Everlasting; The Promised Nev...

Od MyDearEunoia

40K 2.1K 1.8K

You were born on an orphanage called "Grace Field" and have been raised there since then. As the time goes, y... Viac

1 | The Outside World
2 | The Trauma
3 | The Enemy
4 | The Tag
6 | The Crush
7 | The Trust
8 | The Deal
9 | The Trick
10 | The Chasm
11 | The Lullaby
12 | The Present and The Note
13 | The Pen
14 | The Explosion
15 | The Pain
16 | The Celebration
17 | The Rabbit
18 | The Ignation
19 | The Priority
20 | The After Effect
21 | The Call
22 | The Criminal
23 | The Paradise
24 | The Girl
25 | The Passage
26 | The Surprise
27 | The Nostalgia
28 | The Leisure
29 | The Foul
30 | The Night
31 | The Meeting
32 | The Reason
33 | The Tea Time
34 | The Quarrel
35 | The Quarrel Pt. 2 + Theme Song
36 | The Other Side
37 | The Real Intention
38 | The Morning
39 | The First
40 | The Advantage
41 | The Calm Before A Storm
42 | The Start of Chaos
43 | The Key
44 | The Measures
45 | The Turning Point
46 | The Farewell
47 | The Promise, Undone
48 | The Assignment
49 | The Last Straw
50 | The Last Straw Pt.2
51 | The Final Arch

5 | The Traitor

1.1K 60 62
Od MyDearEunoia

Your team finally decided to spread the secret and adding new member. You four just had tell Don and Gilda about the secret and also secretly test if one of them is Momma's spy.

Honestly, your instinct said that it's neither of them.

Not only that, you also test the water by telling Gilda and Don. Gilda's reaction is alright, but Don is harder di convince.

"It would be hard to tell the others," Emma whispered to you.

"Yeah. I bet their reaction would be similar to Gon's." You must have to tell the children about this matter. It would be hard to handle their resentment.

"Hey, Norman, what's up with the lie? Connie is alive? We need to save he as soon as possible?" Ray burst out after sending Gon and Gilda out.

You can feel the air is getting thick. Norman was also choose an immoral decision by lying.

"Calm down Ray, Norman must've his reason. Even though I'm not completely agree with him," said Emma.

"By giving a false hope? Saying someone is alive when she isn't?"

"They have a lot to take already. We can't risk the plan being affected by their acts, it's ought to happen to make them cooperate," said Norman.

"So it's a white lie." You are not agreeing with him, or agreeing it. That's how a white lie works.

You also could tell Ray is thinking the same thing despites his protest. This topic won't get anywhere if it's continued.


You have done your chores, help the children for bath, tug the babies to sleep, and help cleaning the mess Thoma and Lanni created. Those were a though works. You are now psychically and emotionally exhausted. To be specific, there isn't one day when you're not feeling emotionally exhausted.

You are trained to faking a smile now and everyone buy it off. You don't find it pleasant to lie to your family. In spite of being proud of it, you're also disgusted at the same time. Well, it's not like you have other choices, anyway.

When you are about going upstairs you meet Ray at the stairs.

You greeted him. "Ray, hi! Where are you going?"

"Looking out for you. What took you so long, everyone is tucked in their bed right now."

"It's that long? I cleaned the mess Thoma and Lanni had created downstairs. They are playing with flour and water on the carpet."

"That was quite a problem."

"It was a BIG problem."

Ray seems to sympathize with you.

"I'm a bit tired right now, how about continue this tomorrow?" you said.

But Ray has another idea in his head. He take your hand and pull you to the main door. It's past curfew and you tried to stop him.

"Ray, where are we going in these hour?"

"Somewhere for your rest."

"I can sleep in my bed. It's already past curfew."

"Hah! As if we never done that multiple times."

Well... he got a point.

He opens the door slowly so it won't creak. "And besides, you need more than just a good sleep for your drowsiness," said Ray.

You hold onto him tighter and he lead you towards the east side the house. You enter the forest, this was the farthest you've walked but Ray is still going.

You across the little fence. The adrenaline starts soaring through your entire body. The excitement you feel is overflowing. You take a look at Ray, there's a little smirk on his face. A lively, rare smirk.

It's been a while since you saw him showed it, and his looks is even better with it.

After five minute strolling deep into the forest, Ray stopped and told you to close your eyes.

"But what if I fall?" despite your protest, he cover both of your eyes with his hand.

"I'll hold you."

Ray sneaked his other hand around your waist. His voice is so soft and his hold is delicate as if he was holding something precious. You leaned to his hold and grab his hand for a hand grip.

"What kind of place it is?" you asked out of curiosity.

"Something to ease your mind."

"Is that kind of place exist within this walls?" there's a bitterness in your answer.

Ray scoffs a little. "No. But there's something that can romanticize it."

"... O--ok."

Romanticize. What a rich word coming from him.

Not long after that Ray stopped your step and uncover your sight. You blink twice to adjusting to the abrupt lights along the lake.


In front of you now, there are fireflies frying around the tree and bushes alongside an immense lake which reflecting the bright full moon.

