Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

65.5K 2.8K 795

One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Fly Away..

6K 140 98
By AshleyH713

Hello, welcome! I've had this idea in my mind for weeks and I know what you're thinking, another sister fanfic. But this is gonna be way different than His Reasons. I'm taking this in a completely different direction.

If you enjoy, please tell me if I should continue it. 


Wiping the newly appeared tears from her eyes, the small child frantically tried to erase the sight before anyone saw. Between the building and the garden, she had been in this exact spot many times before, wishing for things to be different then what she ultimately ended up with.

Just then, a voice echoed through the space, causing the girl to freeze immediately, silencing immediately in hopes to quell her immediate distress. If anyone caught her, then there would be hell to pay for sure. "Where the hell are ya, you little brat?!"

Flinching at her fathers voice, Hikari pushed her knees together even tighter in order to hold in a whimper before a hand reached out into the darkness and gripped onto her hair roughly. "There you are.."

The little girl cried out in surprise as her father pulled the strains roughly before practically dragging her into the same apartment that they had occupied for years, the same hell that she had always dreaded going back to. "Nooo, daddy please. It hurts.."

Although the man didn't seem to care, opening the door with a soft click before throwing his kid onto the ground roughly as Hikari met the feet of a very familiar boy. "Finally found your sister. She was tryin to run away again, the little crybaby.."

Looking up with tears in her eyes, Hikari stared into the silently scared eyes of her older brother Keigo, the two sharing a look of shame before their father stomped past them in order to grab another bottle of alcohol. "Unbelievable. Why did I even keep you two in the first place if you aren't gonna be useful?"

He grumbled to himself as the blonde haired girl sniffled into the floor, trying to stop her cries but found it impossible with the amount to terror in her body. She should have never ran away, she should have never tried to displease him. "I-I'm sorry.."

Feeling a light hand on her back, the girl then looked up to find her brother staring down at her with devastated eyes, his tone small but slightly comforting to the girl. "Hika-chan, don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry.."

Her brother was never one to show his emotions, choosing to hide them in order for his father to not punish him like he did with his sister. Hikari was always very expressive with her fears but Keigo kept them locked down tight, always having a monotone and quiet demeanor then his sister.

The boy hated it but he learned really quick that it was better for them to go along with their fathers demands and jobs rather than reject them. Hikari wasn't as smart though, always trying to run away or plead for the man for some other kind of life.

But that's not what they got, that's not how the Takami's lived.

And it was no secret that their father wasn't a very good man, in fact they had seen him punch another man out, use his telekinetic quirk to dismember another one and come home with blood on his clothes more times than they could count. But what could they do, they were trapped for now.

Being kids, their only options were to try to fight or to just agree to what their guardian suggested. But that didn't stop Keigo from wishing for something else, for wanting to run away like his sister had tried.

Hikari looked at her brother as she blinked away the tears before their father slammed the bottle down on the table, causing the two kids to flitch. "I swear, if those doctors lied to me. Saying you'd get ya quirk in the next few years. What a load of bullshit that was? Now all I'm left with is a crying little baby I gotta take care of. At least your brother is useful sometimes.."

A heavy amount of shame filled her eyes at his words, looking over to her wingless back before letting more tears appeared. She knew she was a disgrace to her father, even Keigo had little small wings on his back.

Why did the universe hate her, why couldn't she be useful to her dad for once. Then maybe he wouldn't be so mean, then maybe she could maybe fly away from here..

The sound of ringing appeared a moment later before their father picked up the surface, partially screaming on the other end. "Ha?! What do you want now? It better be good.."

Noticing that he was busy on the phone, Keigo then dropped to his knees before placing a warm hand on top of his sister's hand, rubbing it softly as she cried. "It's okay Hika-chan, I know you'll get your quirk soon. Then we can match, okay?"

He fluttered his small wings once to emphasize his point before Hikari felt a tiny bit better, imaging standing beside her brother with matching quirks. "Kei-chan.."

A small bit of hope appeared in her eyes before their father slammed the phone down onto the table, causing Keigo's hand to flutter away from her head in order not to be punished.

He always was punished when he tried to stop her crying..

Grumbling to himself, the man began to throw on his coat before gesturing to his two kids with disgust. "Looks like we got another job. Come on brats, you better repay me for causing me all that trouble today."

Their father then picked up his keys before Keigo immediately moved to the door, already knowing it was hopeless to argue.

Although Hikari was much more resilient, touching her brother's shirt as he passed her with a small shaky voice. "Kei-chan, I don't wanna...there's gonna be blood...I don't like blood..."

And as much as Keigo wanted to quickly pick her up and carry her away from whatever their dad had planned, the boy knew he couldn't.

He was just a kid after all, the only thing he had to give her was hope.

Grabbing onto her hand, the small boy dropped his eyes towards the floor before speaking with as much hope as he could give her at the moment. "I'll be right there with you, okay? You're not going to be alone."

And that was the one thing that always made Hikari feel better. The fact that she wasn't going to have to experience these horrors by herself, the fact that he was always going to be next to her holding her hand, that's what made her always find strength.

Nodding back slightly, the girl blinked away her tears before their father shouted angrily in their direction. "Keigo, what did I tell ya about babying your sister?! She's gotta learn to suck it up and deal with it already. Come on..."

At his words, Keigo immediately pulled away before taking a step away from her and locking eyes for one final time. It was small but the girl could see a slightest bit of encouragement from his eyes.

And that was enough to keep her going, it always seemed to be.


Reaching the dark van outside of the building, everyone of their fathers followers seemed to stand in his presence, the two kids following behind every so slightly. "Good evening boss."

Yet their dad just brushed the blonde hair from his eyes before looking down at the plans of the latest robbery that had been orchestrated just a couple hours ago from the client. "What did you come up with?"

