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Taehyung POV
Today was project presentation day. I hate presenting because all that talking is just too much work. But I'll still do it if I have to… we'll at least now I do. 

Jungkook did that to me. He forced me to start doing my work and actually trying in school. You know what, it's actually not that bad. My grades have skyrocketed compared to my first three years. My friends called me the bad kid gone smart. 

Speaking of Jungkook, I found out today that he was absolutely petrified to talk in front of a group. I know he was shy, but not like this. He kept that from me all this time. He's currently panicking over this.

I take my hand off the wheel and place it on his rapidly bouncing legs. I grip it a bit and caress the inside.

His leg stops bouncing and I see as he turns and looks at me.

"It's going to be fine, Koo. I'll be right there with you." I tell him.

"Yea, but we are going to fail because I'm too much of a scardy cat to speak in front of 15 people." He says.

"The presentation part of the assignment is 5 points. We are not going to fail if we don't do well on this part today." I explained to him for the millionth time.

"B-but…" He tries to say.

I lean over and kiss his lips, since it was a red light. "Baby, you are going to do great." I tell him. "If you can convince someone like me to do my work, then you can do this."

"Eh?" Jungkook said, confused.

"You've influenced me a lot throughout this year." I tell him.

He smiled. "You've influenced me too. Like remember when we went to go steal this car from your parents?" He said while giggling a little.

"Hey, it's in my name and I pay the bills. So this is my car. They were just trying to be petty and keep it." I pout.

"It's ok, buddy boy. I had fun." Jungkook pinches my cheek.

"Yea, I really liked the fact I got to flip them off. It was very healing for me." I say with a big smile.

"That's good… I think." He commented.

"It is." I say while putting the car in park. "Ok, JK, we're here. But I want you to remember that you'll do great and that I'll be right there with you." 

Jungkook takes a deep breath. "Ok, Hyung." He looks me in my eyes.

I leaned over and kissed him again because why not. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jungkook tells me.

"Let's go." I say while getting out of the car.

Jungkook gets out after me and we walk into school hand-in-hand. Many people stare at us. A few were looks of disgust, but most people were smiling.

We are the most popular and cutest couple in the school. Well according to the yearbook where the school voted on. I still remember getting nominated and crowned winners.

Jungkook was so sure that we weren't going to win. And I'm not going to lie, I didn't think we were either. But we won both.

Anyway, we arrived at the class and took our seats.

The bell rings

"Ok, class." Mrs. Smith says, grabbing everyone's attention. "As you all SHOULD know, today is due for the big project. Today, we will be doing the presentation for it. Remember this presentation is only 5 points out of the entire grade. So do NOT worry too much about this."

"If your group did not do or finish the project, you can present our next class, Monday, for half credit after the group who didn't get to go today. So let's begin with these presentations. I put all your names into a generator and that's how I will be picking groups." 

She pushes the start button on the start button on the wheel, being projected onto the screen. Everyone watches in inquisitiveness, wondering who will go first.

The spinner stopped on Tae Kim, aka me.

Jungkook looked at me with a frightened look. I look back at him with a reassuring look. 

"It's better to get it down and ever with, so we don't have to keep worrying about it." I whispered as I stood up to go up to the front of the class.

Jungkook nodded in agreement.

We got up there and Jungkook looked petrified, so I started.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung and this is Jungkook. And we decided to do our project on the time frame for the demand for equal rights regardless of gender." I spoke in a professional tone.

It was now Jungkook's turn to talk.

"W-we um…" He stuttered.

I smiled at the class and then walked over to Jungkook until I was in front of him, blocking his view to the class. He looks up at me.

"Relax, Baby. You got this. You know all the stuff within this presentation. I'll be right here the entire time." I grabbed his hand.

"Ok." Jungkook says and takes a deep breath. 

I step next to him still holding his hand.

"We picked this topic because we felt it was a need to bring light just how hard women during this time had to fight for their rights." He says flawlessly.

Sorry I was not writing out their entire presentation. Just know it was fucking long. Like something else 😏🤭 I mean what 👁👄👁

Everyone clapped as we went back to our seats after finishing the presentation. It was serious, funny and enjoyable information if you ask me.

"Nice job, boys." Mrs. Smith says as she goes to pick a new group.

"See." I turned to Jungkook, whispering. "I told you that it was going to be fine."

"Yea, Hyung, you were right. Thank you." He whispered back.

"Eh? For what?" I asked him.

"For helping me believe in myself." Jungkook smiles at me.

I smiled back. "Your welcome. But you saved me from failing my senior year, so thank you." I grabbed his hand.

Jungkook puts his head on my shoulder.

The class awws. 

Me and Jungkook look at the class and realize that the entire class was watching us. My friends were giving me thumbs up and giggling.

Jungkook got very embarrassed about it and turned red. As a result of this, he put his head down into my lap, trying to hide his face. I just let out an awkward laugh.

"Ok, now that we experienced that cute moment from our school's cutest couple, let's get back to our presentations. Next up is Lila and her partner." Mrs. Smith announces.

The class turned around and faced the front while I just rubbed Jungkook's back until he sat up again.

I was kinda sad. The project that brought me and Kookie together was now over. But the story of Taehyung and Jungkook was far from being over.

While thinking this, I reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. Jungkook gives me a quick look and a smile before turning back to the front.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜💜💜💜

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