Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

65.8K 2.8K 797

One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Playing "Hero"

1.8K 66 15
By AshleyH713

"I'm telling you, it was an easy in and out. My dear brother didn't even know what hit him. You should've seen the look on his face. It was priceless."

Hikari sang before kicking her feet onto the coffee table in her brother's living room, the phone pressed against her ear as she thought about the simple trick she had pulled yesterday .

Some hero, he couldn't even connect the pieces to his baby sister, could he?

Twirling the flash drive in her hand, Hikari smirked before the villain replied back coaxing. "If you have it then give it to me already."

Although that's when the girl hummed before pushing the object back into her pocket, leaning forward on her knees.

"Yeah, I don't think so. We aren't looking at this until the coast is officially clear. Kei is at some stupid hero thing and I don't know when he'll be back. It's not enough time to arrange a meet up. I don't want all this to be for nothing."

And although she was sure that Dabi was just dying to see what kind of secrets were on that little device, she knew better. The man was always such a reckless fellow but now that the ball was in her court, Hikari knew she could finish his job without any loose ends.

Pushing the phone closer to her ear, the girl added. "Also, I don't trust you."

The line was silent for a minute before she heard Dabi let out a heavy breath, his tone slightly accusatory. "Oh come on Princess. You don't think I'd just take the files and run now would you? That would break your little heart I think.."

Grumbling to herself, Hikari scoffed. "Oh please, the sooner I can be done with both of you the better. Also, sorry but I don't really trust people after they pushed me off a balcony without permission.."

Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at that, remembering the surprised look on her face during the act. "You told me to do something, so I did. Why are you complaining? It brought you where you needed to be. I think you should be thanking me for that little idea.."

Already feeling her brow twitch in annoyance, the girl huffed. "I'm not going to thank you for pushing me off a railing asshole. But hey, if you really insist maybe I should try it on you, see how you like it?"

Yet the man only seemed to welcome the challenge. "I'm not usually into that kind of foreplay but if that's what you want..."

Already feeling a light heat at his words, Hikari immediately shut him down. "Yeah yeah you wish. Just be patient, you pretty little ass. You'll have your file soon enough."

Humming at her words, Dabi coaxed. "Ah, so you still think my ass is pretty? I'll have to make a note about that for the next time we meet.."

Hikari could only roll her eyes though, turning to the TV only to find the president of the commission moving up to the center of the stage, the girl causing her playful stance to immediately stop.

"We chose to put on this kind of event at this time. Because we saw this as a critical juncture. It's been about three months since All Might's retirement, and there are rumors that we are lacking an icon, but the heroes who will bear the future are right here. Let us work towards a peaceful society with them.."

The woman didn't have time to leave the screen before Hikari threw her take out food at the surface, her teeth gritted in absolute rage because of her disgusting words.

"You call a peaceful society hunting someone down and taking away their future, you call it pushing someone so far their breaking point that all they want to do is die?! You call it changing an innocent kid into a soldier and changing everything about them in order to please your selfish desires?! Fuck that you crazy bitch..."

She was too far inside her own fury to even notice Dabi trying to speak to her on the other end, his voice just as calm as it always is. "Not that I'm not enjoying this, but what's got you so bothered suddenly?"

Clutching her hands so hard that they started to turn white, Hikari then reached for the remote before turning off the TV so she didn't have to hear anymore of that woman's speech.

"The president, she's going off on some bullshit and I don't want to hear it...."

Already feeling her breathing start to go shallow from the very thought, she tried to focus on Dabi's words instead, hoping it would give her some distraction.

"You're watching that hero chart aren't you? I barely got ten minutes in before I felt like I had to puke. Their candy coated words don't really do much for us, do they Princess?"

Hikari only remained silent though, thinking about the blind heroes and citizens that would never know about what kind of person the president really was, that they would never experience the kind of torture and devastation that Dabi and her had.

It was sickening, she hated each and every one of them and the girl desperately couldn't wait for the day when they paid for their crimes, when everyone soon realized that the real villains were right under their noses.

"Fuck her, fuck everything..."

Humming in agreement of her fury, Dabi then spoke plainly. "They really do need to be taught a lesson don't they? That's why I was thinking about testing out our new high end today. Hawks wants to try it out in a less populated area but what's the fun in that, right?"

