Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

65.3K 2.8K 791

One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

It's All Fake, It Has To Be..

1.7K 61 6
By AshleyH713

 Hearing his own steps echo through the hospital, Shadow pushed open the doors to the room in front of him before throwing up a fake commission issued smile towards the man in the hospital bed.

"Mr. Matsu is it? I was wondering if I could have a few words...?"

Through the sound of his own oxygen mask, the man turned his head in question before the black haired commision man bowed back. "Can you tell me who did this to you?"

Almost immediately, the boy shook his head, focusing his eyes back towards the ceiling as Shadow's smile dropped. His expression clearly showed fear, how interesting.

"It's alright. You can tell me. I understand you're scared but if we knew their name then we could.."

Although Matsu widened his eyes at that, ripping his oxygen mask off before pushing his body forward in unsaid panic. "N-No, no no. I can't. they'll know, they'll find me if I tell..."

Narrowing his eyes, Shadow couldn't help but hum at that, his eyes fixated on the man before him. "Is that what they told you?"

Matsu gulped before shakily nodding his head before the commission agent decided that there was enough playing around. He needed to get information, and fast.

"The person that did this to you, was it Valkyrie?"

At their name, Matsui felt his breathing completely stop before squeezing his eyes tight and moving his hands into a fist. It was obvious to tell that just the mere mention of the villain caused him to become distraught.

That was enough confirmation for the man. "It was, wasn't it? Please, tell me what they looked like, where can I find them. If you do that then I can make sure they can't get to you..."

Yet he didn't get to finish before Matsu gasped out in utter horror. "N-No, you don't understand! They have eyes everywhere. I can't....I can't....the red....all of the red...I can't get it's always there..."

His ramblings became far more apparent at that, Shadow watching carefully and uninteresting as the poor boy worked his way into a panic attack.

He must have meant blood when he said that thing about the color red. Well, that told him nothing...

A moment later a bunch of nurses appeared before pushing the commission member out of the room, a fixed frown on their faces. "I'm sorry, you have to leave..."

And just like that, Shadow was sitting outside of the waiting room, with just as much information as he had before. He hoped that this boy was going to be the breaking point in the case but it seemed like he was like all the others.

No matter who he approached it seemed like every victim of the villain was almost scared to say their name, to reveal their identity. What was he supposed to do if no one wanted to speak to him?

Sighing to himself, Shadow then took out a cigarette from his pocket as he exited the hospital, taking a drag before blowing the smoke into the sky. "Valkyrie, who are you?"

Although that was when a voice next to him spoke through the darkness. "You want to know about Valkyrie?"

Not expecting an answer, Shadow turned around only to find a man leaning against the walk next to him, his eyes fixated on the man. "Possibly. Who are you?"

Pushing himself off the wall, the strange man replied. "An interested party. Used to run in their circle but things change.."

Shadow couldn't help but be interested in this, putting out his cigarette a moment later. "And why is that?"

The man could only scoff though, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Valkyrie acts like they rule the world but I don't think they are as great as they claim. Someone needs to dethrone them."

Shadow narrowed his eyes at that, knowing that this was a case of hierarchy. It was obviously this thug could do a better job then that villain, that he wanted to take their place.

How foolish, loyalty was really non-existent for villains, wasn't it?

But that didn't mean that this couldn't be used to his advantage. No matter the reason, any information about his target was better than what he had.

So for that, he played along. "I see. And what if I said I could do just that? What would that entail from you?"

Chucking under his breath, the other man couldn't help but give a twisted grin at his words. "I can draw them out, making them an easy target for you. All you gotta do is pull the trigger.."

The thug then pushed his fingers into the shape of a gun before giving a fake shot towards the commission member, Shadow frowning at the idea.

"How are you going to draw them out? Last I heard Valkyrie was hard to get a hold of. They usually send others to do the dirty work....."

Yet that's when the villain couldn't help before wave a finger in front of his face, his grin growing even more sadistic. Ah ah ah, but I know their weakness. It's the one thing that they will always run matter what..."

Shadow couldn't help but widen his eyes at that, realizing that this was the opening he needed, the one he could use to take down that villain once and for all.

"Tell me."


Reaching her hand up towards the rising sun in the distance, Hikari sat on the ledge of the roof before closing her fingers in order to capture the bright ball of light the best she could, lost in her own wandering thoughts.

