The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Five Part Three
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part One
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Two
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Six Part Four
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Thirty One Part Two

8.3K 466 49
By Jaidesmamasmama

The King's gaze roamed over the boys' gawking faces, he then looked to Elizabeth and whispered, "We have enticements to lure them out."

"Where is our basket?" The King spoke over his shoulder to his men.

Two of the King's men still stood at the rail either side of the gangplank. Two more had halted at the bottom of the gangplank, set as guards upon the dock.

The other two men came forward, each with a handle in his hand, the large, rectangular basket between them.

"Over this way would be best." Elizabeth directed the men to the barrels that lined the rail.

The King's men deposited the basket atop two barrels, then returned to the dock to fortify the King's guard.

Elizabeth turned, "Davey, come here please, I need your help."

Davey would do whatever he could to help Miss Lizbeth, it went without saying, convincing, or wheedling.

Davey snapped his spine up straight, he stepped up to the deck, marching his way stoically, in deference to Elizabeth and the King.

Davey's face was dead serious, his legs straight and ridged, his straightened arms swinging opposite his legs, he came to attention in front of her.

"Thank you, Davey." Betsy said appreciatively, "Now bow to the King." She whispered to him.

Davey's eyes opened wider, he about faced as a good little soldier, and nervous as could be, he shot one arm front of his waist, one behind and bowed to the King, before chancing a look at the monarch's face.

The King winked at Davey, and the boy grinned, showing his big, gapped tooth smile.

The King chuckled, "Davey, I presume...... also known as Harpy."

"Yes, my King, that is me." Davey warbled loudly.

The King suppressed his laughter, "'Tis a pleasure to meet you, Davey."

"For me too!" Davey screeched in his nervousness.

The King could not hold back any longer, Elizabeth had tried to tell him, yet his laughter erupted just the same.

Elizabeth had even attempted to recreate Davey's screeching, yet she had not come even remotely close to the real thing. The King could not contain his mirth at hearing the boy for himself.

Though they had a good laugh over Elizabeth's attempts to sound like a young, warbling lad, Davey, in the flesh, had her beat by a country mile.

"Davey," Elizabeth was barely able to keep her own composure, as she gave the King a look that made him hold any further laughter.

For if he did not stop laughing, she was ready to dissolve into it herself. She was also thinking of when she had tried to tell him what Davey's voice sounded like.

Davey gave up being stiff and turned to her, "He is a tall one, is he not?" Davey whispered.

"Yes, he is, very tall." Elizabeth ruffled Davey's hair, trying to help him stay relaxed. "We have warmed chocolate from the castle, would you and the boys bring all the mugs we will need?"

She opened the basket to reveal the dedication of a practiced, french pastry chef. "Look Davey, he brought this for you boys."

Davey stood on his toes and looked over the brim of the large basket, his eyes widening at the rows of desserts.

There were things he had seen before when gazing in bakery windows. That had been when he was orphaned and alone, when hunger had ruled his days. He remembered looking longingly into the shop windows, the food just beyond his reach. Confections he had coveted, yet never thought he would ever be blessed enough to receive.

"Tell your brothers what we have, and go fetch the mugs." Elizabeth stood aside, as Marcus showed a bit of interest in what the basket contained.

"Mmmmmmm." Marcus smelled the sweetness, as he lifted the crocks of chocolate from the basket, setting them on a barrel.

Davey ran and flew past his 'brothers', "Come along." He screeched as he vaulted to the hallway floor, hitting it at a run, his 'brothers' scrambling to catch him, asking what he had seen.

Brutus went below deck with Sam and Bart, Brutus to haul the leather upholstered chairs from Vi's outer cabin, Sam and Bart heading to the galley to fetch additional seating.

Brutus took one moment to look around Violet's domain, t'was soon to be his own cabin, and it felt strange to think of himself here.

He shook his head a mite and proceeded above deck, setting the chairs by the rail with a nice view across the deck and the water beyond.

"Sire, if it pleases you." Brutus swept his arm to indicate one of the chairs had been acquired for the King.

"Baron Shelly." Brutus placed his hand upon the back of one chair to indicate the other seat was intended for Marcus, as he was the only other man of peerage present.

Sam and Bart returned with a two meter bench from the galley under each arm. These were placed along the rail, so all could gather together and enjoy the gifts the King had brought.

Before availing themselves of the bounty, however, each boy was presented to the King, Elizabeth doing the presenting.

The boys were very stoic in their bowing at the extremely, tall man. Each then acquiring their goodies and taking them to the helm deck, chattering quietly amongst themselves.

Katherine was relieved to see them doing so well, as having them up on deck was a fine, first step to their ultimate freedom.

When Samson stepped forward to pay his homage, he bowed and stood tall to be introduced.

"Quite a large one." Was the King's observance of the man who was wide as well as tall.

He said it aloud, as Elizabeth giggled beside him.

"Sam?" The King asked.

"Samson Dawson, Sire."

"Will you be sailing with the Wench or retiring as your captain is?" The King inquired.

"Sailing, Sire, 'Tis in me blood." Sam answered honestly.

