Hidden Light | Male reader/OC...

By Damenanda

103K 3K 514

Stray kids fanfiction. He may have one giant obstacle in his way but nothing will stop Keiko from getting wha... More



1.1K 40 3
By Damenanda

I'm so tired... Ugh.

I roll over under the warm duvet until I reach a point where something is in my way and wrap my leg around it. Minho looks down at me and chuckles when he sees me with one of my legs laid over his and my head snuggling it's way onto his chest. He pokes the tip of my nose and smiles when I open my eyes the smallest bit. I look up at his face and crawl up his body until I can hide my face in his neck. "Wake up." I shake my head and he shivers when he feels my breath against his neck. I whine when he moves and punch his back tiredly when he sits up. "Oi." He glares and I push him away by pushing my feet onto his back. "It's morning Kei!" I put the pillow over my head and he slaps my butt before getting up. He comes back over and slaps my butt again but I ignore him. "Oh you don't want the cream orange ice cream then?" I sit up quickly and he hands me my ice cream lolly. I look at him half asleep before looking at the lolly and stuffing my face with it. He chuckles as I just eat the ice cream whilst basically still half asleep. I finish the ice cream and simply yawn but it makes Minho smile and start stroking my soft hair. I start falling asleep again before flopping my head on Minho's lap and grumbling annoyed. "I know but you have to. You have stuff to do probably."


"I'll slap your butt."

"Mm." He slaps my butt so I roll on my back and look up at his blurry face with a smile. "Why're you smiling?" I just close my eyes again and he pats my belly before sliding his hand under my hoodie and making me shiver. He grins evilly when he realises how sensitive I am and gently runs his fingers around my hips which makes me jolt out of his lap. "DoN't!!" I hide my hips and stomach with my arms crossed in front of me. "Why? Are you ticklish?"

"No My SkIn Is JuSt SeNsItIvE." He chuckles and goes to do what he think is tickle me again. "SeRiOuSlY dOn'T!"

I said I was sensitive not ticklish! It isn't a funny tickle it's a WHAT THE FUCK I JUST GOT JOLTED tickle.

He grabs my sides and tries to tickle me again but does it too rough so I just look at him confused. "Are you trying to bruise me or give me a weird massage?"

"What so you're just periodically ticklish?"

"I told you I'm not ticklish I'm sensitive. Now stop touching me." I take his hands off of my extremely sensitive sides and lay back down. "You've got to wake up Kei!"

"I'm awake now, calm down."

"Nope I need my bed covers back."

"Oh... Sorry..." I get off of his bed covers and pillows slowly before he takes his stuff and walks out. I lay on my back on the floor and close my eyes tightly at the pain in my lower back. Felix lays on top of me and I pat his back lazily. "You okay Kei?"

"Mm. My back feels like hell."


"I don't know, I just have a bad back I guess."

"Does it need cracking?"

"More like I need a new back all together." He chuckles and gets off of me. "Sorry old man."

"Yah. You rascal." I speak in a very put on Busan accent and he chuckles harder as he walks away. I sit up and look around a bit lost when I see everyone speaking to each other. So I walk into Chans bedroom and pack up my stuff. I get ready to have to explain to someone why I'm leaving but no one notices me walk out. And some how I miss the annoyance of having to explain why I have to leave. I go home to check on everyone and grab some bottles of beer before shoving them into my backpack. "Where you going?" I jump and hide the backpack behind me when I look at dad. "Out."

"Where are you going with a backpack full of beer?"


"Correct answer is nowhere." He grabs my backpack and I try to grab it back but he makes sure he keeps it in his hand. "I paid for those!!"

"And we can return them."

"No I-!"

"YOU JUST OVERDOSED AND HAD TO STAY IN HOSPITAL FOR TWO NIGHTS KEIKO! YOU'RE NOT DRINKING ANYMORE ALCOHOL STOP BEING STUPID!" I clench my jaw and stay quiet as he starts taking out the beer bottles one by one. "Where you trying to do it again? Keiko?!"

"N-no I-"

"What's happened that's so bad that you want to keep on trying to kill yourself?!" I go quiet again and he sighs. "You need to stop drinking Kei. Alright?"

There's no point telling him. It won't help anything.

"You keep them..." I walk out of my bedroom and he follows after me. "Kei I'm not just being annoying. You could end up in hospital for other reasons then feeling sick and dizzy."

"I know. I'll see you later."

"Kei where are you going? Kei!"

"I don't know yet-! I can't think just leave me alone!!" He frowns as I walk out and head straight back to the Stray Kids dorm.

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