Sweet Depression |Larry Styli...

By louttays

56.6K 1.7K 795

"Stay?" He questions and I can't really deny him when his eyes are puffy, wide, and pleading. I slide into th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Part 1
Chapter 29 Part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
The Past Is In The Past

Chapter 26

1.1K 37 6
By louttays

"When your broken you say there's nothing to fix..."

A/N: ive been on a photoshopping spree as you can tell^


"Harry, do you love me?" I ask insecurely and quickly as I stare weakly at my laptop screen in front of me. "Of course I do Boo, what's on your mind?" He asks through the phone, knowing something is wrong.

"It's just that, I've seen all these pictures of you and Nadine for the past month and we have been apart for so long, and I don't want you to leave me," I mutter out softly at the end.

"Louis, I'm gay. Completely, flat out, twirly lined, gay. You shouldn't have to worry when I go out with a girl into public. Nadine is just a friend and frankly, you know management is just doing this on purpose for her to be another December girlfriend, even though it's now January," he says and I sigh.

"I know, but I still get jealous. Especially when I'm all alone in our flat," I mutter and Harry laughs. "We're gonna be together again in a week, think you can hold on that long?" He asks softly and I groan. "I guess," I mutter. "Okay, I've got to go now, Jeff is calling. I love you," he says and I smile upon hearing those words. "Love you too," I say and we hang up. I flop down onto my bed and sigh, facing up at the ceiling.

I really, really, really want to see him again.


My phone starts to ring and I reach my hand over, yawning as I try to wake up from my peaceful nap.

I grasp the phone and open one eye, squinting and sliding the button over to answer it.

"Hello?" I mumble, closing my eyes and laying my head back onto the pillow.

"Louis, we have something very important we need to talk about," I hear Harry Magee say over the phone. "I'm on vacation, can't it wait?" I mutter, yawning.

"No, it can't," he states and I sigh. "Fine, where should I meet?" I ask. "Just come in to the office in an hour. We'll be waiting," he says and I roll my eyes, giving him and okay and then hanging up, throwing my phone onto the bed next to me.

I sigh and reach my hands up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I yawn once again and then I roll out of the bed.

I run a hand through my hair and I slip on some clothes, not necessarily dressing like a bum, but dressing somewhat nice.

I grab my phone and my keys and I go outside mine and Harry's flat, locking the door and getting into my car.

I drive to management's building and I park my car, putting my ticket up so that the parking officer knows I am actually allowed to be there.

I slowly walk into the building, not excited to be talking to management on my own.

I enter the air-conditioned lobby and walk over to the receptionist who gives me a smile and tells me to head on up.

I thank her and take the lift up to the normal floor. I go into the meeting room to see Harry Magee along with some other members of management.

"Thank you for coming Louis," Magee says and I roll my eyes. "It's not like I have a choice," I mutter and he sighs.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He changes the subject as I sit down. "So, you are going to LA with Liam in order to write some new songs, am I correct?" Magee asks me and I nod. "Yeah, in a week," I confirm and he nods. "And Sofia is going with Liam?" He asks and I nod, not knowing where he is going with this.

"So, I'm sure you've been aware of what's been happening lately, yes?" He asks and I sigh, knowing this is not going to lead to anything good. "Every single person who is not living under a rock is aware," I say and Magee closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"We need to stop these rumors from expanding even more," Magee says. "Why? The fans enjoy it and frankly, it gains more publicity. Isn't that what you want? Publicity for us equals money for you," I say and Magee shakes his head. "This is the bad kind of publicity that we don't want. We can't have people thinking you are gay, or bisexual," Magee says and I roll my eyes.

"Well, it looks like I am, so I think we may have a problem," I say and the other management members look surprised. "Of course you are. Great, this just gets better and better," Magee says sarcastically, putting his head in his hands.

"So, what are you planning?" I ask, wanting to move on from my confession. "You and Eleanor are going to be flying out to LA together with Liam and Sofia and you will be renting a villa with the four of you," he says and my eyes go wide.

"Eleanor? No! Absolutely no fucking way. Never in any lifetime. Hell. No," I say, shaking my head. "You have to Louis, you and Eleanor have to still be dating to the public world," Magee says, almost sounding...sorry?

