Intermediate {K/DA X Maleread...

By KilliosKorosu

327K 6.6K 3.4K

Y/n L/n or known as Shirone the White Fox in Heavens Arena. A well known fighter throughout the city of (C/n... More

Biography (Update)
Chapter 1: Enter Y/n.
Chapter 2: Tournament
Chapter 3: Tournament 2
Chapter 4: Tournament 3
Chapter 5: Tournament end
Chapter 6: K/DA
Chapter 7: Friends huh?
Chapter 8: Next day.
Chapter 9: Behind a Concert
Chapter 10: Unforseen events
Chapter 11: Contract!?
Chapter 12: The Other Side๐ŸŽต
Chapter 13: Moved in
Chapter 14: 'Normal' day for Y/n
Chapter 15: A day with Seraphine
Chapter 16: Looking over Memories
Chapter 17: Opening up
Chapter 18: Grocery with Kai'sa.
Chapter 19: K/DA's Game Night
Chapter 20: Candy Shop
Chapter 21: Sudden change
Chapter 22: Discord
Chapter 23: Shopping with Ahri
Chapter 24: Mending the pieces
Chapter 25: Odd Monstrosity
Chapter 26: Aftermath
Chapter 27: Exposed
Chapter 28: Secrets
Chapter 29: A Day with the Diva
Chapter 30: A pretty much normal day.
Chapter 31: Date with the Ninja
Chapter 32: TRUE DAMAGE
Chapter 33: Back to the Tower
Chapter 34: Shirone Vs Strife
Chapter 36: How they met.
Chapter 37: Secrets that needs to be told
Chapter 38: Troublesome
Chapter 39: Incoming..........
Chapter 40: Magic Lessons
Chapter 41: Within K/DA
Chapter 42: Unexpectedness
Chapter 43: Kingdom of Demacia
Chapter 44: Troublesome Problems
Chapter 45: One's Journey
Chapter 46: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 47: Ancient Fear
Chapter 48: The Demons inside

Chapter 35: An Eventful day

2.6K 77 8
By KilliosKorosu

Y/n opens his eyes only to see himself back on the void, standing in the murky water as usual when he comes here,

Y/n: Tch... Here again...

He then looks over his shoulder as there he sees the mysterious figure standing a few feet away from him. The glowing F/c chains was still attached to their arms and legs, still holding them back from it.

???: Miss me?

Suddenly, a large F/c Knife found its way pointed at their neck as there Y/n was glaring hard at them,

Y/n: You sure have a lot of nerve pulling that stunt from before.

???: Oh please. You were vulnerable at that time. It was a perfect chance for me to come out but not until that Blondie ruined it by giving you your 'Medicine'.

They sneered before they swatted away Y/n's knife as both glares at each other with the figures eyes glowing yellow.

Y/n: Tch... You should give up already, this fight we're in, it should end right now.

???: Hehe I couldn't agree more but only if you accept me.

Y/n: Never...

???: Then how can it end if you refuse to? You may continue to refuse me but yet you also act like me..

Y/n: ....Tch...

???: Face it, you can't get rid off me for like they say, "One can't exist without the other". Our fate will always be inevitable if you continue to refuse... After all...

They suddenly disappear and appeared right in front of Y/n.

???: Time will not be always by your side. I


Y/n wakes up in his room in K/DA's mansion. There he groggily got up as he looks around and noticed that it was still in the early morning as the sun was still rising.

Seeing this made him sigh as he holds his head from a slight dizziness.

Y/n: This headache again....

His Fox features were out as there we can see that there were black tips on his tails.

This made him panic a bit and he grabs the jar of black pills from his nightstand, consuming a few, ignoring the disgusting flavor of it as the black color on his tails disappears making him sigh in relief.

But unknown to him, his left eye started glitching, changing into many different colors.


After for some time, Y/n was now seen on the kitchen as there he was cooking breakfast as the girls were at the table enjoying Y/n's cooking.

Akali: Man, this really is the best pancake I have ever tasted!!!

Ahri: Yeah!!

Both were eating with joyous expressions while Evelyn and Kai'sa were more calm but they did enjoyed it.

