Senpai | yoonmin

By Yoonmin4lifue

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Have you ever wondered how far a person could go to get what he/she wants? Well let me tell you something, th... More

1 / Dear
2 / My
3 / Beautiful
4 / Daffodil
5 / You're
6 / Mine
7 / Always
8 / Been
9 / It's
10 / Pathetic
11 / Watching
12 / Those
13 / Bastards
14 / Laying
15 / Their
16 / Filthy
17 / Hands
18 / On
19 / My
20 / Property
21 / Kill
22 / Em'
23 / All
25 / You
26 / Park Jimin
27 / An
28 / Ocean
29 / Of
30 / You
31 / Look
32 / So
33 / Tempting
34 / I
35 / Would
36 / Drown
37 / In
38 / It
39 / Could
40 / Dive
41 / So
42 / Deep
43 / I
44 / Never
45 / Come
46 / Out
47 / My
48 / Love
49 / I'm
50 / Not
51 / Just
52 / Your
53 / Min Yoongi
54 / But
55 / Your
56 / Only
57 / Senpai
58 / Epilogue

24 / For

195 17 37
By Yoonmin4lifue

Yoongi's POV

Waking up to pillows that reaks of your dried tears isn't a great experience like what every heartbroken human says on the internet and today's school morning, Yoongi had the chance to fully experience it.

He felt devasted after getting rejected and the invisible wound inside his heart was still fresh and open for all to see but just like what the senior wrote inside the meetup letter that went horribly unplanned.

He is still going to love Park Jimin, send Daffodils and all those shitty letters to the freshman every day. It is not like he got a choice anyways and maybe if he keeps trying, the boy who wears a pleated little skirt with natural yet dreamy makeup on would turn to look at him.

So, Yoongi neatly packed another letter into his bag and fussily chooses another stem of yellow and white Daffodil from the patch he planted inside his room before stepping out his dark soul to another cold winter morning in Seoul, South Korea.

*At School*

"Our baby Jk is back! Come to my arms my dearest son!" J-hope animatedly beamed as he pulled the younger into a bone-crushing hug whilst Namjoon worriedly glanced at Yoongi who subtly nodded before whispering.

"He's doing fine, just don't bring up anything triggering, warn Seok too." The black-haired senior explained and it instantly made the purple head smiled in relaxation.

"So what did I missed?" Jungkook dumbfoundedly asked while smiling cutely at his hyungs who only returns the gesture with fond eyes.

"Go on Hope ah, you apprise him." Namjoon nudged his overjoyed friend's shoulder before he finally was able to lift the book that he has always wanted to read but couldn't due to how he was practically forced to listen to all Hoseok's 'childish' stories since Jungkook was not available for duty.

"Okie Dokie! So sweet pie, I saw three unicor-" With excitement, J-hope made a screeching sound but as he was halfway into the story, loud gossips filled up the hallways once 'The Angels' entered with Jimin being held hands in the middle by the Pink Princess and the Gucci Hunter.

Taehyung was descended on the right and he was glaring darkly at everyone who dared to murmur about his upset Bessie mate.

Meanwhile, Jin was snarling at every face with his precious gaze assigned to the left as his mouth moves rapidly to spit literal fire of harsh threats towards the specific group of female students who posted those unnecessarily mean comments.

"What are you looking at bitch? Go suck some dicks." The pink-haired senior croaked out a hiss from his healthy plum lips whilst making sure to broaden up his shoulders that could kill some bitches with their intimidation.

"How could you!" The girl looked completely offended and Jin couldn't care less as he had already moved his worthy attention away to check how Taehyung was doing and it wasn't that surprising when he sees how all the student's mouth were zipped and closed for good.

Seeing Jimin walking towards his locker with his head completely hung low for the solid reason of not wanting to remembers those accusing glares, Yoongi's face grimaces as a volcano of anger has been awakened and already began boiling inside of him. Who the hell dared to make his Jiminie this sad?

Additionally, the senior glared at the students who did not stop their bad chatting habits but as those jumbled whispers continue to flies past his ear, Yoongi could not help but wonder what were they rumouring about?

Sighing at his own curiosity, Yoongi removed his eyes off Jimin's saddened face to gaze up at the only person who knows everything and by 'everything', this person knows even your first day of school experience.


"Hel- uh me?" The innocent orange-haired student pointed at himself with a heart-shaped smile that is brighter than the sun itself since someone has just called out his name.

"Who else would be named 'Hoseok'." Yoongi wanted to scoff at the unnecessary question but halted his sarcastic comeback before replying. "Yes, now why the fuck are people whispering about my Jimin?"