The blonde girl then sighed to herself before her arm did so a moment later, catching sight of a flock of birds towards her right as an overwhelming moment of devastation crept into her heart a moment later.

Why do I keep about doing this? It's just depressing Hikari. Just knock it off already. It's not like you'll be able to fly anytime soon.

So instead of thinking about those dark thoughts, Hikari focused on something else, the images replaying in her mind over and over again, the ones that confirmed that her brother was a traitor.

And Dabi was going to kill him for that, she knew that.

That idiot must have known that he'd be dead if he got caught and yet he still dropped headfirst in one of the most dangerous situations in the world. What kind of thought process did he have, trying to screw over the league like that?

Although it wasn't any of her business and she knew that one call to Dabi would destroy everything her brother had worked for, would sign his death sentence without a second thought.

It was that easy, so why hadn't she done it yet?

Maybe somewhere in the back of her mind Hikari was hoping that it wouldn't come down to this, that he wouldn't have to expose her brother to Dabi and then she could just leave without any problem. Wishful thinking, right?

Shaking her head, Hikari then gritted her teeth before fixing her eyes towards the sky.

No, the only reason you haven't said anything is because you're pissed at Dabi. There is nothing else about it. Stop it, he doesn't care about you. Kei said it himself. Let him die, it's what he deserves.

Balling her hands into fists, the girl then closed her eyes before thinking about her pathetic heart. He called her easy, stupid and worth nothing before. There was no reason to defend him, to even think about him for a moment.

It didn't matter if he was her brother. The truth was, her real brother Keigo had died a long time ago. The only thing that was left was a disgusting commission soldier. He was one of them, and that was all there was to it.

And because of that, she focused herself to shove down her own conflict, her own morals. That's right, he had to suffer, he had to know what kind of mistakes he let happen.

She needed to stop defending a boy that had changed into someone else entirely, one that wasn't anything like her brother anymore.

Holding onto the dead, wanting to cling onto those that were already gone....

It seemed that was something Hikari found herself still struggling with it.

Letting out another long sigh, the girl couldn't help but jump when Hawks' voice shattered her bubble a moment later, his wings fluttering in anxiety at the sight of his baby sister sitting so close to the edge.

"Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you Hika-chan. What are you doing so close to the edge? Come over here, it's dangerous.."

The girl resisted the urge to scoff before remaining still in silent defiance, her eyes fixed towards the mix of orange and yellows that painted the sky. "Sorry.."

Her voice was slightly defeated, causing her brother to twist his eyes in confusion. She hoped her response would cause Hawks to leave her alone, to force herself to be alone with her own spiraling thoughts.

But all of that changed when a flash of red appeared in her vision a moment later, the man now sitting beside her as his legs dangled off the edge.

"Alright, what's with the long face?"

Blinking in surprise, Hikari couldn't help but turn to him then. "Huh?"

Scooting closest to her, Hawks replied gently. "Come on Hika-chan. I may not know much about ya but I can tell when you're bothered by something."

Hikari only turned her eyes towards the floor at that, a small smile on her face in order to hide her own bitter emotions. Wow Kei, good job you figured out the simplest thing. What, you want a medal or something?

Yet that's when her brother's next words caused Hikari to widen her eyes. "Is it about Dabi? I know what happened yesterday was pretty scary. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Shaking her head, it was obvious to tell that she wasn't bothered by the encounter though. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

Although Hawks knew very well that the whole incident was in fact his fault, more than she'd ever know. And that broke him even more. "Yeah...."

Pushing his hands into a fist, the bird then spoke seriously. "Listen Hikari, don't worry about that guy. I will make sure you never see him again, you never have to deal with him again. Yesterday was unavoidable but I promise next time I'll be ready..."

His was so off base that it caught the girl off guard, Hawks' feathering twitching in slight shame. "God, this was why I didn't want you here with me. I just ruin everything..."

Pushing her lips shut in order to stifle a laugh, Hikari already knew that he ruined everything a long time ago. It was comical that he was just realizing this now.

Although she couldn't help but feel a small wave of sadness in her chest at his words, recalling the cruel words he uttered towards Dabi.

"You didn't want me here? Are you just doing this because you have to then? Because I'm your sister..."

Hawks seemed to realize his mistake immediately, shaking his head before reaching forward to grab onto her shoulders in fear.

"What? No no no it's not that. I love having you here. Don't ever think that Hikari. I don't have to do anything. I want to protect you, I want to care for you. I just wanted you to be safe, I didn't want to drag you into the things I have to deal with, that's all..."

His words were the exact opposite compared to the poisonous ones uttered to Dabi, so much so that Hikari just stood there silently, knowing that he had lied somewhere.

And this time, it was right to her face.

Yet the moment he touched her shoulders roughly, Hiakri seemingly gasped before immediately pulling away, not used to the contact or the quick movements. She even had to force herself to not punch him as a reflex. "O-Oh okay. I see..."

Seeing her so withdrawn, Hawks couldn't help but widen his eyes at the motion, pulling his hands into themselves a moment later as he watched the small moment of weakness.

He told himself that he'd wait until Hikari was ready with everything but after yesterday, it seemed the bird was desperate to know any bit of information about her disappearance. Her scars, these tiny glimpses of what she tried to hide, he wanted to know..

"Hikari, I know you might not be ready to talk about this, but I need to know. Anything, I need you to tell me anything about what happened to you.."

The girl's breath seemed to lodge itself in her throat at that, Hawks' watching her eyes grow clouded in some sort of dark aura before she muttered back. "I don't remember."

Her words clearly seemed like a lie, the bird pushing even deeper as he recalled the ugly old scars from yesterday. "Come on Hikari, it's just me. You don't have to be so guarded all the time. I promise I'll understand."

Yet at his words, a hot ball of fury entered her throat before Hikari forced the emotions down in order to keep her placid demeanor.

You're such a god damn hypocrite Keigo. All you know how to do is guard yourself. After lying to me all the time, you have no right to tell me to open up to you..

So much so that the girl pushed herself to her own feet before immediately turning away from her brother in order to run away from the conversation with a forced smile.

"I know you're worried Kei-chan, but I'm okay. I promise. I was just a little conflicted by something but I figured it out."

Hawks couldn't help but raise an eye at that, noticing the disregard to his last statement eternity but happy to see her smiling. "Oh yeah? You did?"

At his words, the girl couldn't help but recall all the lies that he had uttered to her, and the truth behind them all at once.

"You wanna know why I haven't said anything to you about her? Well, the answer is simple, it's because she doesn't matter. I just feel obligated to take care of her cause we are related but that girl doesn't mean anything to me really."

I mean Hikari is pretty but that's about it. You won't get much out of her that's for sure. I'm definitely the one that got the brains in the family."

Yeah, that's right. Hawks was a hypocrite, a liar and a commission member. There was no reason for her to be so tangled up in this. He deserves to suffer just like everyone else that tried to try to screw her over.

She needed to stop living in some kind of stupid fantasty. Keigo hated her and she was never going to get her brother back.

Just like in that alleyway when her wings were destroyed, the girl was still utterly alone.

Her brother was already gone, Hikari needed to face that already. "Yeah, I did."

Although clueless Hawks didn't know what she had just decided, pausing when her phone began to buzz in her pocket as Hikari pulled the object out and inspected the number. "I'm sorry Kei-chan, this is important."

Yet the bird didn't seem bothered about it, seeing how much happier she seemed to be now. "It's okay Hika-chan. I don't mind. I'll leave you to talk to your boyfriend.."

Feeling heat building into the cheeks, the girl only clutched the phone before stuttering back. "It's not like that..."

Although Hawks only hummed happily before moving away from the rooftop, his arms in a playfully shrug. "Sure sure. I don't believe you but sure. I'll let you have your privacy, for now..."

After he left, Hikari glanced to the floor before shoving her eyes closed in unknown devastation and sadness at her decision before lifting the phone up to her ear in order to accept the call.

"This better be fucking important for you to call me. You do know I'm busy, right?"

A male's voice echoed back a moment later, his tone slightly scared from the rough demeanor she had displayed, not wanting to piss her off anymore. "Sorry Val, but someone wants to meet with you about a job."

Pushing her fingers through her hair, the girl frowned. "Right now? I thought I told you that all meetings are subject to screening. Send someone else to find out the details and leave me the hell alone.."