The King nodded, he then went through every man asking their intentions. As each man was finished being introduced, they made their way to the basket for their own choice of drink and a pastry.

Marcus sat on a bench next to Katy, as Elizabeth had the chair next to the King. Both of the men liking it better that way.

Marcus and Katy had procured mugs of coffee for themselves, and the King, the rest aboard were enjoying the King's bounty.

Everyone had been relaxing a short time after presentations had been made, when Pete, Paulie, Rebecca, and the boys were escorted aboard by one of the King's men.

Pete had seen the men standing fore and aft of the gangplank, the military attire causing him a bit of angst, as he escorted an innocent woman and two equally innocent children, into he knew not what.

As they approached the cluster of men, Pete addressed them, "Is all well this evening, my good men?"

Pete eyed the men, assessing which one he would have to take out first if there were any problems.

"Are you a crew member aboard this ship?" The senior man asked.

"Aye, we both are." Pete looked to Paulie, who stood nervously behind Rebecca and Timothy, wee Jonah in his arms.

"Proceed." The man stood aside, yet, one of the four men followed them up, to assure that the newcomers were welcome.

Elizabeth saw Pete and a huge smile lit up her face. "It is Pete." Her hand came to rest on the King's arm.

The King stood and prepared to meet and greet.

Elizabeth had told him of how Pete had been key in saving the other three children they had left behind with Josh and Sissy.

"Pete?" The King asked, when Pete realized what was going on aboard the Wench.

"Peter Hammond, Sire." Pete was solemn, he was a bit awed in the face of his King.

"Another large one." The King commented.

"Aye, is he not, though?" Betsy grinned a feral grin, as the King realized how well Violet had surrounded himself with battle worthy men.

And then there was Paulie.

Who blushed and ducked his head, so humbled, he felt he would cry.

"This is dear Paulie, who gave me away to Violet when we wed." Elizabeth introduced Paulie, her voice infused with love.

"Ah, the only man who was worthy to take my place." The King tried to allay the old man's uncomfortableness.

Elizabeth had told the King about Paulie too, about his cursing when she met him, to his changed behavior when learning of his past. She had giggled anew telling the King of the 'Ninivits' at the children's bedtimes, and how cute she thought 'twas when Paulie talked his pirate talk to God. Of course, in telling the King, she had acted out examples when appropriate, causing the King to more easily remember each man she mentioned.

"Paul Graves, My King, your humble servant." Paulie spoke tremulously past the lump in his throat.

"Will you be sailing with the Wench, Paul, or will you be retiring as your captain is?"

"I believe I am to Lady Eleanor's, per her orders, Sire." Paulie gulped, he hoped this was alright with the King.

The King's brows shot up, his interest was piqued as he looked at the man. The Lady Eleanor......hmmm.
"I see," The King thought out loud. "Well, if it be by her orders, then by all means."

Elizabeth's mirth showed on her face. "You did not ask Pete if he were staying, or going, and you have not met the boys and their...?"

Pete stood next to Rebecca, Tim on his other side. "She is their aunt, Rebecca Farnsworth, Sire, and this is Timothy and the wee Jonah." Pete looking at each as he presented them.

Rebecca bobbed to the deck, for at least the sixth time since coming aboard, every time the King had spoken anew since they boarded, Rebecca had been curtsying her heart out.

She had seen the Monarch before, but always from afar... Very far.

To be in front of him, without any notice at all, was quite frightening. Rebecca did not know royal protocol, she had never needed to know royal protocol.

"And will you be sailing, or retiring, Peter Hammond?" The King asked.

Pete looked at Elizabeth, who smiled widely at him, he then turned to look at Rebecca, his gaze warming as his eyes roamed over her. "I believe I shall do a little of both, Your Majesty. Aye, for now that is what I shall do....a little of both."

Pete was an important part of the operation, one they would desperately need unless they found another to fill his place. Michaels, Luke, Sam and Brutus, along with the galley crew, and Bart with his gunners, all would still be sailing with the Wench.

The plan was to spend a month to two refurbishing the ship, after that they would be on their way back out to continue in their quest for captured and abandoned children.

Marcus spoke up, laying out he and Katy's plans for the following day to visit his estate.

The King's interest was snagged as he thought upon his newly acquired falcon. "I would not mind tagging along, Lord Shelly," The King looked to Betsy, "Shall we go to the country tomorrow, Elizabeth?"

"I would like that, Sire." She answered him warmly, nodding her head in agreement. Anything to help keep her mind busy and help her from missing her husband.

"I would like to bring the bird, shall we try her out, Marcus?" The King looked like a young boy himself for a moment, the excitement of a new toy lighting his visage.

"Perfect, Sire." Marcus looked around at this extended family of his, "Would anyone else care to come along with us?"

Everyone nodded, and the boys grinned, as their initial small outing was turning into what sounded like a festive day indeed.


After supper, The Duchess and Lady Eleanor retired to the parlour. The Duke poured himself and Violet a brandy. plucking two cheroots from a box, he invited Vi to join him on the veranda.

Sitting comfortably, facing the park atmosphere of the winding drive, the men lit their smokes and enjoyed the flavour of their after supper indulgence.

