Fight Me (Fighting #1)

By AnnabelleHazel

662K 20K 2K

Violet Sinclaire only had two passions in her life: family and the arts. Violet, a talented, loved dance teac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 (pt. 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 3 (NOT PRIVATE)
Chapter 15 (NOT PRIVATE)

Chapter 13

16.9K 596 81
By AnnabelleHazel

~~~~May have lots of mistakes. Not edited. Thank you and enjoy, my loves~~~~


“I know you told me not to contact you again, but damn. It is great to hear your voice, Little Warrior.” Ian's eyes search my face frantically. My eyes sting and a tear rolls down my cheek. He reaches up and catches it with his thumb.

It's been so long. His voice, deep and rough fills me with familiarity...and fear.

“It's good to hear your voice too.” I whisper, trying to get off Ian's lap. He holds onto my hips, grounding me against him and wrapping his arms around me. I welcome the feeling of him holding me. His eyes look into mine, telling me everything will be okay.

“I just wanted to give you a warning, Little Warrior. Stay away from the boys in blue. They're tracking you, getting into your life.” My eyes widen and it alarms Ian, but I run a hand through his hair, masking my emotions. His eyes are heavy. He must be tired.

“Who?” I wonder aloud. He chuckles.

“If there is a reason as to why you are such an independent, strong woman it's because I never made shit easy on you. You earned your name, Little Warrior. You know I never give anything away like that. Now, I have to go. Think.” A pause. And I know what's coming. “I want you to take care of this. Sooner rather than later. I will not be stuck in jail because you wanted to be away from me and my way of life.” His voice is now hard and cold. As I last remember it.

“Dad, I,”

“Do as I say and nobody gets hurt, okay? Good-bye, Little Warrior. Make me proud.” The line goes dead. I sit there, looking down at my phone, waiting. Expecting.

What for?
I have no fucking clue.

I just stare as the screen blurs and tears fall from my eyes, roll down my cheeks and fall into Ian's lap and chest.

Seven years. Seven years without contact and he calls me...for this. I hoped for him to tell me that he missed me, that he wanted to see me, but instead it's just good enough to hear my voice.

If anything, my tears are of anger. Pure, unadulterated anger.

I guess I shouldn't feel this way. After all, I was the one who left. I was the one who abandoned him. But who could blame me?

“Don't cry, Sweet Girl. Don't cry because I will lose my temper again.” Ian says, getting rid of my tears with his hands and his kisses. Our mouths find each other and I pour my everything into it. My anger, my frustration, my hate, my love. I kiss him hard and rough, fisting my hands in his hair, pulling it to angle his head. He groans into my mouth.

“I want you to lose it, but like this.” I say against his mouth. “Be rough with me.” I moan as his hands dig into my hips and his mouth sucks on my neck. He suddenly stops and look up at me.

“If you keep talking like that, bad things will happen.” He warns with a smirk. “C'mon. I want you to spend the night with me. Call your friends, tell them you are not coming home.” I shake my head.

“No...Nova and Ava are there. That would be so innapropiate.” He bites his lip, as if thinking about what he will say next.

“They will be delighted to see you in our home because you are their favorite person in the world.” I smile, even though it's not true.

“No. You are their favorite person. How can you even doubt that?” He shrugs.

“I must get boring, being the parent and all.” He says, gruntingas he stands with my wrapped around him. His hands are on my ass, holding me with my legs wrapped around his naked waist.

“I can walk, Ian. And you have just fought. Let me down.” But of course the neanderthal already has his keys and his bag draped over one shoulder, still holding me. He makes a face indicating what I speak is nonesense. But I see the way icy eyes unfocus from time to time. His face also has a small bruise, purple and angry against his left cheek. “Plus I heard that grunt. I know I have a big ass. Must weight a ton.” He chuckles, already making his way to the stairs that lead to his gym. There's only a few employees cleaning up.

This place is actually pretty amazing. A gym and fight club.