Y/n though, looks distracted as he held a stoic look on which they noticed.

Kai'sa: Y/n are you.., alright?

Y/n: ......

Evelynn: Y/n?

Y/n: ........

Ahri: Y/n!

Y/n: .....

Akali: Y/N!

Y/n: Huh! what?

He looks to them as he then sees their worried looks.

Y/n: S-Sorry.. What were you saying?

Evelynn: Are you alright?

She asked worriedly as Y/n just smiled wryly and finishes his cooking.

Y/n: I-I'm fine.. Just have something on my mind...

Kai'sa: Do you wanna talk about it?

Y/n: No, it's got nothing to do with you all, sorry.

The girls just look at one another as Y/n left the kitchen.

Clearly something was bothering him but they don't know what it is. It could be that he was still feeling the pain after his match with him and Cloud a couple of days ago.

The girls all watched his match with the Swordsman and they were shocked and impressed by the fight but when they saw Y/n had collapse when he was about to attack, they got worried.

They wouldn't stop bothering him when he got home, always answering that he was fine but they wouldn't believe him anyway, especially after now seeing he was distracted.

Akali: Clearly something is wrong here.

Ahri: Yeah, he's hiding something. I sense it, he's..... scared...

She said worried as they look at her.

Kai'sa: What do ya mean Ahri?

Evelynn: I felt it too, I sense fear in him as well as anger and..... hatred?

They all look at her when she said the last part as this worried them. What could Y/n be fearing, angry and hating right now? That was their question.

Kai'sa: *Sighs* No use thinking about it, we'll have to check on him later.

Akali: Y-Yeah.. I mean we still have to pick up the new girl right?

Ahri: Yup! I just hope Y/n will be alright.

With that, they continue eating their breakfast but inside, all of them couldn't help but worry for the White Fox. Whatever was bothering him, they couldn't help but be worried about it.


A few hours have passed since Y/n left as it was now in the afternoon.

Y/n was now at Cafe coffee as there he was sitting on the counter with a Boba in hand.

Ben: So, skipping school today huh?

He said while cleaning a mug in hand.

Y/n: Yup.

True to Ben's words. Y/n has school today but he decided to not go for he wasn't feeling like going anyway.

Though, he was a bit worried about Sera being alone today but then again, she can take care of herself.

The girl even sent him a text message if he's alright or where is he, he just replied that he's fine, not feeling well to go to school today, though what perplexed him was the last message she sent.

Sera: I wished I could come and look after you but I don't know where you live anymore. So please take care of yourself!! I have a surprise for you soon and it's super duper important!!! (つ≧▽≦)

He sighs from reading it, looking confused.

Y/n: I wonder what's this important thing she's talking about?

Ben: Well whatever it is, from the way she ended her text, it seems like she's excited for it.

He said as he also got a text from her.

Y/n: ..-_-.. Sera's always excited for something.

He deadpanned making Ben sweatdrop.

Ben: -_-¡ Err.. You're right about that....

Y/n: Though, I wonder what's this surprise she's talking about?

Ben: Well it wouldn't be a surprise now wouldn't it?

Y/n: Hmm.. Understandable,

Y/n just sighs as he drinks from his Boba, looking deep in thought.

Ben: Something wrong Y/n?

Y/n: It's nothing.

Ben perks an eyebrow at this but shrugs it off not wanting to push it, having a feeling that this was something very personal unlike the other times, if needed, he would talk him out for it.

Y/n then stood up as he gives Ben a tip.

Y/n: I'll be heading out now Ben.

Ben: Sure come again and thanks for the tip!

Y/n nodded before leaving through the door with his Boba cup in hand.

Y/n takes a walk around the city of (C/n). His glasses were off as it stood on his forehead, taking in the sight of this beautiful city, he would be enjoying it if it weren't fro the small headache he's having as well as having blurry vision all of a sudden.

Y/n: Dammit.....

He went over his pockets as he brought out his black pills and consumes a few of it, after for a few minutes, the effects kicks in as the headache and blurriness went away.

Y/n sighs at this as he looks at the jar of black pills in hand.

Y/n: No matter how strong Pen makes it, it only seems to get weaker for me and even more disgusting..