His words caused Hikari to sit up before truly thinking about his words, and the meaning behind them. "You want to let it out in the city? But what about the casualties..?"

Yet she was quickly cut off by the villain, his tone with slight malice. "Not my problem. If anything, it will add more reason for people to see how cruel the word is..."

Hikari couldn't help but shake her head at that, an uncomfortable feeling in her throat. "Dabi, I don't think.."

But the villain once again only groaned before hearing something rustle like he was sitting up as well, a frown already apparent from his voice.

"Oh that's right I forgot, you still don't like getting your pretty hands dirty, do you?"

Although Hikari only glared into the object before completely disagreeing with his words and shutting them down a second later. She hated the way he worded that phrase, like she was some kind of gutless little girl.

"It's not that. I just think blind killing is such a boring way to go about everything. There are plenty of other ways to ruin someone's life than just mere death."

And yeah, call it crazy but Hikari was never one to agree to the 'killing lifestyle' that her dad and every other villain seemed to live by. It just wasn't her thing and she wanted to show the entire underworld that you didn't need to end someone's life in order to get them to listen to you.

Her life as a villain may have consisted of a lot of things but the girl always found murder such a tasteless and boring way to go about having people fear you.

It seemed cheap in her eyes and everyone that knew the Valkyrie name knew that she didn't need to kill to be utterly terrifying, to know they shouldn't screw with her.

Sure, she still didn't give a shit about ordinary people's lives but that didn't mean that Hikari didn't have a moral compass, choosing to only ruin the lives of those that truly deserved it.

Turning to look at her nails, the girl added. "Besides, isn't living far more cruel than dying? We should know that one by now."

And that was something that Hikari believed wholeheartedly, knowing that having to check behind you every day and living in constant fear was far more satisfying than any kind of death.

The trauma, the memories and the lingering anxiety, that's what really was the most terrifying to her.

That's because she knew those kinds of feelings firsthand, and Hikari was pretty sure he could sympathize with it also given what that they had gone through together.

Yet with Dabi, even though he understood her logic, he always seemed to share other interests, never having a problem with ending a life.

So that's why she usually let him take care of that whenever the time came.

"You have a point there."

Knowing that she was winning him over, Hikari hummed back. "Exactly, so just stick with the original plan. You'll get better results anyways without civilians around."

Just then, the girl heard a knock on the door causing Hikari to frown before walking up to the surface as Dabi hummed.

"Fine, but only if you hurry up with that meeting. Who knows what could happen if I get too bored with waiting.."

Rolling her eyes, the girl replied plainly. "I already said I was working on it. Stop being so stubborn already. As soon as my brother gets back I'll see what I can do.."

Yet just as she opened the surface, Hikari paused when her eyes met the familiar face of her brother, his wings lifting out in excitement at her presence.

"Hey Hika-chan! Did ya miss me? I sure hope so cause I'm taking you out for lunch!"

Silently groaning to herself, the girl heard Dabi on the other line chuckle at her silent tone. "Looks like your darling bird brother is back. How charming.."

Although that's when another voice caused the phone to almost drop out of her hands before someone else appeared in front of her, his arms crossed in a silent huff.

Widening her eyes, Hikari just barely made out his cerulean gaze before the girl immediately felt her hands ball into a fists as an overwhelming feeling of anger worked its way into her throat.

Suddenly every story that Dabi had told her, every horrible thing she had witnessed and heard about all pushed into her and once before the girl gritted her teeth in order to stop from breaking her cover right then and there.

And oh boy did she want to, to sharpen her feathers and slowly torture him until he pathetically apologized for ruining so many people's lives, for ruining the one life he was supposed to care about most.

Kei, what did you do? Why is he here?!

Barely even getting the words out, the girl seethed out slowly towards the villain on the phone, trying to keep every single feeling buried inside so she wouldn't burst.

"I-I'm going to have to call you back.."

And it was obvious to tell she was stunned into some kind of silence, Dabi beginning to call back. "Come on Princess, you can't just.."

Although just as he said that, the man spoke roughly towards her brother, the fire on his costume staring at Hikari with a mocking fashion. "Hurry up Hawks, I don't have all day. Grab your sidekick and let's go.."

