Love Isn't Always Fair [Jayy...

By TwentyOnePugs

261K 5.4K 808

What happens when Andy Biersack's little sister Emmaline goes on warped tour with black veil brides and falls... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Important Notice D:<
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Sexy llamas ;P
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 21

6.6K 143 20
By TwentyOnePugs

*Emmaline's POV*

I felt a pair of strong arms tighten around my waist as I tried to get up.

"Stay." Jayy's tired voice whispered into my ear.

I groaned,"Jayy.I need to get up" He let go as I stood up and headed to the bathroom.

I did my business before walking back to my bunk to grab some clothes.I picked out some green ripped skinnys,a Guns n roses shirt and my batman converses.

I skipped back to the shower locking the door behind me.I threw my clothes on the floor and hopped into the shower.I let the cold water run down my body as I massaged the shampoo into my hair. I brushed my teeth before turning the tap off and hopping out.

I dried my hair and body and proceeded to put on my clothes. I dried the floor with my towel and then threw it on the rail. I opened the bathroom door and did a hair flick.

"Your hair is trying to blind me!"

I stopped flocking my hair and a tired Dahvie was standing there shielding his face.I laughed at how childish he looked right now.

"Your hair hurts." he pouted.

"Aww.Poor dahvie.Does he need his eye to be kissed better?" I cooed.

"Dahvie needs kiss." he said in a baby tone.

A big smile came across my face,"Jayy." I called out.He instantly appeared next to me.

"What is it?"

"Dahvie needs a kiss to feel better." I sarcastically said.

"Nu uh. My lips aren't going anywhere near him." Jayy walked off.

"Let me love you!" Dahvie ran off after Jayy and tackled him to the bus floor. "Kiss me baby." Dahvie puckered his lips.

"It seems like your man is going to be taken my Dahvie." Sally laughed.

"Well duh." dahvie laughed and got off Jayy.

I took a seat next to Sally while Dahvie and Jayy sat on the couch across from us. "So what's the plan today?" I asked.

"The shows at 11,then Jayy has interview with someone by the name of Bryanstars.Then tonight we need to get food for the drive the next morning to the last venue."

My face dropped,"Oh okay cool." I said sadly.I couldn't believe Warped tour was over in a day or two.It had all gone too quickly.I was going to have to leave Jayy,dahvie,sally,drew,cc Everyone. I would have to go back home to a normal life.I wouldn't see my brother until Christmas,I'm going to go back to a boring life,I'll have to find a job and Jayy and I will be apart.What if when we are apart he finds someone else? what if he doesn't want me.I was going to miss everyone too much.

"Are you okay Emm?"

Jayy snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly wiped the tear away. "Yeah,I'm fine." I faked a smile.

He shook his head and stood up motioning for me to follow.He took me back to where the bunks were. "I know you're not fine,there's something on your mind and you can tell me if you want."

"It's just,the tour is almost over.Its gone too fast,I'm going to miss everyone,especially you Jayy,and I'm scared." I avoided eye contact.

"Why would you be scared?"

I didn't know how to tell him this,"I'm scared because.We won't be together,I'm really going to miss you and what if you find someone else." I murmured quietly.

"you are everything to me,I will never ever find anyone else." He snaked his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

I poked his rips,"Stop being so tall."

"Your mood changes so quickly,one minute you're upset and the next.I don't understand women sometimes."

"You're more feminine than me most of the time,you practically are a woman."

"But I don't have tits,that's what women have."

"Dam right you don't have tits,because if you did,I'd be all over you." Dahvie barged past us laughing.

Jayy looked at me and I have him a 'what the fuck' look.


"Thanks for the interview." Bryan shook Jayys hand.

"No problems." Jayy shot him a quick smile.

Miranda,Bryan's camera woman, packed up the camera and stood up,giving Bryanstars the camera.

I got up off the couch I was sitting on and walked over to bryan. "Hey,do you mind if oh sign this?" I asked shyly as I handed Bryan my bryanstars bracelet.

"Sure thing." he smiled and signed it. "So how'd you get back here?" he asked.

"Im on your with my brother's band,but I'm not actually on their bus anymore."

"Who's your brother?" he asked as he gave me back my bracelet.

"Andy Biersack,the one with the long legs and ugly face." I giggled. Jayy appeared next to me and wrapped both his arms around me and leaned his chin on my shoulder.

"I just had my second interview with him and Matt first thing this morning,oh and I have to go now,good talking to you." he waved and walked after Miranda.

"Well that was fun." Jayy whispered into my ear.


Sorry,that's all i can write ,_, Ive lost my contacts and its so hard to see my phone screen,it also hurts my head to as well >_

Remember to vote,comment and Fan for next chapter.

Oh and I'll do the dedication tomorrow. I seriously can't look at my phone screen any longer >_>


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