They relayed the target as Hikari watched the men plan out their next crime with hallowed eyes, looking up at the building as they would raid in a moment. "Well, little Hikari is going to be the distraction as always while you and Kei use your quirk to get inside. Then when the target is captured, you will escape out the front to be the decoy while your kid takes the item and flies out the window."

Humming in response, their dad nodded back before turning to the small girl with threatening eyes. "Ya hear that Hikari? Don't you dare mess this up or spill anything, or you're gonna regret it."

The girl flinched at his words before lowering her head to the floor with a slight nod. He knew she was thinking about calling for help or trying to save herself somehow and that one look always seems to scare away at the idea without a second thought.

Although for Keigo, the boy nodded silently, trying to take the attention off his sister. "We won't fail you."

And luckily it worked, the man turned his head to his favorite kid before flexing his fingers in order to activate his quirk far more easily. "Yeah, I know you won't or else you know what's waiting for ya if you do. Now go on, make dad proud."

Grabbing the ends of her skirt in fear, the small child had no choice but to stumble out of the van before making her way to the front of the building, the tears already starting to make their way to her eyes.

The reason they always chose her as the distraction was because she was always good at seeming lost and afraid. It was the one thing their dad called her little habit useful for, no one would expect someone like her to be working with villains.

Sniffling, Hikari then clutched her little fists before calling out to the security guard with a fragile voice. "H-Help.."

The man looked up at the small voice before doing what she expected of him, now getting up from his seat before kneeling towards the small girl. "Hey, what's wrong?"

His kind words made her want to tell him about the plans, about the torturous life that she lived but just like every time before, the girl resisted.

Thinking of her fathers threat, the girl followed the script she was given. "I-I'm lost. I don't know how to get home.."

And that melted the naive security guard's heart, giving her a small smile before taking her towards the desk, just as planned. "Oh you poor thing. You wanna give them a call? Do you know their number?"

Nodding softly, the man grabbed hold of her hand before stopping behind the desk, the very same desk that held all the security cameras. "Go ahead and call them sweetie."

Hikari then sucked in a breath before staring at the phone with an unreadable expression, causing the men to eye her with concern. "What's wrong?"

Pushing her lips together, the small girl replied. "M-My daddy always said to not give out our phone number so I'm nervous..."

And to a normal person her words just seemed like a common thing that parents would tell their kids in order for them to safely go about in the world, something on the lines of "stranger danger" or something.

The security guard eat it up as well, smiling in understanding before stepping away from the desk in order to turn his back for a split second. "Alright, how about I turn around for a minute, then you won't be nervous right?"

What kind of harm could a seven year old kid do after all?

Although unfortunately for him, that was just the words she needed to immediately turn towards the security cameras before pushing a button in order to change the angle.

Now Keigo and their father could get in undetected, all according to plan.


As Keigo and his father made their way around the back of the building and up the steps, the two pushed open the door before finding a row of sensors blocking their pathway from the thumb drive in the center of the room.

Cursing under his breath, the man grumbled before outstretching his hand in order to use his telekinetic quirk to lift the thumb drive off of its pedestal, straight in the air. "Nothing's ever easy.."

Then he gestured towards his son before Keigo watched his fingers twitch. "I can't bring it any further with the sensors, go fly up and grab it kid."

Nodding, the boy then extended his small wings before struggling to hover over the sensors in order to grab the item that the client wanted. He didn't even know what it was but that was always how it worked, he wasn't allowed to ask questions.

Keigo felt his fingers wrap around the object all at once before smiling to himself, proud of his accomplishments since his wings still weren't the strongest. "Got it."

Although that's when all hell broke loose, the two widening their eyes as the door next to them practically tore itself off its hinges before hundreds of heroes filled the space.

He heard his father curse under his breath once more before balling his fists at the sight before him. No one was supposed to know about this job. Wait, was this some kind of trap?! Shit shit shit.

Turning towards his son, the man then shouted back roughly. "Keigo, secure the cargo. I'll hold em back. Get out of here..!!"

Although at the same time, a hero reached out towards the small kid, causing Keigo to lose his footing and tumble out the window a moment later, the glass shattering as he did so.

The plan was for him to very carefully lift the cargo away as his wings still weren't strong enough to push up a heavy amount of force but after what had happened, he found himself tumbling towards the ground at a rapid rate, with no signs of stopping.

Gasping in surprise, Keigo held onto the thumb drive for dear life before flapping his wings the best he could in order to not crash into the pavement below.

Yet he quickly realized it was no use, his quirk just wasn't strong enough yet. He was going to die like this.. Hika-chan, Dad..!!"

Closing his eyes for the inevitable, Keigo whimpered when he felt suddenly weightless, a sense of newfound calm wrapped around him a moment later.

Thinking he had died, the boy struggled to open his eyes only to hear a rough voice in his ear. "You okay kid?"

Keigo couldn't help force his eyes open at that, looking up to find a fiery looking man staring down at him with slight annoyance. "Well, are you going to answer me or not?"

He struggled to find words, only staring at his savior before the man seemingly floated back towards the ground with a huff as Keigo muttered. "Who are you?"

That's all the man seemed to need before hearing the sound of sirens in the distance as Keigo tried to understand who this strange man was. "The name's Endeavor, and you can thank me for saving your life.."

Then the boy heard the loud screams of his father as he watched the man that had tortured him for his entire life being put inside of a police car with handcuffs. "You can't do this to me!! Let me go..!!! Keigo, do something already...!!"

Pushing his head into the car, the heroes only slammed the door behind them as Keigo watched the scene with disbelief. "What are you going to do to him?"

Endeavor only hummed in response before relying roughly. "He's going to prison, where he should be. You or your sister won't have to see him ever again."

And those were the words that Keigo had only dreamed about, staring up at his hero before silent tears made its way towards his eyes, a new found relief in his voice.

Someone had answered his prayer, someone that saved him and his sister from that terrible man.

It was like a dream, one he would never forget.

"Thank you, thank you Endeavor..."


"And then he zoomed down from the sky like this, like some kind of angel or something, It was so cool! I wish you could've seen it Hika-chan!!"

Moving his Endeavor plushie around the room in order to replicate the daring rescue that he had lived through a couple weeks ago, Keigo laughed to himself while his sister sat cross legged on the floor with interest.

She had never seen her brother so animated, so happy like this. It made a small smile work its way up to her lips, hearing about the man that took them away from their father. "I wish I could've seen it too."

Nodding in agreement, Keigo then hopped onto his bed, his little red wings flapping out in excitement. "Yeah! I decided, I wanna be just like Endeavor when I grow up! I wanna be a special hero and save people too!!"

The amount of passion in his voice was undeniable, although Hikari couldn't help but frown at his words. "But Kei-chan, won't that be really dangerous? I don't want you to get hurt.."

Keigo softened his expression at her words before jumping off of the bed and touching the top of her head with reassurance. "Don't worry, that won't happen because the best heroes don't get hurt. They are indestructible!"

His sister couldn't help nod at his explanation before looking up at his amber eyes with a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. But do you really think heroes are that great? Daddy always said they were the worst kinds of people.."

And that was true, their father always seemed to hate the idea of heroes more than anything, instilling in their minds that they were just selfish kinds of people, the real villains in the world.

Although the boy shook his head at that. "You didn't see him but I know now that's not what they are. Endeavor saved us, remember? If he was a bad guy he wouldn't have taken dad away like that. We got it wrong Hika-chan, heroes are the good guys!! If you just ask to be saved then they'll do it."

That kind of idea was something that Hikari couldn't help but be hopeful for, the two kids smiling softly when the door opened next to them before revealing the older woman that ran the orphanage. "Keigo dear, you have someone that wants to see you..."

Turning their heads at that, the woman then pushed the door a little wider as the small heeled steps made its way into their bedroom. "Hello, it's lovely to finally meet you Keigo Takami..."

The two kids looked between each other before the woman chuckled under her breath. "Ah yes, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm the president of the hero public safety commission. We take care of the most special heroes in Japan."

At the word hero, Keigo's feathers immediately began to twitch in excitement. "No way, really?! Like Endeavor?"

Chuckling once more at his childlike nature, the woman hummed in response. "Unfortunately no, but we've worked with Endeavor very closely over the years. We only work with the best of the best after all, and that comes to the reason I visited you today.."

The woman then clicked her fingers before the man next to her handed the woman a file. "It seems your reputation precedes you, having helped a serial murderer like your father for years."

Widening his eyes in fear, Keigo immediately gulped before stepping in front of his sister. Was this lady going to throw them in prison like their father for helping? Please no, they didn't wanna do any of those things.

She seemed to see his fear though, reassuring him with a small smile. "Oh, there's no need to be concerned. I'm only saying that because I admired your work. For such a small kid you really showed some impressive feats."

Not fully understanding, Keigo remained silent as the woman finished. "How would you like to be one of those special heroes I was talking about? How would you like to join the commission?"

Widening his eyes, the little boy immediately felt his wings flap with shock before pointing to himself in disbelief. "M-Me? You want me to be a hero?"

The woman only nodded back. "Of course. I see such great potential in you little Keigo. We need people like you in the world, special heroes that can save everyone. So, what do you say?"

Her words were almost too good to be true, the boy finally able to live out the dreams he always thought were impossible. Could he really be a hero like Endeavor and save people? He really wanted that, he wanted to be just like his savior.

'"Yes, yes please!! I wanna be a hero like Endeavor!"

Smiling at his approval, the woman then snapped her fingers together as the men began to take the things out of his room and shove them into bags as the woman replied happily. "Very well. You will come to the commission immediately so we can start our training.."

She lifted out his hand before Keigo's eyes widened. Wait, she never said anything about leaving. What about his sister, what about Hikari? "But what about Hika-chan..?"

At her name, the woman forced her gaze towards the small blonde haired girl for a moment before her smile dropped for a half a second. "She will have to stay here at the orphanage. Unfortunately the commission can't take in someone without a quirk."

A sense of shame washed over the small girl before Keigo dropped his arms in devastation, already shaking his head. "T-Then I'm not going. I can't leave my sister."

Although his tone was rather dejected, causing Hikari to twist her lips shut in self hatred. This was Keigo's dream, he had said that before. Who was she to hold him back from being happy, from being a hero?

She couldn't be selfish, not when he was given the opportunity of a lifetime.

And to bring the point home, the president couldn't help but add. "My offer is only a one time thing Keigo. You will never get this kind of opportunity again so make your choice wisely."

Gathering her skirt in her hands, Hikari lightly touched her brother's arm. "It's okay Kei-chan. You can be a hero like this, right? Then you should do it."

Although her brother couldn't believe what he was hearing, already seeing the small tears around the corners of her eyes. "But then we won't see each other."

Nodding to herself, the small girl then sucked in a breath before replying back confidently. "It will be okay, I'll be okay brother. I'll come visit all the time and cheer you on."

And as much as he hated leaving her, even Keigo couldn't deny the one of a kind offer that this woman was giving him. It was like someone that answered his prayers for a second time.

If he was a hero, he could come back and protect Hikari, take them away so that they could live together and be forever happy. Yeah, he really wanted to do that. "Hika-chan.."

Closing his eyes, the boy then made his decision, grasping onto her small hand before speaking back lightly. "When I'm a big strong hero I'll come back and save you, okay? Then we can be together forever like promised. I'll get you out of this orphanage and fly you wherever you wanna go.."

And that dream did seem nice, the tears spilling over her eyes as Hikari smiled. "You promise?"

