Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-of...

By unknownn2020

126K 4.7K 206

Kingston Spin-off #2 THE SECOND BOOK OF THE KINGSTON SPIN-OFF SERIES! Brody Kingston is fed up with his life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Bonus)

Chapter 25

2.5K 97 4
By unknownn2020


Gemma's POV

"Bye, I'll be back soon" Brody whispers while kissing me softly and walking out the front door with some of his family members. I'm so scared to be left alone without him in a place I don't know. His grandparents home is so big it's confusing, and I don't know how I'm going to answer and deal with all the questions I'm going to get thrown my way.

Closing the door behind him I watch him walk away before there's a tug at the bottom of my shirt. When I look down I see a small little girl with the most beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. I think her name was Lacey, I'm almost positive she's Eliza and Grant's child. They are one of the couples I remember because they have Lacey and an adorable baby girl named Lindsey.

"Hi, Lacey" I tell her bending down to her small height.

"Ms. Gemma right?" She asks as I nod and smile. One thing I have noticed is that there is no tolerance for disrespect here. Everyone is always "Yes sir, yes ma'am" and "sir this and sir that" it's odd because it's rude to speak that way in New York for a lot of people.

"Yes, that's me and you're Lacey with the blue eyes!" I speak to her as she smiles and nods.

"So what can I do for you Lacey?" I ask as she sighs and looks at me, "Uncle big Brody is my friend" she tells me as I smile and nod. They all call him Big Brody, I'm just waiting on the baby pictures before I believe it. I know he's big now, all six foot four and two hundred and something pounds of him. I'm not entirely sure that he's her uncle but that's what a lot of the family members call him so I get it.

"He's sad" she whispers as I shake my head no. After we cried for an hour, he seemed to calm down a bit.

"He's not sad, he's just unhappy about GG passing away to heaven. I'm glad uncle big Brody is your friend though, did you both spend a lot of time together?" I ask as she nods and then shakes her head no.

"Not anymore, he left. But before that, he tried to braid my hair one time" she tells me as I smile.

"Speaking of, these braids are so pretty!" I tell her grabbing her piggy tails as she smiles and flips them off her shoulders.

"Thanks! Mommy did them!" She squeals making me smile.

"Do you like makeup Lacey?" I ask as she nods and then pulls me closer to her, "Don't tell daddy but me and mommy do it when he's not home. He said it gets in the floor" she whispers as I grin.

"I'll have to talk to mommy about that. You know I own my own makeup company?" I ask as she shakes her head no. "Really?" She asks as I nod.

"I might bring you some samples if mommy likes it but, don't tell daddy!" I tell her as she shakes her head yes. I haven't started a children's line, but looking at her really makes me think hard about it, and she's beautiful.

"Lacey, you know you have to go wash your hands before dinner!" I hear Eliza as she walks up to us.

"Yes ma'am" Lacey mumbles before walking past me to the bathroom.

"Sorry about that, she just loves to talk. She just wouldn't eat a while ago and she needs something on her belly." Eliza tells me as I shake my head, nod and smile.

"She's nothing but a joy but I want to admit something. She did tell me about you both doing makeup." I tell Eliza as she smiles.

"It got in the carpet in her room one time and Grant was so mad so we do it in the bathroom now. What daddy doesn't know won't hurt him." She tells me smiling as I nod.

"I actually brought a few unopened samples with me and I'd love to give Lacey some of them if you wouldn't mind. They would look really beautiful on her, and you as well considering you've both got blue eyes." I tell her as she nods.

"She'd love that, but just sneak them into Lindsey's baby bag tomorrow so Grant won't know." She tells me smiling. She walks back into the kitchen as I follow her. I sit down on one of the barstools as she sits next to me on one side and Lacey runs back in and sits down on her side eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"So Gemma, let's get straight to the point. What are your intentions with my brother?" Brielle asks from my left as I look over. I'm shocked she just asked me that so fast but I knew it was coming.

