16 | WW1

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"The first event is an obstacle race!" Midnight had roared after the crowd had quieted.

Aurora narrowed her eyes at the gateway behind them, noticing they had a disadvantage with being at the front.

They had explained what the obstacle course meant and the rushed them towards the starting line, everyone pushing to get in front.

She eyed Todoroki, knowing he would make the first move out of all of them. She stretched her palm, feeling the metal walls hum.


She dug her foot in the ground, ready to run.


She watched everyone get ready to push their way through.


She immediately leapt up, putting one foot on the wall and rebounding off it, over everyone. She heard the ice make its way towards her and reached for the wall.

A piece of the metal wall melted right off and attached itself to he shoes, sharpening almost immediately.

She landed with a thud, her new skates gliding quickly over the ice.

She weaved through everyone who were slightly panicky, watching most of her class barrel forward. She quickly caught up with Todoroki, who had made quite a gap between him and everyone else.

His ice slowed to a stop, but Aurora sent her own through her skates, making sure that no one from her own or another class saw what she was doing.

Some zero pointer faux villains came into view as she sped past Todoroki, gaining at least a 10m gap between him.

Her eyes narrowed as felt the lightning prick her skin as she skated underneath the robots. Taking a deep breath in, she was gone in a blink.

Her breath was ragged as she swiftly glided across the ground. She could faintly hear Present Mic from the stadium, most likely explaining her quirk to the audience.

A deep pit lined with wires came into view. Aurora, stepped backwards, hands rising slowly as if she was lifting something heavy. A large portion of the ground behind her rose up, separating her from everyone else. The wall was high enough for it to be a struggle to climb, but not tall enough for if you jumped off the top you would land on the other side of the pit.

As she condensed air to walk across, a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. She let the metal fall off her shoes as she ran across the trench.

She would continue on foot.

Meanwhile back where Todoroki had left the faux villains in unstable ice, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu burst out from underneath it. Both glanced at each other, slightly surprised at the similarities between them.

Bakugou glared at them as he looked back. He was going to win.

Aurora arrived at what seemed to be a minefield. It seemed like the mines multiplied as it progressed.

She took a breath and stood still for a moment. This was going to take a lot out of her. Lightning, once again pricked at her skin, the sensation she was starting to get accustomed to.

She eyed a bird that flew overhead, watching into slow to what seemed like a complete stop. She could feel her hands shake slightly.

She quickly got to work, stepping over the mines as quickly as possible. The finish line got closer every second. Her hands shook. She wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

"Just breath Aurora. Just breath." She said to herself, closing her eyes and stopping for a second. She regained her composure and continued on, quickly disabling her quirk as soon as she stepped over the last mine.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest as she took a gasping breath, jogging over to the finish line.

Present Mic announced her arrival, unable to keep the awe from his voice. She had reached the line much faster than any record previously held. The crowd seemed to go crazy, chanting her name. She wasn't able to hear it, her ears ringing and what felt like a large lemon was caught in her throat. She ignored the nausea and simply focused on her breathing, her pants still coming out extremely irregular.

Not five minutes later, the crowd erupted again as Deku flew through the gate, Bakugou and Todoroki not far behind him. By this time, Aurora had regained her external composure, still making sure she took deep breaths.

All three boys looked at the relaxed girl who looked as if she hadn't done the race at all. How long had she been here?

"Good job guys!" She meekly waved, realizing they weren't going to actually say anything. They all just kind of... stared.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and trudged away, walking in the opposite direction as Todoroki and Deku. She sighed.

It was a competition. Not a war. But as she eyed the three walking away, she couldn't help but noticed these three thought it was. So that begged the question;

Was she supposed to?


I know this is a really short chapter, but I didn't want to put both rounds in one, so I separated them.


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