A Reverse World

By IrisLaker

112K 6.6K 827

................💞💞 I died once, once you ask?, I mean no one ever dies twice right?, That's the thing altho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
Chapter 10
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 *
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17*
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 *
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Ch 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author's note
Chapter 38
Chapter 38 part 2
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 43

Chapter 11

2.6K 156 25
By IrisLaker

Hey 👋 guys, I want to know if the story is moving to slow for some of you, I want your input so please, please, please comment ok?, I just want to know if you guys like the story.

Guuyyyysssss I'm so sorry I totally forgot please forgive me but here's your chapter
I woke up to the sound of soft sobbing, what's going on?, is something wrong?, I looked over at my side and noticed Alice sitting beside my bed " Alice?" I said gently not wanting to startle her, she turned to face me and I stared in surprise at her tear stained cheeks.

" Your highness" she said still hiccuping " you're awake, I'm so glad you're awake!" " What's wrong?" I said slowly lifting my body to sit up, noticing my struggle Alice quickly helped me and handed me a glass of water.

"You've been asleep for three whole days your highness, I've been worried sick!, the doctor tried everything he could but you just wouldn't wake up." I frowned, I've been asleep for three whole days?, How is that possible?, I clearly remember getting into bed last night. " Don't cry anymore Alice, I'm alright now" I said holding her hand. She bursted out crying and held onto me for a while before finally stopping and rushing out of the room.

I smiled fondly after her, we may only have known each other for two days but I could feel we would be soon become the very best of friends. Now, I really slept for that long?, why?, could it be it was as a result of the heavy training I did?, now that I'm considering it this body is still quite malnourished and has never done a day of exercise, this could just be the result of overstretching it's limits, well then no more training for me until I'm back in top shape. And father?, I wonder how he's doing now.

Alice rushed back into the room with a goblet in her hand, I didn't hesitate to take it as the delicious aroma seared through my nostrils. I gulped down the contents and felt my energy returning back to me. I spent the rest of the day in bed being fussed over by Alice, and when night arrived I went to sleep.

Two days had passed since the incident and I felt well enough to finally go back to the academy, Alice had protested vehemently of course but I convinced her to let me go. We had grown closer these past few days and now we could be considered good friends.

Alice dressed me in the perfect outfit from carstelle, saying she wanted everyone to see me in a new light as I had changed, I didn't bother arguing with her and just waited for her to finish before looking into the mirror, hmm not bad, not bad at all. Alice had dressed me in the outfit below.

Once I was ready, I bade Alice goodbye and got into the carriage. I started thinking as soon as I was settled comfortably, Ugggh it's like all I do these days is think.

Amaryllis' time at the academy was horrible, considering her personality: she was scared of everything, timid, and a pushover. Due to this, no one wanted to be her friend and she was hardly able to focus on anything she was taught, this led to her poor academic performance.

As she has been bullied since she was born, she had very low self esteem so not surprisingly she didn't believe she could do anything and that was why she never practiced any of her abilities and that was also the reason she was unable to pass any of her practical lessons.

On her first day at the academy, she was hit by a bunch of girls in her class and that immediately made her classmates dislike her, as they felt she was weak. They were incredibly shocked when they learnt of her identity and even more so at the fact that those girls had dared bully her. But during the following days they learnt of her personality and knew that she'd never fight back no matter what they did to her and so she was ruthlessly humiliated by the other females in her class and scorned and mocked by the males.

But  all their forms of bullying never went beyond the use of words, despite her spindly and cowardly attitude amaryllis was still a princess after all and no one wanted to cross that line with her.

Apart from those girls of course.

'Now that I think about it, her situation is wierd , she was hit by members of her own race despite being their royalty, something is definitely fishy.'

The event that led to the previous amaryllis dying also took place in the academy.  It was funny really how the whole thing started as a result of one male.

Amaryllis had liked a boy from the S class and had wanted to pursue him, despite the objections and mockery from her classmates. That wasn't the problem, the main issue was that her sister also liked this same boy and had been courting him since a while ago but he hadn't agreed to enter her harem yet, this was well-known in the academy.

He was within the top ranks of the males in almost every aspect,  whether in poetry, or the four arts, singing and also had one of the largest mana reserves in the class, although he couldn't compare to the princes he was still very good and so he was the most desired guy in the school apart from the princes.