"I don't date casually and I happen to really like Brody. I swore off all football players until he moved in as my neighbor and we just clicked. I think he's an amazing guy and my intention is to marry him one day if we get that far." I tell her honestly as she smiles.

"Good, I like you. Okay, Alee what are your intentions with my brother?" She turns asking Alee the same thing as Avery starts, "Bri you can't be so blunt sometimes" she tells her as Bri shakes her head.

"I have to be mom, I mean look at what Dawson brought to meet aunt Tatum and uncle Dean" She tells as Tatum laughs and sighs. I really enjoyed eating dinner right next to Brody with Tatum on my other side as we talked about our businesses and everything. She's super smart and knows what she's doing. She's practically an expert.

The room drops dead silent before I build the courage to ask, "Who did he bring home?" I ask Brielle as she looks over at their cousin Kinsley. She's beyond beautiful and I was informed that she is a model for Victoria Secret, Coach, and a lot of other high end designers. I knew she looked familiar and I have seen her face on a billboard before.

"Shall I?" Kinsley asks sarcastically before flipping her curl in her hand. I nod as she sighs.

"Okay, I'll tell the you but it stays between the family females." She tells me as I nod.

"So Dawson got mad at mom and dad one night after they busted him at a party. He was so mad he made a plan and almost killed mom." She tells me as Tatum rolls her eyes and palms her forehead covering her face.

"So he set them up, he brought home a seventy year old cougar who was a stripper, and made it seem like she was his sugar mamma. Then, he asked her to stay the night and kept making noises all night." She tells me as she glances towards Lacey watching her language. I know what she means and I can't even. That's so wrong but so funny.

"The best part though was when he put lotion all over contraception packets and threw them down the stairs to make it look like they were, you know, all night long. The next morning mom flipped her lid when she found out that lady had stayed the night and dad looked so disappointed he threw Dawson out. Long story short, he had payed her to fake it, and needless to say mom and dad don't bust Dawson at parties anymore. That was when he was eighteen though and he's far from that now." She tells me as I smile and look at Tatum.

"Gemma I was so mad" she tells me as I laugh at her.

"That's so bad but so good" I tell her as she nods. When Avery looks over she smiles at us before continuing to put containers up.

"But now, I feel like we all need to do background checks before the boys date because they get crazy." Kinsley tells me as I nod.

"What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" I ask as she shakes her head no.

"Honestly I don't have the time or energy for a relationship but Bri is an expert at that." She tells me looking over at Brielle.

"An expert in knowing butts" she whispers as I shake my head. I know about what happened, but I wonder if that's what she's talking about.

"Here's my record. Are you ready?" She asks me as I nod.

"I've had four boyfriends all who which have cheated on me but I have had six friends. I had three guys who just decided to stop talking to me for no apparent reason and then three more guys dropped off the face of the earth. Like literally I don't know where they are. The other four asked me to be their girlfriend and then asked another girl to make them happy" She tells me as I shake my head. Her love life sucks.

"That's crazy." I tell her as she nods. "Welcome to the fabulous life of Brielle Ava Kingston. Future Physiology graduate." She tells me as I shake my head laughing.

"So do have you and Brody have sex?" Alee asks as my eyes bulge and I look over at Avery.

"No offense Alee but that's nobody's business if we do or don't" I tell her as she looks away. It's gets quiet as hell before Tatum interrupts it.

"Would you both like to see baby photos of your men? Lily is an expert in those." She tells me as Lily laughs and stands up grabbing me and Avery.

"Gemma you have to see Brody. Brogan was adorable but Brody was like a baby sumo." She tells me as I grin and follow her.

We walk through the kitchen and Alee falls behind us as Avery stands beside me, "Listen to me, don't let Alee get to you. I don't like her" she tells me as I nod. Alee is just odd and I don't like her.

