Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-of...

By unknownn2020

131K 4.8K 214

Kingston Spin-off #2 THE SECOND BOOK OF THE KINGSTON SPIN-OFF SERIES! Brody Kingston is fed up with his life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 (Bonus)

Chapter 7

3.1K 131 2
By unknownn2020


Gemma's POV

I don't know who he is but he's not a even hot. He's beyond hot, his jaw is squared off, his face is sculpted, his shoulders are so large they make three of mine and he's so hot. I think I'm drooling as our eyes connect and I look at him. His eyes are the brightest green color ever, and he's at least seven inches taller than any man I've ever seen. I can't help but stare at him in awe.

He's not a boy, he's a man; he looks my age, and he looks so good. He's standing in front of Christian and they seem to be at each other throats but Christian probably deserves it. Scratch that, he deserves everything that's about to happen to him. Adjusting myself and calming my heart that's beating out of my chest I walk up to Christian and the Greek god in front of him.

I see Cruz out of the side of my eye, we have met a few times and I really like him but, he never hangs out with Christian's crowd so I don't see much of him. That's all about to change though, I'm done with NFL players and I'm done with the New York Giants. I went to Christian's games a few times and I never really enjoyed watching him play. I just felt obligated to go and be a supportive girlfriend, even when I didn't even want to be there. Looking back, other girls would cheer for him as well but I never thought twice about it when he acknowledged them. I also missed the sign when I had bruises across my legs and arms from his grip.

I missed a lot of signs I should have picked up on and I'm never doing that again. I'm not pathetic and I don't have daddy issues from it, my mom raised me to be tough and know what I want and I've let her down. I'm done doing that when I'm a badass CEO. I know I'm worth more.

I walk across the room as I look at the man. That mans breath taking. I don't even know how to describe him, I just know that I feel so much towards him. The tension is so high as our eyes don't leave each other.

"Christian we need to talk" I tell Christian as I walk up to him. Mr. Hot Guy, which I've decided to call him, is raking my body up and down and I don't hate it. I feel empowered to know that a guy this hot would want to look at me. He could be a model he's so beautiful.

He watches me as his gaze drops to Christian. I never realized how short Christian was until he's standing next to this man, I never realized how small I was until he's in front of me and I'm level with his chest.

"Baby I'm busy" he tells me as he doesn't even acknowledge me. He's to busy trying to look intimidating to this man who could squish him under his foot. He makes everyone look small. He looks aged but young, but he makes me feel something inside of me when he looks at me. I just love his face, his body, his large neck, his hands, everything.

"We really need to talk right now" I demand as I hold my purse and look over at Mr. Hot Guy. He's so hot, I love the way he looks at me, how he admires my body, and how my heart beating out of my chest.

"I'm Brody Kingston, the new quarterback. Christian and I play together." He tells me as he leans back to the bar and I step forward shocking myself. Kingston, that name sounds so familiar in the fashion world but I can't think of it. I feel like I now him for some reason and I don't. I can't even think he's hot, he's a football player, a NFL player and I've sworn off all football players no matter what. I lean forward to shake his hand as Christian grabs my arm. He has no right to touch me after what he's done.

"Let's go outside" he tells me as his grip tightens and I try to shake him off. He has no right grabbing me into his hand like that. Especially not after everything he's done to me and how much he's hurt me.

Brody shocks me when he stands up and peels Christians hand off of me. "Don't touch a woman like that" he demands at him as he locks his jaw at Christian. That's so damn sexy, and he pushes me behind him without even realizing it as he protects me. My mom said I'd find a guy that stood up for me, and as far as I'm concerned Brody's doing that in every way. He's standing up for me, he's protecting me.

"Who are you to tell me how to treat my girlfriend?" Christian asks as I scoff behind Brody's large and muscular shoulders. Girlfriend, I am not his girlfriend, I'm the pathetic girl that loved him while he cheated on me. I know he did after I saw the text messages the first two times.

"The grown man who knows not to touch a woman especially not when you don't know how to handle your problems." Brody tells him as I smile. I already like Brody so much and he's standing up for me and treating me like I feel I deserve. I place my hand on his back as I rub it softly and I'm shocked at how good it feels to touch him. Everything just feels so right, like he's meant to be here protecting me.

Maybe he was sent to me so I know not to give up and that good men still exist. I hope so, I hope I find a good man. One that preferably doesn't play football but Brody seems like the full package.

"I'll do what I want when I want to" he speaks to Brody as I hold him softly. I already think Brody's better than him and I shouldn't, I gave up on football players.

"You don't put your hands on her. I don't care who you think you are. Don't fucking touch her." he tells Christian as I smile. He's fuming right now so I move my hand and I feel like it calms him down a bit. His muscles are so tight, and his smell is so good. He's clean and he smells like a soft pine and cologne mix.

I finally decide to step into the testosterone battle as I talk.

"Thank you Brody, it was nice to meet you. Really thank you" I tell him moving to his side as I look up at him and touch his arm. I feel chill bumps all of my arms as his hand brushes mine. He touches my wrist and everything feels right.

"Yeah" he tells me as he and looks at Christian. I move away and feel my body heat disappear and my comfort , "We need to talk, I'll be outside for five minutes" I demand as Christian follows me.

When we get outside I start the next second, "You are a damn disappointment in a boy. I know about you bragging after taking my virginity, you asswipe. You're nothing but a damn liar and I was so weak and scared of being alone that I dated you. I'm done Christian, I hate you." I tell him as he looks at me in shock.

"I finally shut you up didn't I?" I question as I cross my arms and feel Brody gazing at me through the window as I look at him and see his perfect grin. I really don't need to date another football player, but he makes me want something with him just by looking at me.

"Gemma, it's not like that. You love me and I forbid you from breaking up with me" he whispers as I shake my head no.

"Yes it is like that. Not only did you humiliate me but you effect my company and employees now. You effect the way people see my products because I made a mistake. I regretted the instant we had sex because I wasted that on you! You can't hurt me anymore!" I demand as people walking by on the busy street give me looks and I don't care.

"Gemma I love you and you know that." He tells me as I laugh.

"We're done" I tell him as he shakes his head no, "You don't get to decide that" he tells me as I shake my head yes.

"Why did you talk about me like that if you love me?" I ask as I stay still.

"You waited so long to have sex with me that I felt like I won a trophy or something. Gemma having sex with you was so good, it wasn't because I was being it was a dick. It was because I loved it." He tells me as I shake my head no.

"You bragged about it. About my body, what I decide to do with my body and the person I have sex with, that should stay between us. Not New York fucking city." I demand as I try to make him understand how upset I am.

"Gemma, we'll work on it. I won't do it again." He whispers as I shake my head no.

"It's not just what you want. Let me spell it out for you, we are fucking done." I demand in his face as he grabs me into his arms trying to hug me.

"Baby, I love you" he whispers as I look at Brody. He gave me the power to do this. He made me feel strong enough to break up with Christian and never look back. Brody did that.

"Thank you for that" I mouth to him as I let Christian hug me. We're finally done, I finally dumped him. I push Christian off the next second as I look him up in the eye.

"Don't come near me again. Don't you ever do what you did to me to another woman. Hopefully you'll grow up in thirty years and realize you just lost the best thing that ever happened to you." I tell him as I walk off leaving him on the sidewalk.

I feel tears whelp in my eyes as I blink them away and tap my heart. I did it, I was the strong and bad bitch I knew I could be. I did it.

My mom and Shelly would be so proud of me right now. I might end up single forever but at least I'm not in a toxic relationship with someone I can't stand. I walk for a few hundred feet before I hear, "GEMMA!!!" being yelled as loud as it can.

I stop and turn around as I look back and see Brody. And with him is the biggest smile I've ever seen. Brody Kingston, I think I might like him. I shouldn't so soon but he's amazing and it scares me how much I do like him.

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