Nodding back, Keigo beamed. "I promise. I won't ever forget about you Hika-chan, ever."

Then her brother detached himself from her before turning back to the president with a hard bow. "Please president, make me a hero!"

The president watched the interaction before her lips began to twist upwards in a cruel smile before nodding back a moment later. "Very well."


Waving at his sister from the commission issued car, Keigo watched her silhouette fade before turning to find the president's calm demeanor, one he would learn to hate in the near future. "Welcome to the commission, Keigo Takami. Now there are some things we need to put it in order first.."

Then she snapped her fingers before the man next to her opening a large briefcase to reveal a black shirt with yellow detailing, causing the boy to widen his eyes. "Whoaa what's that?"

Humming in response, the woman replied. "It's part of your new identity, your new life. Cherish it little Keigo."

The little boy nodded back before picking up the fabric and feeling it between his fingers. "I will, thank you."

Snapping her fingers once more, the president than pointed towards the shirt before continuing. "Also since this is the start of your life that naturally means that your old life is dead, Keigo Takami is dead, understand?"

Not fully getting it, Keigo felt his eyes widened. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Although it seemed like the woman expected this. "Unfortunately, the world will never accept the son of a villain so there needs to be some changes. In order to be a hero you have to be able to risk everything, to rewrite everything about yourself in order to fit in. You do want to fit in, don't you?"

Looking down at his feet, something bitter entered Keigo's mouth at her words. Would the world really not love him because of his father, would he really have to erase his past life and name in order to live his dream? "I don't understand.."

The women only replied plainly with lies, lies that he didn't quite understand just yet. "This is just how things are done Keigo. Unless you'd like me to pull over this car and find someone else to take your place?"

His feathers immediately twitched in response, the fear of being thrown away entering his mind as Keigo quickly replied. "No no please. I can do it..!!"

It was the start of the cycle that Keigo would soon regret, the blackmail, the fear, the threat of his future getting ripped away.

But as a small boy he couldn't recognize it, only focusing on not letting his sister or his promise down.

Giving the response she wanted, the woman then leaned back into the seat before that same cruel smile worked its way to her lips. "Very well. From now on you are no longer Keigo Takami."

Not wanting to reject again, the boy turned his head in question. "But if I can't be Keigo, then who am I?"

This got the woman to tap her fingers on the side of her car before leaning forward with an unsaid aura of authority. "You are now the winged hero Hawks."


Throwing his stuff onto the floor, Keigo looked out the small window of his commission issued room before flopping down onto the bed and putting a hand over his face.

It felt so weird to not have his sister here. The two were practically inseparable their entire lives, finding it easier to stay together in case their dad got angry for some reason.

He then raised his hand up to the ceiling before a small smile reached his face. It's okay Hikari, I'm going to be a great hero and then I'll come back to you. Just wait for me.

Although what he didn't know was that was the last day he ever saw Hikari, the last day he ever heard about her so personally...

That is until the day of her death.


The first few weeks by herself were lonely to say the least, Hikari using her own arms in order to lull herself to sleep. She would sometimes picture her brother coming into her room before hugging her small body in comfort like he used to do at their house.

But she promised him that she would be strong, that she wouldn't be such a crybaby anymore and let him live his dream.

Although things got worse when the other kids from the orphanage found out about their father, the news spreading like wildfire as heavy whispers and cruel words were soon to be her everyday life.

She didn't really notice it until a couple kids approached her while she was reading in the front yard as a black haired girl called out to her. "Hikari, is it true that your dad was a villain?"

Looking up from her book, the older girl then ripped the object out of her hands before another girl giggled under her breath. "I heard that he was a murderer, doesn't that make you a murderer too?"

Hikari widened her eyes at their words before frowning back. "No, no I'm not. My dad made me do all of those things, I never wanted to.."

The students couldn't help but gasp though, immediately backing away before throwing her book into the fountain next to them. "She said it was true, she has done those things. How terrible."

That's when another girl from the group turned to her before smiling cruelly. "Hey, you wanna play a game, since you're so good at being bad?"

Hikari didn't even get a chance to answer before a little boy appeared behind her before pointing towards the blonde haired girl. "Yeah, you're right! Hikari would be perfect. Looks like we found our villain!"

The kids then began to circle her before the girl that threw away her book nodded her head. "Alright heroes, everyone get the villain, don't even try to run....!!"

Widening her eyes, all of the kids suddenly activated their quirks as Hikari took a step back in fear. "W-Wait, I don't wanna..."

Although everyone didn't seem to listen, the blonde haired girl gasping before immediately trying to run away on her small little legs. What was going on, why were they picking on her?! She wasn't her dad...

She suddenly stopped when one of the boys pushed her into the ground as everyone else surrounded her, Hikari covering her face with her hands in an effort of everything to stop. "We got her..!!"

Pleading softly, the girl cried back, tears staining her face as she silently prayed for her brother to swoop in and save her. "N-No no please. I'm not a villain, I don't' wanna be a villain...I don't wanna play.."

Yet almost always, her pleading did no use as the kids continued to kick and use their quirks on her, to punish the villain just like they were taught to do, as heroes.

Yeah, she didn't like that game very much.


Hugging her knees together, Hikari silently cried before opening the window of her room and climbing onto the ground a moment later. She knew she said she had to be strong but everything was just too much.

She wanted to see her brother, for him to place his hand on her head and give her that small amount of hope that always kept her going.

Moving towards the commission with a black sweater hugged tightly around herself, the girl made her way towards the desk before a middle aged woman at a desk looked down at her. "May I help you?"

Hikari then clutched the bottom of her sweater before speaking softly. "I wanna see my brother, Keigo Takami."

Eyeing her with disdain, the women pressed a couple keys on her keyboard before pushing her glasses down. "There is no one here by that name. Now, I suggest that you leave.."