“Sweet Girl, their is nothing wrong with this ass.” He says, squeezing. I slap his shoulder, scowling. “And it does not weight a ton. You are a tiny thing. Let me take care of you.” He says, stopping at the top of the stairs just to peck my lips. Once, twice, three times. I love playful Ian.

“Oh, just walk. I need a bed.” I say, as he pecks me a fifth time. He chuckles and keeps walking. We reach my car, because his was taken by Mike. He puts me on the passesnger's side.

“Let me drive. Please, Ian.” He shakes his head, but I won't have it this time. Before he gets to close the door I am up and in front of him. “Hand over the keys. If you get to take care of me, I get to take care of you. Give me the keys.” He wants to put up a fight, but exhausted, he hands them over and walks me to the other side of my Lexus. He opens my door, I get in and he makes his way to his side.

“You're so bossy.” He mutters, buckling himself.

“You're so stubborn.” I say as I pull out of the parking lot and into the road.

We get to his house shortly after, as the gym is extremely close. We make it inside and look around. There is only one light on: he kitchen's.

“Seems to me like the man of the house got here, so you can talk to him about that.” A voice I recognize as Mike's says.

“Oh, yeah. Of course. Why didn't I think of that. He will say yes when the first unicorn is born.” We finally walk into the kitchen and I can't help the laugh that escapes me at the sight of Mike's what-the-fuck-dude face. Ian smiles down at me. “Thank God you brought Baby. She will be on my side.” Nova says walking over to me and sqeezing me in a tight hug. Ian's expression is not very pleased, as my hand is not in his anymore.

“Where's my little girl?” Ian grunts as he puts the bag with his clothes on the table.

“She's in bed. I had to carry her up, she fell asleep on the table.” Nova says, letting go of me.

“What are you up to?” I ask. Mike, who was sitting at the table stands and meets my eyes with weary ones.

“Nova wants me to start training him for NASCAR.” Mike says, looking at the boy with pride in his eyes. I quickly catch that he wants to do it.

“And I won't have it.” Ian adds. Nova scowls around an apple. He offers me one, I take it. I nod my thanks.

“Thing is, it's not your choice to make. It's my life.” Nova says after swallowing his mouthful. Mike shakes his head and holds up a hand at him. I take an awkward bite of my apple.

The tension is so thick you could cut right through it.

Ian takes a deep breath.

“Don't speak to him that way, Nova.” Mike warns. Nova seems to be hurt by his tone. My chest pains at the sight of his defeated face. “Look, it's late. You should go to bed; let us talk about this.” Mike softens the blow.

“Yeah, sure. I'll go to bed, Uncle Mike.” The bitterness of his words just make me hurt for him deeper. I don't know what has gotten into me, but the urge to defend him is overwhelming. He comes to give me a kiss, but I know it's for his own comfort. I hold his sad, disappointed face and wink.

“I'm on your side.” I whisper. And for the first time in a long time, I see the famous shark-like grin. I smile back.

“Good night.” He mutters before walking away and disappearing.

“I should get going. It's late and I have four cars for tomorrow...I don't even fuckin' work tomorrow.” I give a small laugh. Ian, who was slightly bent over with his hands on the table and his head hung looked up at his friend.

“We'll talk tomorrow.” Ian says giving him a dangerous look. Mike nods, getting the connotation.

“I'll call you.” He says, moving to kiss my cheek. “Good night.” With those words he leaves us.

And here I am. Still eating my apple.

“C'mon. Let's go wash up and go to bed.” Ian says, getting rid of my apple for me and taking my hand. We walk all the way up to his room in silence.

He closes the door behind him. I love this room. The beautiful view through the sliding door, the gigantic bed and the dark colors.

“Go wash up. I'll put one of my shirts on the counter for you...” My eyes widen. Fuck. I have no underwear.

“I have no underwear, Knight...” He chuckles, taking the few steps keeping us apart. His hands take my face and tilt it back so that my eyes are looking into his.

