talking about me..."

Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at that though, replaying the night in his mind. "Sorry but it looks like that nickname I gave you suits you even more than you thought. Although I suggest you quit it with the damsel in distress thing Princess. I'm not a hero, that's not really my thing.."

Realizing that what he said was probably true, Hawk's sister sat in silence before immediately putting her head into her hands with a loud groan. "Shit, I guess I was even more messed up then I thought..."

The villain watched her reactions before leaning forward as his eyes bore into her soul, reading everything about her. "You wanna tell me why that is? You're not turning soft on me now, are you Princess? You're not thinking about double crossing me, right? Cause you know that won't bode well for you..."

Hikari then saw his fingers ignite in blue flames, the warning behind the gesture completely known in an instant.

She wasn't trying to cross him though, the only reason that she hadn't told Dabi about Hawks yet was because she was still upset with him. That's all there was to it.

It didn't matter if he had brought her to their old playground and awakened some kind of nostalgic memories in her from his stupid words. No, Hawks was still a commission soldier, protecting him would do nothing but screw her over.

He deserved to suffer, to be taken down like the rest of the commission.

Scowling at the very idea, Hikari only slapped the villain's arm away before his blue disappeared as well. No, she couldn't waver on this. She just had to tell Dabi the truth.

Although wasn't she surprised when the words seemed to slip out on their own, and they were far from the truth...

"Are you kidding? The only reason I got drunk was because I couldn't deal with Kei's annoying brother talk anymore. I just wanted a break. You'd want the same him you had to hear him all day. What are you my mom or something? Do I have to tell you when I want a damn drink..? "

After she finished talking even Hikari couldn't help but stop herself at the ridiculous words she was saying. Why did she just lie? There was no reason to, she had no reason to protect Keigo from all of this. In fact, she was the one that was going to bring him down.

Dabi seemed suspicious as well though, twisting his eyes in unknown intent before reaching forward and running his fingers across one of her long strands of hair.

"No, I guess not. But what else am I supposed to think when you stop answering my texts? I was beginning to think that bird brother of yours brainwashed you into believing his sugar coated lies again."

Scoffing at the idea, Hikari only answered plainly, knowing all of his words weren't true, even though she desperately wished for that to be the case. "How stupid do you think I am? I know that everything Kei says is glorified bullshit."

Dabi felt his own lips twist into a cynical smirk at that, allowing her hair to fall between his fingers slowly. "Then what about the file? Why haven't I seen it yet? There isn't something you're hiding from me, is there Princess?"

She couldn't help but feel her heart stop at his words, pushing down all of her unkempt anxiety before giving a shaky breath. This was it, she had to tell him the truth, to condemn Keigo's life and reveal him as a spy...

"Of course not. I told you we'd look at the file together right? I'm just waiting for the coast to be one hundred percent clear. I got a commission agent on my ass and the last thing we want is to rush into this and ruin everything we worked for.."

Wait, that was another lie, wasn't it? Well, it wasn't a full lie but the reasons for not giving Dabi the files weren't the ones she just said. Why the hell was she doing this? It's like her body was refusing to give Hawks up right now.

Thinking about her words, Dabi stared at the girl for a couple more moments before sighing in frustration, his body lifting from the mattress once more. "You and your rules. I swear, you make everything so damn boring all the time. Whatever.."

At that, Hikari felt herself let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding before forcing herself into some banter to get her mind off of the lies. "Yeah well, it's better then just recklessly burning everything and then asking questions later..."

She heard his dry chuckle before the door to their left slammed open before Toga skipped in, her voice giving a short of sing-song tone. "Dabiiiii, I have a question..."

Almost immediately, the villain's amusement turned into distaste as he crossed his arms in annoyance. "Go away, I'm busy.."

Although as soon as she saw Hikari next to him, the girl opened her mouth in surprise before already turning towards the door. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't know your girlfriend was here! I'll talk to you later then..!"

Yet before she exited fully, the blonde haired villain couldn't help but poke her head out from the door frame before calling towards Hikari. "Hey, your blood looks really yummy. Could I have some sometime?"

