Clarke Griffin x fem!oc

Por NightRipa1

95.4K 2.7K 1.1K

Xania was treated as an outcast because of the color of her blood. Her father Marcus Kane wasn't the best at... Más

Everyone roles!
We won't last long 1.
You expect me to leave you? 2.
His sister's keeper 3.
Contents Under Pressure 4.
Unity day 6.
Unity day pt 2 7.
I am become death 8.
The Calm 9.
We are the grounders pt.2 pt.10
The 48 11.
Inclement Weather 12.
Many Happy Returns 13 pt 2 -Human Trials-14
Fog of War 15.
Long into an Abyss 16.
Spacewalker 17.
Remember me 18.
Survival of the fittest 19.
Coup de Grace 20.- Rubicon 21.- Resurrection 22.
Bodyguard of Lies 23.
Blood must have blood: Pt 1. 24.- Blood must have blood: Pt. 2. 25.
Breakdown of Xania
Wanheda pt 1 26.
Wanheda pt 2 27.- Ye Who Enter Here 28.
Watch the Thrones 29.
While you wait...
Hakladema 30.
Bitter Harvest 31-Thirteen 32.
Terms and conditions 33.
Stealing fire 34.-Fallen 35.
Nevermore 36.
Nevermore pt.2 37.
Demons 38.
Join or Die 39.
Red Sky at morning 40.
Preserve Instantiation: Part 1 41.
Preserve Instantiation: Part 2 42.
Echos 43.
Heavy Lies the Crown 44.
The four horsemen 45.
A Lie Guarded 46.
We will rise 47.
Hiatus !
Gimme shelter 48- God complex 49.
DNR 50 - Die all Die merrily 51 - The Other Side 52
Praimfaya 53.

Day Trip 5.

2.9K 91 11
Por NightRipa1

I was walking around outside of the tent waiting for Clarke to finish talking to the council. "Xania can you come in here?" Clarke yelled. I opened the blanket and walked in.

"Are you okay?" I asked standing over her. She looked up at me.

"They say there is a fallout shelter not far from here," She said looking up at me. I looked at the screen. Jaha was there.

"Hello, Chancellor," I said with a tight-lipped smile.

"Hello Xania," He said.

"Do we have the directions?" I asked looking back at Clarke.

"Yeah, we are sending them over now. Um... Xania." I heard my father say. I looked at the screen. His face was there.

"Yes?" I asked looking down then back at the screen.

"I heard there has been a little trouble at camp. I think you should stay" He said. I furrowed my brows.

"What and let Clarke go alone? No" I said shaking my head and looking at Clarke.

"Xania... Clarke told me what happened" He said. I looked at Clarke confused.

"What? What happened?" I asked looking between Clarke and my father.

"She doesn't know?" My father said.

"Know what!" I yelled looking at Clarke.

"Xania calm down please," Clarke said standing up.

"Just tell me!" I said looking at her. She sighed and sat back down.

"Yesterday. When you were asleep... You were- you were screaming like you were getting murdered" She said looking up at me.

"Don't you think that's something I should know!" I said looking at her.

"i didn't know you wouldn't remember. I'm sorry. I woke you up-"

"You know what It's fine Clarke. " I said looking back at the screen. Everyone seemed to be on edge.

"I'll stay and make sure Bellamy doesn't kill the grounder," I said with a sigh.

"Actually I was thinking Bellamy could come with me," Clarke said. I looked down at her.

"Great," I said then made a sarcastic smile and walked out of the tent.

Octavia was on a strike outside of where the grounder was. I made my way up the ladder into the top of the dropship when I saw that Octavia was up there.

"Octavia~~," I said in a singsong tune. She turned around and faced me. She looked startled.

"Don't worry just here to make sure he's alive. " I said looking at the grounder.

"Last time I remember you said we should carve something into him." She said looking at me.

"I don't know the whole story. All I know is that Clarke was desperate. If she's desperate so am I" I said smiling and bowing. She just scoffed and turned back to the grounder. I walked up to him.

"I'm sure you would carve something into me if someone you grew up with was crumbling apart before you," I said picking up some water.

"What are you doing?" Octavia asked looking at me.

"Cleaning his wounds. I might not have been close with my dad but he taught me some things" I said ripping a piece of my shirt off.

"Are you crazy! It's winter" She said looking at me with disbelief.

"If he's gonna stay here any longer. He won't last" I said looking him up and down.

"I mean you no harm. Just here to make sure you don't die on us. You are the most interesting thing at this camp besides Bellamy and Octavia's sibling rivalry" I said raising my eyebrows. Octavia just stayed quiet. "Sorry," I said looking at her. She just side-eyed me then went back to giving him water. I went to clean his arm but he pulled away.