Hikari then pushed the phone down in order to hang up before the man stopped her entirely with his next words. "But Boss, they said that they can offer information about the commission for payment.."

Everything within the girl froze then, her phone aggressively reaching back to her ear before the girl hissed with authority. "Explain now."

Anything in regard to the commission was something that Hikari had been interested in for years, desperately searching for any kind of clue or lead in terms of getting close to that presidential bitch. So hearing this, it wasn't something the girl could ignore.

The man on the other line gasped before quickly relying. "I don't really have that much information but they just said they wanted to meet with you, that they would explain in person. I don't know Val, it seems fishy to me.."

Yet the blonde haired girl couldn't only see the end result, disregarding all of the danger in an instant. It didn't matter if this person was trying to screw her over. If they really had information about the commission, then she would take any kind of chance to get it.

So what if they try to double cross her? It had happened far too many times before. She'll just make them regret it, like all the other times before.

"Tell them I'll meet with them. Just send me the address. If they try to screw me over I'll just kick their ass. Get a group ready if things go south so we aren't outnumbered."

Yeah it was stupid, but the girl had other plans. Although even the man on the other line seemed to think her decision was a foolish one. "But Val, what if.."

Yet Hikari only cut him off, her voice gaining a darker tone. "It doesn't matter. I've already made the decision. You know what I've been working for, you know we can't let this opportunity go. I'll figure it out. Are you in or not?"

The man only the other yet was silent for a moment before speaking back a moment later, slight fear in his tone, almost like he was scared of becoming her next target.

Although somewhere under his fear was a small smile, knowing he had got right where he wanted her, glancing to Shadow before replying with hidden intent. "I'll prepare your orders."

Half listening, Hikari immediately hung up the surface before moving back towards her room in order to find something that wasn't pink and frilly as Hawks watched.

"Hey, where are ya going Hikari? I don't think you should be going out right now."

Freezing, a wave of annoyance caught in her throat. That's right, she had to get rid of her idiot brother first before she could go anywhere.

Always making my life difficult, aren't you?

Hikari then paused before quickly throwing up a pathetic bat of her eyelashes. "Kei-chan you're right. I am still scared from that villain yesterday. I really want some ramen tonight. I think it would help with me not being so scared anymore."

To that, Hawks' eyes immediately softened before placing a warm hand on her head, knowing that the encounter with Dabi had scared her in some sort of way. She just didn't want to talk about it for some reason. Well, until now.

Maybe he was finally getting somewhere with her?

Because of that, Hawks decided to roll with the idea, hoping this would get her to open up to him a bit more than before. Maybe she'd even tell him about what happened to her?

"That sounds like a great idea Hika-chan! How about this, I'll go get some ramen and chicken and then we can have movie night to forget about everything! What do ya think? We can have a little sibling bonding time."

That honestly sounded awful but Hikari knew she'd have to deal with it if she wanted to get him out of the house. "I'd really like that Kei-chan."

Nodding back, Hawks then spread out his wings before moving towards the balcony. "Alright, stay right there. I'll be right back. If you need me, I'm just a call away."

Hikari watched him leave before rolling her eyes and grabbing one of his large hoodies in order to hide her face before exiting the apartment a moment later, just before her phone began to ding with the location of the meeting.

She'll be back before he even noticed, that stupid bird.


Entering the location in her phone, Hikari ascended the stairs of the run down building before seeing one of her followers in the center of the room, the girl pushing the hood further up in case this client turned out to be a scam.

You see, the girl liked to keep her identity a secret to most, the only ones truly knowing about her being Dabi, those that had to be punished and a couple choice members of her gang in order to keep herself out of the news.

Those that did know her face usually only referred to her as Dabi's lover or side whore or whatever. It was something that had been picked up throughout the years of them being together and although Hikari hated that stupid title, it was better then them finding out who she actually was.

Yeah, it was better that they thought she was weak, because that only made the revenge so much sweeter, the girl always reveling in their horrified faces once they realized who she actually was.

Glancing around the room for a quick sweep, Hikari noticed a small balcony above them before narrowing her eyes in order to find any hidden attackers. "Did you sweep the area?"

The man nodded once before bowing his head, a serious tone in his voice. "Yes Boss. There is no one around, and the security you requested is in place."