"No, I refuse. I am not going anywhere with that slut. She was cheating on me as I was breaking up with her, I am never speaking with her again," I state and Magee sighs.

"Yes, you are flying out with her to LA in one week and that is final," he says and I throw my arms in the air, preparing myself to argue but the look on Magee's face stops me. He gives me the look saying that this is not arguable and I won't change anything.

"At least let me fly out a little bit earlier so I can see Harry," I mutter, giving up. "Okay, you will be flying out before Liam. How does in 4 days sound?" He asks and I nod.

"Whatever, is that all?" I ask, my mood completely drained. "Yes, you may go," Magee says, already starting to pack up his things.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears from coming to my eyes.

I stand up and exit the room, not bothering to thank the devils who make my life miserable.

I pull out my phone, immediately clicking on the contact of the person I need to talk to, not caring that it's late in LA.

"Wha-Lou?" I hear a grumble over the line and that's when the tears hit me. I step out of the building and I quickly rush to my car, getting in and letting out a breath before letting the tears fall down my face.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I hear Harry's now-awake voice and I cry harder at the thought.

"They're making me fly out with Eleanor to LA to stop the rumors and I can't look at her after what she did! Harry, I can't do this!" I cry into the phone and I can hear Harry's surprise and he tries to calm me down.

My tears eventually calm down to sniffles and then Harry starts to talk. "They can't do that, why does it have to be Eleanor?" He asks and I shake my head, wiping my eyes. "They can, and I don't know why. I guess it's because according to the public, me and her are dating," I mutter

"They shouldn't do this to you. Do they know what she did to you?" He asks, and I know he's getting angry. "Yes, and they are still making me do this," I say sadly and Harry huffs.

"Well they can just wait until I get to them," he says and I shake my head. "You can't do anything about it," I say and Harry sighs, knowing it's true.

"I can't stand to see you like this, though," he mutters. "But, at least they are letting fly out early to be with you," I say, lifting the mood. "Really?!" Harry asks, his voice turning to excitement.

"Yep, in four days I'll be back with you," I say and my face brightens just at the thought. "I can't wait," Harry mumbles happily through the phone.

"Me neither."


"Lou! How have you been?" That annoying little ass-shit voice rings out and I physically cringe at it. I let my eyes drift up from my phone and she is towering over me, as I'm sitting on the couch.

She has a smile on her face and her hair is down, her sunglasses on top of her head. She is looking at me expectantly and I decide to just ignore her, not wanting to deal with her at the moment.

"I said, how have you been?" She asks, plopping down on the couch, much too close to me for my liking.

"I am only doing this so I won't get sued, so if you would kindly shut the fuck up and stop acting like you are some perfect little angel and that everything between us is fine and dandy, then that would be absolutely amazing, thanks," I say and stand up off the waiting couch and onto one of the chairs as I wait for our flight to be ready.

Eleanor stares at me in shock and I ignore her and go back to my phone, texting Harry all that just happened which he responded to with laughing, because he says that I am still the sassiest person he has ever met.

I see Eleanor roll her eyes and take another sip of her Starbucks drink. I continue texting Harry until I am told that our flight is ready.

Once I'm boarded on the plane, as far away from Eleanor as possible, I close my eyes, thinking about how I am going to see Harry again in just 13 hours.


I can't bring it in me to smile at all. Not even a small grimace, no. Eleanor is way too close to me and the management girl is still scooting her closer to me.

"Great now just pretend like you are walking and let the pap snap the picture," she says and I roll my eyes. We are currently standing at the top of the down escalator and the pap quickly takes the picture. I immediately move away from Eleanor and then I follow the security out to the car waiting for me.

I sigh, knowing that the whole picture was a set-up, I mean, we were walking up a down escalator, and I'm secretly hoping that the fans will notice how miserable I am with Eleanor and that the whole thing is a set-up by management.

I rest my head against the door of the car and I wait as they drive to the villa where Liam and I are staying at with Sophia and Eleanor.

Except Eleanor is going home in 3 days, so basically just Sophiam and me. Then again, I'm gonna be with Harry most of the time, so it's actually only Liam and Sophia.