"Wh--Where are we?" you startled.

"The lake behind the house. This lake is maybe forbidden to visit because they afraid the children will be drowned if they are slipped while playing. To prevent it they placed the fence closer than the other fences."

"And how did you find it?"

"I might or might not explored the forest past curfew three months ago."

You elbowed him lightly. "You fearless brat. Momma will be furious if she knows."

"But she doesn't."

You look to the view upon you. It feels like you were in a painting or something. "It's beautiful."

"You like beautiful things, right?"

You chuckled. "Who don't?"

Ray stared into the beautiful scenery beside him. Not the view, but you. "Not me, for sure."

He extends his hand and lead you to lay down at the grass surrounded by the fireflies. The sky is also beautifully clear tonight. The stars shine brightly and the wind breeze in a calm noise. The world suddenly feels quite like taking a rest together with you and Ray.

Ray's right, this is the kind of relaxation you need.

You take a deep breath and release it slowly.

"How the progress with the transmitter going? You can ask me if you need any help, you know." you asked.

"Already one third done. We still have time and I certainly will finished it alone so don't worry. How are you feeling now anyway?" Ray asked you in such a soft tone.

"Much better, thanks to you."

"I'm glad."

He intertwines his fingers with yours and leans against your head. This makes you feel nostalgia.

"It's nice to finally seen you like this again."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You used to be clingy around me when we were younger then stopped at the age of 9. You said that you are too old for this kind of skin-ship."

"I—I—Am I not allowed?" You can hear he's getting flustered though his words.

He is so silly.

"Of course you are." You pat his hair, it's surprisingly fluffy like Emma's.

Unknowingly, you ruffled his hair more than you supposed to. It results a crimson fade on his cheeks due to embarrassment.

"Oh! I'm sorry your hair is so fluffy so I--"

"S--Shut it, you make it worse." He snuggled to the crook of your neck to hide his face.

You grin wider and stroke his head like what you used to do to the younger children. Ray had flinched at the contact at first but he didn't push your hand away so you assumed it's alright.

This position is so comfortable.

Maybe you can forget about everything for a moment and enjoy it while you can.

"Do you like it when I'm like this?"

"Yes, I do. You look so cute."

His blush darken. "Even though this is childish?"

You nod. "We are a child. It's normal to be childish."

"... You are right.

"Um... Y/N?"


"Since I found this place first, this is my hideout. You can come here every time you want but don't tell this to anyone."

"Even to Emma and Norman."

Ray nods. "Even to them?"

"Your place your rule, I guess. You've my mouth sealed."


Soon you find yourself at peace. And when your eyelids felt heavy, you closed it for a minute and fall asleep in the next minute.

Just right before you dozing out, Norman's word replayed in your head.

"What do you think if there's someone who is a traitor among us and got exposed? Would you leave him, or still bring him to our side?"

By his question, you could know that he didn't suspect you to be the traitor. Norman himself or Emma is impossible to be the one.

Your hunch said Gilda and Don also not the spy. Doesn't mean to underestimate them, but they would likely be more obvious if they are the spies.

That means the traitor is among the younger kids, or, the one person left from the list.

You are remembering your answer. "It's hard to answer. For me it would be according to where he stands. If he only spied on us because of Momma's order or because of his own survival even when he knows he is safe with us, then left him because it's his choice. But if not, I would convince him to join our side. He hasn't make any choices so he's a fair competition!"

then peeked to the boy who leaned against you.

Please don't be the traitor, Ray.


"Ray! Norman!"

You search for him in the kitchen and any room downstairs but he is nowhere to be seen. Norman is also missing. The problem is, everyone are currently at downstairs. If Momma or Sister Krone caught them together in secret, they would be doomed.

"That's why you should tell us before hand if you want to hold a meeting." You've told them multiple times yet they still disappear without any notice.

You are going upstairs to their room first. You are about to reach the handle and called them, "Boys—"

"So you're the traitor, Ray."

You take your hand back in an instant. That was Norman's voice.

"What are you talking about, Norman?"

"You already know, don't you? I laid traps for three people. 'I told Don the rope is under my bed, and to Gilda that it's in the ceiling in the second floor bathroom.' I just said that to you, Ray. But actually I told Don it's in the dining hall while to Gilda it's in the library. And the rope under my bed disappeared. 'What about the two other places?' Want to check those out?"

"How about Y/N?"

"I cut her out from the equation, since it's felt impossible."

"You believe in your feeling?"

"Y/N being the spy doesn't settled right to me, just as if Emma is the spy. Her fear when she found us near the gate is real, it's reflected in her eyes. There's no way she would work with Momma who is the source of her paranoia."

You bring your hands to cover your mouth from screaming. After that, there was an intense silence. You heard a ruffled and a laugh.

Ray's laughing, sickeningly. You never heard him laughing that vicious before.

He can not be Ray, You are in denial and doubting your hearing even if it's stupid.

But you also know, no one in this house has indistinguishable voice as him.

"Aw, man. I thought I really had you going.

"You're right. I'm Momma's spy."

Pain starts soaring trough your heart. Ray's really Momma's spy. And he sounds proud of betraying his own friends.