Keigo's sister widened at her eyes in response, knowing that not to be true. "No no, that's not right. The commission president picked him up from my orphanage a couple weeks ago, she told him he could be a hero.."

The woman was about to reject her word again but settled for a heavy sigh. "Look kid, that's not how things work here. Whatever your brother's real name is, it's not what he uses anymore."

This couldn't help but cause a ring of alarm for Hikari. Her brother couldn't use his name anymore? That didn't make any sense. "Just ask the president then, she'll know!"

Pointing to the phone, the older woman rolled her eyes before picking up the object, knowing it would cause the little kid to go away faster. "Hello, can I please speak to the commission president? It's about someone named Keigo Takami, his sister is here..."

After a couple minutes, the woman hummed before hanging up and turning to the small girl. "She said that if you write a letter then she'll give it to him."

Twisting her brow in confusion, she questioned. "A letter? But I wanna see him.."

Although the woman only groaned in annoyance. "Your brother is in the middle of training right now so seeing him could compromise everything he's been working towards. You don't want to do that, do you?"

Letting her eyes fall towards the floor, Hikari felt a wave of a shame enter her as she realized that she was about to get in the way of everything he ever wanted. How terrible of her to be so weak. "N-No..."

The woman then pulled out a piece of paper and a pen before pushing it towards the small girl. "Then settle for the letter."

Looking down at the surface, Hikari began to pick up the pen before pouring out her heart onto that page, reflecting everything that she had wished to tell him.

When she was done, the woman took the paper before folding it and placing it on her desk as the little girl questioned. "Now what?"

Sighing roughly, she then turned around before locking her eyes back on the computer, answering half heartedly. "Now if he wants to answer, he will. Good day."

That seemed to be her que to leave, the girl letting her eyes fall before leaving the building without another word. Of course she was sad but she just had to wait for Keigo to answer her letter, then he'd meet with her.

The lady said that he'd answer if he wanted to so that meant that he had to...

Although, it seems he never did answer her, not once.


Many years passed since that day and 10 year old Hikari still held onto that hope that Keigo would finally answer one of her letters, that he would show up and take her away just like they had always promised.

The girl had even sent letters to the commission on the regular, hoping one would catch his eye in order to remember the sister he left behind.

But that never happened either.

And the other kids from the orphanage seemed to drill that into her mind as well, always picking on her and saying things like

Maybe your brother left you.

Maybe he's ashamed of you,

He couldn't just wait to get out, could he?

But Hikari tried her best not to listen, to drown out their words in order to hang onto that small bit of fantasy that she found herself living in nowadays. They were wrong, of course Keigo loved her, of course he would come back. He was just busy...

Life at the orphanage wasn't that great either, the girl choosing to stay out most of the time instead of going back to the place that only gave her constant bullying and torture.

A couple people had tried to adopt her but the kids were quick to shut that down as well, and when they found out about her father, all offers seemingly stopped.

She was stuck, she was in hell with no escape.

So much so that she started to believe their words, checking the mail and the sky everyday to no avail.

He was coming back, he had to, he promised...

If only she had a quirk, then the commission would take her in also, then she could see her brother. Why was she so useless, why was she so disposable?!

The girl was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when one of the kids pushed her shoulder, causing Hikari to almost fall over a moment later. "Hey Hikari, let's play heroes and villains again.."

At the name, the girl's face immediately paled, already sensing the kids start to gather around her. "Wait hold on, you'll get in trouble again, remember?"

Although the kids could hardly careless, swirling their hands with their quirks like they always did before the torture. "What, are you gonna snitch or something? You know, that's something only a villain would do, but I guess father like daughter, right?.."

Gulping back, Hikari balled her fists before shutting her mouth, knowing nothing would come of asking the adults for help. She had to do this by herself. "I'm not my dad."

The girl couldn't help but sense a strong amount of hate from her words, seeing all of the quiks come at her at once before Hikarai closed her eyes. Why couldn't she ever stop them, why couldn't she do something?!

Just then, a loud gasp appeared in the space as Hikari uncovered her eyes in confusion, wondering why everyone had stopped trying to attack her.

That's when the girl saw a dozen red feathers hovering in front of her, the blonde girl gasping at the sight before widening her eyes.

At the same time she lost focus, the feathers seemingly floating to the ground, landing by the kids feet with a light tap in surprise. Wait, she did that?

Quickly touching her back, Hikaru was then surprised to feel two small little wings on her back, the girl's eyes welling up with tears.

She had a quirk, and not only that. She had her brothers quirk.

Now she could stand beside him, now she would be worthy enough to see him again. Just the idea made her so incredibly happy inside.

Soon, soon the commission could take her in as well so she could finally fly away and meet her brother again.


It took three years for her wings to fully grow but once they did, Hikari couldn't help but finally feel relieved, knowing she was strong enough to see her brother now.

The commission couldn't turn her down now, she made sure of it.

Now thirteen years old, the girl practically skipped down the sidewalk before making her way up to the hero commission with a newfound confidence she never knew she had before.

When she reached the desk, Hikari spoke proudly to the woman. "Hello, I'd like to speak to the commission president. My name is Hikari Takami."

The receptionist was about to turn her down when a voice from the corner made her immediately stop and bow. "Oh, what a pleasant surprise. It's been so long, hasn't it?"

Following in suit, Hikari bowed as well before moving up to the present without a second thought. "President, I want you to speak to you about joining the commission and seeing my brother..."

The woman couldn't help but widen her eyes at that, chuckling just slightly before answering. "Oh you poor dear, I wish I could honor your request but without a quirk it seems.."

Although that's when Hikari spread out her wings in order for the president to see, taking one of her feathers out before manipulating it into a circle once. "It's not a problem. I have a quirk now."