Not that I would want to be there with those two, Liam's a bit feisty nowadays if ya know what I mean.

My knee is bouncing up and down from excitement, because in a few minutes I will be with Harry again. It's been a whole month and it's been way too long since I've felt his touch.

We arrive at the villa and I grab my own bag, not bothering to grab Eleanor's. She can take in her own shit, I'm not doing anything for her.

I open the door and immediately throw down my luggage and go back outside, anxious to go see Harry.

I am driven in a normal car, as not to draw attention, and I thank the driver as he drops me off at Harry's flat. He gives me a smile and wishes me good luck before driving away.

I quickly go up to the door, having already gone through his stupid security shit, and the door opens, revealing my man.

My face widens into a smile and I gently set Dagger's carrier down and I run towards him, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He chuckles as he backs up to regain his balance and he supports my thighs as I wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face into it and breathing in his familiar smell.

"I've missed you so much," I mumble into his neck and I feel his hair tickle my cheek and I bring my legs down to stand.

"I've missed you too baby," he says, ushering me inside, grabbing Dagger, and shutting the door. He immediately wraps his arms back around me and I bury my face into his chest.

He pulls away and grabs onto my wrist gently, pulling up the sweater sleeve and making sure there are no new cuts.

"Don't worry, I haven't done it," I reassure him and he gives me a happy smile, smashing his lips onto mine. "I'm so, so proud of you," he says happily and I laugh.

"Thanks," I say shyly, my cheeks turning a little pink. "You're eating?" He asks, making sure and I nod. "You're getting better," he says happily and wraps his arms around my waist.

I chuckle and he bends down, letting Dagger out of the carrier and letting him get used to his new surroundings, and he leads me over to the kitchen. "So, what are we planning?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know really, your birthday is next week," I say and he nods, his smile growing. I hop onto the counter and Harry begins to make me some tea, knowing I'm a bit tired from my flight.

"I'm having a party," he says and I raise my eyebrow, because I didn't know this. "Oh?" It comes out as a question and Harry nods. "Yep, and there is a secret guest that I invited, just for you," he says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Who?" I ask and he shakes his head, smiling cheekily. "Guess you'll have to wait and see," He says and I groan. "You and your stupid surprise cliché shit," I mutter and Harry laughs, handing me my finished tea.

I take a small sip, making sure it isn't too hot and I hop off the counter, following Harry to his living room and sitting on the couch my legs sprawled over Harry's lap.

"I saw the picture of you and Eleanor at LAX. It's everywhere," Harry says softly and I frown. "It was staged," I say and Harry nods. "Yeah, you must really love her to walk up the down escalator," he makes a joke out of it and I smile, letting out a small laugh.

"Some of the fans have been proving that since the photo was published and they also noticed your face in the picture. You seem extremely happy to be with your girlfriend," Harry says and I sigh.

"Too bad I have a boyfriend instead," I mutter, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Harry's lips and curling into his chest, putting my tea on the table.

"Mm, yeah, that is too bad," he mutters, his cheeky smile growing and he cradles my body close to him. "Liam and Sophia aren't getting here until tomorrow," I say, changing the subject and Harry nods. "You and Liam going to write some songs?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah, that was the excuse they made for me to fly out to LA to be with you," I say, laughing and Harry chuckles.

"I might come with you, ya know, just to help you write," he says and I giggle. "Yeah, that's the reason you want to come," I say and he smiles, kissing my forehead. "Of course, it's totally not because I want to spend every single moment with my lovely boyfriend," he says, sarcastically.


So basically filler but I just wanted to get an update out in honor of harry and louis taking a fucking plane fucking alone fucking just the two of them for fucking 15 hours and then harry having a fucking bigger hole in his shirt and fucking cum stains on his black jeans when he gets off of the fucking plane and then the fucking picture of them in the airport and im just not fucking ready

Also this is in honor of OTRAT starting in exactly 1 hour and 38 minutes and no control better happen and they better not pull some shit with us where louis' voice is not prominent otherwise i will personally get on a flight and turn louis' mic up all the way myself

Goodnight im running a 5k in 9 hours someone shoot me


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