Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

By Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... More

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
Different if only part 2
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Heart and Soul Filled Shout
Leaving the Forest
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
Domination V.S Wrath
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Hellish Party
Out of hand


205 3 3
By Tenshi_The_Vamp

A few days after the rest and reprieve you received at Issei's you were up and moving with ease again. You were surprised how quickly your body recovered it's stamina. In all truth everyone was.

For a bit everything seemed calm. Your attackers remained under the radar, and hadn't made a move since. It frightened you a bit but for now all you could do was be prepared. One day as you sat in the occult room with Asia sleeping on your chest, you held her close, planting small kisses here and there.

Soon a knock came to the door. Rias allowed for whom ever it was to enter the room.

It was two girls. Both wearing ratty robes, one with a katana to her side and the other with a weapon wrapped in bandages. These weapons had the same aura as the blade freed attacked you with, with this feeling you now remained on high alert. Asia sensed this and slowly woke up she looked to the two girls and seemed afraid for what might happen next.

As everyone settled the two sat down, you learned their names, the one with the bubbly personality whom you were starting to like was Irina Shido, turns out her and Issei were childhood friends. The best part was him finding out she was actually a women when he though she was a boy so long ago. You would've laughed except...

The other one whom you were beginning to have a strong hate for, she was rude and kept giving Asia dirty looks, her name was Xenovia Quarta.

Xenovia started "we have been assigned to this area to hunt down a rouge priest whom we believe stole fragments of-" she was soon cut off by you.

"Excalibur am I right? Yeah I fought Freed the other day, well more like I was ambushed by a group but regardless he was there. Showed the blade and everything." You unbuttoned your shirt opening it to reveal your chest, showing the slash scar from that day.

"Whoa you must be strong, to take a cut from that and manage to survive" came Irina's excited voice, you smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment but truly if it weren't for Issei finding me I'd be dead as a doornail" you said, buttoning your shirt back up.

Xenovia continued "which is precisely why we'd like to ask you all not to get involved further. This is church business and we'd like it to stay that way"

Everyone seemed a bit off by this, regardless Rias agreed to their terms.

"We'd rather not involve ourself with such a predicament after all my brother's rooke was nearly slain due to such and altercation" she said, it caught the girl off guard but she was happy this was an amicable result. As they prepared to leave, Xenovia turned back her gaze locked to Asia.

"You're Asia Argento are you not? You were excommunicated for healing a devil, and have now become one yourself. If you wish I could slay you here and now, after all if I did so-" she was cut off not by words this time by but you standing and your aura wildly flaring up.

"Continue that fucking sentence I dare you, it'll be the last thing you ever do" your voice changed as your anger spiked, your left arm began to change to the darker and denser metal from your fight with Riser, as the finger tips turned to claws. The metal continued to spread, even as Asia did her best to rein you in. Her voice was falling upon deaf ears. The room became heavy due to your aura, your eyes becoming their dull white.

"Partner control yourself! I know you're angry believe me I do, but let to much slip with that power as unstable as it is after your first use and it'll be the end of you as a person!" The dragon within called, you growled lightly before restraining yourself. Heeding the dragon's warning you dialed down. The metal stopped it's spread for now and was slowly evaporating away. Asia's voice finally reached you as you took a deep breath.

"Please stop, it's ok. Just please stop" you hadn't even realized that she had wrapped her arms around you in hopes of taming your near uncontrollable wrath. Even Xenovia herself took a breath of relief. That aura alone had scared her a bit, as she watched the metal leave you she noticed the ring on your finger and Asia's as well. Now realizing why you had nearly lost control, she'd make note of this.

"I'd be best if you left...right now" came The voice of Rias, her tone held a strong venom that matched your restrained anger. As the two prepared to leave as requested Kiba had finally arrived having been late to the whole ordeal he felt the tension that was built the moment he opened the door.

"Welcome to the party Kiba." Came a frightened Issei.

Having noticed the blades the pair held he recognized them immediately, a sour look plastered across his face.