“You don't need any.” Feeling the heat of my cheeks in his hands he presses a kiss to me mouth and winks. “Not because we are doing anything, but because I have already seen you without it.” I squeeze his arms in warning, but a stupid smile gives me away. “And I don't mind you naked. Not a problem at all.” I slap one of his biceps and roll my eyes.

“Sometimes I think you just want me for my body.” I sigh dramatically. He bites his lip, looking down at my cleavage.

“Not the case, but your body is definetly a plus, Duchess. Now get in the shower. I'll take everything you need to you. Make yourself at home.” He opens the door to the bathroom and I step in.

Have you ever walked into a hotel's bathroom and gasped at the beauty of it? The luxury you are not used to and the polished surfaces that take your breath away?

That's exactly what this bathroom looks like.

It's all, just like the room, dark. Blacks and grays decorate the cabinets and handles. The shower is double the size of a normal one and there is a tub big enough for three people behind it.

I decide I am in love with this place before I even get in and start to lather my body with Ian's soap.

“May I?” I hear his voice over my moans. The warm water soothes my tired muscles in the most delicious way.

“Sure. Come in.” I cover my scar, but I know he can't see it through the frosted glasss doors. The door to the bathroom opens and he walks in. I hear him putting some things on the counter.

“I promised myself I wouldn't look, but damn, baby you're a vision.” My face heats up and I turn towars the water, so that he can only see my side.

“Join me?” I say, regretting it immediatly. Where did that come from?

“Fuckin' mouth of yours is trouble.” He mutters. “I brought you men's underwear. They're new, but they will be ridiculously big on you.” I laugh.

“Thank you.” I say and he walks out.



That woman will be the death of me.

I sit on my bed with my head in my hands.

I have no idea why I had her come over. I knew it would be too much temptation to have her here after a fight.

Because whether I want to or not, my body craves sex after a fight. It's been a need I've had for years now. And not having it tonight has me on edge.

Her presence is enough to keep me calm for the most part and at the same time it heightens everything I'm feeling.

I hear buzzing and look around for my phone. I search through my gym bag and answer it quickly.

“Congratulations, Ian. I heard you won, as usual.” Becca's silky voice seems to have an effect on me. I pinch the bridge on my nose. She knows what I need after a fight and she's pushing the button. “Did you have a good time after or should I come over?” My body reacts, but my mind is on the woman naked in my shower.

My woman.

“My woman is taking a shower in my bathroom. What do you think?” Silence.

“Your voice says otherwise. Tell me you're not hard just from listening to my voice.” I take a deep breath. “Anyways, I have the conversation her daddy had with her. No location, though. It's clear he was trying to confuse us before. Asshole is on the move. We can meet tomorrow. I think it will be great if you heard what he had to say to her.” The water in the other room is no longer audible.

“Maybe. I'll give you a call if I can. Send it to Mike.” She sighs.

“Good night. Call me if you need me when she's gone.” I chuckle.

“Good night, Becca.” I hang up and Violet walks out of the bathroom.

“Were you just talking?” She asks, towel drying her hair. I walk over to her and crush my mouth to hers.

Violet in one of my shirts and smelling like me....I can't fucking resist it.

She moans into my mouth, releasing the towel and wrapping her arms around my neck. I thrust my tongue into her mouth violently, needing to taste her.

“Ian.” She gasps against my mouth as my hands run all the way down her back, holding on to her ass and pull her against my erection. Her hands travel down my body, nails digging into my neck, chest, arms making me growl.

I have to stop this.

“Ian?” She asks on a breathless whisper. She looks up at me, wide, innocent eyes searching mine, asking me why I pulled away.

“I can't control it, not tonight.” My voice is hoarse, rough. Barely understandable.

“Let me take care of you.” She whispers. I nod.

“Right after I shower I am all yours.” Her eyebrows pull together, an obvious sign of worry. “I am perfectly fine. Lay on the bed and wait for me.” I kiss her forehead and get in the bathroom.

I get rid of my clothes and get in the shower, adjusting the water as cold as possible. I stand under the stream willing myself to relax.