Just his voice shut that villain up immediately as Hikari finally snapped back to life, ending the call before shoving her phone back into her pocket a moment later.

The last thing she wanted was for him to hear this asshole's voice.

Twisting her head in disbelief Hikari then stood silent, wondering how in the hell the number one hero was on her doorstep right now and about how bad she wanted to slice his throat open with her feathers.

Just what the hell was Keigo thinking to bring Endeavor here of all people?


Soon enough, Hikari found herself sitting only a small distance away from the man in question, silently thinking of various ways to ruin his life as she bore into his stupid little face while watching the hero talk to a server a couple feet away.

He wasn't paying attention but the girl was very clearly staring at him, causing Hawks to gently elbow her in the side with a whisper.

"Hika-chan you gotta cool it with the staring. I know he's super cool but Endeavor doesn't know we're the kids he saved many years ago so we gotta pretend like we don't know him, alright?"

This caused the girl to finally turn her head away from Endeavor before actually thinking her brother was the stupidest person in the entire world.She wasn't staring at him in admiration, just the very idea made her want to gag.

If only you knew how awkward this really is, if only I could jump across this table and point all of my feathers at him then I would.

Although the girl quickly cut herself off before nodding once, forcing her tone to even out as she picked up the water next to her, taking a sip to hold her tongue. "Mhmm"

It was obvious that his presence still distracted her, causing Hawks to ruffle his feathers in thought and start a new topic in hopes of her keeping her cover before he returned.

"Hey, by the way I heard ya talkin on the phone when I picked you up. Who was that?"

Pushing the water closer to her lips, Hikari thought about his accusation before turning her head away from him, half listening to his words. It wasn't like he could've heard the conversation, she was further enough away from him at the time.

"It was nothing, just someone I know.."

Hawks couldn't help but raise an eye at that, leaning his chin forward on hand as the man picked up on her dismissive tone and anxious energy. Whoever this person was, she didn't want him to know.

No, it couldn't be...

Lifting his wings out at the very idea, Hawks then turned to his sister before shouting out. "No way, was it a boy?! Do you have a boyfriend?!"

Almost immediately, Hikari eyes widened in shock as the water rushed into her nose a moment later, the girl coughing erratically at the very idea of Dabi being her boyfriend. It was laughable to say the least "N-No.."

Although her embarrassed demeanor was too late to hide from her sneaky brother, the man widening his eyes before leaning in even closer than before, a little too close actually.

"Aww look at you getting all blushy! I'm right, aren't I? Who is he, do I know him?! Aww this is so cute Hika-chan's got a crush.."

The irony of the situation was funny to say the least, Hikari knowing that the person he was talking about was actually the villain that he was possibly trying to screw over.

And it wasn't like she had some kind of stupid crush on him or something, okay?

Maybe years ago when she was young and a kid..

But like she said, that was years ago and now the very idea of Dabi being with her for anything besides a one night stand was something she couldn't even think about.

The two knew they were fucked up beyond reasoning and it wasn't like little school crushes fit them anymore.

No, not anymore.

Wanting so bad to slam his face into the table, the girl replied back before thinking as her own flustered tone caused the Hikari to cringe to herself "It's not like that.."

God, I sound like an idiot. Just drop it already. Why are you bringing this up now?!

Although unlike her wishes, Hawks wanted to push further, wondering just what kind of man had caught his sister's heart. He hoped they were treating her well, or else there would be hell to pay that's for sure.

And seeing Endeavor return to his seat, the bird finally decided to give up, a small smirk on his face at a sign of an invisible challenge.

"Sure sure, I don't believe ya but sure. I'll drop it for now but don't think you're getting away that easily. Just so you know, I'm going to make it my mission to introduce myself and make sure that boy is treating my baby sister right."

Groaning to herself, Hikari couldn't help but place her hands over her face before trying her best not to scream at the idea of whatever he was suggesting.

This is what you are observant on, this is what you chose to challenge me on? Not the break in, not my fake ass personality but this? Seriously...?

Although she was quickly saved when Endeavor roughly plopped down across from her, the girl dropping the conversation before glaring at the hero and uttering a string of curses in her own mind.

And this time, he did notice the staring. "Why did you bring your sidekick along? She doesn't seem like she'll be useful for whatever you dragged me here for."