"Can you like telepathically tell him I'm not going to hurt him?" I asked Octavia. She looked at me confused then back to the grounder. 

"She wants to help," She said looking him in the eyes. He nodded.

"I'm not scared of many things but you are one big dude," I said looking at his large figure. I got a better look at him now that it was daylight. He had olive-colored skin and markings on his body. I touched one of them that was on his arm and he pulled away. "Sorry," I said looking at him. "Never seen something like that before... It's cool" I said glancing at the markings. I moved back to cleaning his cuts. Octavia seemed to have a moment with him so I backed up. I heard something. I looked up. He muttered something to Octavia.

"The big man speaks," I said smirking. Octavia looked at me. She had this desperate look in her eyes. "Don't worry Octavia. I don't tell." I said putting a finger up to my lips and smiling. She nodded hesitantly then looked back at him. I looked up and he was looking at me.

"N- Night-" He said looking at me.

"What?" I asked stepping forward. He looked away back at Octavia. Octavia and he seemed to have a conversation. I stayed out of it. That is until Miller came in through the hatch.

"Octavia get the hell out now!" He said walking in fast.

"Watch it," I said walking up to him.

"Bellamy is not even here," Octavia said.

"Get out, or he gets the beating I've been aching to give him," Miller said.

"Try to even think about hurting him without authorization and I will slit your throat and watch you bleed out," I said staring at him with a blank expression. He seemed taken aback by my statement. The grounder chuckled lightly.

"Okay, ok. I get it. I'm gone. And so is Xania" Octavia said grabbing my arm.

"Don't forget" I said watching him as I left.

"You didn't have to say that," She said as we walked out of the dropship.

"Trust me I've thought about it more than I am happy to admit," I said looking at her. She looked up at me.

"You're top class, right? Because of your father? So you never had to do any work?" She asked. I looked at her.

"I'm not very surprised you asked. But. No, I didn't have to work. What I had to do was give blood and get tortured for 15 years of my life" I said smiling down at her.

"Really?" She asked in a raspy voice.

"You might have lived under the floor but I lived much deeper," I said. She seemed to understand what I was saying. I looked at her curiously as we continued walking. "You understood that?" I said smiling.

"Yeah? Was I not supposed to?" She asked looking up at me.

"No, it's just... Not a lot of our generation knows about religion or greek mythology I just thought I would have to explain it" I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"Are the tests where all of the marks on your body are from?" She asked looking at where I ripped my shirt.

"I usually wear long sleeve shirts so people don't get the wrong idea but my face and name just sort of do it." I said scrunching up my nose.

"Oh." was all she said.

"I'm gonna go check on the others. Don't kill anyone" I said nodding then walking away. She nodded back.

I was sort of wondering how Raven was doing. She was taking care of Finn so I didn't want to bother her. I was kicking rocks around when I heard someone say my name. I turned. It was Monty.

"Hello Monty," I said stopping and looking at him.

"Here," He said handing me a bag of nuts.

"Thanks for the offer but nuts don't really sit well with me," I said handing the bag back.

"Oh. Well, I hope you know that you are a very pretty... pretty... broom" He said smiling then giggling. I looked at him confused.

"Are you okay Monty?" I asked looking at him concerned.

"Don't you ever just want to... give the earth a hug. " He said hugging me.

"Yeah no," I said pushing him off me.

"What?" He asked looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Xania! I need your help!" Octavia said coming up to me. I turned around.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked worriedly.

"You have to come with me," She said looking into my eyes.

"But Monty is being weird," I said looking at him.

"I know just come on," She said pulling me with her.

"Bye Earth!" I heard Monty shout. What is going on?

"So you want to drug Miller?" I asked as I was leaning up against the wall.

"Well yeah, I guess." She said nodding.

"Whatever," I said after being silent for a moment. She smiled.

"Wait here!" She said excitedly. I did as she said. I was waiting for around ten minutes until Octavia came back.

"Ready?" She asked looking at me. I nodded. She had clothes in her hands. She handed me some. I looked at her confused.

"We're helping him get out of here." I just took in a deep breath and nodded. I went up the ladder first. Octavia came in second. Octavia told me that the grounder's name was Lincon. Pretty cool name if you ask me. Lincon seemed a little offset by me helping him get dressed but he went along with it.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I put a shirt over his shoulders.

"Just get dressed," Octavia said. She helped him put on a jacket. Before we left I made sure he had a hood on.

"They'll know Octavia helped me," He said. Octavia adjusted his jacket. He yelled out in pain.

