Off The Ice

Av Kirithetheory

64.3K 2.6K 4.1K

Oikawa, Suga and Akaashi were figure skaters. They all needed that freedom and the feeling of the ice. The fe... Mer

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 1

4.7K 98 142
Av Kirithetheory

~Oikawa POV~


The cool air flows through my hair as I move across the ice. The only sound echoing through my ears are the blades cutting through the thick sheet below me. Smooth in front, rough behind.

I crossed one foot over the other, picking up speed as foggy air leaves my parted lips. My feet move, forcing me into the air, body spinning, heart pounding, stomach dropping. My favorite feeling.

One skate reaches the glossy floor, the other extends out behind me as my body glides backward, arms reaching to the fluorescent lights. I exhale heavily and bring a foot down to stop my body. The blades cut sharply sideways, bringing me to a halt in the center of the ice.

I smile and breathe in the frigid air. Absorbing the feeling of freedom. The peace and quiet. A sanctuary. My home.

That's where I saw him. The boy with dark messy hair and a surprised look plastered over his face. Standing against the entrance of the ice, puck and stick in hand, padded pants and a navy blue fitted long sleeved shirt. Iwaizumi Hajime.


"Ughhhhhh this suckkkss!!!!" Oikawa groans, resting his head on his desk with a pout.

"You're so dramatic." A silver haired boy says while sucking on the lollipop he stole from Akaashi, sitting on the frowning boy's desk

"I'm aware." He does a dramatic sigh as Akaashi and Bokuto enter the classroom.

"He complaining again?" Akaashi asks, stopping in front of them.

"Like always." Suga says with a giggle.

"What is it this time?"

"Ugh everything." Akaashi chuckles and leans back into Bokuto who hopped up on the desk next to Oikawa's.

"Be specific or quit whining."

"Fine." Oikawa lifts his head and leans back into his chair. "We have math next." Akaashi laughs.

"All that over math class?"

"Well unlike you and Suga I'm no math genius."

"What about me?" Bokuto asks, a hand threading through Akaashi's hair.

"He excluded you for a reason. You got a 22% on your last math test."

"Akaashi! You promised you wouldn't tell!" Akaashi smiles smugly.

"Ops..." Bokuto whines and buries his head in Akaashi's shoulder, arms wrapping around the boy's waist. Akaashi smiles lightly and leans back into the touch before his face falls neutral.

"Ugh you guys are gross."

"Jealousy is not a good look on you Suga." Suga rolls his eyes and flips off the dark haired boy.

"Not jealous."

"Oh of course your not."

"I am not. I don't need a relationship."

"Right...just a hook up." Suga shrugs.

"Does the trick." Akaashi rolls his eyes. "Anyway, I could always tutor you. As you put it I'm a math genius." Suga pops the sucker out of his mouth to speak.

"Thanks but I don't have enough time for that. You could always let me cheat off-"

"No." Suga says with a glare pointing the candy at him. Oikawa sighs.

"Worth a shot."

"Are you coming this afternoon?"

"Ugh no. Another thing that sucks today." Oikawa frowns, propping his head up with his elbow on the hard desk.

"Why not?" Bokuto asks before getting jabbed in the thigh by Akaashi. He looks down at the boy who's glaring. He mouths a what as Akaashi shakes his head. Oikawa smiles lightly at the jester.

"It's fine relax Akaashi." Akaashi sighs but lets it go, hugging Bokuto's arms tighter around his waist. "My dad's coming home 'early' tonight." Oikawa does air quotes while rolling his eyes at the thought. "So my mom wants the whole family to be together. Unfortunately, she's the only one who still believes him. So I'll be at home, listening to my mom bitch about him until he shows up after dark. Then they'll yell at each other all night and he'll leave for work early the next morning." Oikawa looks down at his desk. "It's fine though. I don't care anymore. I'm just pissed I can't come tonight." Suga places a hand on Oikawa's shoulder and gives him a warming smile.

"Well we'll miss you. And remember you always have a place to stay." Oikawa sighs and smiles lightly.

"If only I didn't live so fucking far."

"25 minutes isn't that bad. Besides you're closer to the rink."

"Yeah, I guess there's that." Oikawa looks up at Suga. "Thanks." Suga squeezes his shoulder as the room begins to fill with students returning from their break.

"Looks like breaks almost over."

"Ughhh could this day get any worse!" Oikawa drops his head to his desk again, dramatically as Suga hits him lightly.

"Oh quit it."

"You should head back." Akaashi sighs and frowns.

"Mmm but I don't wanna." He tilts his head up to meet Bokuto's eyes with a pleading look. Bokuto smiles, hand snaking up around his neck, keeping his head tilted back, thumb pressed against the bottom of his chin.

"You have to." Bokuto purrs, thumb moving back and forth. Akaashi pouts before Bokuto leans down, connecting their lips sweetly, pulling back after a second. Akaashi hums with a smile.

"Fine..." Akaashi pulls out of Bokuto's grip and heads out the door, waving flirtatiously before disappearing, leaving Bokuto grinning, as he turns back to the others. Oikawa does a gagging motion with his finger as Suga giggles and slides into his seat in front of Oikawa. Bokuto rolls his eyes and takes his seat which is in Oikawa's row, one desk separating the two. The bell rings and Oikawa frowns, pulling out his math textbook as his teacher starts the lesson.


Oikawa sighs at his shoe locker, spacing out while his eyes stay glued to the gym shoes inside. He's not exactly excited for tonight. He knows how it will play out. It's always the same with his father. His mother refuses to admit it though. Making everything more tense with them.

"Hey." Oikawa jolts as a hand is placed on his shoulder. He turns, finding Suga's familiar face, and relaxes. "You ok?" Oikawa sighs and closes the locker as Suga's hand disappears.

"Yeah, sorry just spaced." Suga nods as Akaashi and Bokuto come from behind, walking past him to Suga.

"Well, Bokuto is giving us a ride to the rink. Wanna come? We can drop you at home" Suga asks sweetly.

"Thanks but my sister and her boyfriend are picking me up today." Suga sighs and nods as Akaashi and Bokuto head out.

"Well good luck! See you later!" He waves, walking backward.

"Have fun being the third wheel." Suga laughs and turns, jogging towards the two who are hand in hand. Oikawa watches them disappear out the gate and lets out a dreaded sigh before hearing a ding and feeling his pocket vibrate. He frowns, not evening caring to check the screen, knowing already that it was his sister. He slings his bag over his shoulder, heading out of the building and towards the front of the school where a red sports car sits. The window rolls down revealing an older boy with messy black hair.

"Get in Tōru!" His sister yells from the passenger seat. Oikawa rolls his eyes and hops in the back. "And thank Kouki for the ride." She says firmly and clearly dreading this as much as him.

"Thanks..." He mutters slumping in his seat as the car pulls out onto the street

"Relax you two." He places a hand on Himari's thigh. "It won't be as bad as you think." He rolls his eyes. You really have no idea.


"Mom can we eat yet?" Oikawa asks from the couch his sister across from him, mother pacing back and forth. She lets out a heavy and stops in the middle of the living room, glancing at the time. 9:10.

"Yeah go ahead." Oikawa jumps up and gets some of the, luckily already cold, food, plating it as his sister heads towards the door.

"I'm heading to Akari's."

"Alright, be back before noon tomorrow." She nods, not looking up from her phone.

"And he's here." His mother grits his teeth.

"Great." Oikawa's eyes widen as he sees the headlights of his father's car flicker off. He quickly grabs a bottle of water and races upstairs to hide out in his room. The door clicks closed as his mother's muffled voice already echoes through the house. He sighs and collapses on his bed, opening his laptop and playing a show, while eating his dinner.

After a while the show gets drowned out by the yelling and his headphones are downstairs so that's not an option. He stands up and places his empty plate on the desk, glancing at the photos of his friends and family hanging on the bulletin board. He sees the family portrait they took back when Oikawa was 7 and Himari was 9. When they were happy. Peaceful. A family.

He winces when he hears a crash sound from the living room, followed by even more screams. More audible. Following the lines of "Psycho." "Hypocrite." "Disrespectful." "Appalling" "Arrogant."

He collapses on his bed, show playing in the background, his face falling into one of his dark green pillows. He squints his eyes shut hearing another crash and folds the pillow up to cover his ears. Stop it.

He hears a door slam and then pounds on the wood follow. He jerks up and glances around his room, landing on the set of keys hanging on a nail by his bedroom window. He sighs and jumps up, quickly slipping on a grey hoodie with a small green alien printed on it. He slips on his shoes and grabs his phone, a small duffle bag, and the keys by the window.

He slides the framed glass up enough for him to slip out, into the cool air. His feet land on the overhang of his roof and the painful noise dies out, replaced by the rustle of leaves in the wind.

He shuts his window slightly, leaving a crack so he can get back inside before carefully walking across the slanted dark blue shingles. He reaches the end of the overhang where a tree stands tall and strong. He tosses his bag to the ground, before slowly climbing down the tree.

When he jumps to the ground, he quickly swings his bag over his shoulder and jogs away, leaving the chaos behind, heading to the only place he feels safe. His home.


He reaches a tall building, huge windows letting the moonlight into the lounge and reception area. He fishes the keys out of his pocket and slides one into the side door, used for staff only. He enters the warm carpeted room and locks the door behind him before venturing into the moonlight room.

He makes his way past the reception to a small waiting room, chairs, and couches placed nicely around the room, most facing the huge windows that lead into the rink. He passes the concession stand and slips through the small glass door, frigid air surrounding him. Feeling oddly warm and calming.

He takes a seat on one of the first bleachers, placing his duffle bag on the floor before slipping off his hoodie, a teal t-shirt hiding under it. He then zips open the duffle, revealing a pair of clean white skates, tiny silver sparkles embedded in the clean leather, teal blue laces hanging loosely on the skate, halfway tied.

He slips on the skate, expertly threading the teal string until the leather squeezes his foot perfectly. He repeats the process before standing up and heading to the ice, leaving everything in the duffle bag. He admires the untouched ice for a moment, eyes dancing across the smooth glossy surface. He lets out a breathy sigh and quickly slips off the covers that protect the sharp blade.

He places them on the wall and clicks open the gate to the ice. He slowly presses the blade to the slick surface before pushing out, gliding onto the rink, one blade cutting the ice before being joined by the second.

He moves gracefully. Body twisting and turning, drifting across the rink. Mind and body secure. Filled with serenity. No care in the world. No mindless screaming to cloud his mind. No homophobic comments floating around. Alone, moonlight reflecting off the ice. Just him and the ice.

He lets his mind clear, throwing his body into the air with a spin. Landing with his leg extended before spinning back out. His mind and soul absorbed in the ice. In the moment.

The sounds of the blade cutting up the perfect glossy surface. Shaving the ice into snow is all he hears along with the beat of his own heart and the heavy pants falling from his slightly chapped lips. He breaths out puffs of cloudy air, nose red, mouth turned up in a grin. There's nothing to stress about. No parents yelling. No teachers lecturing. No assholes insulting. No notebooks waiting to be filled with pointless notes. There was nothing.

He smiles, speeding up his legs, racing across the ice before letting his body glide across effortlessly. He turns his feet, forcing his body into the air. Body spinning as his heart beats quick with adrenaline. Stomach dropping, filling with butterflies making his smile grow. A single blade lands on the ice, his body gliding backward, leg extended behind him, arms reaching towards the fluorescent lights, head tilted up, eyes closed, smile wide.

He relaxes his body again, letting the blade join the other, them pulling him backward across the ice and to the center of the rink. He tilts his blades, letting them carve and shave the ice sharply, bringing his body to a stop.

He breathes heavily, his head rushing and body filled with energy and adrenaline, joy, and peace. That's when he saw him. The starstruck boy standing in awe. Oikawa turns to face the boy placed at the front of the rink, ice separating them. Oikawa smiles lightly, getting the boy to snap out of his mind. He stutters for a moment before forcing words from his mouth.

"Are you gay?"

Disclaimer for this whole book although ill warm you each chapter.

This book contains homophobic language and insults as well as mentions of abuse, self harm/suicide and contains sexual scenes and mature language. Ive got it all.

Anyway hope y'all enjoy!

2389 words

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