Am I really just a fuck toy...

By YNZcat

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Namjoon. A Mafia boss who's cruel and cold. Every girl he passes, swoons over him. He would love to have a fu... More

Met Again
Beginning Of A Beautiful Progress
Sleepover; Truth Or Dare
Wish Granted; Christmas Special.
Unsettling Start
Ey, Happy Birthday
Hotel De Luna; A New Year Special
Countdown ;A New Year Special Part 2.
A Pleasure Night; A New Year Special Part 3.
Happy Birthday Eonni!!
First Date
What They Had
Family Dinner
The Party; The Day Before
The Party; Namjoon
The Party;The Day Before 2
The Party
Where It All Started
It Isn't Over Yet
Blood Pack
Not An Update, But Click
Am I Really Just A Fuck Toy?!
Random Facts About This Book


152 6 4
By YNZcat

-Jennie PoV-

A horrified look formed on my face as I saw Jimin, Hobi, and Jungkook in separate cages. I could see Jungkook desperately trying to use his dissappearing magic to make the cage, well, dissappear. But to it didn't work somehow. Now I could see him try to use different polygons and shapes, which is according to my observation, is his other power. But that didn't work either.

"Powers don't worry in an enchanted cage. I suppose you know that already Jeon" Kai said in a boring tone and rolled his eyes.

I turned to Kai as Jimin started crying and Hobi was on the verge to but he tried to be strong and tried to comfort Jimin while in the cage. I don't want to see my friends like this because of me. Never. They mean the world to me.

"Let them go please. They didn't do anything to deserve this." Don't cry Jennie, calm thy self. I told myself repeatedly.

"Hm. Maybe I will." Kai placed a finger on his chin like he was thinking then formed that annoying smirk again when Jimin asked a question.

"H-how did y-you even get here. This is almost impossible to enter, wether you're a genius at technology, or the most powerful man, or just an ordinary person. It's only me and the guys who can open it. How did you?" Jimin managed to say without his voice cracking. Well, his voice squeeked a bit but it was unnoticeable if you don't hear him right.

"Well, you don't even take a closer look at your comrades. That's why I easily caught Jennie without none of you noticing it" He chuckled.

The doors burst open with our guard down and we flinched. I sighed in relief when it was someone we know.

Jimin stood up from the cage since he was sitting there all this time, and held the bars but then sparks of electricity went through his hands and onto his body, making him shake for a moment then got blasted onto the wall, making Hobi and Jungkook slowly back away from the front of the cage in fear of having the same thing happening to them. Jimin groaned as he stood up again, only he came to the closest he had been to the front without touching the bars again.

"Jimin?! Are you OK?!" Yoongi shouted and turned to Kai, his expression turned to the darkest it had been.

He blasted a white flash, which I don't know what it does but it almost hit Kai, when it suddenly stopped, and it turned around, flashing back to Yoongi like it was a boomerang. Luckily, Yoongi got out of the way and  the white flash hit the vase and the vase vanished out of thin air. Making all of shocked and scared. Only Kai wasn't.

"How?!" Yoongi asked Kai.

"You see Yoongi, I have here Jennie. I don't have the time to speak to you, because you're just gonna waste it. So, why don't you join your... 'Jiminie' and be with him until the last moments hm? I'm doing you a favor, until all of you die" We didn't see it coming, the white flash that Yoongi made but now it was made by Kai, and Yoongi didn't noticed it until it hit him and he was teleported to the same cage as Jimin. Jimin immediately hugged him while Yoongi hugged back, his shirt wettening from Jimin's tears. I could say he was very emotional.

"Stop it Kai!" I shouted and got his attention. I heard a bomb like sound outside, so it must be Namjoon. My lips formed a smile I hadn't ever since how I got here. And I know Namjoon is coming for me, but my heart hurts whenever I see him or just even think about him.

Kai noticed.

"Are you having second thoughts about Namjoon?" I looked at my friends, they saw me and shook their heads when they also heard the question.

They knew about it.

"Jennie, don't think about it! Or else... Just don't! You know what's it coming to!" Jimin shouted at me. But it was inaudible to me as I thought.

Maybe I am having second thoughts about me and Namjoon. Maybe, what he said was true. He loves me right? He told me... But he also didn't... I'm confused with my feelings. Do I love him? Do I not? All the moments we shared... All the hugs and kisses... Does he love me? I couldn't remember if he said it. The memory of it was vague to me as he didn't say it often. Only I did. But... Does he truly love me? I know I do. But I'm having doubts about everything I knew about love. Maybe he doesn't actually want me, maybe he has already found someone else, like that secretary girl. I mean, she got the looks, and maybe she got boys on hooks too. I want it to end. End all the pain from this. I wish I never knew about love and pain, maybe I could be happy with my parents again. With the girls.

From my lack of answer, Kai seemed irritated and got impatient. Then I felt like a powerful wave inside of me that rushed through my body faster than a cheetah. It made me dizzy and almost puked. The feeling was like a roller-coaster. My whole is a roller coaster anyway. Then my mind just, had the urge to speak truthfully. I could hear the loud shouts from the guys.

"Now, are you having second thoughts about you and Namjoon?"

"Yes" I wasn't thoroughly sure, but I didn't want to answer the question without actually being sure! It was like, what I felt was being collected and turned into an immediate answer just for Kai.

"No! This isn't you Jennie!" Hobi's voice rang through my ears but I couldn't do anything about it.

"She's under a truth spell. You see her green eyes. Where she can only tell the truth, but even when she isn't sure of her answer, the spell collects her feelings and transforms it into an immediate answer for the person who casted the spell. She doesn't have full control of what she's saying, even if she's doesn't want to answer, but the caster wanted one, the spell will make her say what her feelings say" Yep, I'm correct.

"Hm, interesting. You're facts are indeed right Mr. Min haha." He gave a fake clap then turned back to me.

"Now, Jennie... Do you want to end it?"

"I want to end it" I said, but it wasn't actually me. I wanted to say no, but I can't. I don't have control on what to say, as Yoongi explained earlier. I just want Namjoon here. But at the same time I don't.

"Did you wish you were with someone else, someone who could actually make you happy?"

"Yes" But, maybe I do. He said it himself, he didn't love me.

"Maybe I found a way to end it, just sign this contract and it will end" He suddenly had a contract in his hands that I didn't even see he took. Magic.

"No noona! Don't sign it! You'll be in love forever with someone else who signed that same contract!" Jungkook shouted and held the bars, but then he got electrocuted and got blasted to the wall. But he was much stronger, and it didn't affect him.

And this... Gave me strength. Strength to fight this spell. In my mind, I shut my eyes and focused all my strength to fight. I started to shake my head and covered my eyes. As soon as I uncovered them, all of them stared at me in shock as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Y-your eyes! They're different!" Kai said. He showed me a mirror and I saw my eyes, the right one was the green color from the spell, and the other was my normal hazel brown eyes.

I fought the spell, but just half.


"I fought it" Then the door burst open, revealing Namjoon and the girls.


Wow. Ok. I've don't know what to put here anymore so... Yeah💜

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