One day, Amaryllis had decided to meet the boy in one of the isolated areas of the school, and asked him to join her harem. She had even told him that if he did she would not accept any other man into her harem and he would be the only one, that was how much she'd liked him but he had mocked her ruthlessly and told her he would never accept her and join her harem, then he left her there.

Strangely when she was alone and about to leave the academy for her castle, she was accosted by those same girls and brutally beaten , she learnt that the reason was because she had asked the boy to be apart of her harem.

' Something is also strange here, why would those girls beat her up just because she had asked the guy to join her harem?, I would be really surprised if my dear sister has nothing to do with this'.

I don't think there's anything I need to change at the academy so I should just enjoy today although the feeling of going to school again isn't one I missed.

The carriage stopped and I got out. I stared at the gigantic building before me and felt my brain go blank, this is a school?!!!, Its nearly as huge as my castle. I slowly walked through the gates, ignoring the chatter of the other students as they walked into the school, once I was in I could clearly see two separate castles situated close to the gates.

The very wide walkway was lined with greenery and benches every few metres , I decided to explore for as long as I could before classes started. I walked for a few minutes before finding myself on a lone path lined with trees on either side, the sun was blocked by the trees causing the path to be darkened. how in the world did I even end up here?, Oh well let's just keep moving.

I headed towards a cluster of foliage where the path stopped and noticed a small gap through which rays of light were shining through from the other side. I gently parted the leaves  and carefully stepped through. The sight that greeted me once I did caused a gasp to escape.

A huge meadow filled with bright colourful flowers and lone cherry trees filled my vision. Beautiful birds and butterflies flew around while some rested on trees and flowers. The sounds of chittering squirrels and other small animals were like a peaceful melody.

An arched bridge was constructed over a wide stream a few feet away, I could make out the outline of a building in the distance. After crossing the bridge, the image became clear. There was a large pavillion quite close to the bridge and I walked towards it before the pleasant sound of wind chimes caught my attention.

I turned and noticed a huge tree at the far end of the meadow some distance away from the pavilion, the silver wind chimes were hung from there. I walked towards the tree and gasped again at the beautiful male asleep on a bench underneath it. The bright pink petals gently swayed in the wind as the wind chimes began to softly sound.

Time stopped as i froze and stared at the pleasant sight before me. The moment was broken when a petal landed on his nose and he sneezed, oh my gosh what a cute sound, am I weird for thinking his sneeze sounds cute?, baah! Who cares, no one will ever know anyways.

He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes before stretching, gulp, no bad girl bad girl don't stare at his body or those well defined chest muscles or those washboard abs. The sound of me swallowing must have caught his attention as he swivelled towards me, his silky green hair moving with the motion. As I stared at his clear silver eyes I barely stopped another gasp from escaping. Come on, I've been gasping since I got here it's becoming ridiculous, pull yourself together.

His eyes stared at me in confusion, clearly asking me what I was doing here. I cleared my throat and sweetly said" I'm sorry, I stumbled in here by mistake, I hope you can forgive me." After that, I made to leave but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist, now it was my turn to look at him in confusion.

He smiled at me and I couldn't stop myself from staring. He had beautiful facial features, silver eyes the size of an olive, a straight nose, well defined jaw and a sharp chin. His features were somewhat androgynous but I could still tell he was a male and I doubt anyone would make the mistake of thinking otherwise, it was just in his aura. His hair fell to soft curls ending at his waist.

I finally snapped out of my trance when I noticed a mischievous glint in his eyes, suddenly he didn't seem so calm and serene instead he looked like a mischievous teenager, he snapped his hands and my vision suddenly went blurry and I suddenly found myself somewhere else.

"Where did the meadow go?" I said while looking around. I had appeared on the walkway that lead from the schools front door and both the meadow and the beautiful meadow where nowhere to be seen. In any case, I'm not sure how much time has passed I'd best get to class.

I followed the walkway and didn't find myself on the lone path, instead after walking for a while, the walkway spilt into two parts. The one on the right lead to the school for females while the one on the left  lead to one for the males. The two schools faced each other each at opposite ends of a huge field filled with grass. The castle like appearance of the academy had come from the smaller main buildings whose towers stretched upwards.

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