The Project

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Taehyung POV
I was sitting in my first period class. It was homeroom time but we still needed to be here. I turned my head and looked at him.

The new kid, Jungkook, has been a struggle to me ever since he got here. He is really trying to ruin my reputation and it's annoying. Everyone in this school has either liked, loved, dated, slept with, been on a date with or favored me. Even teachers. 

But he comes and changes that. He hasn't paid any attention to me at all. And when we talked, he didn't get flustered with my little flirts. He just moved on with the conversation. He is making me want him even more.

I mean with his amazing features who wouldn't? He has a cute but handsome face. Broad shoulders, but a nice snatched waist. A nice, pump, round ass. That I've seen everyone stare at when he bends over. His big thighs. Just all around sexy.

I sigh. How do I get him to like me enough to get him in bed with me. I've decided that I want to fuck him. But how do we get there? I've tried a lot of things and so have others, but nothing has worked.

"Ok, students." Mrs. Smith said. "We are going to start now."

I groaned. I hate school. 

"So will be doing our mid year project. Some of you are doing well in this class. Others not so much. So I have decided to pick your groups and I will be pairing a good student with a not so good one." She explained.

I smiled at this. I can just make the smart kid do all the work and get a good grade on this project. Nice.

"But don't think that you can just get the good student to do all the work. Because everyone will have a slip to fill out about the project, saying what they did to support the project. So you have to put in effort. All of you." She then says.


"Everyone stand up and go to the back of the class. You will be sitting with your partner until the project is finished. As I call your pair you may sit down." Mrs. Smith tells us.

Man. What if I'm paired with Jungkook? That would be a great opportunity to make him like me. But what are the odds? I think as she starts listing off names.

"Taehyung and Jungkook." She said.

I was shocked. I GOT HIM! Nice.

I looked at him as he slowly walked over to me.

"So," He said once he got to me "where do you want to sit, Seonbae? Because anywhere is fine with me."

I stared at his pretty face for a second before saying "Let's sit in my usual spot. Here."

"Ok." He said in a monotone voice. 

We sat down and waited for further instructions.

"Now that you are in your pairs. I will explain the project." Mrs. Smith says.

I tune her out and start to think of things that will work on this hard to get guy.

"Seonbae!" Jungkook said loudly while waving his hand in front of my face.

"W-what?" I say while turning to him.

"I asked, what topic do you want to do?" He repeats.

"For what?" I ask.

Jungkook sighs. "For. The. Project."

"Um… what do we need to do for this thing again." I asked him.

Jungkook sighs. "We need to pick a time period, which is our topic, and then we need to do a lot of research on it. Basically know the topic like the back of our hand."

"Then we need to complete the work of the project. Which is to create a presentation about the project, with a 50 slide minimum, create a poster for the timeline of our period, write a persuasive essay on why our time period is the best, we have to create a study guide for this and finally we have to create our own test for this topic." Jungkook explains to me.

God damn. That's so much work! "Dude, are you serious? That's so much." I tell him.

"I know, but that's why we have 4 months to do it." Jungkook said in an annoyed tone.

"Wait, 4 months?" I say shocked.

"Yep, it's due sometime before the seniors graduate." He said while making eye contact with me.

"Oh ok, cool." I expressed with a smile.

"So, I ask again. What topic, or well time frame, do you want to do?" Jungkook says to me.

"Um… I guess we can't do the Equal rights movement time period." I say to him.

"Which one? The one gender one, the sexuality one, or the race one?" Jungkook asked me.

"The gender one. Equal rights for women." I tell him.

"Kk, great choice." Jungkook said while writing it down on our assignment paper.

"Thanks. So who's house are we going to be working at?" I ask him.

Jungkook POV 
"Um, it doesn't matter to me. We could only work at your house or at my house or we can go back and forth." I tell Seonbae.

"Ok, let's go back and forth between houses. Do you want to start today?" Seonbae says.

"Yes, the soon we get it done, the better." Jungkook responds.

"Ok, at my house or yours?" I asked.

"Let's start at my house because my parents are home today and they get worried about who I bring home." I say to him.

"Ok." He says. "Oh, Jungkook-ah."

"Hmm?" I answered.

"Since we are going to be working together a lot, you can just call me 'Hyung', ok?" He explained to me.

"Ok, Seonbae- I mean Hyung." I responded.

"Cool, give me your phone." He commands while holding his hand.

"Why?" I ask him.

"So I can put my number into your phone.  You know so I can text you and find out your address or to tell where I am if I'm driving you there." Hyung explained.

"Oh, right. Here." I say while handing him my unlocked phone.

Hyung puts his number into my phone and then texts himself so he has my number.

"There." He said while giving me my phone back. "So I'm driving us there right?"

"Yep. That would be great. Thanks." I thanked him.

*bell rings*

"Ok, see you then." He said while standing up and walking out the room.

My friends aren't going to believe this nor like this. Sigh.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜

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