"Would you by chance be holding fragments of excalibur, if so I'd like to challenge you" he said, catching all off guard, Xenovia indulged him in this request, and just so he wouldn't be alone Issei opted to join him to make an even 2v2 fight.

Today was going to be a horribly long day...

As everyone made it outside to watch the battle take place, it was to be a friendly spar nothing more and nothing less.

On Akeno's mark the battle began, Issei clashed with Irina, and Kiba with Xenovia.

Everyone tense for the outcome. You came to learn that Irina held excalibur mimic a blade that held the ability to change form, while Xenovia held excalibur destruction, kinda straight forward there. Watching the battle unfold, Issei was holding his own but it was difficult for him. His old friend was quick, and knew how and when to strike when most opportune. Even with her holding back since she wasn't going for the kill, the same with Quarta up against Kiba, she was slower than her teammate but her strength was undeniable. Her swings shook the trees around with a violent whirlwind.

As much as you disliked her, that strength was impressive none the less.

Kiba was not doing well against her, for some reason he opted to use a buster blade, even though he shows much more promise with short swords. Something in his eyes looked familiar to you.

Was it a longing for Vengeance or wrath? One or the other you knew that look all too well. You yourself had followed that path sometime ago. The memory of it left a deep impression upon you, and seeing the gentleman knight suddenly turn into a vengeful rouge was something unexpected.

"This battle is over..." Came your voice, cold and a bit harsh, yet it held an odd wisdom to it. Everyone looked to you confused.

"What do you mean it's over?" Rias questioned, causing you to point to kiba.

"He is lost in anger and has given up his one main advantage he had on her..Speed. if he was using his normal tactics, she wouldn't be able to swing the blade around long trust me, she may have the strength to lift it and swing it but everyone has stamina that runs dry. Kiba normally would wait it out keep his opponent tired and the swoop in to strike quickly." You said, it was a hard pill to swallow but the rest knew you spoke the truth.

He was downed with a hard strike, Xenovia had planned for a follow up attack. Lifting her blade above her head, Kiba couldn't defend. Did she plan to cripple him? Or maybe shatter his blade in order to wound his pride, either way this didn't look good.

As her blade came down a loud metal clang had followed. Everyone wide eyed, kiba more or less showing a bit of scorn for his savior. You were there holding back Xenovia's blade. A look of both reminiscence and wrath, your sacred gear brandished fully. The vambraces, and greaves shining brightly. Her excalibur held a grand force behind it but it wouldn't make you back down.

"What the hell is your problem, the battle is over sheath your blade and take a hike!" You yelled, she was surprised that you were holding her blade back. She tried her best to push against you but you wouldn't budge. Wrath fueled your strength and kept it escalating. Feeling her own strength against yours, you could hear a voice deep down calling to you, egging you on to push back. Easily enough you gave in.

Gripping the blade more you slowly began to push back, a light yellow glow emitting from your eyes, as red lines spread around the vambraces and greaves in response to your wrath. Lightly reeling back your free arm preparing to strike. The voice calling louder.

"Do it! Strike her down like the snake she is! Break her blade, shatter her pride, show her true wrath!" The voice continued to beckon you forth, it sounded similar to your own, slightly distorted all be it.

As you finally brought your fist back fully ready to strike like a coiled up cobra, Asia had finally reached you her voice called you back and she wrapped herself around you. Something was wrong, your wrath had been harder to reel in lately, even Asia had trouble bringing you back at times. That voice you were hearing, was it blocking her out.

Your eyes locked onto Asia's, you directed your strength to instead of pushing Xenovia back you simply swatted her blade aside. Your arm dropping, as you took a deep breath.

"I... I'm sorry about that..I haven't felt myself recently." Your managed to choke out, the worry in Asia's gaze helped to silence the voice further. You'd have to speak with Brutus later about it. For now the battle was done.

What the hell was going on.

~Time skip~
Late night

As you sat at the edge of the bed you let out a heavy sigh. Taking a quick look in the mirror across the room your hair was messy, you were fresh out of the shower. Your eyes had a tired look to them. Today had stretched on longer than you planned, after everything was said and done, you had planned to call it an early night. You needed the rest, not to mention it's be a chance to speak with Brutus about the voice.

