Al in Wonderland

By BeyondGears

11.5K 502 120

It's hard to not chase a white rabbit dressed so fancy. When Al wonders into the Forbidden forest near his ho... More

The Tree House
Locked In
The Cheshire Cat
The Red Queen of Hearts
The Green Queen's Castle
The Red Queen's Castle
The Green Queen of Clover
Light Armor
Cheshire's Demons
Cheshire's Love For Yarn
Flying with A Phoenix
The Library
The Book
A Smaller Goddess
The Connection
Perverted Tree
A Restful Dream
The Power of a God
Lestia's Assistance
Demon Clan
Forged by the Demons
Daimah of the Demon Clan
The Bottled Effects
Alice's Twins
Hall of Memories
Din and Dil
Unwritten Pages
Memories of The Lost
King of Diamonds; Dell
Sula is the Librarian
A Spade Clue
Loyal Spade Servant Nem
Dark Queen; Glama
Where a King Once Stood
Defiance of a King
The Goddess; Alice
Hatter; The Mad Hatter
White Rabbit
Al's Story

The Cheshire Game

173 6 0
By BeyondGears

Luna walked along the worn path into the town opening.

Cheshire was tied to a widen steak carved into the open wagon that pulled him and Al who was lifeless.

The arrow was completely through him, his shirt stained with blood and his eyes closed calmly.

Melodi followed the wagon closely, her wrists tied to a piece of wood keeping her from running.

The people watched Luna as she passed, she walked through the town calmly.

They people followed her as she stopped in front of the large castle.

"I have come with the killers!" She said loudly.

The gates opened and the bridge came down.

Guards came out in rows and escorted her inside.

A buff man sat in a false thrown. Cheshire's tail swayed slowly, he wrapped it around Al's ankle pulling him closer.

Melodi closed her eyes ashamed, not to be falsely caught, but to see such a pitiful two story twenty feet long castle.

Luna stopped and bowed. The horse that brought the wagon stopped too.

"I have succeeded." She said showing her catch.

The king stood up wowed. He nearly fell down the stairs leading to his throne almost jogging to see.

He saw Cheshire tied, he had his grin on but his facial expression was calm.

He looked at Melodi walking around her satisfied,

"A bonus I see," he laughed creepily.

He caught eye of the golden feathered wings and the faded halo,

"Ah!" He saw Al, he pulled the arrow forcibly out and Cheshire grinned more.

Al's hair slowly grew longer, it turned peach like Bell's.

Without the king noticing his body changed to a female's.

"What a glorious day! The evil had been vanquished from my kingdom. And who have I to thank, but you."

He turned to Luna who straightened still facing toward the throne.

He walked to her not realizing that Bell had switched places with Al.

Al appeared under the wagon, he dropped down quietly and came around untying Cheshire and helping Melodi out of the ropes.

Bell sat up taking a step off the wagon, Luna saw her, astound she kept a calm look on he face.

Bell breathed, Al's wings had gone back in and his halo faded away.

Cheshire took him into arms as Melodi covered he ears.

The false king looked back seeing the expression on her face.

"You betrayed me!" He yelled and Bell screeched.

The castle shook, the towns people looked to the castle seeing it crumble before them.

The king had fallen to the floor dying from the death defying screech.

When Bell breathed vines came up from under the wagon grabbing him, it was Vaan.

He climbed out from under and sat on the vine supporting. He never touched the floor.

Al smiled, "A false king is a ruthless one," he said speaking in riddles. "He who cannot see, can see indeed." He said.

Cheshire transformed into a large cat as an army of dark mist beasts came out rom hiding.

"A game of throne!!" Luna yelled.

Al jumped up to the chandelier while everyone else drew their weapons rushing into the battle.

He saw beasts fly, arrows get shot, and claws slash.

Outside of the castle the guards who changed into Heart Soldier's armies escorted the people out of the fake town and away.

Sophitia flew up into the air from the woodwork.

She heaved and Al snapped his fingers.

A door appeared under Luna and Melodi. Cheshire jumped into a door and Vaan disappeared into another. Bell screamed one last time and fell into the door.

"Burn." Al whispered falling into a door under him.

And with that, Sophitia burned the small fake kingdom ablaze.

In the distance the townspeople saw the flames and the large Phoenix flying over head.

The sucked in fear and the soldiers calmed them.

When Luna opened her eyes she lay in a pile of stuffed animals as did Melodi.

They struggled to get up rolling over all the stuffed animals.

Vines grabbed them pulling them through a door and setting them down on their feet.

Vaan stood firmly. He smiled, "Now I do believe I know you both," he said. "I trust you will not do anything to corrupt this world."

He said and walked down the hall. Al came around a corner and saw them.

"For a second there I thought you two were caught in the fire," he said relieved.

They looked at each other and then at him. They were astound by this world they stood in.

"This way." Al took their hands leading them down the hall and to a door. "Tell Dinah I'll be out soon!" He said and ran back down the hall the other way.

They opened the door seeing a room in the Green Queen's castle. They left that world and closed the door.

Dinah saw them and stared, "Melodi?" She said.

The two girls were shocked. The short game was just an easy win.

It was almost impossible for them to believe.

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