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This is the second to last chapter of project 🥲🥲🥲. It kinda all over the place because I needed it to line up with the last chapter I'm writing. So it's short but gets the point across.

We are not late today *coughs aggressively* I totally did NOT just wake up😅😅

A year and some change later~

Jungkook POV

"Kim Jungkook"

I walked up onto the stage after they called my name. With a big smile on my face, I walk across the stage.

"Congratulations." The principal says while handing me my diploma.

I shake his hand while bowing at him. I then move on to my vice principal and the same. After that, I walk off the stage on the other side. I bow at my teachers and then continue on my way.

'I fucking did!' I think as I sit in my seat. 'I graduated high school! All that hard work paid off!'

After the ceremony is over

I was walking through the halls of my school to get to the front where the parents/guardians and family and/or friends are waiting for us graduates.

"Jungkook-ah!" I look up and see Jimin-hyung running up to me. He hugs me. "Congratulations, Kooks! You graduated!"

"Thanks, Hyung." I say to him.

"Yep. Now, come on. Your Dad is crying." He says while pulling me.

Oh Dad~

We get up the group and I can hear Dad crying while saying "But our baby graduated high school, Joon."

I hug him from behind. "Dad, you're crying again?" I ask.

"Of course I am." He turns and faces me. "You just graduated from high school. Where did the time go? My little Kookie. " Dad hugs me tightly.

"Ok, Jinnie. Don't kill the kid." Pa says to Dad. "Congratulations, Kook."

"Thanks, Pa." I smile.

After everyone congratulates me and the pictures are taken, a special someone wraps his arms around me.

I turn and see Taehyung-hyung. "Hyung, I thought you had work today?" I ask him.

Hyung moved out of my house a little bit ago. He didn't want to be dependent on my parents anymore, even if they said that they were completely fine with it.

He now has his own apartment close to his job and college. Perfect for us, I mean what

"Of course I was going to take off for your graduation, Baby." He says before kissing my cheek.

"Thanks." I say while caressing his cheek.

"Y'all two are so cute." Uncle Hobi says.

We smile at him.

"Ok, let's go out and celebrate!" Dad suggests.

Everyone nods.

Time skip

"Are you sure you have everything you need?" Dad asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes, Dad. I'm sure." I tell him. "Dad, stop worrying so much please. I'm not going that far nor am I living with a stranger. I'm just going to stay with Hyung because his apartment is much closer to my college than our house here. You know this."

"Mmok. Just worry about my son, is that ok with you." Dad says.

"I guess so." I giggled while carrying the last box downstairs.

Hyung takes it from me. "Is this it, babes?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Goodbye, Kooks. See you when you come visit, and better, or we come to you." Pa says while hugging me.

"Yes, of course. Bye, Pa." I hugged back.

"Bye, Kookie." Dad hugs me next.

I hug him back. "Bye, Dad."

I headed over to the door. But I stopped and turned around.

"Thank you for everything."

They smiled and gave me a nod.

I went out to Hyung's car and got in the driver's seat. I was the driver today 😄

I pulled out of the driveway and almost immediately, I felt a hand grab on my thigh. 

"Taehyung!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He says smugly.

"Get your hand off my thigh. And stop moving it up!" I replied.

"What's wrong? You usually like me doing this." He squeezes my inner thigh.

"Yea, but not while I'm driving." I pouted.

"Hmph, well I'm going to be doing this all the time." He smiled very brightly.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

"But you love this asshole, right?" He asked.

He was messing with me so I decided to mess with him.

"I'm still deciding on that one." I answered.

His face drops and he looks very upset. Like you took away a child's candy.

"Hyungie~" I say as I put the car in park. (The drive is not this short, I just made it seem that way) "I'm kidding. Of course I love you."

Hyung smiled again. "I love you too. You had me worried there, Kooks."

"The fact that you thought that while I'm literally moving in with you is hilarious." I say while laughing.

"Yea, well I now can have you 24/7..." He says with a smirk. "I get all the cuddles I want without having  to drive for them." 

My dirty mind went somewhere else. I blush because of those thoughts.

"What were you thinking? Blushing like that." Hyung grabs my chin.

"Nothing!" I quickly get out of the car.

I run up to the door, trying to open it. I quickly realized that I do have the key, Hyung does. I turn around only to be meant with an arm blocking me to me left and a face very close to mine.

I gulped. Hyung takes the car keys out of my hand and locks the car before turning his attention back to me.

"Now," He lowers the tone in his voice. "Do you want to test out you were thinking, you dirty minded, little one?"

My face turns red again.

"Sounds like a yes to me." Hyung smirks then unlocks the door.

Oh boy…

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜

The very last chapter might be late because I want it to be special and that means very long for what I'm planning, so please be patient 🥰🥰🥰.

The Project | TaekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora