My parents

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This goes with the storyline again. Enjoy 🤗🥰

Jin POV:
Jungkook has been going to this school for a couple of weeks now. He also has been getting bullied by some kids at his school because he has two dads and was adopted. 

He and the other kids who have same sex parents have been getting on their case about this, but Jungkook still comes home complaining about these people.

I hope it doesn't affect Jungkook at all. It doesn't seem to be, I still worry. I don't want him to start to hate that I and Namjoon are both guys and start to wish that he had a mom and a dad.

"Jinnie, what's wrong? I can see the worry on your face." My handsome husband asked me.

I sigh and smile at him "Nothing is wrong, Joonie. You worry too much." I say while rubbing his arm.

He grabbed my hand, that was rubbing his arm, and locked it into his. "Hyung, don't try to lie to me. We've been together for 20 years now. I can tell when you are seriously lying to me. So please tell me what's got your mind all wound up." Namjoon said while sitting down next to me.

I sigh and look at the floor. "I'm worried about Jungkook." I say.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon said, confused. "What about him?"

"I'm worried that he'll start to hate us." I say, honestly.

"Hate us? Hyung, what are you talking about?" He said, sounding more confused.

"You know how some kids have been bugging him and anyone else who has two same-sex parents?" I ask.

He nods.

"While, I know it's not bothering him, but it bothers me. I feel like he is going to start to hate two dads as parents because they keep picking on him and others." I say while looking down, holding back tears.

"Jinnie… look at me." He said while making me look at him.

I let him move my head and look in his eyes.

"Baby, Jungkook won't hate us. Ever. He has made it very clear he loves us, very much and wouldn't change a thing. He doesn't care what those people say because he knows that it isn't true. So you shouldn't let it bother you because we all know what is and isn't true. Ok?" He tells me.

I smile and wipe the tears that have fallen. "Ok, Joon. Thank you." I say before hugging him.

"Anytime, my dear husband." He said while squeezing back.

"Woah, what lovey, dovey thing just happened here?" We heard from the stairwell.

We look and see our little bundle of joy, who's not so little anymore. Our son, Jungkook, standing there hesitant to come completely down the stairs and looking confused.

"I was just reassuring your Dad." Namjoon told Jungkook.

"Reassuring? Dad?" He said while looking at me.

I look away.

"Appa, what's wrong. Why do you need reassuring?" He asked while looking at me.

"It's really nothing, Baby." I say with a smile.

Jungkook immediately looks at Joon. "Papa, what happened?" He asked in a cute voice.

"Those new kids at your school are getting to him. It's making him think that you do or will hate us." Namjoon told him.

Jungkook gasped. "Joon!" I called him.

I feel arms go around my body. "Daddy, why would you think those things?" He asked with a pouty voice.

"I don't know, Kookie. I guess I thought you would get tired of all the teasing and things, then start to blame us for it and start to hate us because we are the source of their insults." I say to him while hugging him back.

"Oh Dad, you have nothing to worry about. I could never hate you guys." Jungkook said with a bunny smile.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep. You guys are my parents. Y'all raised me from a youngling. I'm forever grateful for you guys." Jungkook said while looking back between me and Joonie.

"Even if we aren't your biological parents?" I ask him.

Jungkook's smile grows "Especially since you guys aren't my biological parents. My biological father abandoned me and my mother from my birth, so he is automatically out of the picture, forever."

"My mother, may she rest in peace, was ripped away from me at a very young age. I was in a foster home. You two came along one day and, out of the whole center, you guys chose me to be your guys' son." 

"You didn't have to but you did. I'll be forever grateful and thankful to you guys. Thank you for going to that foster home on Saturday, April 4th, and for adopting me from there." Jungkook said to us.

I started to cry and Namjoon was tearing up. I immediately wrapped my arms around Jungkook and squeezed him. Namjoon soon followed and hugged the both of us, with Jungkook in the middle of the hug.

"Where did you learn to be that smart with your words?" Namjoon asked him.

"Well, my dads are very smart and caring people. So, of course, I learned it from them. You know they raised me from a very young youngling." Jungkook said with a big bunny smile.

"Oh really? Wow, your parents must be amazing." I say to him.

"They are." Kookie said, enthusiastically.

"Even if they aren't your biological parents?" Namjoon asked.

"A parent is what a parent does for me. They have provided me with so much, for me and my livelihood. They continue to give me the most TLC in the world even if not needed. To me, they are my biological parents. My biological fathers." Jungkook tells us.

"Really?" I say tearing up again.

"Dad, Pa. For the millionth time. Yes. For my birth certificate, I would put my mother's name for mom and then your guys for dad. Both of youz." He said.

"Jungkook, we love you." Namjoon said as we hugged him again.

"I love you guys too." Jungkook said while giving both of us a proper hug. "Now come on, let's eat Dad's amazing meal."

Me and Namjoon nodded. I'm glad Jungkook doesn't feel any different about me and Namjoon being his parents. Some kids I've known, got mad at their parents when they got to the legal age. But I'm glad Jungkook is not like that. I smiled as I plated the food for us

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. We are back on normal update schedule. Happy Holidays to all. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜

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