Al in Wonderland

By BeyondGears

11.5K 502 120

It's hard to not chase a white rabbit dressed so fancy. When Al wonders into the Forbidden forest near his ho... More

The Tree House
Locked In
The Cheshire Cat
The Red Queen of Hearts
The Green Queen's Castle
The Red Queen's Castle
The Green Queen of Clover
Light Armor
Cheshire's Demons
Flying with A Phoenix
The Cheshire Game
The Library
The Book
A Smaller Goddess
The Connection
Perverted Tree
A Restful Dream
The Power of a God
Lestia's Assistance
Demon Clan
Forged by the Demons
Daimah of the Demon Clan
The Bottled Effects
Alice's Twins
Hall of Memories
Din and Dil
Unwritten Pages
Memories of The Lost
King of Diamonds; Dell
Sula is the Librarian
A Spade Clue
Loyal Spade Servant Nem
Dark Queen; Glama
Where a King Once Stood
Defiance of a King
The Goddess; Alice
Hatter; The Mad Hatter
White Rabbit
Al's Story

Cheshire's Love For Yarn

255 11 1
By BeyondGears

Al opened his eyes. He lay in the large bed and sighed.

He felt the soft clawing on his chest and looked down, Cheshire clawed him gently not making actual scratches.

He looked behind him and saw Cheshire, he had his arms wrapped around Al purring softly.

His ears up and his tail still. He felt Al stir and his eyes opened.

Al looked into his eyes staring at him. Cheshire's chest was against Al's back, he turned back looking forward trying to remember what happened.

"Al?" Cheshire said softly,

Al sat up moving out of his gentle clawing grasp.

He was in his domain in Cheshire's room. It was a large room with cat toys everywhere.

They lay on the large cat bed filled with pillows and covered in a long warm blanket.

A fountain was in a corner with catnip growing around it along with flowers and grass.

He looked at Cheshire who sat up and licked his cheek. Al blushed being pushed down.

"Cheshire.." he said softly as Cheshire cleaned him.

The door opened and Bell came in, "Master," she said and saw Cheshire all purry on him.

She smiled and bowed straightening as Vaan walked by.

"Your bath is ready," she said.

"O-okay.." he tried to move from His grab but failed in all attempts.

Bell bowed again and left them be closing the door. Vaan walked around the corner and she quickly caught up,

"Is it read?" He asked.

"Yes," she nodded. "I worked hard to make it, so don't ruin it." She said.

He jumped up into a door on the tall ceiling as she made her way toward the massive playroom.

"S-stop.." Al tried to move again but Cheshre kept him down good.

He could feel the tiredness of his aching bones from growing so suddenly.

He knew his back hurt so he turned him over, "Ch-Cheshire.." Al complained as he touched his back lifting the shirt and pushing his hand into a seal formed there.

He pulled out the wings that were strangely tangled in string. Someone had tied them so that he wouldn't be able to open them.

But the string only irritated the hurting wings. He pulled it off the letting Al sit up and stretch his back.

"There," he said with his tongue sticking out.

Al looked at the impossible wings and sighed.

They spread slowly and he leaned back again Cheshire making the wings move to the sides.

"Does it hurt?" He asked placing his hand under his chin and making him look up as if toward the ceiling.

Al shook his head smiling, "Just sore.." He said.

Al walked out of the room letting Cheshire play in the small catnip garden.

He went down the hall lost. "She never told me where to go..." he complained and saw Vaan.

Vaan noticed him too and a childish person laity came out, "Master!" He skipped over to him happily and hugged him.

"... V-Vaan,"

"I am glad you're okay!" He said, "Ah, but aren't you supposed to be in the bathroom bathing?" He asked,

"Actually.." he was afraid to admit being lost in his own domain.

"You're lost!" He gasped, "No worries, the bathroom is right here!" He opened a door, "And here," he opened another, "And here!" all the doors led to the same bathroom. He blinked astound.


"When Master gets lost, his domain bends and twists to his desires. All doors lead to the same place in the hall way, and if you step into the next~"

He took hi to another hall way,

"All of these doors are the same too!" He chuckled childishly, "Anytime Master is lost, just open a door in the hallway you are in!"

"All the doors will lead to the same place?"

"Yes," he nodded, "Now I must be off!" he jumped through a door disappearing into another place.

