✓ | 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒; avengers x...

By -siriuslycv

1.1M 41.6K 16K

"ron you little shit! give me back my cookies!!" "athena put the knife down!" [completed!] [fem!ocinsert] [st... More

→ under editing!!!
→ not under editing !!!
¹.¹king's cross
¹.²hogwart's express
¹.⁴seeker and chaser
¹.⁵three headed dog
¹.⁶troll in the dungeon
¹.⁷first game
¹.⁸mirror of erised
¹.¹⁰christmas eve
¹.¹²nicolas flamel
¹.¹³through the trap door
¹.¹⁴end of first year
².¹great flour fight of '92
².²gilderoy lockhart
².⁴writing on the wall
².⁵rogue bludger
².⁶duelling club
².⁷polyjuice potion
².⁹letter sent home
².¹⁰end of second year
³.¹don't stop me now
³.²morning pranks
³.³leaky cauldron
³.⁵a club
³.⁹extra large yule
³.¹⁴new information
³.¹⁶hell broke loose
³.¹⁷the portal
³.¹⁸the chitauri
³.¹⁹puny god
³.²⁰falling avenger
³.²²rat man
bonus chapter
⁴.²oliver wood
⁴.³the world cup
⁴.⁵arrival of the schools
⁴.⁶triwizard tournament
⁴.⁷black later
⁴.⁹friends again
⁴.¹⁰dance lesson
⁴.¹¹a date to the ball
⁴.¹³missing prisoner
⁴.¹⁴second task
⁴.¹⁵bug in a jar
⁴.¹⁶the final task
⁴.¹⁷normal teenagers
⁵.²grimmauld place
⁵.⁴friends with voldemort
⁵.⁶words and talks
⁵.⁷two lines
⁵.⁸taking over the school
⁵.¹⁰shopping cart
⁵.¹²not ready
⁵.¹⁶dumbledore's weapon
⁵.¹⁸the veil
⁵.¹⁹he's back
⁶.¹stop swearing!
⁶.²weasley's wizard wheezes
⁶.³a mission
⁶.⁵train stop
⁶.⁶a new body
⁶.⁸walk it off
⁶.⁹the core
⁶.¹⁵three broomsticks
⁶.¹⁷dinner party
⁶.²⁰the slug party
⁶.²¹father-daughter chat
⁶.²⁷end of year six
bonus chapter ii
/.act III./
⁷.²plan b
⁷.³will and testaments
⁷.⁵blend in
⁷.⁶uncle regulus
⁷.¹⁴malfoy manor
⁷.¹⁵dobby is a free elf
⁷.¹⁷lestrange's vault
⁷.¹⁸inside the vault
⁷.¹⁹mister dragon
⁷.²²still alive
⁷.²³sprinkle before the storm
⁷.²⁴toasted meat
⁷.²⁵dead or alive
⁷.²⁷harry potter is dead
⁷.²⁹a new beginning
⁷.³⁰muggle shopping
⁷.³¹parmi dela magie
⁷.³²hit witch in their ranks
⁷.³³like mother like daughter
⁷.³⁴alien squidward
⁷.³⁵anonymous ship
⁷.³⁷battle on titan
⁷.³⁹six gamma signatures
⁷.⁴⁰a new accessory
/.act IV./
ˣ.¹back in the black residence
ˣ.²year 2000
ˣ.³year 2001
ˣ.⁴year 2002
ˣ.⁵year 2003
ˣ.⁷gathering information
ˣ.⁹it has begun
ˣ.¹⁰said war
ˣ.¹²in another reality
/blaise zabini/
/george weasley/
/end note/

³.¹⁵to the helacarrier

6.9K 265 72
By -siriuslycv




━ TONY KNEW, THAT THE MOMENT he laid eyes on the golden light escaping Athena's chest, he'd seen it before. But the thing troubling him was that he couldn't place his finger on where he's seen it before.

As Athena and Sirius arrived back at their house, the young Black was taken to the Helacarrier quickly. But the Black father was able to tell his brother-in-law about the pain decreasing and the new found power that Athena was able to do, and she was able to say goodbye to her father and uncle.

Though he understood why, Sirius was slightly angered that he wasn't allowed to accompany his daughter (Fury didn't want anybody else to come other than Athena); him and James still had to look for Pettigrew.

───── ❦ ─────

"Guys.. I- I've got a match!" Bruce yelled, an energy description similar to to Tesseract appeared on the screen. "But..."

"But what?" Steve, who was still in his Captain America suit, walked closer to the Bruce.

"It's a match, but not a match at the same time... And it's coming this way."

"Wait what? How does that even work?"

"I-I don't know, but I'm getting the same energy signature from this one I just found except it doesn't look as strong as the actual stone we're looking for."

"I'm going to Fury and see if there's any threat coming this way." The super soldier left the room, walking to the main area where many agents worked "Fury! Can anyone of your men scan if there's anyone coming this way?"

"There's one coming!" A voice perked up. Steve looked over to the man. "Another one of our ships."

"Do you know who's on that ship?"

"Just one of our men that's flying it, Tony Stark and the girl he was bringing here."

───── ❦ ─────

"Woahh, when Nat said you were glowing I didn't think you'd look like a flashlight." Steve commented as Athena and Tony got off the jet.

"Hush your thoughts Uncle Steve." Athena smiled cheekily as she walked over to hug the man.

"Hi Fi." The man hugged the girl back. "Let's get you to the lab, so that we can get Bruce to check on that fast."

"Already? I thought I would've had the time to check the place."

"Sorry little one, but you're only here so that we can figure why your chest looks like a lamp."

Athena narrowed her eyes at the man jokingly as a snicker could be heard escaping Tony's mouth. As the two lead Athena to the lab where Bruce was in, she could feel something inside her pulsing. It wasn't just her heart, but it was like there was another thing trying to escape her chest. The same feeling she remembered receiving the day she touched the cube. Feeling a pang in her chest, her hand flew to clutch it, which didn't go unnoticed by the two men walking with her.

"What's wrong Fi?"

"Is the pain increasing again?" The two asked, worried looks on their faces.

"No- well kind of actually. It hurts again, but not as much as before." Athena explained, her tone in slight pain. "I'm fine though. I've dealt with worse, you should know that."

Nodding, they continued to walk back to the lab. Throughout the walk there, Athena could feel different eyes on her. But she ignored it, as found it usual on why people would stare at her. The golden light obviously made her stand out, and the fact that she was walking with the two superheroes on the helacarrier only gave her more reasons.

Before they made it to the lab, a dark-skinned man with an eye-patch on his left eye was introduced to her. He introduced himself as Director Fury, to which she replied with her name.

"So you can help them find the Tesseract?" The director spoke. Athena had no clue what he was talking about.

Her brows knitting, she replied. "Erm- what?"

"Can you help find the Tesseract?" He repeated himself.

"I have no-"

"Yes she is. Like I told you earlier." Tony interrupted the girl. "We believe that dear Athena here, has some sort of connection with the Tesseract. Which could help us find the cube faster."

As they walked away, the confused look the thirteen year-olds face did not leave. "I'm here to what-now?"

The Stark sighed. "I told Fury that you're here to help us find the Tesseract."

Athena quirked a brow. "But am I actually going to help?"

"Eh- Kind of. Like I told him, we think you have some sort of connection with the Tesseract or maybe Loki." Stark answered.

"But why?"

"We don't know. That's why you're here."

"I thought you were going to get rid of the light coming from me?"

"That too."

───── ❦ ─────

When Athena entered the lab, she was met with Bruce and Thor as Natasha was currently interrogating the God of Mischief. Bruce had her sit down on one of tables, recording any data about her and her magic core. Tony still hadn't remembered where he had seen the golden light before, but ignored it as his duty right now was to figure out what was going on with Athena.

Athena had then told the four men in the room about her ability to teleport, which Thor immediately recognises as one of the powers of the space stone. Which led to Bruce scanning Athena with gamma radiation, a theory-supporting result on the screen.

"Holy... Hey guys..?" Bruce looked at the screen, shocked at the results.

"Yeah what's up- Holy cow.." The Stark stood next to the other man, noticing the information on the screen.

"What? What's wrong?" Athena questioned nervously.

"Athena- you- you have the same-"

"-Energy signature as the Tesseracts..." Banner cut the other man off. "Except the cube itself is stronger..."

"So.. What are you saying? That I'm somehow connected to the cube?" Her face towards Tony.

"Well yes... But- how could she be connected to it?"

Then the memory of her encounter with the cube entered her mind. Scratching the back of her neck as she looked down, the Black spoke up. "Um... the first time when Nat brought me here, she uh... I found the cube, touched it... actually."

"You touched the Tesseract?!"
"What happened?"
"How'd you even manage to find that cube?"
"Why'd you not tell us?!"

Slightly growing annoyed at their questions being thrown at her, Athena shot her head up. "Stop speaking at the same time! I can't understand a word you're all saying!"

The four immediately grew quite, saying small apologies.

"Anyways... I didn't tell you all because I didn't even know it happened. I wasn't in the right mind-set." The girl explained. "If it wasn't for that memory that happened while I was sleeping, I don't think I could've remembered it.

"What do you mean you weren't in the right mind-set?" Steve asked.

"I was in... some sort of trance." Athena tried to remember. "It felt like it was pulling me towards it. I had no control of my body, like someone was controlling me. Then when I touched it - actually it happened earlier when we entered this place - I felt like something inside me was... unleashed? I don't know the word for it, but something like that. Then I snapped back to reality."

The statement made the adults surrounding her slightly weary. "Was there anybody near you when that happened?"

"No... I don't think so. From what I remember, there was nobody in that hallway. Nat had to talk to another agent so I was by myself."

"That makes no sense though." Bruce stated, deep in thought. "Nobody could have controlled controlled your mind since there was nobody around, unless it was the stone itself that controlled your mind."

"But why or how would that happen!" Tony spoke, his voice sudden.

Then it clicked. "Wait... That light- Nat told us it happened the same time Loki went through that portal to get to Earth." Bruce explained briefly.

"Wait what-" Athena questioned suddenly, not knowing of the green, horned man coming to Earth.

"Yeah," Tony interrupted the girl. "What- What are you saying?"

"Well, looking at the sceptre here..." The scientist walks towards the sceptre. "It's another one of the stones."

"Yes- the mind stone." The god with the hammer informed them.

"Yes exactly. These two are both infinity stones, right? Meaning they're extremely powerful."

"Yes, but what exactly are you getting at?"

Bruce looked at Steve, who asked the question. "This golden light coming out of Athena- it's the same light that we saw thirteen years ago."

"Thir-Thirteen years ago- what happened thirteen years ago?" The Black girl stood up, looking at the four men in the room.

"Thirteen years ago, was when you suddenly appeared in the common area of the Tower." Explained Bruce.

Tony finally remembered where he last saw the golden light. "The light! The golden light! It's the same one that's currently coming out of Athena's chest right now!"

Then words started to come out of their mouths quickly.

"Thor, what powers can the Tesseract do?"

"Well, the Tesseract only lets the space stone be handled by humans, it's the stone that's doing all the work."

"Yes, I know that. I meant what can the stone do!"

"Oh!" The god exclaimed, beginning to list the abilities of the stone. "From what I remember, it can control any aspect of space, can open gate ways to any part of the universe, erm- its energy can be used to power objects, anybody holding it - the tesseract - can teleport anywhere, and let's see... That's all I can remember."

Then a thought clicked in Athena's mind. "Wait- you said they can teleport?" She bit her lip. "Anywhere?"

Tony's eyes widened. "A-and Athena can teleport! I'm guessing it would look the same as how someone can teleport with the Tesseract! God we're geniuses!"

"Um I'm not! Somebody fill me in!" The dark-haired witch explained, her face confused.

"Alright," Stark began. "Back when you first appeared in the Tower, there was this golden light that surrounded the room. It's the same exact light that's coming out of your chest right, except it's less bright."

"Uh huh," The girl slowly nodded. "What exactly are you getting at?"

"Let me speak! You were receiving nightmares about Loki and the creatures right?" She nodded again. "We- well I think that it's the stone's way of warning you. You also had that memory of touching the Tesseract back when you first visited SHIELD. I have a feeling that somehow triggered your connection with the stone... And you said you felt something when you touched it! Well in that memory anyways."

Another nod. "Yeah, but if it was just a memory, why did I feel it in there?"

"Because..." Stark trailed off.

"Because, like you said it was warning her. But instead, it was reminding her! Cause it was years ago, she probably would've forgotten about it, so it reminded her that she touched it years ago!"

"Why would it remind me that I touched it though?"

"...Because that's how you trigger your magic! Your powers with the stone!"

"But I touched it years ago! Why is it only working now?"

The two dark haired men quieted down, thinking. Then Thor spoke up. "Because of Loki. Loki came through that portal with the sceptre, the mind stone. Seeing as these two stones are a powerful magic source, it was probably too much for Athena too handle."

"Which is why I was in pain..." Athena stated, finally understanding what the men were getting at.

"Yes, exactly. These two brought down close to each other, they somehow managed to set off Athena's ability to actually use her powers." The scientist explained further, emphasis on use.

"She's always had the power inside her, but the another stone being brought down gave her the ability to use it."

Feeling as if the information were too much, the girl sat down on the flor, leaning against the table. "I... am just going to sit here. This is a lot to take in."


━edited -siriuslycv 2022©


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