Intimate || Les Twins

By CrownMeLiar

35.5K 1.3K 390

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... More

1. LIV
3. Closer
4. Arrival
5. I Feel It
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
9. Promises: Part 1
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
13. Toujours
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
17. On One Knee
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
25. Mon BĂŠbĂŠ
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

2. Decisions

2.4K 42 25
By CrownMeLiar

chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon. 


The Next Day

"You have sex with her? I don't tell you be stupid, I say don't be stupid!" Laurent spoke, aggravated by his brother.

Larry danced around his hotel room cleaning up, ignoring what his brother had to say to him. He was in a good mood and didn't want to be bothered by his nagging twin. Laurent hated when Larry acted like he couldn't hear him. He walked over to his Beats pill and turned off the music. Larry stopped dancing and looked at his brother annoyed. "For why you did that?" He asked.

"You not listening to me, Larry." Laurent responded angrily. "Why you slept with that girl!? You don't know her." He yelled.

Larry rolled his eyes. "Because I can do what I want!" He yelled back. "I don't had sex and leave. She leave with her friend to go back to Los Angeles, I wanted her to stay but she say no and go get on the plane."

Laurent's face softened. Now he felt bad for yelling at his brother. "I'm sorry."

"Is fine. Let me finish clean so we can go shop." Larry answered with a sigh. Laurent stared at his twin for a moment then left his room and went back to his own.

• • •

On the other side of the country, Aaliyah and Shakel were just landing in Los Angeles.

"I feel so stupid!" Shakel whined as they stood in baggage claim waiting for their luggage.

"Why?" Aaliyah inquired.

Shakel grabbed her and Aaliyah's bags off of the conveyor belt. "Me and Larry.. Yeah."

Aaliyah gasped. "Wait! That's what all that noise was next door? Y'all was breaking shit in there!"

Shakel laughed. "Nooo. Nothing broke.. I don't think. We just knocked a few things over." She sighed. "I gave him my number and told him to call me or whatever but.. He hasn't. I feel stupid."

"You know they're busy people. He probably doesn't have the time yet or he doesn't know what to say." Aaliyah reassured her friend. "He doesn't seem like the type to do something like that." She explained as they walked through the airport.

Shakel agreed and they made it to the front doors of the airport and waited for their Über driver to arrive. They talked about the club the night before and how everything was extremely unexpected.

"I mean really, he could've got raped right there on stage and I wouldn't even regret it." Aaliyah said as they put their bags into the car then got in the backseat. Shakel laughed at how reckless her friend sounded, even in front of the Über driver Aaliyah had no censor on her mouth no matter how crazy it sounded. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Aaliyah's house and unpacked their stuff while still talking about the night they had.

"I have to admit that was a good weekend spent in Miami. Thank you for talking me into taking a break from school, I needed it." Shakel said to Aaliyah as she walked to her room.

"You're welcome bitch." Aaliyah said opening her door. "Ugh, I'm so tired."

"I'm hungry!"

"When are you not hungry Shakel." Aaliyah shook her head.

"I don't even know to be honest." She answered.

Aaliyah went into her room and put on some music and turned it up loud enough for Shakel to hear too. They danced around, rapped and sung the lyrics to the songs that played while they unpacked. Shakel was finished unpacking and laid on her bed thinking about what she could've done different last night so that she wouldn't feel the way she did now. She looked at her phone and seen all the missed calls and text messages from her boyfriend. She sighed. "I can't talk to him now.. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I sleep with Larry thinking we'd have something afterwards." She thought, throwing her pillow over her face. Her phone started ringing, she looked at the caller I.D that read "Terrence 😋❤️", it was her boyfriend.

"Hey Terrence." She answered trying to make herself sound happy.

"How come you haven't answered any of my calls or texts?" He asked.

"Oh you know, because I was cheating on you while I was in Miami." She thought.
"We just got home, I just now turned my phone back on. I wasn't trying to ignore you." She answered.

"Oh, aight. How was your weekend? You didn't talk to no Miami niggas right?"

She laughed. "My basic ass? Talk to or even attract Miami niggas? Hell no."

Hey, she is telling the truth though. She didn't talk to or attract any Miami niggas.

"You not basic. If you was basic I wouldn't be with you. Ion want no basic bitch." He said with a serious tone.

"Nigga, did you just call me a bitch?" Shakel asked with an attitude.

"No. I was saying I don't want a basic bitch, and that you ain't one. I would never call you a bitch." He said quickly.


