Gym Class

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Jungkook POV
"Ok, Jungkook." Minho said to get my attention. "Last period today, we hav gym. Did you remember to bring gym clothes?" 

"Yes, but they are in my locker." I say to him.

"Ok, let's go get them because mine are in my locker too." He says while starting to walk away.

We walked over to the row of lockers and to the roll that had mine in it. 

"Ok, so are you good to open your locker?" He asked me because his locker was in a different row.

"Yep, go to your locker. So we won't be late." I say to him.

"Ok. See you in a minute." He said before walking away.

I watched as he walked away before I turned around and put in my combination of my locker. It opened and I reached in and grabbed my gym bag and water.

I closed the door and was startled when I saw Taehyung standing there.

"Oh my gosh, Seonbae! Don't do that, you give me a heart attack." I tell him while trying to calm down my heart rate.

"Sorry." He said while smirking.

This is weird. "So what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well, I saw you by yourself and I wanted to make sure you know where you were going, you know since this is your second day." He answered.

"Oh, well thank you, but I'm ok. I'm actually waiting for Minho, so we can go to gym class." I say while laying back onto my locker.

"You know," Seonbae said while walking in front of me and putting one of his arms next to my head. "I have that class too. I usually skip it, but I brought my clothes today. And it seems like that was a good choice today."

"Well you should bring your clothes every time you have gym class. You know, you really shouldn't skip your classes." I say while looking at him.

"Well if you're going to be there, I won't skip. Ok?" He says with a smile.

"Why does me being there make or break the choice of you coming or not?" I ask him.

"Well because-"

"Jungkook!" Minho called out to me.

We both look at him.

"Come on, we are going to be late." He said while gesturing me to come on.

I walked over to him.

"Stay here a second, Kook." Minho says before walking up to Hyung. Then he comes back. "Come on, let's go."

"Ok." I say.

We walked in silence until Minho broke it by saying "Jungkook, what did you two talk about?"

"Eh?" I ask, confused.

"What did he say to you?" Minho asked again.

"Um, nothing much really. He asked if I need help being guided around the school. I said no that I was waiting for you. And then he talked about skipping gym class, because he has it too. But I told him that he shouldn't skip. Then he said that if I was there, he wouldn't skip. I asked why? And he started to answer but you interrupted." I explained.

"Ok. But Jungkook, you really shouldn't talk to him. He's bad news. Like really no good." Minho says.

"Well I didn't try to talk to him, Seonbae came up and we started talking." I tell him.

"Well be careful because he'll make you fall in love with him, just so he can fuck you. Then he'll make like a tree and leave." Minho tells me again.

"Yes, I remember. But I didn't think that he could make me fall in love with him. Because I don't feel that type of feeling. I don't even know what it's supposed to feel like. So…" I tell him.

"But still. Be cautious." He pleads.

"Ok." I say as we reach the locker room.

We changed and headed up to the gym for class, which Ryujin and Yugyeom were in too.

We started off with a 5 minute jog. Then we sat and were told instructions as to what we were doing today.

"Alright, class." The gym teacher says. "Today we are doing the mile."

Everyone groans, but I was confused. The mile?

"What's the mile?" I asked my friends.

"You don't know what it is?" Ryujin said, shocked.

"No, we didn't do "the mile" in my old school's gym class" I explained to them.

"Excuse me. Why are you four talking?" The gym teacher asked.

"Oh, I was just asking what "the mile" was." I explained to him.

He chuckles a little. "You don't know what it is? What did you come from private school or something?" He says.

"Actually I did come from private school and that's not something we did there." I tell him.

"Oh, well I'm going to take y'all down to the track. You will run or jog 4 laps around which is equivalent to a mile. You are trying to run it as fast as possible, but still while keeping a steady pace, ok?" He explained.

"Yes, I understand." I answered.

"Good. Everyone up! Let's go." He said.

We started to follow him outside and up to the track.

"Wow this sounds fun." I say while smiling.

"You won't be thinking that when you finish it." Yugyeom says while already sounding tired.

I shrugged and continued to be excited for it.

Time skip~

"Ok, everyone is done running now. Great job! As some might know, I always read out the fastest time to infire others. So today's fastest was Jungkook with a time of 4:32. Great job, Jungkook." The gym teacher says.

We were dismissed to the locker rooms to change back for the next period.

"Jungkook, how in the hell did you run a 4:32?" Minho asked me in shock.

I shrug. "I don't know. I guess I just have a high stamina." I answered.

They just nodded and continued to change.

I turn to to start to change. But I felt like I watched, so I turned my head to the right. And there was Taehyung-Seonbae, staring at me from the other side of the row.

He smiled before walking away.

I smiled too. I actually made him. But why me?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜. Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Kwanzaa, a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy New Year or if you don't celebrate anything just have a Happy Break💜💜💜💜

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