But thinking about her on my bed looking like that does not do anything for my current...state. I don't know how much time I spend in the shower before I decide I have had enough.

I walk out after I put boxers and find Violet is standing in front of the sliding doors, admiring the view. She is breathtaking. The moonlight seems to make her glow. Her fiery red hair, her soft curves and her silky smooth skin are perfection to me.

I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her, lowering my chin on her shoulder.

“God, Ian. You're freezing.” She gasps, turning around, rubbing her hands up and down my arms.

“Warm me up in bed, then.” I say, carrying her princess style and throwing her on the bed. She laughs hard. My mouth turns up on one side as I watch her. Head thrown back, hands holding onto her flat stomach. “You must be exhausted, beautiful girl.” I whisper after her laughter dies down and I am laying beside her.

“Lay on your stomach.” She orders. I chuckle.

“You're quite bossy tonight.” I say, but I do as she says. She then straddles me, sitting on the very bottom of my back. The feel of her skin on mine is like a delicious burn.

“Relax.” She whispers, her hands starting to massage my neck and back. I didn't realize how sore I was until now. I hiss, not because it hurts, but because the strength she's using makes her subtly grind her barely covered body into mine.

After a few minutes the torture is unbearable and I change our position so that I on top of her, her legs open and our bodies aligned perfectly.

“You just can't stop torturing me, can you!” I ask, breathing hard. She bites her lip and shrugs.

“I just want to take care of you. All of you. But it's you not letting me take care of,” she grinds against my erection. I close my eyes as I take a breath. “that. You are torturing yourself, Knight.” Despite my sexual frustration, I peck her lips and smile.

“You and that mouth. Too smart for your own good.” She tries to kiss me again, but I get off her and spoon her.

“You just rejected me.” She gasps. I chuckle, kissing the space between her shoulder blades.

“For your own good. Now sleep.” She huffs and I bite her shoulder gently, but making my point. She elbows me.

“You're such an animal.” She whispers drowsiy. I laugh.

“They don't call me Wolf for the hell of it. Now sleep.” I know she wants to say something, but she stays silent. Moments later, she is asleep, her head pressed into my arm, her hands holding on to it.

I caress her gentle curves softly, enjoying the feel of her against me. I try to sleep, but I just can't. Not with everything on my mind.

After hopeless hours of trying to calm my restless body and get some rest I decide there is only one thing to do.

I get up, softly taking my arm from under Violet's head. She looks so fucking angelical. Her red curls spilled all over my pillow and her face soft and calm, a small frown on her face, from losing my arm under her head. I kiss her head softly and begin to dress.

I grab my cellphone and dial.

“Hello?” Her voice is rougher, drowsy. Of course she was sleeping. It's three in the morning.

“It's me. I'm coming over.” I say, taking my keys and wallet, closing the door behind me softly.

“Of course.” She whispers. “Anything in particular you want?” Rebecca asks, sounding more alert now. I get in my SUV.

“Just be ready and awake when I get there.” I say before hanging up and driving off to her house.


I wake up to the sun pouring in through Ian's sliding doors. I reach for him, but the bed is empty. I get up and make myself presentable. I take a shower, brush my teeth, put on the clothes from the night before and run my hands through my curls.

I hate the sinking feeling of not seeing Ian as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

Ava and Nova seem to be sleeping, so I decide to leave . I grab my keys and cellphone and start to walk towards the door, when it opens and a very sweaty, shirtless Ian walks through it. He is out of breath as he takes off his earphones and meets my gaze. He gives me a beautiful smile.

“My Duchess.” He greets. “Leaving me so soon?” I shrug, smiling.

“Well, you were not in bed. I didn't know what to do.” He walks toward me slowly, as if testing me. He thinks I'll move awa because he is sweaty. He bends over and kisses me, chasetly. I hold onto his sweaty face and deepen the kiss.

“You don't mind the sweat.” It's not a question.

“I prefer you sweaty.” I say with a smirk. He shakes his head, taking my hand and walking me back into the kitchen.