He treats you kindly, taking you to his hiding, but actually... actually he's siding with Momma, who will send you and your friends to your death? Negative thoughts filled your mind but you shake them off.

You need his explanation.

"I walked right into your trap, huh?"

"And Ray, it's not a recent thing, is it? Momma won't so readily trust a new recruit, how long have you been doing this?"

"Ever since I got here. I've been working for a long time now, I'm basically her sheepdog."

Norman sounds bothered. "You knew all along and still helped Momma?"


The world felt like crushed behind you. The negative feelings drowned you in a sorrow screaming inside your heart. You can think of anything, the looks in your eyes goes blank.

Just how, a twelve years old kid be this cruel?

And he is not a normal twelve years old kid, he is your best friend. The one who acted cute and snuggled to you while trying to ease your stress, the one who lift you back to the house when you are sleeping.

"Was it all lies? Your friendship with Emma and me? And Y/N, isn't she ... precious to you? And planning the escape with us? How much have you told mom? And the transmitter can be destroyed, right?"

"Why do you ask? Will you cut me off if you don't like my answers?" Ray doesn't answer any of Norman's question.

"I won't. You'll remain by our side just like what you always have. Aren't you glad, you can cover up that you are exposed and after framed Gon to be the suspect."

"What are you after?"

"Three things. One: Stay with us as always and guarantee our safety.

"Two: tell me everything you know.

"Three: Defect. Work for me instead."

"You want me to be your trump card? Are you stupid? If you were going to used me till the end then manipulate me without saying and abandon me when the escape happened. It's a safer bet."

"Emma said because we are family, we grew up together. She makes me want to think of you as our friend, not our enemy. Y/N also said if you don't totally siding with Momma, you're a fair competition. Besides, you were the one who wanted us to find out the house's secret on our own, you were the one who hide Little Bunny, weren't you? That's why you had been quite persistent so Y/N could go with us but she wasn't convinced at first.

"You set all of these for our safety, didn't you? So why you acted like Momma's lap dog?"

" 'Why'? "

"If you were truly Momma's lap dog, you should never let us know about the secret yet you did. You keep a leash on us, that's the reason you against us escape in 10 days. But at the same time you also keep a leash on Momma. You are not our enemy."

"I volunteered my self. It was to lay ground on this plan to escape," There's a strong determination in her voice.

"The best way to know your enemy is working by their side. Momma saw profit more than rules so I made some offer. One: I'll work for her so don't shipped me out early. Two: give me a payback if my work is satisfying. I've been collecting any kind of things and material available in to a very good use, and if there any, I ordered for them. Most of them are outdated, though."

"... so it's the purpose. And the transmitter?"

"... I've already seen the actual one. After trials and error I find a way to destroy it.

"Do you realize it? The person in front of you right now is the greatest trump card in this game. I have everything that you need more than you imagined."


"I've been preparing this since the day I found out about the house. And without anyone would realized it, I sent you three to the gate. It was to prevent you three will not being killed."


"You're right, I'm not your enemy but I'm not you ally either. If you met my conditions, I would become your pawn and do everything you asked."


"Trick Emma. Pretend we will take everyone but abandon them at the end. It will be only us, at most Don and Gilda."

"But you said we will bring everyone? You also said it yourself that everyone is moving."

"Doesn't mean that they are not dead weight."

"... You said you were going to help us out."

"This is my way of helping."

"And what's your other condition?"

"Make sure that Y/N is escaped and survived. If you can't accept those, you, Emma and everyone else can die right here."

"Y/N is an exception?"

"Do you need to ask? I would bring her with me and find another way than give her to you who will die soon anyway. If so, it's better you're off being shipped out. How was it?"

Norman sighed. "Fine. I accept."

Then there's no other voices and Ray opens the door.

His fierce, satisfied gaze break down when he see you standing right in front of the door.

"Y/N?" he called your name. Norman also running to meet you at the door with a horrified look. However, his is not as horrible as Ray's right now. The color of his face is totally worn out, he is as pale as seeing a demon.

"So you are the traitor, Ray," you said with a flat expression.

You see his little adam apple moving as he gulped. "How much did you heard?"

"At least, everything noteable."

As Ray studied your expression, attitude, your gaze, he knows right at that time that he is completely doomed.

And when you turned your back coldly at him and calling Norman with your usual cheerful tone for dinner, he feel something is burning inside him.

He wants to chase you, to make you looked at him with the same shine in your eyes like usual, to gain your trust once more but he know what's happened is unredeemable.

The meeting with Momma forced him to stop his thoughts about you.


Hello dear readers

I hope you enjoy this chapter as well. And I should say, the last episode of TPN anime is finally worth waiting for :)))

I mean, they really sucks the plotline until Ep 5 is the peak, no offense to the animator tho, I give my greatest grateful for them. But they finally had an episode with decent story development.

And HOLY YES Noman's team all got animated 🎉

Another thing, I want to give you some sort a gift(?), You can put it like that.

This is my own version of Y/N.

I know my drawing is not the best but I hope you who can't imagined how Y/N would look like will be helped with it.

See you next part~

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