I swear fealty to you (Clexa...

By waytoogae

182K 6.2K 2.3K

Popular artsy girl, Clarke Griffin goes to Polis High with her best friends Octavia and Raven. They navigate... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69 (hehehe)
For real this time

Part 25

2.9K 91 27
By waytoogae

Clarke POV:

"Hey Lexa," I said, walking up to her as we walked through the school parking lot.

It had been a few weeks since the weekend and Lexa had to go home to her house, to her dad. She said her dad was away on a business trip so he wouldn't be there but I was still nervous for her.

"What's up Griffin?" she said with a smirk that made my heart flutter. I smiled nervously but she read my face perfectly. "I'm fine Clarke I promise. My dad wasn't there, he doesn't get back for a few days," she said, trying to reassure me. "I know, I just worry sometimes." I said, playing with my fingers nervously. I do that sometimes when I'm anxious.

"If it makes you feel better, you can take me to the house to pick up some clothes and other things then we can go back to your house" she said, stopping her walk and placing her hand on my arm.My body shuddered a little under her touch.

"Thank you" I said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Anything for you Griffin" she said smiling, then continuing to walk towards our friends. I really love how she has settled in with them.

"Hey guys" I said, happy to see all of them. Lexa just smiled next to me. "Hey" they all said, quickly then resuming their focus on other things. "Who died?" I said sarcastically at the dead response I was just given.

"The new part of the project was given out" Raven said, practically grunting. "Ugh" I responded and Lexa did the same. "What is it this time?" I said frankly irritated as I sat next to Raven and O.

"You have to choose another thing, something you're not passionate about and that is completely different from the first thing you chose." Octavia said beside me. "Then you have to try to perfect it." Raven chimed in sarcastically from the other side of me.

"That sounds like a nightmare" Lexa mumbled and I found myself smiling at her comment. "Yeah it's supposed to show some kind of growth or whatever" Monty said, not looking up from his computer.

"Well great" I muttered to myself but the only person who seemed to be hear was Lexa who grinned.

The bell rang and we all went to our classes. Lexa walked with me all the way to my class. "Don't you have your own class to go to?" I questioned at the door as she stood in front of me.

"I'm in no hurry, I just wanted to walk you to your class" she shrugged. "What a gentleman," I teased sarcastically. She raised her eyebrow at me, "sorry, gentlewoman" I corrected myself.

She stepped closer, placing her finger under my chin and tilting it up slightly. "Don't ever apologize" she said seriously, staring into my eyes. My eyes frantically bounced between her two green eyes, they were so calm and I felt like I was freaking out slightly.

Another bell rang, signaling class was about to start. She started walking backwards, stepping away from me. "See you later Griffin" she said, winking at me and turning away to head to her class.

I stood there frozen, unable to think of anything other than the beautiful girl with stunning eyes that was just in front of me. The teacher had to call my name to get me to come inside his classroom. But during the whole class, all I could think about was Lexa and her electrifying green eyes.

I didn't see her in my biology class that I had next and I got a little worried. It wasn't uncommon for Lexa to skip a class, or school for that matter but I was still worried about her since I saw her this morning.

After all my classes were done and I still didn't see Lexa, I texted her to see where she was but she didn't respond. So I went to the art room to hopefully work on my project since I had time.

I walked into the room, looking at my phone and hoping for an answer and not paying attention in the slightest to my surroundings. "Hey Griffin" I voice said behind me, causing me to jump and look away from my phone.

I realized it was Lexa. She was sitting on a table with her back up against the wall, one of her knees bent with an arm laid relaxingly across it and her other leg dangling over the table with her phone in her hand. "Don't scare me like that," I said, holding my hand over my heart, trying to slow down my heart rate. "What are you doing here?" I asked after I controlled myself.

"Looking for you" she said, her positioning changing as both legs fell over the end of the table and she scooted to the edge of it.

"Why weren't you in class?" I asked her concern taking over my voice. I sound like a teacher. She smiled at me, getting off the table and walking a little closer. "Were you worried about me Griff?" She said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"As a matter of fact yes" I said, standing up straight. "Well in that case..." she trailed off. She was walking closer and my heart rate which I had just slowed down and began to speed up again. "What?" I said quietly, my voice cracking as it struggled to make words over the lump in my throat.