From the side, Yoongi could see Jungkook holding back a snort from his unintended possessive pronoun that he unfortunately couldn't help but said out loud with so much confidence that runs like red ants inside of his popping views.

"Your Jimin?" J-hope teasingly retorted. Of course, he would.

"Just tell me Seok ah." Yoongi impatiently groaned. Curiosity really does not only kills the cat but your nerves as well.

"Okie! So my King, numerous rumours are surrounding your lover right now but do not be so agonize-"

"Cut the Bullshit will ya?" The black-haired senior hissed with his jaws clenching tighter as the gossiping and Jimin's name being cat called started getting much louder with each wasted seconds of Hoseok babbling out nonsense.

"Awe, I was having a blast." J-hope jutted his lips before a brilliant idea suddenly pops up inside his head and made him rambles for something that lies securely inside his purple shorts that has Sponge Bobs printed everywhere.

Yoongi's orbs followed his friend's every action as Hoseok brought out his phone that was protected by a rainbow Unicorn case and enthusiastically tapped on it multiple time before showing him the popular freshman's spammed Instagram's blog.

"I feel sad for him." J-hope added after noticing how focused Yoongi seemed to be since the senior's eyes were practically burning through the poor Apple's phone screen.

Each letter, multiple words that formed sentences, every catcall and numerous insults has shaken up a rumbling storm inside the geeky senior's tiny swollen heart that was unable to stay at peace. It was time for some snarky moves behind an ordinary computer screen.

"You'll see what happens if you dare to mess with what's mine."

Jimin's POV


Dear my Beautiful Daffodil...

I hope you liked what I did for you ;)
And it's okay if you don't want to accept my love right now, I can wait for eternities just to be with you <3

Ps. If anyone dares to bully you, let me know so it will be done and finished just like this one.

Don't worry! I didn't kill anyone this time, it's just a little threat. Bye! and I Love You!

From your Senpai

"So this is why the rumours stopped since Friday." Jimin caresses the letter with his thumb while feeling warmth spreading across his cheeks for a good few seconds but it all happened way too fast when he realised how the paper was only an inch away from his lips.

"God, what am I doing?!" Jimin madly blushed as he hurriedly folds the letter back into its envelope and straight into his branded handbag just so he could take those home like every other one.

"Mochi! Chim!" The call of his friends was loud and cheerful and they never failed to brighten up his mood. Once Jimin turned around, he was welcomingly greeted by two warm heated bodies.

"Mom missed you all weekend~ B.T.W the rumours stopped. Thank goodness otherwise I will have to bring my flamingo coloured frying pan to school along with my Joon-"

"Joon? Isn't that a guy's name?" Jimin wiggles his flexible brows suspiciously as Jin turned bright pink like his clothing for today; blush gradient socks, fascia knee-high shorts, a hot pink long coat and a lemonade crop top. Nothing new!

"I- uh... never mind!"

Suddenly when Jimin was about to sass back and probably never let his hyung off the hook this time, a deep-voiced gasp startled both dye haired students who snapped their in unison towards the only person in the University of Seoul who was dressed in Gucci from head to toe and can be seen gaping at his phone with a shocked expression.

"What happened Tae?" Jimin worriedly runs up to his friend's side and shooked his pliant arms in an attempt of getting the blonde back to reality but Taehyung only stood there for a few asleep seconds before he dramatically let go of his Gucci cased iPhone and buried his face deep against Jimin's shoulders.

"Yah!" Jin yelped in surprise but he was quick enough in catching the blonde's expensive phone with his fast reactive hands.

"Hey...Tae..." Jimin softly murmured while patting his crying friend's slender back and it wasn't that hard for his brows to knitted harshly together since he needed to find out why. "Tell me-"

"It's okay, nothing i-important." Taehyung cut in between his chokes before burying his head further into the freshman's now wet orange sweater.

"Jimin..." The eldest of the group suddenly says after averting his eyes up from Taehyung's phone screen. "Tae's credit card ran out and he got depts to pay for the Gucci purchases that are on their way..."

With that being said aloud, Taehyung only sobbed harder and Jimin wasn't the least bit of surprised to begin with. He already knows that this will happen one day...again.

"Well, it's no biggie. I can lend you some money and now, you can use it to pay them off." Jimin insisted with an angelic smile before making a fuss for his hands to search for a credit card inside his red sparkly purse.

"N-no! Jimin pul-please." Taehyung frenziedly detached himself off Jimin's arms and reached his frantic hands out to prevent his kind friend from doing something unacceptable again.

"You d-done that way too many times! I can't afford to pay you back and Hoe, you know so stop being like an Angel and let me suffer this once pl-please."

" are my friend. Friends help each other right?" Jimin sullenly pouted before turning on his shoulders to look at Jin as if the senior has the right judgement for his kind actions.

"Chim...I agree with Tae here. Let him go through this." The pink-haired male finally sighed and crossed his relentless arms together.

Although Jin is anxious about putting this much pressure on Taehyung, Jimin can't always be there to help out and in fact, it is about time his Gucci obsessed friend tastes the bitterness of his own medicine.

"Hyung is right Mochi." Taehyung tries to persuade his worried friend despite the breakdowns he would go through once he needed to pay back the money from his lonely bank account.

"But there must be other ways!" Jimin helplessly yelped in a desperate tone to his brittle quality voice. Why is he always like this? Worrying about other's problem as if it is his own?

"There's no other wa-"

"Actually, there is one." The pink head interrupted and it holds enough power to make both of the popular student's eyes expanded wider with pure curiosity.

"W-what way?" The Gucci lover asked with hope-filled vocals.

"Why don't you get a boyfie who can pay for all those pricey stuff of yours?" Jin smugly suggested with a harmless smile.

"A rich one." Jimin added naughtily.

"But who?! I got no one who fancy me..." Taehyung's thin lips formed a sad pitiful pout as he lazily dragged his foot towards his locker and sullenly kicks at the innocent floor with the latest special addition Gucci slippers that he bought only 2 days ago.

"I know exactly who."

The peach haired freshman flickered his eyes to the left and mischievously glances at a familiar classmate who was closely observing a certain someone behind a large while pillar with his big round doe eyes and tower of books sitting steadily in his busy hands.

Yoongi's POV

Once I got to school, something very unusual happened, something so miraculous yet unbelievable at the same time occurred when my bewildered eyes landed on a baby blue envelope that looked as if it was placed there just for me.

With curiosity, Yoongi shrugged his love letter inside Jimin's surprisingly opened locker before he anxiously picked up the baby blue letter before examining its sharp edges with his long bony fingers that soon stopped at the opening.

"Is it for me?" Yoongi hesitatingly thought to himself.

It couldn't have been that someone else has been so brave in sneaking their letters inside Jimin's locker like him right? But even if there is, the confident senior was sure he would do whatever it takes to rip that person's gut out.

Dear my 'Senpai'

I hope you received this letter the next morning. The reason I wanted to write to you is that I'm sorry and that is for ignoring your invitation. I blame it on the recent rumours but since those are now gone (thanks to you!)

I feel very guilty :'(

This might sound silly but I think I fall for you and your way with words...please forgive me and maybe we could meet up here by the lockers after school on Friday. I'll be there this time <3

From Jimin or what you call 'My Beautiful Daffodil'

Thump. Thump. That is precisely how Yoongi's heart sounded right now and trust me, it has already beaten a ton of million miles and he was sure that it would explode everywhere like splattered tomato juice.

"Jimin just calls me Senpai, I am Jiminie's Senpai..." Those words repeated inside Yoongi's head as his gummy just keep getting wider and wider with each second of the latter's confession letter staying put in his sturdy hold. Who am I to deserve this? What did I do?

"He fucking loves me!" The overwhelmed senior jumped up high and punched the air like he never did before. This isn't just an accomplishment; it's a ridiculous dream that managed to bloom into an incredulous reality.

"The heart too." Yoongi emitted another shy giggle before he proudly lifted the paper until it reaches his stretching lips that pout to pamper it with pepper kisses.

However the alarm of his smartwatch reached its end and the beeping noises tell him that Jimin will arrive soon so trying to keep in the overloading happiness that he knows would be a failure, Yoongi closes the freshman's locker and scurried behind a tall pillar-like usual.

"See you then Daffodil." The black-haired student quietly whispered before the University's doors dramatically swung open and the person who has succeeded in bringing Yoongi's dead soul back to life entered with his two besties marching by his glorious sides.

"On Friday."


Author's notes: Oh God, so you know about the splattered tomato line? Well, I was thinking of an event during childhood where my brother was kicking a ball around the house despite my father telling him not to. Well, my bro accidentally kicked the ball and it hit a carton of grape juice and the glass full next to it.

The red juice went literally everywhere inside the living room; TV, floor, walls and the couch TT. So my dad went red too as he was shouting at my brother shshshshssh

Ps. He hates messy place


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