This caused the girl to smirk to herself before doing something that was very uncharacteristic to her fragile girl personality. She spoke back.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, given how popular you are nowadays it must be hard to take time away from your new fans. It's alright, I can leave if you'd like.."

There was a sense of cockiness in her tone, like every word she was saying was somehow sarcastic since she internally knew that the man wasn't popular at all in the news, that no one wanted him to be the new number one.

Her words, she bet they got under his skin and made him seethe. Good.

The girl then immediately began to rise from her seat in order to get away from the terrible man as fast as possible before Hawks grabbed onto her arm a moment later, his tone playful.

"I asked the kid to be here because she deserves to know what's going down in Kyushu. If she's going to be a capable pro one day it's important for her to hear this."

His declaration bought a heavy ball of disgust in her throat, just the idea of her brother calling her a hero made her want to throw up. That was the last thing she wanted to be.

Yet it seemed like his lies won over the number one hero, his arms crossing before gesturing for Hikari to settle back into her seat, much to her displeasure.

"Just get on with it. I don't have all day."

Knowing she had lost, the girl slumped back into her seat before sighing roughly as Hawks and Endeavor began to talk about some kind of pointless hero thing she could give less than two shits about.

Once their food arrived, Hikari then pushed around the meal with her chopsticks before letting her mind wander immediately as the two continued to mutter about something.

Blah blah blah, the fate of the world is in danger. What else is new? Just get on with it so I don't have to hear any of your self righteous bullshit anymore.

Why am I even here? Is it cause darling little Kei-chan doesn't trust me alone, or is it because he thinks his baby sister will break a nail without him breathing over my shoulder twenty four seven? Ugh God, stop making me sick..

Humming to herself, the girl was suddenly stopped when her invisible wings began to twitch in anxiety as Hikari lifted up her head a moment later.

What the hell? Usually I can't sense things when the pendant is on. Not unless something is super massive. Maybe it's just a muscle spasm.

Although that's when the girl turned her head towards the large glass window that was on her left before her wings started to grow even more twitchy, like something was seriously wrong.

And it seemed Endeavor and Hawks seemed to stop speaking as well, looking in the same direction as her before Hikari felt her brother's hand reaching around and pull her away from the glass window a moment later...

Just before it shattered into a million pieces.

Hikari, look out..!!"

Feeling the breath get knocked out of her, the girl blinked in surprise turning to whatever monster had ruined their lunch before her heart immediately stopped in her chest.

What the hell...

And that was because staring back at her was none other then the high end Nomu that Dabi was talking about this morning, the one that he had agreed to not let out in the city, the one that he apparently lied to her about..

She supposed she should've been more scared about the thing that was just a couple feet away, but the only overwhelming emotion that Hikari could feel at the moment was blinding fury, all aimed towards Dabi.

That villain, he told her that he would hold off, that he would listen to her suggestion about not killing civilians but it seemed that was a lie also.

Dabi, just what the hell are you thinking?! People are gonna die because of this. I don't you not to change the fucking plans!! Now what am I supposed to do?!"

She felt betrayed, screwed over and like an idiot for actually taking his words at face value. He was so dead that next time she saw him, so so so dead.

Although she was quickly brought out of her own fury, Hawks turning her head until she locked into his amber eyes, the bird obviously noticing that she was staring at the creature for far too long.

"Hikari, did you hear me?!"

Blinking in surprise, the girl tried to recall anything he had said to her in the last couple minutes to no avail. "I..uh huh?"

Almost immediately, Hawks lifted his wings out in exasperation, obviously stressed by the situation at hand, a concerned hand to her cheek. "I said are you alright?"

Once she was finally able to register his words, Hikari slowly nodded her head before turning back towards the Nomu with narrowed eyes. "O-Oh, yeah.."

Her reply was less than convincing though before she felt her brother tighten his hold on her side with a hiss, knowing what his number one priority was.

"I have to get you out of here before I start evacuating the building. It's not safe. Come on.."

He then started to gather his sister up in his arms with his wings extended, almost like he was going to fly them to the ground. This caused Hikari to immediately tense up before pushing against his arms in order to release her.

"W-Wait wait wait, I can't fly. Don't worry about me Kei-chan, I can get out. You gotta save the others. I don't think this building will last much longer.