As you looked down to your palms you sighed. You thought you were done with that part of yourself, but it seems no one can escape their wrath for long, certainly not you.

Asia herself was taking a little longer in the shower so you figured you had at least a few minutes.

"Brutus. Sorry to wake ya but I gotta ask what was that earlier, that voice I was hearing it-"

"That was your darker half. The other you that exists within." came the dragons bellowing voice from with your mind. What he said made sense, after all it sounded just like you if only a bit distorted.

"You've gone silent, am I right to assume this is either surprise or acceptance of what I've said?" Brutus asked he could feel all your own emotions. On top of that he knows your wrath much like his own is unquenchable once released. At the moment he knew of your dilemma. Your wrath slowly leaking out on its own, at the worst of times. His only question was why it was happening now?

You seemed to be at your happiest point, married to Asia, slowly but surely pulling ahead in strength against Issei. Why now of all times is your wrath manifesting like this.

"I..I understand what you mean. And it does make alot of sense. It sounded just like me only darker, my only concern is how to alleviate it." You said hoping the dragon had an answer as he always did.

"....sorry I don't have an answer for you (Y/N), this is not something I am used to dealing with. Only a few of my previous wielders dealt with this problem. None of them could find the answer to subdue it. Each a different person with different knowledge, living different lives. Yourself included." he sounded somber, his voice holding a hint of regret. This dragon had a heart under all of those scales. A heart filled with sadness for some of his past vessels.

You had fallen silent as your mind wandered attempting to find an answer. What was your missing piece? What did you need in order to hold together. As your mind continued to wander your were snapped from your focus as you heard the door shut. Your eyes locked to the figure who entered.

It was Asia, only wearing a towel on her body and on the top of her head.

A smile making its way across your face. As you watched her, your mind reached an odd calm. Your body relaxing, Brutus taking note of your calmed state. He decided to leave you with a final thought.

"Until we can figure this out, keep your love close she seems to be the only one who can restrain your rage. If it comes down to it, she'll have to pull you from that dark spot" the dragon's final message echoed within your mind. You gave a light sigh, knowing it would come to it at some point, you would lose control again. It was just a matter of when.

You had refocused your attention to Asia whom while you were lost in thought, had done away with her towel and had begun to dress herself in her under garments. Looking to the door right quick, you gave a good once over to make sure the door was locked. Indeed it was, Asia must have done so upon entering. Good thing, the last thing you'd need now is Issei walking in on her changing and have a possible blow up.

Relaxing a bit more now as you looked to see if Asia had finished changing yet, you noticed she had paused a moment, as if something had crossed her mind. She was still quite exposed, not that she really minded since you two were married after all. But it wasn't like her to freeze like that. Slowly getting up you walked over.

"Gonna catch cold just standing there in the nude like that, you ok, you seem lost in thought somewhere?" You asked gently wrapping an arm around her. She seemed to snap out of her trance after you had put your arm around her.

"S-sorry just thinking about things. Especially today, it was quite hectic. Not to mention what Xenovia said." Her voice was a little shaky, maybe too much time with her thoughts. Negative thoughts at that, a seed planted by that damned Excalibur user.

"Hey don't worry about what some jerk like her has to say alright, no matter what, you have people who care for you, for better or worse Asia I'm here till the end. I'll stand with you, so don't worry about it. And besides for me everyone in the occult research club cares for you too, don't let the words of one person dig so deep into your heart." You had said hoping to soothe her, in all honesty you don't know where any of this came from, you kind of just let your heart do the talking there.

Asia seemed to dwell on these thoughts a moment, once done she relaxed a bit more but felt she had one more topic to bring up for the day. Slowly looking up into your eyes she sighed and slowly began.

"Your words are certainly helpful, and I can't believe sometimes how blessed I am to be here with so many friends, along with being married to you. Yet, there is something else on my mind." She was shy, she always had been, but she wasn't sure exactly how to approach what happened earlier today.