"I saw your furtive look when Eleanor announced her intentions to stay a sennight or two." The Duke looked over at Violet, knowing the man longed to return to his wife as swiftly as he possibly could.

"I can not blame her, she has much to share with your wife and knowing that your son is arriving soon, she also knows she will not be imposing too much upon your privacy." Violet had come to love the Lady Eleanor and he wanted her to do whatever it was that made her happy.

"I shall loan you a steed, you may be off in the morning if you wish. I shall also send a few men to ride with you, as I want to have them patrol the road as it is." The Duke puffed his cigar as he contemplated the highway robberies.

Violet did the same, "I shall tell the King of the trouble you have been having, I am sure he would be of a mind to set his men upon the road also."

The Duke agreed, "Until they are caught, 'twould be wise to do so, 'tis a heavily traveled road, and the King's subjects are being picked bare."

Violet absently rubbed his chest, where Elizabeth's ring had felt right, lying upon his heart as it had.

He squinted his eyes and removed his hand as the smoke from his cheroot drifted into his eyes, "I thank you for the loan of a mount, I will take you up on that offer, as I am most anxious to return." Violet felt better just knowing he would see his love and hold her in his arms by this time tomorrow.

A mount would hasten the journey considerably, he may be safer from the outlaws if he could avoid any contact with them, rather than advertising wealth as he traveled.

The opulent coaches were too much of a temptation he was sure. Why, if he were a land pirate, the bigger and fancier the carriage, more the draw they would be for the picking.

The katydids made their music, a nightingale sang it's song, the moon shone half full and the stars shimmered, as the men relaxed and enjoyed a quiet evening under God's wide sky.

"My father bought ships," The Duke imparted reminiscently, "'Tis where the family wealth is centred now, I can not say a life at sea would be for me, I have tried it you know." William thought about the months he had searched for Arianna aboard the Merry Kathleen.

"It is quite different, you do get used to it after a while, however," Violet thought of his snug cabin and warm furs, his kitten purring beside him, "It can be quite enjoyable actually."

Violet's animal white teeth grinned in the dark, easily seen by the chuckling man beside him.

"I agree, it can be." The Duke was thinking of his own wife, jumping ship buck naked, making him chase her into the sea. "Quite very small doses."

William still chuckled, knowing he could not have kept that kind of behaviour up for very long. He and the Duchess had both been a little mad after being reunited was all.

Violet knew there was a story behind the Duke's chortling, but he was not going to ask. Not anymore than he would reveal his own thoughts on the matter of a snug cabin aboard his ship.

The two men grinned at each other, both knowing they were incredibly blessed to have the women they did that made them feel this way.

They both turned quiet once again, taking in the nighttime atmosphere around them.

They both heard the sounds of an approaching rider at the same time.

Will saw his father upon the veranda, he thought he had smelled the pungent aroma of tobacco as he made his way up the lane.

"Father!" Will called out as soon as his father would hear him.

"'Tis Will," The Duke informed Vi of the riders identity.

William set his glass aside, and rose, as Vi did the same.

Will dismounted as the men came down to join him, greeting his father with an embrace, Will patted the Duke's broad back soundly.

"'Tis glad I am you made it, Will. May I introduce...."

Will interjected, "Violet Leaves, I have heard of you." Will grinned sadistically, he had just spent many, long, boring hours in the saddle and was feeling a bit puckish.

"'Tis Violet Petals, my Lord." Violet was not sure if he was going to like the Duchess' son. He seemed a bit condescending. "Captain Violet Petals to be exact."

"Oh ho, Captain, is it? I heard the King took your ship and sent you out here as your penance for piracy!" Will lifted a brow, awaiting an answer.

"William Kent," The Duke interceded in a very fatherly way, "Mister Petals is a guest of your mother's, and mine! He is a very large reason we have your mother and your sister back with us at all!" The Duke was appalled at his son's behavior. "You will apologize at once."

The Duke was being ignored just as if he stood in a paddock with two young bulls.

Violet merely laughed, he had thicker skin than that, the man's words did nothing but bring out the pirate in him.

Violet grinned back at Will, just as sadistically as the man was grinning at him, "Would you care to test me at swords, my Lord? I can assure you I earned my previous title many times over." Violet let a feral gleam come over his visage, if the man wanted a piece of him, he should be allowed the same courtesy.

Will looked at this man, who was most likely the only man he ever met, who was better looking than he was. No wonder Elizabeth refused to have her head turned.

"And what is your lovely bride doing while you are out here being punished for your crimes?" Will needled the man even further.

Violet narrowed his eyes while the Duke turned red and sputtered beside him.

The Duke hoped the two young men would not come to blows by the end of their introduction.

"My wife has no reason to be upon your lips if you mean to slander her." Violet was now angered. To say things against himself was fine, to drag Elizabeth into it, was not.

"Just last eve the King dressed her up as a lady of the ton, parading her before the peers of the realm. Why, I myself danced a thrice of times with your sweet, little morsel."

Will hit the ground incredibly hard before he even knew what had happened.

Violet rubbed his knuckles and glared viciously down at the man in the dirt.


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