Already feeling the light shake of the foundations from her wings, the girl knew that she could get out without his help, without flying.

If he wanted to truly evacuate everyone then he needed to use all of his feathers to do it.

And yeah she was a villain and everything but Dabi had seriously fucked up and it was going to take a lot more than herself to make sure all these innocent people didn't die today.

So for that, whether she liked it or not, she had to rely on her dumb ass ass brother and his quirk.

Stupid Dabi, do you see what you're making me do?

Seeing her frantic nature, the bird watched her take a step backwards before moving towards her a moment later, the severity of the situation cutting into him all at once.

"No, not before you. I can't lose you again.."

And though his words were meant to be sweet, Hikari could never think about the amount of innocent people that would be dead because of her brother's stupid way of thinking. He was wasting time, time that could be used elsewhere.

So much so that Hikari let her perfect facade break entirely before groaning in annoyance, now stomping up to her brother with intent in her eyes.

She had to make him understand, she had to get him to leave her....

He barely had time to register what she was doing before Hikari forcibly grabbed his shirt, bringing the hero to stare into his sister's angry expression, far different than anything he had ever seen from her before.

"Keigo, now is not the time! People are going to die if you don't get your sorry ass down there. So use your feathers and actually do something. You told me you wanted to save people, so stop wasting time and do it already!"

Blinking in unknown surprise, the hero couldn't help but be stunned by her sudden courage and change of character, the words causing him to gain a newfound respect for the girl.

Maybe she could handle herself better than he thought..

Letting go of his shirt, Hikari then turned away before muttering. "I'll be okay, just do what you have to do.."

Then Hawks watched as his sister disappeared through the crowds, leaving the bird completely speechless as his feet took a step forward to follow her.

He couldn't just leave her like this, who knows what could happen, she couldn't fight...

Although the hero was quickly stopped when Endeavor shouted back towards him. "Hawks, what are you doing?! I said evacuate the area! The building won't last much longer..!"

And those were the words that caused the bird to remember the mission at hand. The sooner he got this done, the sooner he could get back to his sister.

Thinking about it that way, Hawks was already determined "I'm on it!"


Running down the flights of stairs, Hikari kept her eyes focused on the exit, not really wanting to die in this collapsing building before catching the brief glimpses of her brother's feathers as they pulled everyone away to safety.

That's it, make yourself useful Kei.

She was grateful that he wasn't trying to use his quirk on her just yet, obviously trying to to trust her words of encouragement that she would in fact be alright.

Although, the girl was sure that he was watching her every move just to make sure she indeed got out without his help.

Ugh, she hated being spied on.

Pushing to open the doors, Hikari finally made her way into the street where she was quickly met with even more chaos as smaller level Nomu's terrorized the crowds, their claws ready to destroy and kill.

The girl quickly surveyed the space before focusing on getting herself out here, just like Hawks wanted. This was going to be a shit show and she didn't want to see it.

It wasn't her responsibility to save these people, that's why she gave her brother that big boost of encouragement before.

Yeah Dabi went behind her back and things were pretty shitty but that didn't mean that she had to do anything about cleaning up his mess. That was Hawks' and Endeavor's job, the job that they had willingly walked into by themselves after all.

If the heroes wanted to be so egotistical then they needed to have the skills to back it up. It was as simple as that.

Keigo wanted to be a hero, to risk his life so why was she going to stop him? This is what the commission changed him to be, a soldier for their disgusting whims.

Might as well make themselves useful than right?

Although that didn't quell the overwhelming anger she had for Dabi for letting this whole thing happen in the first place. What the hell was he thinking making such a scene? That man was always so overdramatic.

Already turning towards the direction of Hawks' apartment, the girl was stopped when she noticed a Nomu a couple feet away, its claws bared as it circled in on a young woman and her daughter.

The sight caused Hikari to pause, watching as the two females stood in silent terror at the monster that was going to slice them open at any moment.

Brother, you're slacking. If you don't hurry you're going to have some blood on your hands after all.

Looking back towards the sky, the girl was just barely able to make out the shape of Endeavor and her brother as they threw attacks towards the high end Nomu to no avail.

They haven't even noticed this family in trouble yet, still too focused on the big battle in front of them.

What the fuck are you doing Kei?! Why are you getting distracted, there are people down here calling for you. Aren't you going to do something?

Although her thoughts didn't seem to reach him either, seeing Hawks focus on another task at hand, obviously too distracted to even notice the people that were silently shivering.

It must be because he was losing feathers that he couldn't hear them..

Immediately balling her hands into fists at the realization, Hikari then watched as Nomu took another step closer before a part of her was screaming to just turn away and let them die.

Stop it Hikari, it's not your responsibility. If Keigo can't reach them then it's his own fault. Just turn away, just walk away and pretend like you didn't see it.

But unfortunately she did see it, she saw everything, movement and whimpering from those women, the pathetic pleading looking in their eyes as they faced their own death.

She saw it all, and Hikari hated every bit of it.

Gritting her teeth in anxiety, Hikari then took one look back towards her brother only to find him still not paying attention to the tragedy that was about to happen down below.

He's still too close, I can't even use my quirk or everything will be ruined. Stupid Kei, stupid stupid stupid Kei. Why won't you see, why won't you realize it already?!

Hikari then watched as the Nomu lifted up his clawed hands towards the women, the two wrapping their arms around each other before Hawk's sister cursed under her breath a moment later.

Shit, he won't make it..!!

Before she could even realize it, Hikari had picked up a piece of rumble next to her, throwing the small chunk of cement straight into the Nomu's back before watching the gigantic creature turn away in order to face her. Welp, no going back now.

"Hey ugly! You wanna kill someone, well kill me!!"

Almost immediately the Nomu let out a loud angry growl before the girl turned on her heels, taking one last look at the two surprised women before racing across the streets as the monster leapt after her..

Yeah, be grateful you pathetic idiots.

Feeling the breath leave her lungs, Hikari pushed forwards with all of her energy, moving as fast as she could so that she could get away from this scene and finally use her quirk.

Although her eyes stopped on a little boy crying out a couple feet away, his eyes watery as he stood in the same exact path that the Nomu was barreling down.

"H-Help, someone please...I can't find her..."

Watching his fearful eyes, Hikari couldn't help but sense a moment of familiarity to her, recalling her calling out like that as a child as well. If he didn't move then the Nomu was going to run him down like a freaking pancake..

"Son of a bitch...seriously..?"

Once again cursing under her breath, Hikari then made a left turn before quickly scooping up the child into her arms a second later before just barely missing the Nomu's claws and ducking under a piece of debris.

Why am I doing this? This is all your fault Keigo for not being fast enough!

Hikari then held the kid as his green eyes couldn't help but stare at his savior, the tears spilling off the sides in the process. "W-Who are you? I-I'm scared.."

Groaning to herself, the girl vaguely couldn't help but see a version of herself in that brat, his tears causing her to frown and react coldly.

"Yeah yeah, quit your crying and whining already. No one wants to see that. If you don't want to be Nomu food I suggest you shut up before I change my mind."

At the threat of her changing her mind, the boy quickly shut his mouth before Hikari heard his attempts to surpass his crybaby attitude.

That's right. It was about time the kid learned that nobody liked a pathetic little crybaby, she was just telling him what she already knew, what had been instilled in her since she was thrown away and scared permanently.

Yeah, she used to be a crybaby like him but that little personality trait got beaten out of her real quick.

Realizing that she hadn't really been thinking about where she was going, the girl then turned around only to find that the Nomu had disappeared.

Well, at least that's what she thought before the little boy's voice rang out with so much terror and fear that it caused Hikari to look where he was pointing.

"Look out!!"

She barely had time to register his words before a large force pulled Hikari off her feet, the girl gasping before pushing her arms even tighter around the little kid so she would get the worst of the attack.

Colliding into the hard surface the next moment, the girl just barely noticed the sight of plaster and paint before she felt her body slam into something a moment later.

Hikari gasped at the impact, rolling onto the floor with a heavy groan as dust started to take up her eyesight and the room began to spin all at once.

Finally lowering her arms, she just barely heard the kid she was holding try to shake her as Hikari felt warm liquid pour down her face. "H-Hey are you okay?!"

Groaning at his annoying voice, Hikari quickly looked around only to find that she was now inside a building, the area all destroyed and torn apart as chunks of plaster and debris rained small pieces down on the two of them.

Did that thing just throw me into a building? No wonder why that hurt...

Hikari then turned towards the floor before coughing out a spit of blood, terrifying the little kid before the girl stumbled to her feet.

No use being pathetic about it, she had to keep going.

Just then the Nomu's loud roar echoed throughout the entire space, Hikari readying her stance before realizing that for the first time since the attack, they were isolated.

The monster had already taken down all the entrances, each and every one colliding in of itself in order to close them off from the rest of the fight.

Already smirking at the realization, Hikari turned the Nomu with narrowed eyes.

Oh, now you're dead.

Then she reached up before lightly touching the crystal pendent around her neck, gripping the object with her entire hand. "You just made a big mistake.."

Pulling the object from her throat, Hikari felt the chain disconnect as the quirk residue from the pendant started to fade as well, the little boy's eyes widening as he now found two wings folded into her back.

Wait that wasn't there before..

Although his confusion was quickly turned into horror as the wings unfolded themselves before rising into the sky, the skeletal and disfigured sight caused the boy to immediately back away in fear.

They were so grotesque, something that the kid had never seen before, something that immediately brought a shake to his entire body as he uttered back quietly.


Narrowing her eyes at the name, Hikari then turned towards the boy before placing a finger up to her lips, knowing intent behind her eyes as she spoke.

"If you speak about this, you're dead, you got that?"

It was like her eyes were staring into him, daring him to snitch just so she could destroy his entire life and take pleasure in doing so.

They were sadistic and wild, almost like the girl herself.

And after seeing them it was like he couldn't even speak, like she had taken the words from his tiny little lips.

The power in just that once phrase, it had shaken him entirely.

Then the little boy watched as two feathers detached from her wings before grabbing onto the kid and pushing him against the nearby wall, just hard enough so he would lose consciousness.

Slowly lowering the kid down to the floor, Hikari made sure he was safe before turning towards the giant Nomu with a gleam of hunger in her eyes, ready to finally destroy something.

"Alright, now it's your turn."

Although unlike the boy, the Nomu didn't seem to fear her, its body racing towards her without another moment of hesitation, causing Hikari to smirk at the sight.

After so long, now she could finally stop being a pathetic little girl.

Seeing its claws swipe down at her, Hikari easily jumped out of the way before detaching five feathers from her wings as each of them surrounded the monster, slicing into his back with surface level cuts as it screamed.

The Nomu then moved its other claw down before the girl rolled away focusing her feathers as its sharp bristles directly lodged itself into the monster's lower stomach before stabbing through on the other side as blood leaked from the wound.

That only seemed to anger it more though, it racing towards her even fast before the girl huffed.

"I could finish this quickly but what's the fun in that? Might as well take my time, right? I hope you don't mind. I'm just really pissed off right now!!"

One by one, each of her feathers quickly swept across the Nomu, cutting into its flesh as Hikari dodged every one of its sloppy attacks, the monster growling from the amount of blood it was losing so suddenly.

Lifting her hand up, another bristle sharpened before stabbing the creature right through it's legs, slicing through the bone with no trouble before reattaching itself back into her wings.

Was she messing around with the beast? Could she have ended it far faster than she was doing? Was she being far more cruel than she needed to be?

Of course, but where was the fun in ruining everything so quickly?

This Nomu made the poor choice to attack Valkyrie and even though it was an unfeeling inhuman creature, the girl couldn't help but want to show it just how incorrect that choice was, the one to screw with her.

Reaching down, the monster was finally able to wrap into taloned claws around the girl's waist, its breath blowing onto her as the thing bared its fangs, thinking it had won the battle.

It then began to squeeze her organs together, causing the blonde haired girl to suck in a breath as the Nomu moved to finish the job.

Although that was before Hikari smirked to herself before reaching behind her and grabbing the only long feather she possessed before sharpening it to its most dangerous level.

Quickly flipping the object around, the girl then used all of her power to shove the tip of the feather sword straight into its chest, blood splatting on her clothes as it screamed out in agony.

Only enjoying the sight, Hikari then twisted the blade before the Nomu let go of her body, the monster wigging to break free before the girl detached one of her feathers as it stabbed the Nomu straight through its non-existent heart.

All at once, the creature tumbled to the ground in a lifeless thud as Hikari stood over its body, her hands still pressed onto the sword before aggressively ripping the object from the flesh and holding it by her side.

