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The dance floor had been occupied by students for a few hours already, the adrenaline still running high and mighty. Bakugou had completely forgotten about Aurora's mysterious and extremely concerning comment until the DJ (Present Mic), who had seemed like a child on sugar since the evening had started, replaced the fading song that had just ended with another.

He heard Mina before he saw her, Aurora apologising before ripping herself out of his grasp to chase after the pinkette, who continued to attempt to sound like an American ambulance horn; attempt being the key word. He spotted a couple of others, including the dunce Kaminari follow them out, his boyfriend walking up to the stunned blonde.

"Do you know what they're doing?" Shinsou asked, watching them run out the door with a glass of apple juice in his hand.

"I don't think I want to know." Bakugou answered gruffly, turning away from the door. Shinsou nodded, walking away to go talk to someone else. The song turned out to be wiggle, by some artist that he didn't know nor care about, and none of the people who had run out made another appearance until near the second chorus.

- Iykyk

The first thing he noticed was Aurora's height difference, and then he noticed the heels. A single eyebrow perked up and the heels she was wearing, at least putting her 5 inches higher than normal.

However, the first thing that Shinsou noticed was Kaminari's heels; black, shiny, thigh-high heeled boots that left a crack in the glass that he was holding.

It was safe to say neither of them continued breathing when the group began to dance.

Mina led the group, the front of a wedge formation, closely followed by the two aforementioned, and then several other faces that Bakugou vaguely recognised. Aurora wasn't the most fluid in her motions, but Bakugou didn't really notice. He didn't think he physically could.

His face bloomed an unimaginable red when they dropped to the ground, Aurora grinning at him before she gracefully made her way down, much more controlled than most others; her toned arms prominent. An elbow prodded him in the side, and he pushed Kirishima away, hands shaking slightly. He took a breath, slowing his heart rate and turning back around, much more composed than before.

"Apparently Aurora was the worst dancer starting off, but it looks like she got the hang of it." Kirishima commented as they finished, all of the dancers' laughing being drowned out by cheers and clapping. "They've been tryna get the hang of this for weeks."

"She got the hang of it." He murmured, his eyes tracing her figure as she separated herself from the large group hug, strutting towards him.

"I'm gonna pass out." She groaned, stumbling into Bakugou. "Why is dancing so hard?"

Kirishima let out a sound as if someone had spilt lipstick in his bag. "I have literally seen you lift a car."

"Don't question it." She mumbled into Bakugou's shoulder, his arms around her waist being the only thing currently holding her up. The song came to a pause before another took its place, carrying a much more mellow tone onto the dancefloor.

She sighed into his shoulder, hugging him back. She could stay like this forever. She felt safe, and that was something she had honestly forgotten what felt like.

Bakugou twitched nervously, the words he wanted to spill out caught in his throat. He had felt content with Aurora in his arms a minute ago, but the thought of them dancing intimately put his nerves on three shots of paranoia. He didn't understand how she had such an effect on him, although, now that he thought about it, he did understand.

Enchantress - Katsuki BakugouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat