I swear fealty to you (Clexa...

By waytoogae

183K 6.2K 2.3K

Popular artsy girl, Clarke Griffin goes to Polis High with her best friends Octavia and Raven. They navigate... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69 (hehehe)
For real this time

Part 17

3.1K 108 45
By waytoogae

Clarke POV:

I woke up with Lexa in my arms, her head on my chest and our legs intertwined. I looked at the clock and we had school. I started to get up and I saw Lexas green eyes flicker open. Once she comprehended where she was she quickly got up and removed her legs from mine and her head from my chest.

"Good morning" I told her, getting out of bed. She smiled, "good morning Clarke" she said, her voice was raspy and filled with sleep, just by the sound of her voice, my stomach did a loop and I wasn't even looking at her. I turned around to face her and I was captivated by her beauty. Her eyes were lazy and sleep filled, her hair was perfectly messy and her skin was glowing from the sun coming through the window. She looked like a goddess.

She couldn't see me staring before I snapped myself out of it. I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When I came back in, Lexa had her shirt off, a sports bra on and jeans. I had a habit of walking in on her with her shirt off for some reason. She looked at me and smiled, and in no rush to put her shirt on. She didn't seem to care that I could see her bruises, her toned stomach, or her tattoos. Wow, her tattoos.

She slipped her shirt on and we went down stairs. My mom was back from work but she was sleeping for her next shift. I grabbed two apples, handing one to Lexa before we walked out the door. When we got to the car Lexa said "hey can we pick up Luna on the way, I told her I would show her around the school." "Yeah, sure, just direct me to her house." I said starting the engine.

We pulled up to her house and Lexa went to knock on the door. The door opened and I saw the curly haired girl standing in the doorway, pulling Lexa into a hug. Lexa had a real smile on her face and it was hard not to feel a little jealous. Not because I like Lexa, no, I don't thinks so, but because Lexa had an immediate smile when she saw Luna. Or was it because I liked her, I don't know it's too confusing.

Both girls got back in my car and Luna said "hi Clarke it's nice to see you again." She was so nice, all my jealousy went out the window. "It's good to see you too Luna." I said, starting the car again and driving to school.

We arrived at school, Lexa and Luna walked next to me as we made our way to my friends. Lexa didn't look too happy about it but I introduced Luna to everyone. "Hey guys this is Luna." I said and everyone focused their attention to me. "Hey Lun" Lincoln said as he came up to hug her. It was like deja vu but just with another girl.

Octavia once again looked stunned. "You know her too?" She said to Lincoln, not even trying to hide her jealousy. "Yeah, Lexa and Luna have been best friends since before I knew Lexa." He said with a friendly smile. "It's nice to see you again Lincoln." Luna said happily.

Raven was being awfully quiet right now. She usually likes to make jokes to a new person but she was sitting back, taking in the looks of the curly haired girl next to me. Maybe she was plotting what she was going to do. I'm not sure. "Luna, this is Raven, Octavia, Jasper, Monty, Harper, Maya and Lincoln but you already know him so" I said pointing to each of my friends.

"It is very nice to meet you guys," Luna said, but her gaze fell to Raven. I could see Raven blush and I smiled at her. Wow, I really expected a sarcastic comment. "Well I would love to get to know you guys more but Lexa is going to show me around school" Luna said, grabbing Lexa's arm and pulling her toward the entrance to the school, as Lexa rolled her eyes in protest but walked with her.

Lexa was awfully quiet. I don't blame her, she didn't make a great impression the last time. Raven was still standing there, not talking but processing her thoughts. Octavia pulled me aside and said "why weren't you at school yesterday?" Oh that's right, I skipped school to go to the beach with Lexa. Nice job Clarke. "And why was Lexa in your car, AGAIN, with Luna and how do you even know her?" What is this? An interrogation? That was a great question. I couldn't find a lie that supported any facts so I told her the truth, well part of it.

"Yesterday me and Lexa went to the beach, that's where we met Luna, we found out Lexa and Luna were good friends so I took them to school today." I told her. "Why were you and Lexa at the beach?" She asked. Um I was struggling to find an answer when the bell rang. Thank god, I was saved. "Well I have to get to class." I said practically running as Octavia shouted after me "we aren't done with this conversation." Yes we are. I smiled with relief as I walked away.

School finally ended and we all met back outside. Lexa and Luna joined us, they were walking together and talking, well laughing actually. They approached us and I felt Raven stiffen next to me. I laughed at her movements which drew her attention to me. "What?" She said defensively. "Oh nothing" I responded, moving my gaze to the two girls at our table.

Lincoln had his arm wrapped around Octavia. It was really cute how he held her. "So Luna, how was your first day?" Raven said, elbowing me a little bit in the arm. "It was good I guess, one of the boys wouldn't stop looking at me though." She said. "So someone has an admirer." I said, earning myself another jab from Ravens elbow. "No it wasn't that, it was a look of like hatred, and it started when I walked in with Lexa and it was really creepy." She responded.

"Wait, let me guess, brown curly hair, freckles, douche personality?" Octavia said. "Yeah, that sounds about right." Luna said to O. "Yeah, that's my brother, he's not the biggest fan of Lexa, so if you walked in with her, he's probably not a big fan of you either." Octavia told her. That sounds about right.

"Wait Lexa what did you do to him?" She said turning to Lexa. Everyone went quiet for a bit before Lexa responded, "I may have beaten him up a few times." Luna's face went into shock, she obviously hasn't reconnected with Lexa in a while. "It was well deserved," Octavia said. "Bell always started it, Lexa just finished it" Octavia said as she flashed a smile to Lexa who gave her a thankful nod. It was good to see that wasn't a problem.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Monty asked the group. "We should go to the beach!" Jasper responded and everyone quickly agreed except Lexa and I. "I don't know if I should," Lexa said. Luna was too quick though, "come on Lexa, have some fun." She said and everyone waited for her answer. "Fine I guess I'm in" she said as everyone smiled and headed to the cars.

I didn't think going to the beach was the best idea because Lexa could be exposed but if she was ok with it, I guess it was fine. I drove Lexa and Luna and everyone else took their own cars.

We pulled up to see Jasper and Monty running around. We walked up to them and Raven was sitting on a blanket but she jumped up and said "Clarkie!" As she hugged me. "Hey Rae," I said back. Lincoln and Octavia pulled up and joined us and everyone soon joined after.

We were all sitting around talking, about school, sports, extracurricular activities, or whatever came up. Lexa was being quiet. I was sitting next to her but I didn't blame her. She wasn't used to hanging around a lot of people or talking about herself much. I made eye contact with her and we just looked into each others eyes.

Our gaze was broken by Jasper yelling "TO THE WATER!" As he took his shirt off and ran towards the waves. He was followed by Monty and Maya who had taken their shirts off. Everyone started to strip, to where the girls were left in a bra and underwear and the boys were shirtless and in shorts.

All of them heading to the water. I stayed on the beach, still sitting next to Lexa. I knew why she couldn't join everyone. She looked at me, her eyes were a little sad. "I can't go, I can't show them my stomach," they will ask questions I don't really want to answer" she told me. "It's ok I understand." I said, placing my hand on her arm.

Just then, Luna came running up to us, dripping wet from the water, her hair was sticking to her neck. "Come on, you guys should join us." She said. "I'm good actually," I told her. She looked at Lexa with a pleading look in her eyes. Lexa stood up, grabbed Luna's arm and pulled her so she was blocking the others line of sight to her.

"Luna I can't." She said. "But why, I don't understand." Luna said back. Lexa lifted up the front of her shirt, revealing the purple and blue bruises on her stomach. Luna gasped and said "Lexa I'm sorry I didn't know it was that bad." Lexa pulled down her shirt saying "it's fine, it's not too bad but they don't know and I don't really want them too so I can't take my shirt off." She said and Luna understood.

Lexa sat back down next to me as Luna said "Clarke knows right?" Lexa looked at me and said "yeah she knows." With a smile. "Well thank you Clarke for being so considerate." Luna said, turning to me. "Of course." I said as Luna turned back and ran to the water. Lexa just looked at me, giving thanks with her eyes.

Luna POV:

I didn't realize it was that bad for Lexa. I knew her dad would hit her sometimes but her bruises looked really bad. I made my way back to the group in the water. "So are they coming or what?" Raven asked as I walked up to them. "No, they aren't really feeling up to it." I told them.

They didn't really pay much attention to them though and we went back to laughing as the waves crashed over us. We went a little farther out into the ocean, Lincoln had Octavia on his back because she couldn't touch, Monty and Harper had gone back to the shore and Jasper was holding Maya in his arms.

I looked over to Raven who was next to me, she was about 4 inches shorter than me and she was struggling to stand. "Here" I said, reaching out my hand to her. She looked a little skeptical but after her was hit with another wave that knocked her over, she grabbed my hand. I pulled her so I was holding her on my hip, her legs wrapped around me, with my hand wrapped around her waist.

Lincoln and Octavia turned around and Octavia said, "oh you guys are cute." Me and Raven both blushed and looked away from each other. We went over wave over wave, some knocking us under and some we glided over. I could stay out in the water forever, it was my happy place.

We had been out there for a while and Jasper and Maya went back so it was just me and Raven and Lincoln and Octavia. We were laughing but after a while we got exhausted. We all headed back and once we got to shallow water, I put Raven down and smiled at her, she was so beautiful. Her smooth skin and caramel eyes. Made my heart jump. Jeez Luna, calm down. You just met her today, relax.

We walked back over everyone else and sat down. "Why didn't you guys join us?" Raven asked Lexa and Clarke. They looked at each other for a second before Clarke said "i just wasn't really feeling like it. I mean, you guys got wiped out by some of those waves." Clarke was protecting Lexa, I'm glad Lex has someone looking out for her.

Lexa POV:

After the beach, we all went home. Clarke dropped Luna off before me. She stopped at my house and looked at me "are you sure you will be fine?" She asked. "Yes, my dad will be drunk and passed out by now." I could see that didn't bring ease to her. "I will be ok, I promise." I told her. "Ok, call me if you need anything" she said. "I will" I told her before getting out of the car.

I got to the door and I opened it softly, not making a sound and I went up stairs and got into bed. I looked at my phone and I had 3 notifications.

Raven: welcome Lexa, Luna and Lincoln to the group chat!❤️

Jasper: welcome!

Lincoln: thanks guys.

I smiled at my phone, it was nice to be apart of something.

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