Al looked through the door of the hall he was in,

"He wasn't kidding.." Al thought and went in.

He stripped and got into the big tub seeming like a swimming pool. He sank in, bubbles covered him and he smiled.


Bell stopped and looked at the door hearing splashes of water and things falling in. She opened the door seeing him jump from the statue's finger and into the pool-like tub.

He swam and came up having all sorts of fun.

Bubbles flew around and into the air, he got out and a cloud of bubbles covered him, he jumped in again and she giggle closing the door.


She opened it making sure, he had only slipped in yet perfectly fine.

He climbed all the way to the top of the statue and saluted using his imagination to play.

"And he's off!" He jumped and his wings open. "Wee!" they closed seeing he was near the center and he dove in.

Bell closed it again and left. She bowed to Cheshire who saw her.

"Bell?" He said, "You came back too?"

"Yes, he was kind enough to give me a second chance." She said,

"Well, don't forget your tablet duty, if you don't do it soon.."

"I know, please excuse me." She bowed and went quickly.

He opened the door and saw Al acting like a child.

"Woo!" He jumped in from all angles he could think of.

Cheshire smiled and went in closing the door. Al saw him and swam to the edge,

"Is the really a bath?" He asked happily out of breath.

Cheshire smiled, and flicked his nose playfully, "You're going to get pruned." He said picking up his clothes and putting them in the hamper.

"To late!" Al showed him his cute pruned fingers.

He got out just seconds after and Cheshire covered him with a warm dry towel.

"I never knew this place was so big," Al said drying off, "It has so many doors."

Cheshire nodded, "It has to be,"

"But why?" He got dressed.

"An imagination is an infinite thing." Cheshire helped him seeing that he struggled because of the wings.

"... Infinite?"

"The is another dimension, one that constantly changed. Here you will never age, for it's a shift in time." He explained, "Wonderland is the same."

Al thought about it. He looked down the hall and saw the end, he saw doors apart by at least five to ten feet.

He walked with Cheshire who knew what he was planning.

The hall shift around them forming a swirling stair case.

Bell and Vaan watched as the domain bent and twist.

From walking in a hall to walking up stairs to walking on a beach.

Al smiled more and more seeing the domain change to his will. They walked on water and in fire. Through snow and even in space.

"Are you having fun?" Cheshire asked now walking on clouds.

"It changes.. to everything.." Al said amazed.

Cheshire let him enjoy himself, they walked into a room that was completely blank.

"Oh," Al stopped changing the space,

"Blank?" Cheshire stood in the room with him.

"It won't change.." Al tried hard to think about it. He looked out the door.

The space in the hall way didn't change.

"It's a blank room, meaning there's a blank space in your mind." Cheshire said, "Like many other rooms, some are blank and some are not. The stronger you get in Wonderland, the more room will appear."

"... Oh." Al stepped further into the room, a light emerged in the center.

He looked back at Cheshire who gestured for him to go touch it.

Cautiously he neared it, he poked the bubble and it popped.

The ceiling blew off and the walls collapsed. A gorgeous night sky dotted with stars.

A big crescent moon in the shape of Cheshire's smile.

They floated in space before dirt and grass covered the ground of it.

Flowers bloomed and a massive tree grew.

"Wee!" Vaan jumped into the room climbing the big tree and disappearing.

Al was amazed, strings of yarn shot across places, Cheshire walked in and played with them.

A leaf came down and grabbed Al who saw it and smiled being taken up by it.

Cheshire jumped on the tight string and jumped on another.

He followed Al up to the top of the tree where Vaan swam as if it was a pool.

He dove into the leaves moving around using his vines.

"Wooohooo!!" He swung around the tree like a turning swing.

Al was frozen in amazement. He saw the crescent smiling moon and Cheshire swayed his tail smiling the same way,

"In which way, you want to go is the way you choose to go," he said twirling around in the string.

Al seemed like a child again, a halo emerged over his head and his wings opened.

"Yarn is not a string, but a link to your world and mine." He faded leaving his smile in the crescent of the moon.

Al saw the string form a large yarn ball below, he climbed toward a leave on the edge and slipped falling down into it.

The feather below away, and yarn tangled in them, it was a room made for Cheshire.

A room to fill his love for yarn.

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