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But I can't blame anyone but myself for that happening. Tears fill my eyes and fall down my cheeks as I put the rock back down on the ground. Then I hug my knees tightly.

There's one line that keeps repeating in my mind ever since I heard them talking to the adoption place. I started to repeat it out loud.

"Daddy, Papa don't leave Kookie…"

We stood there in shock at what Jungkook just said to us. I've never heard Jungkook talk like that before let alone at like that.

"Jin?" Namjoon says while looking towards me. "What happens now?"

"I don't know, but we can ask people who already went through this already before." I suggested.

We sat down at the kitchen counter, me sitting on Joon's leg, and I pulled out my phone. I pushed the dial button and waited for him to pick up.

"Hi, we need to talk about Jungkook." I say to him.

"Yea? What's up with him?" Yoongi asked.

"He had an outburst and we don't know where to go from here." Namjoon says.

"What happened? By the way, I'm here too" Hoseok asked.

"When we found out about them having sex, we told him that he wouldn't be allowed to see Taehyung anymore because of it. But now Tae lives with us but we still don't want them together."

"We caught them kissing and reminded Jungkook that they aren't together anymore. Then we had an argument and that ended with Jungkook saying that we were just as bad as Joon's parents and that if we didn't like it, then to send him back to the adoption place." I explained.

"Oh, that bad?..." Yoongi asked.

"Yea, what do you two think about this?" Namjoon asked.

"Well I personally think that the kid's right. I mean you don't want them to be together because they were curious about something that's apart, well it doesn't have to be but most of the time, of a relationship. I mean instead of trying to end things between them, you should have sat them down and talked to them about it." Yoongi states.

We just nodded at Yoongi's statements.

"Like yes they are too young to be doing this, but what you're doing is only going to make it worse. And didn't you guys start at the same age as him? Hyung, don't think I didn't see those hickeys."

"Yoongi-hyung, you're not helping. Be quiet." Hobi says while taking the phone Yoongi. He points the phone at his face and speaks. "What really needs to happen is you guys need to remember that Jungkook is 16, soon to be 17, now."

Me and Namjoon look at each other confused. 

"Hoseok, we know that." Namjoon says to him.

"Yes, but you don't know~ that." He said but we are still confused. "*sighs* What I'm saying is that you guys need to start treating like he's 16. You baby him too much. He's not that 1 ½ year old anymore. You can't protect him from everything in the world. Now, granted, you still need to stop him from doing some things, but not everything."

"Not trying to be harsh or anything, but the kid didn't even tell you that he had a boyfriend. That should be a red flag there. When Jimin and Taemin started dating, Jimin ran home and told us immediately, all excited. The babying and concealing is probably what led him to doing this."

"Like any other teenager in the world, he's curious about the world. Now Taehyung's parents weren't holding the leash enough but you guys are holding too tight, which in my opinion is worse. This is not meant to scare you, but who knows what he could be doing. You teach him that if he wants to do something that he's curious about, then he has to hide it from you guys." He finished.

"Yea, even I would say you baby him too much. Hoseok helped me realize that with Jimin." Yoongi adds.

I sigh. "I guess it's because of his past. He went through so much hurt as a baby that we, or at least I, want to protect him from all the pain in the world. But I guess we babied him too much." I say.

"Yea." Namjoon agreed.

"Your parenting needs to change with the age of the child. Yes, grounding is correct for his age but the reasoning being 'because I said so' probably doesn't work anymore, right? Change it." Hoseok says.

"Thanks, you too. We understand now." I say.

They nodded and we hung up.

"Let's go talk to Jungkook." I say to Namjoon. He nods.

But when we got to his room, we saw that he wasn't in there. That worried us a little bit. We were all very worried when we checked the rest of the house and couldn't find him. 

"Where is he, Namjoon?" I ask in a frantic state.

"I don't know. He was very angry, so he could have up and left for all we know." Namjoon says, just as panicked as me.

Wait he was very angry… 

*a small memory*

"Kook, what are you doing out here?" I ask my child while squatting down.

"I just needed some me time to think. So I sit here, at my tree with the Kookie, Daddy and Papa rock we made." He says with the brightest smile.

"Why here? You can do that in your room." I ask as I brush his hair out of his face.

"Well being here calms me down when I'm very angry or sad or if I just want to calm down from something. It's peaceful here." 


"Joon, his tree." I say.

"His what?" Namjoon asked confused.

"His tree. He did that since he was little. He could be there." I say excitedly and then start to head towards the back door.

We walk into the woods and we find the tree and see Jungkook sitting under it, curled in a ball, face in his knees.

"Jungkook!" We say in unison. We kneel down in front of him. 

"Are you ok?" I ask.

He looks up at us with tears running down his face and pouty lips. He jumps up and hugs us.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't send me back, please. I love you guys." Jungkook says while crying.

"Jungkook, we aren't sending you anywhere." Joon explains to him.

Jungkook sits back. "You aren't?" My heart breaks at the look on his face 

"No, sweetheart." I wipe his tears away.

"But I thought you called the adoption place…" He looks down.

"No. No. Who we called were your uncles, ok? We are never going to send you back. We love you too much." Joon explained.

"You guys still love after everything I said?" Jungkook was shocked by this.

"Of course, we do. You're our son, we'll always love you." I say.

Jungkook smiles. "I'll always love you guys too." He said while hugging us again.

We went back home, talked about everything and then cuddled while watching a movie. Jungkook fell asleep during it.

I noticed the ring on his finger. "Joon, look at his finger."

He smiles. "They must really be in love if they have promise rings." He tells me. "I remember giving you one."

"Me too. I also remember you giving me an engagement ring." I say while grabbing his hand.

"And I remember that wonderful Wednesday, 3rd of February, when you became my husband." Joon kisses me after saying this.

Jungkook, who was laying across our laps, moves, interrupting the kiss.

"And April 12th, when this one became our son."  I say while caressing his hair.

"What a great little family we have." Joon says while squeezing my hand.

And we stayed like that for the rest of the movie.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜

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