Humming in agreement, the girl then turned towards the man before shoo-ing her hand away. "Alright then, hurry up and bring the client up. I don't have all day."

Although that's when the man smiled before snapping his fingers as a group of twenty people entered the room without hesitation, blocking all the exits as Hikari raised an eye.

Well that wasn't supposed to happen..

She remained quiet though, allowing the man to chuckle widely and clap his hands. "You know Valkyrie, all of us, we are tired of your shit, always bossing us around. You think just because you are related to the boss you can just walk in here and take everything I've worked years for? I don't think so..."

Narrowing her eyes, Hikari didn't seem intimidated in the slightest though, glancing towards the traitor before replying plainly. "Sounds to me like you're just jealous. Do you really wanna do this? You all must know what happened if you try to screw with me, right?"

As messed up as it may have been, the girl wasn't surprised by the act, knowing that traitors happened far more often then she would like. That's why she always hid her identity.

And it was obvious to tell that a couple people around her were slightly nervous at her words, obviously knowing what they were walking into by screwing her over like this. She could see it in their eyes, they were afraid. Good, they better be.

Although the man at the center only shook his head before pointing towards the girl with a look of crazed amusement. "Yeah, but see, the sad thing is you're not even going to get that far."

Twisting her eyes in amusement, Hikari then reached her hand towards her crystal pendant, fully ready to show them their mistakes. "Oh? And why is that.."

Her words were quickly cut off though when a slight glimmer was seen from the distance, Hikari widening her eyes before quickly moving out of the way as a gust of wind tore through her.

Crap, she knew that sound anywhere. It was a gunshot.

The object just barely grazed her shoulder as Hikari pressed a hand to the area in order to quell the bleeding. If she hadn't moved out of the way the bullet would have surely pierced her. Man, they were really serious weren't they.

Seeing the other members approach her, the girl then took a step back before the ringleader chuckled darkly. "You see that, they aren't one of us."

Hikari could help but curse at that, seeing the figure in the distance. Fuck, he wants me to know that I can't use my quirk, not without this unknown idiot finding out about me. I could go after him first, but then I'm sure that's what they are expecting...

Although just as she was thinking, someone grabbed onto her arm as five people began to circle her, Hikari gasping before immediately raising her fist to punch her attacker in the face as the woman groaned back, releasing the girl in the process.

As another fist entered her vision, Hikari then narrowed her eyes before ramming her foot into their stomach with her full power before turning around and swiping the others legs out from under them.

As they groaned in pain, the girl took this as her chance, immediately locking eyes with the stranger on the railing above her before rushing through the empty door in order to catch up with them. If she could just catch this guy then she could use her quirk.

Running towards the stranger, the man quickly disappeared a moment later, almost like he disappeared into his own shadow as Hikari stopped a moment later, looking around with confusion. How in the hell..

Yet she was stopped when the shadow seemingly appeared behind her a moment later, his voice rough as his tattooed hands wrapped around her sweatshirt tightly. "Finally, I get to meet you, Valkyrie. Let's see who you are..."

Widening her eyes, the man reached for her hood only for Hikari to shove her hands in her pockets as she took out three stray feathers before allowing them to zoom across the area a moment later.

They were so fast that Shadow didn't even notice one of them cut his cheek as the other pulled his hand away from the girl a moment later, stumbling back as the bristled caught into his clothes with confusion.

It was enough time for Hikari to rush past him, in order to find her escape. His moves, they weren't the ones of some common thug. No, this guy, whoever he was serious trained.

Although it seemed that Shadow answered her own questions for her, the man racing after her as he disappeared in and out of his own silhouette. "The commission would like a few words with you."

And that certainly caused the girl to slightly panic, knowing she couldn't beat a trained soldier like that without some kind of plan. Crap, those guys must have really hated her in order to get the commission involved.

Turning the corner, Hikari then heard her phone ring before the girl frowned, picking up the surface before even looking at the caller ID and shouting. "What?! I'm kind of busy here..."

Although the voice on the other end made her immediately stop, knowing she had majorly fucked up. "Hika-chan? What's wrong, why do you sound like you're out of breath. Where are you, I came back and you're not here..."

The girl turned towards another set of stairs before huffing back with as much acting as she had maange, knowing that there was a crazed commission agent on her tail.