"Shh," I said looking at him. He just glared at me.

"You said it yourself. You stay here you'll die" Octavia said. So that's what they were talking about earlier.

"We're not gonna let that happen," I said as I helped him up.

"Why are you helping anyway?" He asked as we walked toward the hatch. I looked over at Octavia.

"Bellamy's a dick. Don't get me started on the way he treats Clarke" I said as I opened the Hatch.

"I'm just putting you guys in danger. And even in these clothes, I'll be seen" He said. He was taking in big breaths throughout his sentence.

"Everyone seems to be seeing things right now," I said. I grunted as the hatch squeaked open.

"Set out some of our rations a little early" Octavia said.

"Jobi nuts, the food you gave my guard, they go bad, they cause visions, but it wears off." He said. I was stunned by how much this guy could talk. Let alone speak English.

"Are there any others who speak English?" I asked looking down. He stayed silent. I looked up at him.

"Fine. Keep your secrets" I said as I helped him down.

"Just try to get as far away as you can, ok, and try not to get yourself killed," Octavia said to him. He started to make his way down the ladder. He stopped. He turned around and faced Octavia. He stared at her then kissed her.

"Damn," I said quietly. They pulled apart then Lincon went down the ladder.

It was night by the time I got outside. I watched as Finn and Lincon stared at each other. Finn stared for a little. Lincon and Finn circled each other as they both stared worriedly. I walked toward them. Finn seemed suspicious but didn't do anything. As I got closer, Lincon ran. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I walked around camp searching for Clarke and Bellamy. If it was true that the jobi nuts caused hallucinations. Then Clarke would be experiencing them too. I couldn't find them.

"Have you seen Clarke or Bellamy?" I asked a group standing around the fire. They all said no or shook their heads. I sighed in aggravation then walked toward my tent. I laid down and went to grab my necklace. It wasn't there. I had a mini panic attack.

"Kane! Chancellor and your father want to talk to you" Raven said from outside my tent. I looked toward her shadow that was portrayed on the tent.

"Coming!" I said as I got up. As I walked toward the dropship somehting was yelled.

"He's gone!" Someone yelled. MIller came running out of the dropship. He looked around and then looked at me. He looked mad. He grabbed me and pinned me up against the dropship.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"It was you!" He yelled. He started choking me. I grabbed his neck and choked him too. I could feel my head starting to get hot from the lack of oxygen.

"Let her go!" I heard Octavia yell. I looked and saw that my vision was getting blurry. I got desperate and kicked his shin. He released my neck. I took in a big breath. He got up fast and pushed me down. Others around started to come toward me. I looked around, gasping for breath.

"What makes you think it was me!" I yelled as I scrambled to my feet.

"I found your necklace! Who else would have one of these!" He yelled as he showed it to everyone. "The grounder is gone!" He started yelling and looking around.

"And Xania Kane released him!" He yelled finally turning back to me.

"I was up and down checking on him because you were too high to do your job!" I yelled pushing him. Around five guys ran at me. They all grabbed me and held me down on the ground.

"What if he brings other grounders!" Someone in the crowd started shouting.

"Or worse!" Someone else yelled.

"I say we float her for her crimes!" someone in the crowd yelled.

"What?!" I asked looking around.

"Yeah!" They all started.

"Don't you think-" I tried to say but was cut off by a punch to the face. "Son of a-," I said but they started to kick me. Someone picked me up. I could feel blood coming out of my nose. There was heat and a stinging sensation all over my ribs and legs. I tried to kick but they held me in a stick-straight position. Even if I was strong enough to get them off there were more that wanted to kill me.

"Float her! Float her! Float her!" Everyone started chanting. 'Wheres the princess when you need her' I thought. Another fist went flying into my face. I couldn't see. I think one of my eyes are swelled up. I felt someone lift me onto a tree maybe. I felt something tighten around my throat. My useful eye shot open. They had thrown a rope over the tree and were trying to hang me.

"Just like that bitch Murphy!" Someone shouted. I could remember a Murphy was sent down. Abby made me memorize all of their names. Oh god. What did they do to Murphy?

"Float her! Float her!" They chanted.

"Fuck y-" I said but Miller kicked out the box from underneath me. I started gasping. The lack of oxygen got to me immediately. I could see through my left eye. Octavia was being held back by Miller's goons. My vision was starting to get blurry. I could feel the heat of my black blood pool out of my nose. I scratched at the rope around my neck.

"I- I'm- So- Sorry- D-Dad-" I chocked out before everything went black. I hope you can forgive me was the last thing I thought before everything faded.

A/n- T_T Omg Please- At this point, I'm just killing my heart.

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