She was quickly halted though when Dabi pushed the girl's head back outside before slamming the door to his room a moment later in a rough and annoyed tone "Just get out already.."

Once the room was quiet again, Hikari couldn't help but giggle at his disinterest for the girl. "Interesting group of people you're running around with now. Never would have thought of you as a team player Dabi.."

Giving a halfhearted scoff, the villain pushed himself against the wall across from his friend before muttering. "Shut up. It's just a temporary situation. I can use them to get what I want.."

And most people would usually ask what a villain like him would do but Hikari already knew all of his plans and goals from long ago.

No, instead she decided to ask another question. "Hey, speaking of that, when are we going to drop the whole fake boyfriend thing? People still think we're dating and it's getting annoying..."

Pushing his eyes towards his friend, Dabi shrugged his shoulder, obviously not bothered by the rumors. "Would you rather them know you're Valkyrie then? I would think the cover would be beneficial to you.."

Hikari couldn't help but roll her eyes at that, pushing her body forward before being met with another dizzy spell from her hangover. "Ugh, that's not what I mean. It's not the cover I'm annoyed about, it's the idea that everyone still thinks I'm some kind of slut or side whore for you. It makes me want to beat their faces in whenever I hear it.."

Laughing at the idea, the villain couldn't help but turn his head in hidden intent. "Oh Princess, we both know you couldn't handle being my actual side whore..."

Hawk's sister felt her cheek heat up at his words before shaking her head and pointing an accusatory finger in his direction. "AHH Why does it always have to be sexual with you!? I swear, I'm trying to have a normal conversation here.."

Yet it seemed Dabi was only enjoying himself. "I'm not the one that's getting flustered"

Knowing that he was calling her out, Hikari felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment before forcing her eyes away from her in order to counteract it. "Whaa, I am not..!! It's the hangover stupid!! It makes my face red, you know that...!!"

The girl then reached behind her in order to grab another pillow before finding the bed bare as Dabi chuckled back. "I don't know about that Princess. Maybe you just don't want to admit it.."

And usually she'd have some kind of smart ass perfect remark for him but because her head was pounding from the hangover, Hikari felt herself stutter out a variety of responses before she could even think.

"No! That's not what I....I can't believe you would....What's wrong with you I....AHHH Never mind, forget it, okay?!"

Pushing her head into her hands at the horrible counter response, Hikari felt herself groan, waiting for the villain to make fun of her for getting so flustered and at her loss for words.

Although the only thing she received was the feeling of a hard object connecting with her head, Hikari looking up with a groan before noticing a bottle of water in her lap. "What..."

Dabi finished for her though, his arms crossed in an uninterested position. "Drink it, you idiot. It will make you feel less like shit.."

Not fully understanding, the girl slowly reached for the liquid before unscrewing the top and taking a long sip as the water made her feel at ease all at once. "Thanks."

And just like that, an air of silence filled the space, both Dabi and Hikari forgetting about their petty arguing before Dabi kicked himself off the wall, his tone low. "Kurogiri will bring you back to that bird's house when you're finished. That way he won't know you left in the first place.."

Nodding back, Hikari took another sip of the water before looking at the bottle with interest, her voice small and light. "Hey, thanks for rescuing me last night. I wouldn't have hated sleeping with those guys but I'm glad you pulled me away regardless..."

The villain took in her words before closing his eyes, knowing that Hikari would have consented regardless, given how she was with physical connections. Although that didn't make him hate it any less, the idea of someone else touching her.

But even so the idea of "recusing" didn't seem right for him. It was more of a selfish desire then anything. He certainly wasn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

"Don't get used to it. I told you Princess, I'm no hero."


Just a short little chapter. It's 1Am and I really wanted to write so here you go. We will do Hawks connecting brain cells next chapter cause I just wanted to do little one tonight.

I love writing Dabi and Hikari's interactions because they bicker all the time but there is this underlying understanding and care about each other since they grew up together. There's def some tension though. Notice that Dabi pulled away from the kiss first once Hikari leaned in to the action? Someone's getting carried away I think...

Don't forget to comment and like, it makes for faster updates and tears of joy for me <3

Next Chapter: Now Hawks starts to connect his brain cells. 

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