The president stared at the blonde haired girl in a look that seemed to be surprise mixed with annoyance before lowering her eyes and gesturing towards her office. "So you do. Let us speak more in private."

She followed the president into her office before the woman shut the door behind her, eying the bright red wings with disgust before moving to her desk. "My, this really is a surprise. I would have never expected you to have manifested a quirk, and your brothers quirk at that.."

The woman didn't really seem pleased with the development but Hikari was too distracted to care, flapping her wings in excitement. "I know, I thought I'd never get a quirk. It seemed impossible.."

Curving her lips in distaste, the woman muttered. "I thought so as well.."

Once again ignoring her tone, Hikari immediately began to look around to find her brother. "So I can see my brother now, right? You can take me away from that orphanage finally. Just like heroes can save me..."

And she expected the woman to accept her with open arms, just like she claimed to have promised when she was a kid. The only reason she didn't take her with Keigo was because she was quirkless, but now wasn't the case.

Although her smile quickly dropped than the woman sighed to herself. "Dear, I never wanted to say this but it seems it's the only way you will listen.."

Not fully understanding, the president responded a moment later. "Your brother has forgotten about you. He doesn't want to see you."

Widening her eyes in shock, Hikari immediately felt like she was going to be sick, immediately shaking her head in denial. "What, no that's not true. My brother loves me, he said he'd come back to get me..."

The president then crossed palms and fingers together before speaking with fake sympathy. "I wish it wasn't so but that boy denies ever having a sister now. In his eyes, you no longer exist, and neither does that promise.."

Not wanting to believe it, Hikari shook her head once again. "No, he wouldn't do that. That's not him, Keigo would never leave me alone.."

Although she only shook her head in response. "He doesn't use that name anymore. The boy you knew, the brother you knew doesn't exist anymore. He is now Hawks, the up and coming pro hero that will climb the charts."

That's when the woman picked up the small remote next to her before clicking on the TV to her left as some sort of interview played back. "If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

Turning towards the voices on the screen, Hikari's eyes widened as she recognized her brother to the left, his clothes replaced by flashy replacements that didn't match his personality in the slightest.

Her brother was always quiet and timid, and his clothes reflected that. So if that was the case, why was he wearing a puffy tan jacket with bright yellow glasses? Keigo always hated the color yellow. Hello! And we are here with the newest and upcoming hero in training Hawks! He's been climbing the charts lately and shows promise for when he joins the ranks in a couple years.

The man that looked like her brother only laughed at his comment, throwing up a flirty wink to the woman that was throwing him questions. Thanks for the compliments darling, you really know how to flatter a man.

She giggled like a little school girl before leaning forwards in her chair. "Oh, aren't you the charmer. Well, why don't you tell us a little about yourself Hawks? Do you have any family or anything out there?

Hikari watched as Keigo closed his mouth for a moment before lifting his legs in order to cross them, a carefree expression on his face as he said the words that broke her heart. Family? Nah, it's just me myself and I at the moment. Although, I could always go for a cute little birdie or two if you're offering..

She felt tears make their way into her eyes before the president turned off the screen a moment later. Who was that guy? That wasn't her brother, that wasn't who she remembered him to be. What the hell happened, why did he say he didn't have any family when his own sister was waiting for him for years?

Seeing her devastation, the woman spoke a moment later. "There now you see, Keigo has moved on. It's time you do as well."

Although as much as Hikari had seen it with her own eyes, the girl quickly screwed her eyes tight with denial. "What did you do? He's different now, he's..."

Answering back not even a second later, the woman replied coldly. "He's a hero, just like he always wanted to be. You're not upset that he's finally living his dream, are you?"

She jumped at the president's tone, immediately feeling that shame that she knew quite well. "No, I'm not but.."

Cutting her off immediately, she continued. "Hawks has become one of our top promising heroes of this generation. He knows he can't be distracted with such things anymore. You should take a lesson from him and move on little girl."

Her wings lowered to her side at the woman's words, feeling stupid for waiting for someone that clearly didn't care about her in the same way she did for him.

What was wrong with her? Of course he moved on, of course she forgot about his quirkless little sister by now. He probably didn't even read any of her letters.

Seeing her sunken shoulders, the woman then gestured behind her towards the door. "There, now that is settled, you can go on now. Good day Miss Takami."

The president then lowered her head towards the paperwork in front of her, obviously giving her the que to leave, causing tears to block Hikari's vision. She really was good for nothing, wasn't she?

Weren't heroes supposed to always save her, that's what Keigo told her. Perhaps that only applied to worthy ones after all.

Whipping her eyes, the girl rushed out of the office before hitting someone on her way out, Hikari immediately bowing before brokenly speaking. "S-Sorry.."

Not fully understanding, the boy then watched as the strange blonde haired girl left his sight, his cerulean eyes blinking in slight confusion before hearing the president speak a couple feet away from him behind the closed door.


Once Hikari had left, the president pushed a button before a younger man stepped in and bowed. "You wanted to see me president? It's about that girl, isn't it?"

Rubbing her fingers over her forehead in an oncoming headache, the president huffed. "I never expected her to manifest a quirk, and Hawks' one at that. Seems like things have gotten even more complicated now."

The man couldn't raise but raise a brow at that. "What are your orders ma'am?"

Sighing roughly, the woman thought back to Hikari's bright red wings before speaking darkly. "She can't have any attachment to Keigo. If she had remained quirkless it would have been easier to wipe her away but now it's undeniable that he's her brother."

That's when the president narrowed her eyes before finishing with malice. "In order for everything to be successful, anything regarding Keigo Takami needs to be erased, and that includes his sister..."

Already knowing where she was going with this, the man bowed once before a dark smirk worked its way to his lips. "I'm on it."


Night had fallen by the time Hikari stepped out of the commission, walking aimlessly with her wings folded within herself. How stupid was she to think her brother would have waited for her..

Their dad was right, she really was useless to everyone

Wiping the side of her face, Hikari suddenly stopped when her feathers twitched in anxiety, sensing someone behind her just a couple feet away.

She quickly picked up her pace, hoping she was just being paranoid but as the girl moved faster, so did the stranger.

And as soon as she turned the corner, Hikari could sense eight more strangers join the one behind her, their intents plain as day as the girl started to panic. They were after her, weren't they? But why?

Moving into a run, the blonde haired girl dashed down the silent street, her wings outstretched in order to give herself more speed. Although even that caused the attackers to move just as fast as her, giving Hikari no choice but to take off into the sky.

She felt her heart hammer in her chest before landing into an alley a moment later, the girl sighing in relief as the dangerous presence disappeared. That was a close one

Hikari didn't even have time to process before a man seemingly appeared out of nowhere before gripping onto her wings and aggressively pulling them back as the girl cried out in pain. Crap, why hadn't she sensed him?

Not well versed in combat just yet, the girl quickly retracted a dozen feathers from her wings before they stabbed the man in the hand, Hikari huffing out a breath before turning away. Who even were these people?!

The feathers returned a moment later before just barely dodging another stranger who had some kind of metal chain in his hand. What the hell...

Although she was stopped when that invisible man from before chuckled darkly. "Don't even try little birdie. You're at a disadvantage. We already know every move you're going to make.."

Not fully understanding, Hikari quickly retracted her feathers before they sharply flew towards the men at full force only for one of the strangers to light his palms with fire and burn the objects.

Widening her eyes in terror, she took a step backwards as the men laughed. "It's very lucky for you after all, having Hawks' quirk. It seems his weaknesses are the same as yours as well.."

She heard the sound of her brother's hero name before taking off into the sky in order to get away from these strange men. The girl already knew she couldn't fight all of them off, especially when they knew her weakness.

Yet just as she took off, the man with a metal chain swung the object up before it wrapped around her ankle, the girl gasping in surprise before it shoved her into the ground a moment later.

Gasping in fear, Hikari quickly tried to use her feathers to cut the chain but before she even had the chance, another metal chain wrapped around her neck, practically choking the girl in the process.

She felt hot tears work their way into her eyes before the men cracked their knuckles as Hikari tried to manipulate her feather the best she could with her hazy state.

One of the feathers sloppily cut one her captors cheek before the man cursed and plowed his fist into her stomach as the object grew limps a second later. Oh no, she was losing concentration like this.

Another feather jammed into the man that was holding the chain to her neck, Hikari coughing before calling out to anyone to help her, any hero to rescue her just like Keigo always said they would. "H-Help, someone...please...!!"

Although her words only made the men laugh, like they were sharing some kind of joke before one with snake like eyes met her gaze. "Oh honey, no one is saving you, you wanna know why? Because the president doesn't want you to be saved...."

At the word president, Hikari's eyes spilled over with tears before stuttering back. "W-What?"

Smirking darkly, the snake-like man replied. "These were her orders. So go ahead and cry out but everyone in the world sits in the commissions pocket, and we've just decided that you need to be disposed of.."

Hikari couldn't believe his words, each of them slamming into her with absolute poison. Weren't heroes supposed to save people, weren't they supposed to be kind and caring?

These people were heroes, but they weren't like that all. Had Keigo lied to her?

Snapping his fingers the man then turned to his friends before gesturing to the crying and broken girl a couple feet away. "Begin."

All at once, hands started to make their way to her wings, the girl screaming out in pain as the men started to forcibly rip each feather out of her back with no mercy, intent in their terrible eyes..

Trying to use her quirk, a couple feathers started to move but the man with the fire quirk burned them just as quickly, the pain she was experiencing drowning any amount of concentration she had for the rest of them.

It was no use, everything was blurring together, she couldn't think, she couldn't move any of her feathers, she couldn't get away...

Perhaps in a few years when she had more control the girl would've been able to fight off these men but she was still new to her quirk, only able to move a couple feathers as it was without her concentration wiped away like this.

Their fingers continued to pluck her feathers away as Hikari brokenly cried back, praying for her brother to save her, for anyone to save her. "S-Stop, no!! Please..!!"

But her cries were no use, the men gathering up her limp feathers as the girl started to lose consciousness from the pain before black spots began to cloud her eyes.

Her wings, the ones that made her feel closer to Keigo, the ones that she had cried of happiness when she had received, the heroes were going to burn them away forever, weren't they?

It was just like those kids back at the orphanage, the ones that wanted to be heroes as well, the ones that beat her and bullied her for years. They never cared about her, they never wanted a child of a villain.

How foolish was she to think that heroes would save her also?

She saw slight blurs of fire as Hikari's tears drowned out and the amount of vision she had left, vaguely hearing the commission members mocking words and chuckles as they took her dream away..

Just then, a small bit of light appeared from the end of the alleyway, the blonde haired girl screwing her eyes shut before another wave of fire appeared in her vision.

Expect this time it wasn't orange, it was blue.

There was screaming then, something she couldn't fully understand before she vaguely heard the snake eyed man shouted towards his men. "Just take them and go. The president will lock them up so she can't use them. We don't have time to burn them.."

Then the men ran away before Hikari let out a small whimper before another presence crouched next to her with a frown. "You okay?"

She couldn't answer, only forcing her eyes open in order to see cerulean eyes staring back at her, full of pity and confusion.

Hikari didn't understand why he looked like that at the time but he told her later that it was because of the picked over, skeletal structure that used to be her wings.

Before she fully lost consciousness, there was one one single solitary thought that overtook her mind, playing on loop over and over.

It was the thing that took her brother away from her

It was the thing that destroyed any amount of happiness she had

It was the thing that she had only realized in this moment.