He then takes a detour from the path he was walking on as there Y/n jumps up and starts to parkour over buildings as he puts on a hat and a face mask that had fang patterns in it.


With K/DA.

The girls are now seen standing in front of a certain building as all were wearing casual clothes.

Akali: Is this the place?

Ahri: Well yeah, this is where the address is.

Evelyn: Hmm. Well let's not waste any ti-

???: Hey!!!

Before she could finished, she was interrupted by a familiar voice shouting to them as they look forward to see a certain pink haired girl running towards them looking excited.

Akali: Well here comes the newbie!

She said smiling at the new girl which revealed to be none other than Seraphine.

Sera: Thank you all for coming to help me pack! And sorry if it's a bother.

Ahri: Nonsense! It's not a bother at all!

Akali: Yeah! We did volunteer to help so here we are!

Kai'sa: So why not lead us to your apartment so we can get started!

Evelynn: Yes, the sooner we begin, the faster we can finished.

Sera: T-Thank you very much!

Sera stuttered and just smiled, grateful for the help as the girls giggled at this and went inside the building.


Back with Y/n, the boy was now seen walking on a sidewalk filled with people walking around as he was holding a cotton candy in hand with another one in his mouth.

He had his headphones as he was listening to music, the genre was specifically heavy metal.

He bobs his head side to side, enjoying the song but not until he was interrupted by a-


He stops walking when he felt the very earth had shook a bit as he looks to see black smoke rising in the distance behind the buildings.

Looking confused, Y/n consumes the whole Cotton candy on his mouth as he jumps high up onto the side of a building and begins to climb his way up to the roof much to many bystanders surprise looks.

He parkours his way to the direction where the black smoke was as there he saw building on fire as it slowly spreads to the neighborhood.

Many people were coming out of it but with his enhance hearing, he could hear many people crying out in panic inside.

He looks down to see Firefighters were doing their best to put out the fire but alas it was strong as it continues to spread. They even set up a barrier to keep the people from going in as some were trying to, crying out for the people that haven't escape yet.

Especially a typical regular Woman crying out for her baby that was still inside.

Woman: My baby!! My baby is still inside!! Please let me go!! My baby is still inside!!!

Firefighter: Ma'am! We can't let you go in there! The fire is too strong!!

But she ignores his warnings as she continues to go over the barrier but then, the people look in shock as they gasped making the Firefighters confused but widen their eyes when they found Y/n standing in front of the building but without his disguise on.

Firefighter2: Hey kid! Get back here! You're not supposed to be in their!!

A few of them went over him but Y/n just look at them and smirk much to their shock seeing him,

Y/n: Guess I'll have to step in.

He ate the other Cotton candy in hand in one bite as then red pigmentation surrounded his eyes as his hair turned white as his Fox ears and tails all came out.

This made the entire crowd of people go wide eyed and mouth agape as their eyes look like they were about to bulge out as some started to cheer, now realizing who he was.

Shirone the White Fox of Heavens Arena.

With that, Y/n disappeared in a flicker, going inside the building on fire.


Akali: There! That's the last of it!

Akali said after putting down the last box of Sera's stuff inside a U-haul.

Sera: Thanks again for helping me packed my stuff! I appreciate it!

She bowed grateful as the girls wave their hand nonchalantly.

Kai'sa: It's quite alright, you don't need to bow.

Ahri: Yeah you're one of us now!

She chimed as Sera smiled at the thought. Her dream is finally coming true as she couldn't just believe it.

Evelynn: Now, why don't we get going?

Akali/Ahri/Sera/Kai'sa: YEAH!!!

With that, all of them went over the car but before Evelynn could get inside, Kai'sa stops her.

Kai'sa: You're worried about Y/n, aren't you?

Evelynn: What makes you say that?

Kai'sa: Well you've been looking at your phone for awhile now and I just came to see that you've been looking at Y/n's number.

Evelynn: ......

Kai'sa: Look, were worried for him as well but Y/n can take care of himself and besides he's still at school right now so we'll have to wait for him to come home..