She walked behind me, sitting in a chair and making me turn to face her. "I was working on my project," she said. My heart rate slowed. "Well that's actually why I'm here" I said. "I figured, so that's why I came here," she said with a smirk.

"So what are you doing for your opposite project?" I asked her as I put my stuff down. "Well, I chose soccer for my passion and I know virtually nothing about the earth so I decided to focus on the stars and space. I never had much interest in it, I always preferred the ground and woods where my feet could touch." She said with a shrug.

"I love space and the stars," I said happily. "Well maybe you can help me?" She said with a wicked grin that made chills go down my spine. "Of course" I responded.

"So what about you Clarke? What is your anti- passion?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle. "Not sure, it's going to be tough because I like basically everything. Except violence, I may not want to be a doctor but I still care about my patients." I said. I saw a big, devilish smile come across her perfectly symmetrical face.

"No, no, no," I said, shaking my head and directing my gaze to her. "You just said that was the only thing you weren't passionate about" she said, still holding in to that smile.

"I don't want to" I complained. She got up out of her seat now and came over to me. "What if I teach you how to throw a punch? Nothing to bad, just so you can defend yourself and it would be part of you project." She suggested. Everything she says just makes me want to agree anyways and I was struggling to say no.

"I'm not sure," I said looking at her skeptically. "Come on, you agreed to help me with mine and now I can help you with yours" she said. I still wasn't sure. "Please" she said, giving me a pouty face and it was all she needed to do to push me over the edge.

"Ok fine" I gave in. "But only because I have never seen Lexa Woods beg for anything, and your pouty face is pretty cute" I said and she smiled at me. "Oh, my pouty face is most definitely cute," she teased back and I starting breaking out in laughter while she hung to a smirk. Of course, that damn smirk was alway on her face and I loved it.

"Ok let's go get some stuff from your house so we can leave." I said, motioning to the door and she followed.

I drove her to her house and she got out of the car. She walked over to me and opened the car door, gesturing me out, with her hand extended. I grabbed it and said "see, what a gentlewoman." And it made her laugh. I loved making her laugh.

"Is there something wrong with that?" She asked, still holding onto my hand, leading me into her house. "Of course not" I said back. She unlocked the door and stepped in. It was smaller than my place but I didn't mind in the slightest. There was beer cans scattered across the kitchen and living room.

Lexa let out a sigh at the sight before leading me upstairs to her room. It was the first time I was in it and it wasn't what I expected.

The walls had nothing in them, completely blank. She didn't have many pictures anywhere except for one on her nightstand, it was a way younger version of Lexa and a woman I can only assume was her mother. Her room was neat, but not decorated. I looked around the room as Lexa went to her closet to get a few things.

She turned to me as she saw that I was looking at the empty walls in her room. "I stopped decorating my room after my mom passed," she said which made me look at her. "I didn't have anything special to put on the walls because part of me was missing. Then this place began to feel less like home so I stopped treating it like so." She said as she shrugged her shoulder like it didn't matter but my heart broke as she said that.

"I'm so sorry Lex," I said quietly. "It is truly ok Clarke," she said and resumed gathering her stuff.

We heard the front door open and panic swept over Lexa quickly before it did me. "I thought he was supposed to be gone a few more days," I said. "He was supposed to," she said and I could see the fear growing in her eyes. I never really saw her afraid before, it was something about her father that scared her to her core unlike anything I had ever seen. Looking at her just made me ten times more scared.

We heard the sound of beer cans clattering as they hit the ground and Lexa flinched slightly at the sound and my heart broke a little more.

She grabbed my hands and pulled me close to her. "Do you trust me?" She asked intensely. "Yes Lexa of course" I responded but I was kind of freaking out. "Ok do exactly as I say" she said firmly. "Lexa what, you're scaring me" I said back.

"You will be ok" she said, cupping my cheeks with her perfect hands.

"ALEXANDRIA?" A loud and angry voice yelled from downstairs. We both looked at Lexa's closed door with scared looks on our faces.

"Clarke, Clarke look at me" she said and I focused back to her, back to her glistening green eyes that were laced with fear. "Listen very carefully," she said.

"Go into the closet, shut the door, don't make a sound and whatever you do, don't come out, no matter how bad it gets ok. Do not leave until I open the door" She said quickly. "What? No" I pleaded back to her as I shook my head. There was no way I was leaving her with him. "Please Clarke" she begged.

We heard footsteps up the stairs, they were getting louder. "Do it now Clarke" she whispered and pointed to the closet. I hesitated for a moment before I got in, shut the door and was silently panicking to myself.

I could see through a small crack in the door. Lexa had gotten into her bed calmly, placing everything perfectly next to her and was doing 'homework' when he finally came bursting through her door, causing her to jump a little at the sound.

He was tall, muscular, big, scary and very drunk and had a beer can in his hand that he was gripping like it was the only thing that mattered. "Yes?" She asked him innocently, not meeting his eyes. "Stand up" he ordered loudly and she quickly followed his instructions.

"I heard you found yourself a new group of friends?" He said and Lexa looked up slightly but not meeting his eyes but I could see them. She was scared and concerned but it was like she knew what was going to happen. "What have I always told you?" He said, circling her like a shark does to its prey. "Love is weakness" she responded fast and confidently.

"That's right, you can't care about anyone or you will get hurt, you always get hurt." He said, finishing the rest of his beer. "And what did you do huh? You got yourself another weakness. Maybe I should pay them a visit?" He said and Lexas head shot up, their eyes finally meeting. "No," she said, pleading.

"See, they are already making you weak. Maybe you need another lesson?" He said, throwing his empty can at her wall. It smashed and crumbled with a clank on the ground. Lesson? What the fuck? This can't be good.

He grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her closer to him and hit her across the face, sending her head back. Lexa took the hit and still did nothing to defend herself. I was holding back every instinct inside my body to rush to her side.

He picked her up and hit her again. This time she stumbled over a little. "Stand up" he barked and she did as he said. "Love is weakness" he said before hitting her yet again. I flinched every time his fist collided with the face I had began to familiarize myself with. I couldn't bear to see her in this position.

"You're weak" he spat. He hit her right in the nose and it caused her to tear up from the pressure. This set him off for some reason and he began repeatedly hitting her without letting her regain herself after. I closed my eyes to avoid the sight but I heard every punch he threw at her.

The hitting finally stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. Lexa was on the ground now, only held up by her father holding into the collar of her shirt. "Next time, don't be weak" he said, letting her go. Her limp body fell back to the floor.

He left her room, slamming the door behind him. Lexa got up now and spit blood onto the floor. She slowly got up and grabbed a washcloth to clean her face from blood. Then she turned to look at the door. She cracked it quietly and looked out, then turned back to the closet.

She shut the door and ran over to where I was hiding. She opened it and I quickly embraced her into a hug. She hugged me back, tightly. I put my head in her neck. "Are you ok?" She asked me with so much worry in her voice. "Me? What about you" I said pulling my head away and putting my hands in her cheeks. The bruising process had already started.

"I am fine, I wish you didn't have to see that" she said, wiping a tear from my cheek. "Lexa" I said but she cut me off before I could continue. "I couldn't imagine anything happening to you, I won't let anyone hurt you. Not him, not ever" she said as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm alright Lex," I said reassuringly, wiping her tears from her cheeks like she did to me. "I know but I put you in danger where you could have been hurt and it's all my fault" she said, putting her hands on her face.

I grabbed her wrists and removed them from her face, "Lexa" I said and she looked at me, her green eyes magnified by her glassy eyes. "It's not your fault," I said as I was comforting her. "It is, if I never brought you here, if I never allowed myself to get closer with you if I followed my first instinct that love is weakness, you wouldn't be here" she said and I could basically see her mind racing.

"Hey" I said, putting my hand in her chin. "Love is most certainly not weakness, it is strength, and it is not your fault, I knew what I was getting into and I have absolutely no regrets" I said. She pulled me into another desperate hug. My arms wrapped around her neck as I stood on my toes for height, her arms wrapped around my waist as she held me close. Her face bent into the crook of my neck as I felt her breathing in my skin.

We pulled apart after a while. "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked her, starting to worry about the man downstairs. "I'm not sure," she responded.

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