18 | Iida & Flaming Dumpsters

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Bakugou didn't know what was wrong with him.

He felt sick to the stomach, and his face turned red at the weirdest of moments.

Was he sick?

Yeah, that had to be it.

They had been given a break before the next stage, which was 1v1s. He didn't know where he was going, but he felt like he needed some air. Wandering aimlessly, he stumbled across Half and Half with Deku, leading him somewhere private.

Were they going to make out? He seriously wouldn't be surprised. Slowly following he stopped behind a wall, listening in on their conversation.

He rolled his eyes. That Half and Half bastard was spilling his sappy life story. Still, he stayed firmly planted against the wall.

That is until Aurora wandered up to him.

She had opened her mouth to say hello, but it was immediately clamped shut by a hand and her body turned and slammed into the wall. Katsuki's eyes bored into her own as he held his finger up to his lips. She nodded silently, softly grabbing his hand and pulling it away from her mouth.

Her face slowly gained colour as she noticed how tall he actually was. She wasn't the shortest of people, but she was starting to feel very, very small.

Her hands were placed softly on his abs, that she could very much feel through his uniform, and his own hand that hadn't been covering her mouth was placed next to he head. She could feel the heat rise into her cheeks.

She realised he wasn't paying attention to her, but a conversation that was taking place in the next corridor.

And she definitely started listening at the wrong time.

"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki's voice bounced off the concrete walls of the outer arena. Aurora's eyes immediately widened as she let out a loud cackle.

Bakugou immediately slapped his hand back over her mouth, but she didn't feel it. She was nearly in tears, gasping for breath, almost doubling over in laughter.

Resting her head on his chest seemed to snap Bakugou out of his daze, his ears and face turning red. Her body felt warm against his as she shook uncontrollably. She slowed to a stop as she heard Todoroki explain his relationship with his father, suddenly feeling the urge to punch that asshole, for some weird, unknown reason.

He heard them both leave, but he didn't move. He didn't know why, whether it be because he was scared, or he didn't want her to fall over.

Both seemed fucking ridiculous.

He stepped back as soon as she stood up properly, gaining her composure once again. Her frown dropped away as she giggled slightly once she saw his red face, an action that made his ears burn hot. He felt like his heart was about to explode out of his chest. What was wrong with him?

Her face slowly melted back into a frown as she saw the neutral expression on Bakugou's face. It wasn't angry like it usually was. It wasn't... anything, really. But it wasn't like she could get a good look at his face, because as soon and she looked up at him, he turned a rushed away, trudging down the way he came.

She was confused. Why was her heart racing? Was it because he had gotten too close for comfort like every other time? No, this was different. This was...


Bakugou easily found his way back to the change room, which was surprisingly empty. He sat down yanking his phone out of his pocket and plopped down onto the bench seat. He opened google and searched up his symptoms. Google would know what disease or illness he had. But what came up really shook him.

The internet must be bullshitting him. This can't be right.

Right? There was no fucking way. His eyes were wide as he scrolled through the article.

Oh no. This was not good. Not fucking good at all.

How to know if you're in love with your best friend.

Time Skip

The table had been drawn about ten minutes later once everyone was rounded up. As everyone peered at the screen, Aurora saw her own name down at the bottom next to Iida's. She nodded to herself and went to get ready, for her first match was the second one to take place.

She walked to the change room and sat staring at a wall. She didn't know how long it had been, but as soon as she felt her pacer beep from her pocket, she was on her feet again.

She felt distracted as she watched her friends laugh and play around with each other in the stands. She frowned.

Why couldn't she be like that?

She shook her head. No, this was not the time for this. She watched as Iida took his place on the other side of the arena, giving her a firm nod. Smiling slightly, she took stance as the crowd roared.

Her eyes flickered up to the stands where her class and a few others sat. They were all watching intently from what she saw.

She had no time to think about anything else, for as soon as Midnight blew the whistle, Iida was off. He blurred slightly as he came at her, arm outstretched. Leaning back so far it looked like she was doing a backbend, minus the hands, she dodged the incoming attack, forcing Iida to skid to a stop and run at her again.

This time, however, she used a pillar of earth to rocket her into the air. Back flipping over Iida and landing in front of him, she shot a quick jab into his abdomen, knocking him off balance.

She gave him no time to recover, side kicking him and sending him flying out of bounds. Standing back up, Iida turned to her and gave her a pained smile.

"Congratulations, Twilight." He bowed, Aurora seeing the pain in his eyes. She walked up to him as Midnight announced the winner.

"I think you did amazing." She spoke loudly over the crowd who were being hyped up by Present Mic, who was being told to shut up by Aizawa.

His shock was evident, as he staggered back. He smiled once again at her, but this time it reached his eyes. He thanked her softly and walked out of the arena.

She stepped down as well, walking back to her entrance. The crowd seemed as rowdy as every year, but it seemed more real up close and personal, but Aurora supposed that happened with everything.

It was like seeing a villain attack on the news and then being the hero actually fighting the villain.

She climbed the steps, staring at her feet until she bumped into a large pillar. Looking up she scowled.

Nevermind. A large pile of trash.

Endeavour stared down at the small girl who scowled at him. She seemed oddly familiar, but he nonetheless scowled back.

"Move it, asshole." His eyes widened at the courage of the girl, his flames burned brighter.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner, do you know who I am?" He spat. He nearly fell over when her hair burst into her own flames, the fire burning blue, showing her rage.

"Yes, yes I do, and I wish you, milady, were dead." She stomped past him, her hair not simmering down in the slightest. He stood stock-still, still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

It seemed she didn't like him.

Time Skip

Aurora came stomping in the class's area of the stand with her hair ablaze and plopped herself down next to Todoroki, who could feel the heat rolling off the girl in waves. He turned his head towards her, making sure he leant back a bit.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly. She whipped her head towards him, making Kaminari lunge out of his seat.

"Fine, I just met a burning heap of trash." She spat out. His head tilted in confusion until she started murmuring 'Number 2 hero my ass' and 'Fucking burning dumpster'. He froze, feeling a laugh rise in his throat, but it instantly fell away as soon as he realised,

She had heard the entire conversation with Midoriya.

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