Heroes, she hated them.


As Hawks made his way into the president's office, he could already feel the ominous aura within the space, the man making a joke to lighten the atmosphere. "Hey, what's with the long face prez?"

The woman then lifted her head before intertwining her fingers together with a sad frown. "Hawks, there is something you should know."

Not fully understanding, the bird raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? And what's that?"

Although the next words made his heart stop in his chest. "It's about your sister..."

At the sound of Hikari's name, Hawks immediately perked up, wanting to know anything about his sister. He had wanted to see her for years but the commission thought it wouldn't be such a good idea.

From what he heard, she was having the time of her life and Hawks didn't want to ruin that, he didn't want her dragged into the hell he was living. No, she had to stay safe..

But hearing about her still made a small smile appear on his face. "Ah, what's going on with my little sis? I bet she's starting school soon, right?"

Yet, the president's face didn't change, her voice low. "Hawks, they found a body last night. When we got the DNA results back, they belonged to your sister."

Widening his eyes, each word slammed into his mind before immediately denying it, almost like what his sister had done when she visited that woman's office. "What? No, that can't be right. Hikari was still at the orphanage last I checked.."

Although the woman only shook her head. "They seemed to think it was mugging gone wrong. All signs point to an out of character accident. I'm sorry Hawks, she's gone.."

Hot tears started to work its way into his eyes as Hawks shook his head roughly. No, this wasn't real, this sister wasn't...she couldn't be....

What kind of hero was he if he let his sister die alone by herself, without even seeing her, without coming back for her? No, he couldn't' take it..

Feeling his hands start to shake, a sob caught in his throat before letting his grief be known. "N-No no please no...I never even got to see her again....I never got to keep our promise..."

The president's expression didn't change though, standing up before moving over to her favorite puppet and placing a hand to his shoulder. "I know, it's tragic."

Crying loudly, Hawks fell into the woman's shoulder before muttering back brokenly. "I'm sorry Hika-chan...I'm sorry I couldn't save you..."

And that became the biggest regret of his life, the one that followed him seemingly forever. Yes he was a hero but he couldn't even save the most important person in his life.

He failed her.


Feeling the blood pour down his face, Keigo shakily struggled to his feet as his blindfolded eyes winced with fatigue. But even so, the boy opened his wings once more, focusing on the dangers around him. It was a distraction, something that keep him going even when his mind was threatening to break.

He was brought here right after hearing about the death of his sister and even still little Keigo could feel his heart beat inside his head. Everything was moving fast, so fast that his breathing suffocated with each struggling step.

And he felt himself slipping away, the bird tearing at the very seams as he heard the president's voice echo through the training area once more. "What are you doing, little Keigo? Your sister gave her life for your dream and this is how you repay her? Pathetic."

Feeling his teeth grit together at the reality, the fifteen year old boy felt his heart twist with self hatred. She was right. Hikari had given him this chance, she had supported him from miles away and the only thing he could do was be too late.

No, he needed to be better, he needed to be faster.

No, not him. Not Keigo.

Hawks needed to be the fastest of them all.

And as his wings lifted in overwhelming emotion, the little boy shoved down every bit of tears and pain in order focus his blindfolded eyes on anything other then

No, Keigo was useless and he needed to disappear forever.

That way he would never have to come to terms with his little sisters death. 


Six Years Later

Moving into the broken down bar that was the league's hideout, Dabi opened the door before he was met with the group of idiots he was tagging along with for the time being. Yeah they weren't the best but what could you do, right?

He looked around the space in order to find someone in particular but when he came up empty, the man turned to Shigaraki roughly. "Where is she?"

Scratching his neck, the blue haired man grumbled before pointing upwards. "Upstairs."

That was enough for Dabi to ascend the stairs before hearing a faint sound of humming make its way into his ears, the man smiling to himself at the noise. Ah, there she was.

Pushing the door open, he was just in time to see Hikari flip her hair upwards, the bottle of blonde hair dye next to her on the counter in a silent welcome.

The villains eyed her up and down before watching her take a black eyeliner pencil before starting to make its face towards her as Dabi whistled. "I forgot how much you look like him. It's kind of creepy now that I look at it.."

Frowning in the mirror, Hikari turned before throwing the bottle of hair dye in his direction. "Who do you think I'm doing this for, stupid? You better be grateful I'm getting rid of my black in order to walk down memory lane for you..."

Dabi vaguely recalled the black hair that used to grace her head before shoving his hands into his pockets until they were a couple inches away, his breath dangerously close to her lips. "Don't forget, you owe me..."

Looking down at his own lips, Hikari hummed before rolling her eyes. "Yeah, don't remind me. That's the only way I'm doing this in the first place."

She then pushed his shoulder back before putting the liner back on the sink as Dabi replied. "You know it can only be you. That bird brother of yours always has his guard up all the time. I need to see if he's trying to screw me over."

Pushing a couple strands out of her face, the girl questioned. "And what will you do if he is?"

Dabi chuckled in response before his fingers ignited with blue fire in warning. "Then he's as good as dead. You got a problem with that princess?"

Frowning towards the man, Hikari locked eyes with him in the mirror before shrugging her shoulders. "You know I hate when you call me that.."

Although Dabi couldn't help but smirk in response before wrapping his fingers around her waist, playing with the ends of her tank top before speaking with sinister intent. "I don't know about that one. I think you just don't want to admit it."

That's when he lowered his eyes, fully ready for the storm that was coming. "Besides, who else can take Hawks' guard down better than his own sister?"


We began the game of cat and mouse between Keigo and Hikari. This was really fun to write and I don't know why I dedicated a whole day to this but it's been in my head for awhile.

I know, another sister fanfic but this one is gonna be worlds different, and I haven't seen much Hawks' sister stuff so let's fix that.

Next Chapter: Brother sister reunion

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