“Trouble.” He mutters to himself, putting his phone and headphones down on the table. “I am going to take a quick shower. Sit and wait for me. I'll make you breakfast.” I nod and he pecks my lips before waking away. I take a seat at the table and wait. I take my phone and text Lina.

Hey. I'm at Ian's. Probably won't be home for a while. Everything okay?

Yeah, nena. I just woke up at Mike's. I laugh.

You two an item? I like your crazy ass with him.

Yes, we are. He's the man I've got botox for. I laugh harder. It's true. Lina has gotten some work done on her. If you see a picture of her then, you wouldn't recognize her.

I am glad you found the man you've had work done for. You deserve it.

Ian's phone goes off and I look down at it.

Hope you slept better after coming over last night. I'm sore and exhausted. Don't wake me up at 3 a.m. again, will you? ;)

Rebecca. Last night after I fell asleep he went to see Rebecca. I get up and decide it's time for me to leave just as Ian is coming down the stairs. His hair is wet, his body still shirtless, slightly wet.
“What would you like to eat, Duchess?” He asks, opening the fridge.

“I don't know. Do you always reject your girlfriends and go fuck Rebecca?” He turns around, closing the fridge and walking over to me.

“I did not go fuck Rebecca, Violet.” He says. “And watch your mouth.” I take the steps separating us and look up at his already angry face. Those fucking eyes. They stare into mine, telling me to calm down.

“Why the hell did you ask me to spend the night with you? To satisfy yourself knowing you have one here while you fuck the other?” He takes deep breaths, willing himself to calm down.

“Violet.” He warns. I smile, but it's not pleasant. I ignore the pain in my chest. How could he leave me in his bed and go to another woman's?

“Fuck you, Ian.” I spit before taking my keys and turning around to walk away. He grabs my waist and spins me to face him. He doesn't even have the decency to explain.

“You will listen. To. Me.” I slap him. So hard my hand stings. I cover my mouth with the same hand. I can't believe I just did that. His face turns, so that his eyes meet mine. He scowls at me, his eyes dark and full of rage. He swings me over his shoulder and takes me t his room. I struggle, but it's useless. He's like a wall.
“Let me go!” I claw at his back. He throws me onto his bed, closing the door behind him.

He gets on the bed hovers over me with a dead serious look on his face, before taking my face in his hands and slamming out lips together.

And just like that, my anger disolves into desire.

Our mouths are violent and hungry against each other. Our teeth clash and tug at each other's lips.

“This is all I want.” He growls against my mouth. He gets rid of my shirt and bra. I grip his hair as his hands pull me to him, my bare breasts brushing against his hard rock chest. I moan into his mouth. I undo my jeans and he begins slipping them off, groaning when he notices I am wearing nothing under them.

“Damn, baby.” He says, kissing his way down my belly, thighs and legs. I get on my knees as he stands and get rid of his shorts for him. My eyes widen as I take in the part of him I had not yet seen.

Well, that's not going to fit.

“We're not having sex today.” He says, taking in ym expression. My cheeks burn.H gets on top of me again and our mouths find each other again. His erection brushes against my clit and I moan, moving my hips wanting more.

“More.” I gasp as his mouth moves to my neck. He bites and sucks hard, grinding himself into me. I can feel my orgasm build. Hard and fast. He growls against my neck as I lift my hips, meeting his subtly moves.

“Are you ready to come for me?” He pants in my ear before taking it in his mouth and biting hard. I make a sound, loud and shameless.

“Oh, God. Yes!” His hips start to jerk against me as I come, finding his release too. He spills onto my belly, groaning loudly against my mouth. He collapses on top of me, panting into my neck. I catch my breath for a second before pushing him off me.

“Where are you going?” He asks, as I walk into the bathroom and wash his release off me. Self-conscious, I dress quickly.

“Home. Tell Rebecca her leftovers were just fine.” I say before getting out of his house, sending Lina a text and driving home.

Lina is home already when I get there. She hugs me tightly and whispers sweet nothings into my ear as I, as the idiot that I am, cry.

How could I be so stupid?

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