A lot of people scream form the explosion that had happened as then, portals came opening up right in front of the people as put came Y/n holding more people with his tails as he landed safely on the ground.

The Firefighters wasted no time as they immediately went to him taking the people in as Y/n turns to the building on fire.

Firefighter: Is this all of them?

He asked worriedly as Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Yeah, I can't sense anyone there anymore so that should be them all.


The side of the building exploded as the people screamed from it.

Y/n: Get back all of you!

Y/n shouted which they all obliged as then he destroyed a fire hydrant nearby as water burst out of it and he manipulated it as it took on the shape of a large serpentine dragon much to everyone's shock and awe.

The water dragon surrounded Y/n as he moves his arms around before he draws it onto the fire as the Dragon went crashing on top of the building as the water begins to put out of the fire and everyone cheers from it.

But Y/n wasn't finish as he decided to put on a show despite the situation as it is as then, all of the water froze in an instant before it all shattered into pieces much to the peoples amazement as bits of it were falling slowly as it glistens from the sun.

Y/n smiles at his accomplishment as he gained more cheers from the crowd of people.

Y/n: That was fun....

With that, he left in a flicker as he disappeared much to people's shock.


Y/n: I'm home!!

Y/n yells out through the mansion after a hectic day of saving people from a burning building as well as putting on a show for them.

He goes to the kitchen as there he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, drinks from it and he suddenly hears loud laughter from the living room but thanks to his enhance hearing and senses.

He could sense 5 people in the house and one of them was very oddly familiar to him as he got confused.

Going to the Living room, only Evelynn, Ahri and Akali were there but no Kai'sa.

Y/n: Hey girls, what's going on?

Ahri: Oh Y/n!!

Akali: You're finally back!!

Evelynn: We've been waiting for you Darling~

Y/n: Yeah, just got back but hey where's Kai'sa?

Akali: Oh she's busy touring the newbie.

Y/n: Newbie?

Evelynn: Have you forgotten? The new recruit in K/DA.

Y/n: Oh yeah! I really forgot about that!

Soon Kai'sa voice was heard followed by another which seem really oddly familiar to Y/n.

Kai'sa: So how are you liking this place so far?

???: I-It's really awesome!! I can't believe this place is so big!! REALLY BIG!

Y/n: Tht voice.. why do I know that voice....

Kai'sa: Hehee~ Glad you like it Sera.

Y/n: That name, why do I know that name.

???: Yeah, thanks fo touring me around!

Ahri: Oh there you two are!

Evelyn: Perfect timing as well. Our little cute Bodyguard just came back and it's time for both of you to meet.

Akali: Yeah! Alright newbie, this here is our personal Bodyguard or as we like to him our Guardian, Y/-

???: Y/N!?!

Y/n immediately paled from that and once he turns around and saw her, he started to sweat buckets seeing her.

Y/n: S-SERA!

True to his words, his best friend Seraphine was now standing right in front of him wearing a shock expression as the K/DA girls were also shocked at this.












In the lower levels of C/n city.

A hooded figure was seen walking on the streets with a small black cat on the figure shoulder, it's tired and almost dead looking eyes looking around at the place, where people who live here go by their lives.

???: There seems to be nothing wrong in this part of the city Kuro.

Kuro: Obviously, no shady people would go out in daylight, we've been patrolling around the level for days now Mahiru, can't we just go back home? You still have school.

The hooded figure named Mahiru was nothing than a Highschool boy underneath that hood.

Mahiru: Yeah, but Mr. Pen said to keep looking, wouldn't want to disappoint him. I'm excused anyway.

Kuro: Yeah yeah, I don't want to get a lecture from him anyway.

Mahiru: Yeah, but smell anything out of ordinary yet?

Kuro: All I smell is garbage and people's piss around the place.

Mahiru: TMI Kuro. TMI..

As both of them continues to walk around.

Both of them were unaware of another hooded figure watching them in the shadows before they moved.



All nothing but silence was in the atmosphere of K/DA's mansion as in the living room.

Y/n was now seated on the couch as across him was his Best friend Seraphine with a shock look.

Sera: So let me get this straight! When you said, you had moved out of your apartment in somewhere away from the city, you meant here!? And you're job is being K/DA's Personal bodyguard!?