Staring at the creature that she had torn apart, Hawk's sister only narrowed her eyes with no emotion before wiping off the Nomu blood on her sword and feathers before attaching them silently.

"Thanks for the fun."

Although that was when she heard her brother's voice start to break through the gravel, Hikari twisting her head up at the sound before taking the pendant out from her pocket and re-attaching it to her neck.

Then the girl looked over to the unconscious boy before sitting down on the floor, closing her eyes for a moment before channeling her best "crybaby Hikari" impression so her precious big brother could feel like a good for nothing hero.

"Kei-chan? H-Help..."


Already tearing through the debris, Hawks felt his last remaining feather twitch as he finally heard his sister's voice on the other side. She sounded so scared, so utterly terrified and her brother couldn't help but fear what she had seen and faced.

"Kei-chan? H-Help..."

Pushing his way through the rubble, the man was finally able to get through, racing forward only to gasp at the sight before him.

The first thing he couldn't help but notice was the large amount of blood in the area, painting the sides of the wall crimson as he stepped even further.

Then he noticed the lifeless Nomu by his feet, disfigured, stabbed and bleeding onto the floor in a gruesome and a cruel manner. What the hell even happened? It looks like the thing was picked apart.

Although he paused when he saw his little sister on the floor, crying as she held her arms over her chest, the blood also painting her pink dress and body. "Kei?"

At the sound of her voice, Hawks immediately rushed up to her before embracing her, stopping when he noticed her body was shaking. "Hey hey it's alright. I'm here, I'm right here...."

Muttering into his shoulder, the girl replied. "T-There was so much blood. I don't...I can't..."

Yet her brother only soothed her before pulling the girl away to look at the gash on her head and the red that now occupied her body. "What happened?"

Sucking in a breath, he then watched as the girl closed her eyes before speaking.

"I-I found this little boy so I tried to bring him to his mom when that thing pushed me into this building. There was a hero here too but I don't remember their name...they did that to the Nomu.."

After hearing her explanation, the bird looked back towards the Nomu before slightly shivering.

What kind of hero would be that deliberate with that thing? It was almost like they were toying around with it, like they wanted the thing to hurt.

But her brother quickly wiped the thought away, knowing that now wasn't the time to analyze these things. His sister was obviously scared, he needed to help her first.

"I'm just glad you're alright. Come on, let's get you to a hospital to fix ya up, okay?"

Nodding back, Hikari tried to hide her smile of victory before Hawks gathered his sister up in his arms as he cradled her to his chest.

It seemed like inviting his sister was a mistake after all, now she was involved in all sorts of dangerous things. Shame on him for being so selfish, for not protecting her when it mattered.

Already making their way out of the gravel, the two had almost made it the entrance before the sound of low clapping entered the space, the tone so low and condescending.

"Aww, isn't this sweet?"

At the sound of his voice, both Hawks and Hikari tensed up, the bird tightening his hold on his sister as the girl in question couldn't help but be stunned into silence.

Strolling through the debris, the man could only throw up a sly smirk at the display, noticing that both parties were uncomfortable at his sudden presence.

For Hikari, it was because he had gone so far off the original plan that he was going to ruin everything she had been working for in a second moment. She had no idea what that idiot was thinking, and how bad this could be for them.

But for Hawks, it was the overwhelming fear of not being about to do anything if this asshole tried something with his little sister. He was stuck, only able to watch as this horrible villain stared at her with such hungry eyes.

And for Dabi, well he knew both sides of their fear and he loved every bit of it.

"What a wonderful hero you are Hawks..."


Big Oop. Time for a conversation that involves Dabi pretending like he doesn't know Hikari while Hawks pretends like he doesn't know Dabi and Hikari is still standing there not knowing what to do.

And here we see badass Hikari for the first time, along with the fact that she doesn't believe in killing like other villains. Yeah she did kill the Nomu but that's not like living human beings so it doesn't count.

Nah, she's more complex than that. The girl even saved three people's lives as well. Perhaps she's got some of her brother's traits in her after all.

Thank you for the comments and support on this story. I love opening up my account and seeing them. You guys are great!

Next Chapter: That wonderful conversation between Dabi, Hawks and Hikari. 

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