He cleared his throat. "Can I come chill with you?"

Chill.. We all know what chill really means nowadays. She thought about it for a second.

"Of course you can come over and we can eat food and watch movies!" She said shutting down his other version of 'Chill'.

"Uhh.. Okay? I'll be there in like ten minutes."

"Kay, bring me some Pringles. Bye." She said hanging up immediately not giving him a chance to respond. She hopped up and changed into some pajama pants and a tank top then tied her hair up. She noticed that Aaliyah wasn't playing her music anymore and that her door was closed which usually signified that she was sleeping but she needed to tell her that Terrence was coming over because she hated waking up to people being there and she doesn't know or people coming over without her knowing in general.

"Liyah!" Shakel said knocking on her door. No answer. She opened her door slowly and peeked into her room to find her on her laptop with headphones on.

"Aye nigga!" Shakel said walking into her room.

Aaliyah looked over and took her headphones off. "What?"

"Terrence is coming over."

She gave her a look. "Who?"

"Terrence! My.. Boyfriend." She said the last part hesitantly.

Aaliyah made a confused/angry/very intrigued face. "I thought.. But you and Larry.. So wait you cheated on him with Larry?!"

Shakel looked at the floor. "..Yeah.."

"Aawwwh shit.. Shakel! You can't be doing that shit. Are you gonna tell him?"

"Well I figured since I'm probably never gonna talk to Larry again, it won't matter. It was just a one night stand." She explained.

Aaliyah shook her head. "It wasn't a one night stand he's gonna call you, don't listen to Aaliyah though."

"Well, what did you and Laurent do? Why hasn't he called you yet?"

"That's for he and I to know, and for your information! He gave me his number, he doesn't have mine. He's waiting on me to call him." Aaliyah said waving her finger at Shakel. "Haaa!"

Shakel looked at her through squinted eyes. "Okay but bitch what did y'all do? Tell me!"

"We didn't do anything. We got to know each other better." She said getting off of her bed and walking into the bathroom.

Shakel looked at her through the mirror. "You muthafuckin' liar.. Y'all had to do something."

"Nope. We talked for hours." She smirked.

"You had to kiss him!"

"Nope. He hugged me for a long time, I know he wanted to kiss me though." She shrugged.

"What the hell.. I thought his freaky ass would've tried something." Shakel said looking at the wall confused. "When does your mom get home?"


The doorbell rang and Shakel skipped down the stairs to answer the door. She opened the door to see Terrence standing there with a grocery bag filled with candy and Pringles. "Hi!" She smiled. She tapped aside and let him come into the house and as he leaned in to kiss her she swerved it and turned it into a hug. He pulled away confused.

"I can't have a kiss? I haven't seen you in a good week. Come on now." He said offended.

"I don't feel like it.." She said closing the door and walking upstairs. "Come on."

Aaliyah slid past Shakel wearing some shorts, thigh-high socks, a tank top and cape.

"Where the hell you get a cape from? You're so childish." Shakel giggled.

"Captain Save A Bitch to the rescue!" Aaliyah yelled as Terrence made his way up the stairs.

Terrence took notice of Aaliyah's wardrobe. First he noticed her cape then he noticed her shorts. "Wassup Aaliyah." He said smoothly while walking behind Shakel but looking at Aaliyah's legs. Aaliyah stopped and covered her legs with her cape.

"Don't look at my legs nigga. The fuck you thought this was?"

Shakel turned around and looked at Terrence.

"I wasnt even looking at your legs yo. Forreal. If anything I was looking at that dumb ass cape you got on." Terrence lied.

"See Shakel this nigga gotta go, I will call... You know what. Get rid of this nigga. Really, get him out of my house ASAP. He trying to lie and shit." Aaliyah scoffed walking into her room. "I'm so glad you did that thing, bitch I'm SO happy you did. Cause this nigga right here got me oh-so-fucked-up!" She grabbed her phone and walked into Shakel's room and sat on her dresser and was calling someone on speaker phone. Shakel sat on her bed next to Terrence and looked at Aaliyah confused.

The person answered after a few rings. "Allo?"

"Hey Laurent, it's Aaliyah!" She smiled at Shakel.

Laurent gasped. "I forreal didn't think you would call me.. I thought you forget about me already." He said smiling idiodically.
Larry looked at his brother confused. "Why you smile like that Lau? Who are you talking on the phone to?"

"How would I forget about you? I am a fan remember. There's no way." Aaliyah said holding her finger up.

"That's good then. Well, how are you?" Laurent asked sitting down at a table with Larry.

"I'm great, but um.. Can I talk to your brother for a moment? I have a message for him."

"Uh.. Sure?" Laurent said confused. "Larry." He handed the phone to his brother.

"Who is it?" Larry said looking at the phone in his brothers hand. He grabbed it and waited for his brother to answer the question.

"Is Aaliyah.. My girl from last night." Laurent said looking at the menu of the restaurant they were at.

"Why she.." He shrugged. "Allo?"

"Bon après midi Larry, ça va ? (Good afternoon Larry, how are you?)" Aaliyah spoke French smoothly catching Larry off guard.

"Woah! You speak French?" Larry asked surprised.

"What? She speak French?!" Laurent asked loudly in the background.

Terrence and Shakel looked at Aaliyah dumbfound. Shakel knew her best friend could understand French but she never heard her speak it. Aaliyah laughed. "Oui, ce est ma deuxième langue. (Yes, this is my second language.)" She replied.

"Well.. Wassup?" Larry asked.

"Pouvez-vous se il vous plaît appelez Shakel ? (Can you please call Shakel?)" Aaliyah said looking at Shakel.

Shakel hopped up and rushed over to her. "What are you saying! Stop Aaliyah!" Shakel said frantically trying to grab the phone from her.

Larry could hear Shakel in the background. He had a flashback of the night before and smiled. "Oui , bien sûr ! Quand je arrive à l'hôtel .(Yes, of course! When I arrive at the hotel.)"

"Merci ! Au revoir. (Thank you Larry! Goodbye.)" Aaliyah said and waited for Laurent to get back on the phone.

"Nigga what did you say to Larry?!" Shakel said slapping Aaliyah in the arm. "Tell me!"

"I told him to call you. He said he was when he gets back to their hotel. You're welcome." Aaliyah said getting off the dresser and walking out of Shakels room. She stopped in the door and looked at Terrence. "Obviously, I never liked you." She smiled. "Say bye to "your" girlfriend." Aaliyah said to Terrence then walked out talking on the the phone with Laurent.

"Who the fuck is Larry? I thought you didn't talk to any niggas from out there." Terrence said standing up to face Shakel.

"He's an old friend. We ran into him and his brother last night. I didn't talk to any dudes from out there at all, I swear!" Shakel explained.

"Why is he planning on calling you then? Old friends need to stay old friends."

"Aaliyah is just trying to piss you off cause she doesn't like you. Just calm down." Shakel said calmly..

"Nah, you going around talking to niggas from Miami behind my back and now that you got caught you wanna act innocent!" Terrence yelled at Shakel.

She sighed. "Larry wouldn't treat me like this." She thought."You know what.. I can't, I'm done."

"Fuck you mean you're done? You boutta explain this shit to me!"

Aaliyah slid into the room again with her cape on. "Dun dun nun nuuuuunnn! Captain Save A Bitch is here to save the dizzay!"

"Get your childish ass out, this has nothing to do with you." Terrence said holding his hand up to Aaliyah.

"Yes it does cause you wouldn't be yelling at her if I didn't tell a nigga to call her." Aaliyah said slapping his hand out of her face. "Now I suggest you exit the premises and leave my sister alone because as I heard her say, she's done." She smiled.

"You're just jealous cause you're lonely and can't get none. That's why you started this!" Terrence said as if he made a revelation.

"Wrong again, Terrain." She answered with no effort to correct his name. "Aaliyah gets what she wants, when she wants it. Now leave!" She said pointing at the door.

"My name is Terrence!"

"Right.. Terrestrial. Bye." Aaliyah said still not correcting his name.

Shakel's phone began to ring on her bed. Everyone looked at it. Aaliyah smiled.

"Who is that? That better not be that Larry nigga."

"Bet you it is. Stealing bitches since 1988, on hood! Get the fuck out my house dude." Aaliyah said laughing.

"Oh my god, you are so ratchet when you're pissed off." Shakel said picking up her phone and answering it. "Hello?" She said cheerfully.

"Shakel, this is Larry." He responded happy to hear her voice again.

She smiled. "Hey you!" She looked at Aaliyah and gave her 'yaaaaassss bitch' nod.

"Ha! It's him! Therefore, you gotta go." Aaliyah started pushing him out of Shakel's room.

"That's fucked up, you just gonna let go of our relationship like that Shakel?" Terrence said walking out of the room.

"She found someone better, get over it." Aaliyah walked with him down the stairs. She slid to the front door and opened it wide for him to walk through. "Au revoir Terrier!"

He walked through the door and turned around to correct her. "It's Terrence!"

She nodded. "Riiiight.. Bye Pterodactyl." She said then slammed the door in his face.


Finally everything cooled down at the girls house, Shakel was finally relieved that she was speaking to Larry and that everything that happened wasn't a complete mistake and done for no reason at all. She was a tiny bit upset about breaking up with Terrence the way that she did. She didn't want things to be all bad between them, she really liked him but at the same time she really liked Larry. Aaliyah and Laurent texted the rest of the day, while Larry and Shakel spoke on the phone. They spoke to each other like this for months and the only downfall about it was that the twins were on tour with Beyoncé so they never had time to hang out with the girls since that one Miami night back in July. Now it was December 1st. The girls weren't expecting anything spectacular to happen in the month. There's Christmas and New Years, but neither of them had plans but to be in the hosue and enjoy the break they got from school.

"Aaliyah! Shakel! Can you come here please!" Her mom called from the living room downstairs. Both girls hopped out of the bed and made their way downstairs. Aaliyah's mom was standing in the living room near the fireplace smiling.

"Alright.. So why are you smiling like that?" Aaliyah questioned and slowed down the pace of her walking toward her mom.

"Right.." Shakel cosigned behind Aaliyah.

"Cause, I'm excited!" Her mom said moving around jittery. "Here, here." She said handing them two gift bags, one purple for Aaliyah and the other pink for Shakel.

"Christmas is in like 24 days though.." Aaliyah said to her mom confused. She took the gift and looked at it but not inside. "What is it? I'm scared."

Shakel looked inside but didn't surpass the tissue paper. "I'm scared too.. What did I do? Did I forget to do the dishes? Is it my day to do the dishes? Did I forget?" She started questioning.

Her mom laughed. "You didn't do anything, just open the gifts before I take it back." She said with a straight face. They started to take the tissue paper out and inspect the inside.

"Really mom you got me an envelope?" Aaliyah said glaring at her mom.

"If you don't open the damn envelope! You always gotta be difficult!" Her mom said getting annoyed.

They both opened their envelopes at the same time and read what was inside. Aaliyah started twerking and Shakel screeched. "Aaahh!!" Mom!! Beyoncé tickets!!" Aaliyah began to get teary eyed. "Mama I love you! Hol' it down!" She said hugging her mom. Shakel joined in the hugged for a moment ten the girls started freaking out again.

"Theres other stuff in there." Her mom added.

They went back into the bag and found some jewelery and some money.

"Awh, thank you Renae!" Shakel said hugging Aaliyah's mom again.

"You are very welcome." She smiled. "I know y'all gonna go shopping for your outfits cause the concert is in 2 days."

"Wait, what?! We gotta go like now!" Shakel said putting her stuff back in the bag.
The girls ran upstairs and got dressed and next thing they knew they were on their way to the mall to shop for concert outfits. After being there for only an hour, they went into store after store and pieced together their outfit little by little. A skirt from here, some jeans from there. A top from there, a blazer from here. They tried on clothes and shoes but couldn't pick just one.

"I can't choose!" Aaliyah whined.

Shakel agreed. "I don't think I've ever had this hard of a decision in my life ever."

Aaliyah groaned. "You know what.. Fuck it! I'm getting both."

"And the shoes?"

"And the shoes!" She clarified.

"I'm with you on that one then." Shakel said as they walked back into the dressing room.

The girls grabbed their outfits and headed to the registers. While they were checking out they picked out some jewelry that was on the side of the registers. They grabbed their bags and left the last store. It was now 5:30pm and they had nothing to do.

"But that food court though." Shakel said nudging Aaliyah.

Aaliyah sighed. "Shakel, you're always hungry! Like how can you even think of food at a time like this? We need to choose an outfit to wear to-" She paused. "Yeah, that food court does look nice. What are we getting?"

"That Mexican food looking bout good as.. Yupp. Let's go." Shakel said walking toward the food place

"Exactly what I thought." Aaliyah said following behind Shakel.

They got some food and sat down to eat for a good 20 minutes then finally decided to go home.

"Shakel, you drive." Aaliyah said holding the keys out to Shakel and laughing.

Shakel glared at her. "Yeah hand me those keys if you want to, your precious Benz will be missing both bumpers." She laughed as they continued to walk. Aaliyah snatched her keys back.

"Yeah I know." She pressed the unlock button on her keys and they got in. They threw their bags in the back and situated themselves in the front seat. On there way home they seen a billboard that had Beyoncé on it, advertising for the show that was only two days away. Seeing the billboard only made them more excited. Neither of them could wait to go to see the Queen B perform. Both girls admired Beyoncé for her hard work, singing and dancing. When they got home they hung up their outfits to try and make a decision of which one to wear on the special night. Aaliyah took pictures in both outfits and posted them to Instagram asking her followers which outfit to wear but that didn't help at all. Shakel decided to wear her simple outfit. Jeans with a crop top, some jewelry and her timberlands. She didn't want to make the decision too hard.

"That's it I'm not going!" Aaliyah said pacing back and forth in her closet.

Shakel was sitting on Aaliyah's bed looking at her friend going through an outfit crisis. She looked at the two tickets with Beyoncé's name in bolded letters and Mrs. Carter Show World Tour underneath it. She went over the tickets to see where their seats were. "Wait! I think you're going to want to go cause we're in the first row.." She said in shock.

"Yeah right. And I'm related to Michael Jackson." Aaliyah rolled her eyes in disbelief. She changed back into her regular clothes and went over to Shakel and looked at the tickets. She was shocked they were actually first row seats. How did her mom get them? She had no clue.

"Yeah you're right, I am going." She said falling back onto her bed. "I'll just wear the floral pants." She sighed.

Aaliyah's phone started ringing and she drug her arm from her side to reach for her phone that was above her head. Eyes closed she slid the answer button across the screen. "Hello." She answered sounding a little aggravated.

"Hey beautiful.. Why do you sound mad?" Laurent asked greeting her.

She sat up and smiled after realizing who it was on the phone. "I'm not.. Maybe a little irritated. I'm okay though."

"Good. So I call to ask if you and Shakel busy Friday?"

"Are we?" She thought. "Hold on Lau. Shakel are we doing anything Friday?"

"Uhh.. Nah." Shakel shook her head.

"Nope. We don't have plans." Aaliyah told Laurent.

Laurent had some hope in his voice. "Okay Friday is our birthday, we want to see y'all again."

"Wait.. The 6th is on Friday? Aren't you still on tooouurr... with BEYONCÉ!" Aaliyah yelled remembering that the twins were dancers for Beyoncé and they had tickets for her concert Tuesday.

Laurent pulled his phone from his ear & looked at it funny. "Yes..? Why you scream like that?"

Shakel looked at her weird. Aaliyah started laughing. "Sorry, that was embarrassing." She paused. "I just remembered you dance with Beyoncé so we'll be seeing you sooner than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"My mom gave us tickets to the show in L.A." She said cheerfully.

"Really?! That's good!" Laurent said excitedly.

"What's good?" Larry asked walking into Laurent's hotel room. "What happen?"

"They have tickets to the L.A show!" Laurent said to his brother. Larry immediately started smiling.

"They still come to Vegas for us birthday right?" Larry smiled.

"I did not ask yet." Laurent said then cleared his throat and started talking to Aaliyah again. "We have 2 day break after Los Angeles show so we can be with you."

"Awh yay!" Aaliyah said smiling hard.

"But for our birthday we want you to come to Las Vegas for show. Can you?"

"Shakel you wanna go to Vegas for their birthday?" Aaliyah asked.

"What she said?" Larry asked anxiously. Laurent held his finger up to his brother.

"Vegas? Hell yes!" Shakel said standing up on Aaliyah's bed. "I'm going to start packing tonight!"

Aaliyah gave Shakel a look. "Ew bitch get those feet off my pillows!" She yelled at Shakel and slapped her legs. "Anyways, yes. We will come to Vegas for your birthday Lau."

"Great! I'll text you later alright?" Laurent smiled.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." He said hanging up.

Larry slapped his brothers shoulder. "They come to Vegas with us?"

"Ohh yessss!" Laurent said smiling ear to ear at his brother. They started dancing around the room, happy that they get to see the girls again. It had been so long and they've been waiting for months to be able to spend a little time with them if any time at all.

The girls were dancing around Aaliyah's room at the same time after keeping their cool over the phone. They were just as excited as the twins. The weeks plans were sounding great to the girls.

Only for the moment.

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