You sighed and said without thinking "it's about my rage isn't it? I know I'm lacking some serious control but don't worry about it. I can be reined in"

For once Asia decided to stand her ground and bring up a point "can you really be reined in? Be honest (Y/N), earlier today you were lost somewhere deep, you didn't hear me, not feel me when I had wrapped myself around you. How much longer till...till I lose you entirely"

"You won't lose me! I'll be here always, after all I already have a solution in the works!" Came your voice, a little louder than planned immediately covering your mouth. Not only had that been a lie, but a shouted one no less.

"Ah yes when met with adversity it is within nature to lie..I wonder why?" came Brutus's voice. Causing you to outwardly growl a bit from what he had said aloud.

"Not now Brutus..." You said, Drawing Asia's concern even further. Whatever happened as of recent has sparked something different in you. Not only had your wrath began escalating recently, it now seems uncontrollable, and even having Brutus call you out now, even going as far as to lie about a solution.

"'s best if we just head to bed now... I'll see you in the morning" she said making way for the door to the room.

A confused look crossed your face, as she did "what's up? Gonna grab a snack or something?"

"No...No I think..I think it's better if I spend the night with the girls, until we get everything back in order, after all we are a guest at Issei's house." She said as she walked out to the room down the hall, it took not long to explain to the other few girls what was up for them to agree to a mini sleep over and as such, Issei was sent to your temporary room.

"Man booted to the guest room in my own place...what the hell is up with that." He said seeing you sitting on the bed dumbfounded, still half dressed mind you, lacking a shirt.

"I....this..." Words weren't coming out, this wasn't normal for you. Issei could see it and figured he'd try his best to talk with you man to man.

"I'm guessing you and Asia had a disagreement?" He asked while taking a seat next to you.

"Not exactly...I just..I said I could control myself.." your words had a tinge of regret.

"And let me guess, from what we heard it was the opposite?" You looked to him surprised slightly whispering.

"Y'all heard it too?" Shaking your head

"Almost everyone here did. Place is small dude, walls are paper thin. Luckily my parents are under a spell or something from Rias or else it would've become a household meeting. Dude trust me that shit is awkward." He said causing you to groan.

"Damnit man, I'm such an idiot...what the fuck is wrong with me" you threw yourself back into the bed. Putting your arm over your face. "I always do this to myself. I get something great in my life and proceed to fuck it all up. I don't want to lose her man!"

"I know you don't bro but maybe this is for the better, time to collect your thoughts apart is healthier than trying to stick together in an uneasy state of mind. You won't lose her. She loves you and you love her, something like that won't just fade away" he said laying back as well staring at the roof.

You both stayed silent for a short time, Issei letting you process what was going on while you mulled things over in your head.

"I guess you're right man. It's just..this is the first night that we haven't slept together since...before we got together. It stings a little." You said removing your arm from your face. Looking to the roof. A few tears leaving your eyes.

Issei seeing this he seemed to think a moment.

"Hey ya know what...I don't feel like sleeping anyway, so what say you and me go out for a bit, sneak out and do some stupid shit get your mind off of this" he said sitting up looking back to you, contemplating it you slowly sat up with him and nodded while grabbing a shirt and jacket.

"Fuck it...let's do it!" You said putting on said shirt and jacket.

~Meanwhile with the Girls~

As the three girls sat within the room having made make shift comfy bunk beds for everyone via magic.

"I just don't understand, usually he is always so kind and caring, not to mention he'd never lash out like he did today, sure he may get angry, but that look in his eyes, he was going to kill that girl." Said Asia worries that your mental state was getting to a dangerous point.

"Maybe he has just been a little pent up lately Asia, I could give you a few tips if you wish" Akeno said as she lightly tested before Rias bopped her hand

"In all seriousness Asia I fear (Y/N) may be on a downward spiral, were there any signs during your honeymoon?" Rias asked sitting near her lightly putting an arm around her for comfort.

The young holy devil hesitated for a moment, it was noticable to all within the room.

"Well sometimes late at night ever since the rating game I've noticed he would walk off to do something, he'd say he was using the bathroom or getting a drink. But I followed him once just to play a little joke, and seen the scale metal that he was forcing the metal away. I think..I think his power is getting out of hand." She said in a fearful tone.