Once I sit down Tatum hands me the baby book as Lily and Avery sit beside me with Tatum behind me around the back of the couch with Alee. Brielle walks in with the rest of the girls sitting down as I look down at the scrap book.

I open it and immediately see the triplets at the beach and I automatically know which ones Brody. His butt is out and he's so big he's twice the size of the other two.

"Oh my god! His butt!" I tell Avery as Alee looks over my shoulder smirking and Avery grins.

"He was so bad that day! Trevor decided that he wanted to take us all to the beach in South Carolina and I was worried because of Brielle being so small but Brody wasn't scared of anything. He walked around naked the whole time. Every time I tried to put him in his swim trucks he took them right back off. Then Brock followed him doing the same thing and then Bri was in a cute little bikini and ripped it off. Thankfully we were at the beach house and it was private but I had to get pictures." She tells me while skipping the page and pointing to all of them naked. I smile as I see a picture of Brody in Trevor's lap half asleep as he's laying out.

"He got tired five minutes later and passed out in Trevor. He was going to build a castle but that fell apart." She tells me as I smile and look at the pictures. I love looking at them, he was adorable as a baby, but he was so big.

"How much did he weigh when he was born?" I ask as Tatum laughs.

"Get ready for this, this is why all the kids and we call him Big Brody. He was the biggest baby out of all of them." She tells me as Avery sighs.

"Eleven pounds eight ounces, while Brock was nine pounds three ounces and Bri was exactly seven pounds. I passed out after birthing Brock though it was Bri, Brody, Brock all in order and I was so sore. Those little things better be happy I pushed instead of getting a C-section like I had to do with Brogan. He was so small I thought he was dead, he was so premature that he was in an incubator for two months before I got to take him home. He's my miracle baby. Here turn back to this book to see them newborn." She tells me handing me another book as I flip through it and see her after giving birth. One of them even has Trevor holding the babies in his football uniform and he looks terrified.

"Here Alee do you want to look?" I ask handing her the book as she takes it and flips through the pages without even caring.

"Here's the book from their high school years" Tatum tells me as Alee jumps in, "Oh I want to see Brod-, Brock as a freshman." She tells her while taking it as I look away and Avery rolls her eyes. I see the next few books of Tatum's children, and then look through Tayson's book with the adoption of their son Luka and how Presley was so sick.

"So you really almost died?" I ask as she nods.

"Yeah, they didn't tell me much but I still have the heart surgery scars. I have to get a new pig valve every so many years." She tells me as she grabs the top of her v neck and shows me a huge scar going down the middle of her chest where her heart is.

"Wow, that's crazy." I whisper as I keep looking through the books for hours as we have a whole big reminiscing party in the living room looking at baby pictures.

Then my mood instantly changes when I get up to use the bathroom. I walk through the hallway and before I can make it to the bathroom I hear my name being called.

When I turn it's Alee. "Hey can we talk?" She asks as I nod and cross my arms.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask as she sighs. "I'm just having a hard time being the whole new girl here and I figured you'd know how I feel. How long have you and Brody been together?" She asks as I stay still. I can read through all of this.

She's so odd.

"Three years, what about you and Brock?" I lie as her eyes grow huge.

"I didn't know you were together that long." She whispers as I nod.

"So how's Brody with living in New York? Did you both know each other before or something because he just transferred there recently right?" She asks as I still. I've got to play the dumb blonde right now because she's up to something I just haven't figured it out yet. She asks way to many questions about Brody and it makes me uncomfortable. He's my boyfriend, not hers, and it's staying that way.

"Wait when does he play? When did you two meet three years ago?" She adds as I stare in shock. Oh hell no.

"Oh yeah, long time before. He transferred for me but I have to use the bathroom so excuse me" I tell her walking down to hallway to the bathroom and closing the door. What the hell is wrong with her? Why do I have to lie and make up a fake story for her ego to be phased? I'm so confused.

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