"Uhh oh, you know I got a little bored so I just decided to go for a walk. Everything's okay..."

Yet even to Hikari the words sounded rushed and like utter lies, the girl closing her eyes in frustration before her brother spoke up, obviously concerned. "Why do you sound like that? Are you running? Something happened, didn't it? That's why you're lying to me...."

Yet the girl could only groan before quickly replied back. "I'm not..."

Although the sound of the door being torn off its hinges caused Hikari to jump before knowing there were more important things to worry about right now rather than her brother.

She'd figure it out later, when she wasn't in a commission issued jail cell.

"I'm sorry Kei-chan. I have to go.."

Hikari heard her brother try to stop her but the girl quickly hung up a moment later before rushing up another flight of stairs, pushing her way onto the balcony that overlooked the city.

Crap, there was no way to get down from here and that asshole was going to be here soon. What the hell am I going to do?!

Although she was quickly cut off when a hand reached down to grab her hair, pulling her backwards as the man from before, the ringleader of the operation laughed in delight at her panic.

"Not so tough now, are we? How about you beg your precious lover Dabi to save you? Oh that's right, you're just an easy little slut in his eyes, aren't you? Nothing but a nice ass with no values. What a pity you'll never be anything more....."

Growling in response, Hikari reached her hands up only for the man to push them behind her back a moment later, his disgusting breath sticking into her ear.

"Ah ah ah, no cheating. It's time for a new boss, one that is respected and feared. Face it sweetheart, you've lost already.."

Yet Hikari only glared before using her three hidden feathers to grab onto his shirt, pulling him backwards as the girl unhooked herself, stumbling away before refixing the hood on her head.

"You're going to regret that. Maybe not now, but you know I'll never stop making your life a living hell if you keep this up.."

The man didn't seem to be intimidated though, racing forwards without a second thought. "That's if you even live that long!"

Throwing a fist, Hikari easily dodged underneath before turning away from him, her hand already fixed on her pendant, not caring about who saw anymore. If she wanted to get out of here alive then she had to use her quirk.

Because she was alone, and this was all she could do right now.

Although just before she was able to rip the necklace off it's chain, Hikari suddenly felt someone slip their palm into hers, the girl gasping before he heard his voice, calm and serious.

"It's okay Hikari, I'm right here."

Widening her eyes, the girl just barely had time to turn around before she recognized the red wings covering her entire body, Hikari blinking in utter disbelief. He couldn't be here, there was no way..


Her brother only smiled though before giving her hand a quick squeeze and running in the opposite direction of the attacker, the girl staring with awe as he led her across the rooftop with precision.

Although they stopped at the ledge before quickly wrapping his arms around her waist without a second thought. "Hika-chan. We have to fly. It's the only way out of this. My feathers can sense far more people than I can fight alone. Come on, grab onto me..."

At his words though, Hikari immediately jumped away, her hands out in silent fear. "W-Wait, no no I can't. I can't fly. There has to be another way..."

Yet the bird only frowned before the two of them heard the door to the balcony slam open as dozens of feet started to make their way towards them.

Fuck, this wasn't good. If one of them said her villain name, then it would be all over, Kei would know who she was. She needed to get away from her quickly.

But then that meant...

Looking down at the drop, Hikari took in a shaky breath before weighing both of her very terrible options before grabbing her brother's hands and placing them around her waist.

She hated this, god did she hate it but she didn't have any choice. It was either fly or get caught as a spy, a traitor and a villain. After that, it seemed obvious which to choose.

"J-Just hurry up and do it...."

Nodding his head, Hawks then pressed his hands around her before hosting her up into his arms and whispering into her ear gently. "It's okay, I got you. You can close your eyes if you're scared. I won't let anything happen to you..."

And just like that, the man jumped off the roof holding his sister in his arms.

Hikari squeezed her eyes tight before feeling the wind immediately race through her hair, clinging onto Keigo with everything she had as his wings hoisted them into the sky and away from the oncoming danger that was now miles away.

They were quiet for a couple minutes until Hawks realized that the coast was one hundred percent clear, shaking his sister on her shoulder in order to calm her. "It's okay Hika-chan, you're safe now. You can look..."

Yet the girl only shook her head, muttering into his jacket with a slight shake to her voice. "N-No, it's okay. I'm just going to stay like this. Let me know when we are on the ground again..."

He assumed her fear was based on heights, causing the hero to chuckle to himself before gripping the girl even tighter.

"I'm not going to drop you or anything. Don't you wanna know what it's like to fly Hika-chan?"

Yet those were the words that caused Hikari's heart to twist in her chest, the mix of longing becoming so overwhelming that she found herself opening her eyes against her own will a moment later.

And the moment she opened her eyes, it seemed that everything she had been purposely trying to blind herself to leaked out as well, before she could even process it.

Widening her eyes, Hikari took in the orange and pink painted sky before a long breeze brushed through her hair a moment later, the girl allowing her mouth to hang open with a massive amount of shock and awe.

How long had it been since she had joined the sky like this, since she had been so free?

The girl then closed her eyes as another breeze brushed past her, Hikari taking in everything about the sensation, and the nostalgia that slammed into her because of it.

She recalled a younger version of her swirling across the sky, laughing as she once thought of herself just like her brother, with matching quirks and dreams.

A long time ago she imagined what Keigo's face would look like when he found out that she had found her own strength, that they could finally fly together just like their promise as kids.

The memories hit her before she could even think, her old thoughts clouding everything all at once, and the feelings that came with them.

Just wait until my brother sees me!

He's going to be so proud!

I can't wait to fly together finally!!

Those were the pointless and idiotic delusions had little elementary school Hikari believed in, the ones that brought her to the point she was now.

Back then the girl was so excited about her wings, the ones that looked like her brothers.

Although as soon as Hikari placed one hand on her back, the girl felt the bare surface as all of the hope and past nostalgia turned into hard devastation and sorrow without a second thought.

It wasn't the heights that she was ever scared of. No, it was a cruel reality that she would probably never be able to fly again, that she would never be free and touch the sky like she had always dreamed of.

No, the heroes already killed that dream long ago.

But usually she could hide it, usually she could laugh off her own misery and shove it down so far that no one ever saw it. That's how she lived, that's how she coped with the idea of her monstrous and disfigured wings.

But now, it was staring her in the face, smacking her with all of the cruel and horrible reality that she could never escape from.

She was broken, so incredibly broken.

So much so that Hawks turned a moment later given her silence, only to see his baby sister's eyes filled with tears, the liquid spilling over the side in a sloppy line as Hikari only stared at the sky with unsaid sadness.

The bird didn't know what to do at that, quickly bringing the girl closer into his arms and speaking towards her a moment later. "Hikari? What's wrong, why are you crying?

Yet those were the words that seemingly broke the floodgates of her own mind, Hikari not realizing the action until it was far too late as the girl placed a shaky hand to her lips in order to stifle a sob.

She could feel the panic attack working its way into her throat but it wasn't enough to stop it, even if she desperately wanted to.

"I..I can't..I can't stop it...."

Widening his eyes, her brother stood in silence as Hikari breath grew shorter a moment later, her own devastation getting caught in her own throat as she gagged, causing Hawks to quickly place a hand to her head.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hey hey. Hikari, it's okay. We are landing soon. Everything's going to be okay.."

Hawks was at a loss at what to do, seeing his baby sister so broken and scared over something so unknown. He hated it, he hated not being able to help her. So much so that the hero knew he had to do something.

Quickly speeding up, the hero placed his feet on his own balcony before letting go of Hikari before she plopped onto the ground, her own crying making her body so uneasy and unsteady.

He had never seen her like this before. What the hell happened? Was it the flying? No, it couldn't be. Heights didn't cause this kind of reaction. It seemed like something bigger.

Quickly reaching his hands towards her, the move was so jerky that Hikari immediately flitched inside of herself, hugging her arms around her body in order to give herself fake comfort as the memories started to flood into her once more.

Is that the best you can do?! You'll never make it out here if you keep crying. I'll just keep beating the shit out of you until you figure that out.

"N-No! Don't touch me. Don't hurt me. Please..."

And her brother's heart broke at that, immediately withdrawing before sitting down beside the girl a couple feet away, his eyes also filled with unsaid horror.

Why did she think I was going to hurt her? It's almost like she's showing signs of abuse. Did someone touch her, or god forbid torture her? God, I hope I'm wrong about that...

Letting his voice come out as gentle as possible, her brother replied back. "H-Hikari, it's me. It's your brother. It's okay, wherever you are right now, it's not real. I need you to come back to me baby sis, you're really scaring me..."

Yet Hikari only whimpered, shaking her head and placing her hands in order to cover her own ears from the lies.. "N-No, he's not here. Kei-chan isn't here. I'm just imagining it, I'm just making it up...he's not here....he can't be here..."

It was almost like the girl thought his presence was some kind of dream, and that broke his heart even more, now reaching towards her slowly this time.

"You're wrong Hika-chan. I'm right here. It's okay, you're safe now."

And she still flitched but this time her brother didn't pull away, his arms wrapping around his sister's shaking frame before pushing her wings around her in order to create a protective dome.

"Shhh, it's okay it's okay. Your brother is right here, he's right here for you.."

Yet Hikari didn't want to believe it, knowing that his love was fake, that it wasn't real comfort like she had already desired. He had lied to her before, she was probably doing the same now.

Shaking her head, the girl tried to push away, completely too far gone to remember her act anymore. "K-Keigo..?"

And even brother was surprised by her words, looking down at his crying and broken sister before shaking his head and pushing his arms even further around her.

"I'm sorry Hika-chan, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. You tried to tell me about flying and I didn't listen. I didn't know this would happen, I'm sorry..."

Pushing her face into his chest, Hawks then placed one hand on top of her head before feeling his own tears build up in his eyes.

Before this moment he always thought that Hikari was fine, that she just didn't like talking about her feelings but now it seemed like her trauma reached far deeper than that. His sister, it was like she was broken.

He didn't know what had happened all of those years without him but it was plain to see that something really scared her, mentually and physically. It was like she was trying to hide it this whole time, like she was afraid to show him.

That's when Hawks realized that he failed as a brother and as a hero.

His sister was so traumatized, and he never even knew. Hell, he still didn't even know what was going on, just that she was hurt beyond belief.

Muttering into her shoulder, Hawks felt the shame enter his chest before crying back.

"I...I.. should've looked for you more, I should've been there, I should've saved you. I'm sorry Hikari, I'm so sorry...whatever happened while I wasn't with you..I'm sorry.... "

Taking in a shaky breath, the man continued.

"B-But I'm here now, okay? No matter what. It's okay, you don't have to suffer anymore. I'm not going anywhere, not now, not ever. Your brother is going to protect you right this time, he isn't going to let anything happen to you ever again..."

Hikari vaguely heard his words but before she could even process them, more memories and words passed through her vision.

You're still thinking about your brother? Why? You know he's never coming back.

Did you forget crybaby Hikari? You don't have a home. Nobody wanted you,

Who would hug a villain, who would care about a villain? Let me tell you little girl, no one does, and no one ever will.

All of the words that past villains and thugs had told her, all of the horrible realities that she had to live through, it seemed they were all coming at her at once, the girl looking towards her brother's warm embrace before trying to resist it.

That's right, it didn't matter how many cold and lonely nights she wished for this kind of love and affection, how many times she had tried to wrap her arms around her body in order to give herself the idea of that kind of feeling again.

No, Keigo's warmth was fake, she knew that.

But even so, Hiakri felt herself wanting to give into the impossible, into the delusion and dream that her brother was here to save her, to love her just like she had always wanted.

Sure it was fake but it was more than anything she had ever had before. A fleeting moment, and if that was all she could have then she would take it gladly.

Feeling the tears cover her eyesight, Hikari then fell into her brothers embrace, sobbing into his chest as he held her, the girl capturing everything about his warmth before it was cruelly taken away again.

It was a moment of weakness sure, but it was one that the girl thought she'd never have again, so she cherished it, this fake and phony kindness and love.

And at the motion of acceptance, Keigo's heart broke all over again, his eyes closing in utter devastation as his sister's cries took up the entire balcony.

What could he say, what could he do other than apologize?

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Hikari...."


You didn't think we could have an AshleyH story without some trauma and feels, did you? Nah, let me tell you this story is gonna have just as many as my others. Hiakri's got that trauma from spending her entire childhood on the streets after all.

Next Chapter: Hawks realizes he screwed up and tries to "fix it" 

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