Y/n: Eyup! That sums it all right up.

He said nonchalantly nodding his head as Sera couldn't believe it.

Y/n had spent a few minutes explaining to Sera in why he was here and she was in complete shock by it as no words comes out form her mouth making Y/n sigh.

Y/n: Welp! I have things to do-!?

Y/n yelps a bit as he looks down to see Evelyn's lashers had wrapped themselves tightly around Y/n much to his shock.

Y/n: Hey! Let go of me!

Evelyn: Not a chance my dear Fox.

Ahri: Yeah! And *sniff sniff* Why do you smell like ashes?

She asked confused as this made the other girls but Sera to look at Y/n in suspicion a she sweated nervously.

Y/n: Uh.... We were doing exactly science activity at school! Yeah that's it! Hehe...

He explained, silently praying that they buy it but it didn't seem like it.

Akali: Yeah we don't believe you..

Y/n: *Sighs* Of course you don't.

Sera: Wait wait! If you've known them for awhile now then why didn't you tell me!? You know I'm a big fan of them!

She lashes out while pouting as Y/n looks at her with a guilty look.

Y/n: Well you see, I have several reasons. Two of them are the main ones.

Sera: Oh yeah, and what are those?

She crossed her arms perking an eyebrow at this.

Y/n: Well first, it was against the contract I signed.

Evelyn: Hmm, he's right about that.

Y/n: And the second one..... well to be honest.........

The girls leans in curious about the other reason.

Y/n: ......I really didn't know that you were a fan of them hehehe... Please don't kill me.

Sera: =_=.........

K/DA: =_=........

Y/n: <OwO>

All couldn't help but looks at him with a deadpanned expression as Y/n wore an innocent cat look giving two peace signs.

Sera then walks to him and begins to comically hit him a lot on the back.

(A/n: Hehahaha😂😂I always find this duo quite hilarious! Especially Alice! hahaha!😂)


She continues to say this a lot more while hitting Y/n right on the head and on his back as he could do nothing but accept it as due to still being trapped by Evelyn's lashers.

Y/n: =_=...Ow ow ow ow Please have mercy.. Ow ow ow.. Im sorry ow ow ow.. Please forgive me... ow ow.

He nonchalantly said as it wasn't even hurting him and Sera notices this as she begins to hit harder.

Y/n: Ow.. Owkay it's starting to hurt noOw ow ow OW! Okay cut it out already!!!

Soon Sera stops as Y/n then had comical bumps as he looks at Sera who looks away puffing her cheeks.

Sera: Baka....

Y/n couldn't help but sweatdrop at this,even K/DA as they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Though, Akali and Ahri was fuming hard at this while Evelyn and Kai'sa were just plainly bewildered.

Y/n: Welp! I have somewhere else to be, so..

He then stood up as cracking noise was heard and he suddenly broke himself free from Evelyn's grasp as she was shock as well as the others.

Evelyn: What!?

Sera: Oh no you don't! I still have questions!

Y/n: Questions that I will probably answer later...... maybe...

Sera: Hey-

Y/n: See ya!

Before Sera could grab him,Y/n disappeared through a portal of his much to her shock and even K/DA's.


Sera's voice loudly echoed around the mansion as it comically jump and even birds from the forest flew away startled from it.


Y/n was now seen falling out of a portal on top of a building as he was rubbing his arms with it cracking before ubbing his bumps on his heads with comical tears flowing from his eyes like a waterfall.

Y/n: Man... Sera knows how to hit hard.....

He sighs exasperatedly as he wipes away the comical tears he has.

Y/n: Yare yare.... Today has been really eventful.....

He then starts frowning as he looks up to the sky, seeing dark clouds starting to gather around.

Y/n: I have a feeling that things will become more hectic now in the future... Whether good or bad...

To be continued....

Word count: 3800+


There! Another chapter down!

Now Seraphine has join the group!

There weren't that much scenes of Sera in this book but hopefully her joining the group could make it better now as planned!

It's getting hard writing new chapters too, I just hope I don't lose motivation in writing this hehe..

Hope you enjoyed reading!

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