39 | Human Backpack

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The next couple of days had been quiet considering, so nothing big happened until the week ended and the following began.

Even though Aurora was friends with a lot of the faculty at the school, she sometimes had to question their thinking pattern.

"So, you want the Fuyu Ball to go ahead? As in the crappy dance shit is going to go ahead after one of the biggest attacks on not only Japan, but also on a select few of your students?" She had leant herself against a wall, listening to the teachers' meeting she had been graciously allowed to attend (she had barged in eating pretzels).

"That is the plan." Nezu chirped from his seat.

"Of course protection protocols will be doubled during the night and the happenings will be contained to the premises of the school." Midnight added, obviously aware of Aurora's concern. "Besides, we thought with you attending, it would be fine." Her eyes narrowed.

"Oh, so just because I can turn into a fucking firefly you all decided that oh if some villains attack Aurora will save us indefinitely?"

"No, we just thought you were one of the more capable students that was able to naturally slot themselves into the leadership and organisation role if anything were to arise." Aizawa mumbled, eyes closed. She stared down Nezu, who showed no sign of lying before laxing back into her position against the wall.

"Whatever, at least it's only first years on the Thursday." She mumbled, prepared to zone back out of the conversation.

"So considering the Fuyu Ball has been dated two weeks from now, it will be enough time for all students to settle."


"Wait, settled? The dorms are finished?" She spoke back up, the closest person spitting their coffee back into the mug at the sudden participation (it just so happened to be Hizashi). "As in I will now be living with a pyromanic, someone who decided to chase after a serial killer, a borderline rapist and a boy who doesn't know the difference between a stick and his own bones?" She deadpanned, crossing her arms.

"Uh, yes." All Might spoke, seemingly the only one who was willing to. He had fought thousands of fiends, villains, murderers and criminals, but this girl was the only one who truly terrified him.

Apart from that time he had heard Midoriya mumbling to himself about if he could superglue his bones together so they wouldn't break.

Shaking her head, she pushed herself off the wall and waltzed slowly out the door. The halls were quiet as the day only had about an hour left of sunlight. Adjusting the strap of her bag she turned to the left only to nearly stumble into a slumped over figure.

Bakugou was sat next to the door, head leant against the wall as his mouth drooped open, allowing soft snores to escape. A soft smile couldn't help but find its way onto her face as she crouched down and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oi, bitch, wake up." She whispered, shaking him softly. 'Katsuki," She sang, "You need to get up." Her smile slowly dropped as the boy continued to stay limp. "Bro, you need to wake up." She shook him hard, rolling her eyes when it didn't work. 

"Y'know what? Fine. Be that way." She huffed, making sure her bag was secured to her back before pushing him into a standing position and holding his waist, waiting until the top half of his body fell forward before standing up straight herself with Bakugou over her shoulder.

"Alright, Mr I sleep like a rock, let's go." She began to trudge down the hall and out the school. She had walked home with him multiple times, and had a good idea of where he lived, but it wasn't a thought that caused alarm just yet, since she still had a little way's to go.

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