The other two girls fell silent, Akeno worried they'd be forced to deal with you sooner than later, meanwhile Rias knowing Issei was near you was worried for what may happen to him. She slowly stood up gulping a little.

Akeno looked over to her soon followed by Asia

"What's up Rias, something the matter?" Akeno questioned, a little confused by her friends actions.

"I'm gonna go get some drinks for us I'll be right back" she said while exiting the room. As she left the remaining two looked amongst each other, the red headed king never acted like this unless...

While Rias made her way down the hall, she looked to the guest room door not hearing any noise she sighed, and began walking past it going to get the afore mentioned drinks to not be suspicious, using her magic to carry them all.

As she walked by the door a second time she felt a light draft from under it curious she knocked to check in, hearing no response she opened it and looked inside. Seeing neither you nor Issei inside and the window wide open.

"Oh no, please don't tell me that they took off, (Y/N) is unstable and Issei won't be able to keep him reined in at all" she sighed rubbing her brow making the way back to the room.

"The boys snuck out. No clue how long they've been gone, gonna need Koneko to track them down" she said, soon pulling out a phone to call her and inform her about the situation at hand.

"No worries prez, I'll track them down. Just take it easy, town may be big but those two will be easy to notice" Said the white haired girl putting on a more presentable outfit after hanging up the phone and heading out to find you and Issei.


You and Issei held on tight, you two high tailing on a motorcycle from the enemy soon approaching. Issei held the fear of God in him, it seemed you were beginning to come a tad unhinged. Your eyes holding a piercing yellow glow. A slightly menacing laugh could be heard over the roar of the engine.

"What the hell were you thinking man, Rias is gonna fry us for this when she finds out!" He yelled gripping tighter as you whipped the bike around a tight corner.

"IF SHE FINDS OUT DEAR BOY, ONLY IF!" your laugh pushing further, you felt so alive, granted the enemy was nothing to be worried about. Your Brutus gear active almost making it look as if your arms have melded with the bike.


After landing both you and Issei folded in your wings. Issei shaking himself off a bit and stretching.

"So then man what should we do first." You asked peeking out the alley you landed in, seeing people coming from both directions.

"Well maybe we can walk around a little see what happens. Kinda see what trouble we can get into." He joked as he joined you to walk out of the alley. Heading to the left in order to go deeper into the city.

"I hear that there is a fair in town we could see what that's all about" Issei said causing you to nod in agreement thinking it was a fun idea.

As you both made your way there Issei chuckled nervously "thinking about it we should've made some decoys..." He said scratching his head

"Why ya say that?" You asked looking around. Seeing all the diffent places to stop in at like food stalls, or random items and such to purchase.

"On the Off chance Rias tries to sneak in to sleep with me." He said a tad worried now knowing your cover could be blown any second.

"So long as we make it back quick it'll be fine. Twenty mins in and out" you said pointing to the fair entrance. Issei thinking about it nodded and agreed to it. After all what could go wrong.

~10 minutes later~

"Look my friend here apologized about looking at your girl, and I myself am apologizing as well, he has a bad habit" you said trying to call a man who was about a foot tall than you and Issei, he was of a large build as well. As a human no doubt he was strong but comparing him to your fallen angel-devil hybrid strength not counting Brutus even he wasn't much to worry about. Even Issei could floor this dude pretty easy.

This whole thing sparked outta control when his eyes were caught wondering, not wishing to cause a scene or resort to violence you were hoping an apology would settle him down and apparently...

"Bad habit or not he was looking at my woman, now move outta my way before I floor you as well kid. Cause trust me I have no problem putting down two scrawny pukes tonight!" this dude was practically in your face, Issei was worried you might lose it soon.

And he was right to be afraid this dude was tap dancing on your last damn nerve. Personal space being intruded and the fact he needed a breath mint as well. Hearing the voice return to you slowly closing your eyes and shaking your head.

The large man seemed confused by this and grabbed you by the collar.

"Something the matter you little bastard!" He yelled in your face once more, not realizing the extreme mistake he just made.

"Yeah, something is definitely the matter when some fatass is not only wrinkling the collar of my nice shirt, but also screeching in my damn face with breath as horrid as a landfill!" You eyes shot open taking on the yellow color from earlier today.

Quickly you planted you feet on his chest and kick off preforming a back flip, as he stumbled back he was knocked into a group of people. Issei could see your eyes, his worry escalating since he knew your restraint had faded away.

The man stood back up and charged at you, quickly you dodged left and swung your leg hard to kick his gut, sending him to his knees before you planted your foot to the back of his head with and axe kick, slamming his face to the concrete ground.

"Stay down if ya know what's good for ya you bastard!" You shouted digging your heel into his head, as Issei tried to pull you off.

"Dude cops are coming we gotta move!" He shouted snapping you from the large man, locking your sight to Issei, then the fast approaching group of officers.

Laughing a tad you smirked "we could take them Issei, no need to get all afraid."

He quickly added "We could take them no doubt but the amount of trouble we'd stir up, hell we'd take a chance at revealing the supernatural, we need to book it!"

Angrily you snapped your attention to him, knowing he was right you sighed and grabbed his forearm.

"Come on, I got a plan or at the least an inkling of an idea!" You said running and leading him elsewhere.

As you to made it outside you quickly scanned the area, looking for an escape route or vehicle. When you seen it a smirk crept up your face.

"Hang on tight Issei we're going for a ride!" You yelled dragging him again, this time in the direction of what seemed to be a group of bikers, luckily one of them had left their bike unattended and still running since he figured his crew mates would keep and eye on it. Little did they know or expect you to run up with a friend in tow and take off.

Quickly mounting on it and pulling Issei on you laughed and yelled out "I always wanted one of these!"

Feeling the bike spur to life as you revved it Issei grabbed wherever he could for dear life.

As you took off it wasn't over yet as now you had even more problems as Issei made abundantly clear.

"Well you lost the cops but I think those biker guys are chasing us!" He looked back and seen the couple that were chasing, they were armed as well to make matters worse.

"Oh great more friends to join the party!" You cackled, letting loose even further you let out the Brutus gear.

As a few got close they were yelling in cursing, almost unable to be heard due to the whipping wind, as he rode closer you quickly used your leg to kick the engine of his bike, having caused enough damage with the kick alone his bike stalled out and the engine blew causing him to have an accident.

"Oh man tell me you didn't kill him!" Issei yelled, as he looked back, surprised to see the man still moving.

"Don't worry! I only kicked the engine, he'll be fine all be it a little bruised up." You quickly whipped the bike around a corner.

Issei quickly casted his attention back to you "what the hell were you thinking man! Rias is gonna fry us for this when she finds out!"

"IF SHE FINDS OUT DEAR BOY, ONLY IF!" You yelled as you revved up the bike pushing more power into the engine. Laughing all the while until.

A bright red circle had appeared in front of you two. Bracing for possible impact your brought your arms up.

As you both teleported due to the inertia you two had it sent you both I to the wall. And to your dismay the bike was not teleported with you.

Cursing under your breath you slowly stood up and looked all around. The place seemed a little beat up but vacant, looking over to the right you saw Issei slowly getting up groaning from the impact.

The left left were two red heads, both of them seemed quite displeased. Your master and Issei's. This wasn't going to be pretty.

You grabbed Issei's collar and pulled him to his feet.

"Get ready looks like we are in for a grilling" you whispered to him, he seemed nervous. Who wouldn't be when confronted by not only the master of your soul but her big brother whom happens to hold the title of Lucifer.

You took a deep breath and prepared for it. Knowing this wouldn't go well.


And that is where I will end off this chapter here. I've been gone for a long ass time that is most certainly and issue I plan to correct.

First of all I wanna start getting these chapters out more frequently.

Secondly I want to make sure they are long reads like I hope this one too be after all it was already at 5,000+ words before I wrote this up.

And third of all I hope I can recapture you all with this tale since we are far from over here!

Till the next chapter!


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