31 | Asshole471

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When one usually goes to camp, they wake up early because of excitement, get everything ready quickly and generally has a good time.

You see, this was slightly not the case.

Cut to the scene where Mina, Ochaco, Hagakure, and Momo are trying to break Aurora away from her top bunk, where she had latched onto the side of her bed.

"Fuck off!" She screamed, holding the metal frame which was luckily bolted to the wall.

"How is it that she's still winning against four of us?" Hagakure screamed, holding onto a part of Aurora's leg.

"Aurora! Come on!" Momo yelled over the din, pulling harder.

The only response she got sounded like a pterodactyl screech.

The door of the cabin was ripped open, Asui and Jirou entering, followed by Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

"Kero, we brought backup." Asui pointed to the boys who were watching on.

"What am I looking at?" Kirishima asked, slightly scared of the scene playing out in front of him. Aurora's bed was against the wall, which meant that the girls were between beds, holding onto her ankles as she held onto the side of her bed that wasn't against the wall.

"A mess." Was what Bakugou said at the same time Todoroki said 'Aurora'.

Glaring at the heterochromatic boy, he stepped forward and grabbed her ankle.

"Aurora, let go of the fucking bed." Although they didn't let go, the girls looked between each other, trying not to giggle.

"First name basis, huh Aurora?" Mina grinned wickedly, raising her voice enough so the girl could hear. "Didn't know you guys were that close."

"Mina!" She blushed, pulling one of her legs out of her friend's hands. She turned her head to glare, hands not leaving the bars.

"Stop it and let me go back to bed." Her eyes blazed, a dark expression currently residing on her face.

Taking this opportunity while the ombrette was distracted, Bakugou and Momo pulled on each leg simultaneously, effectively sending Aurora flying into the bed next to hers.

Bursting out laughing, Hagakure and Mina were pulled back before a roundhouse kick decided to accidentally place itself on either girls' head. Uraraka, who had pulled the girls out of the way, stepped away, heading towards the door.

"Let's go have breakfast!" The girls' nodding in agreement, following her. The boys, who had been standing there followed her out, not noticing Uraraka and Momo smile warmly and nod to the one person that hadn't followed.

Guess who.

Aurora smiled at their retreating figures, knowing Momo would have let them know about her intent to stay behind for a minute. She picked up her phone she had hidden in the strewn covers of her bed, seeing the contact she had pulled up still present.

Pressing call, she held it to her ear after glancing at the blue flame contact picture.

"Hey, this is Asshole471. I'm not at the phone at the mo-"

Aurora rolled her eyes, grinning. "Cut the bullshit Staples."

"You wound me, Star." Dabi teased back. "So what's up, need me to save you again?"

Aurora's smile immediately dropped.

"I asked you not to bring that up." She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes, forcing the memories back down.

"I know, sorry." He replied, genuinely feeling guilty, an emotion his little band of misfits thought he didn't have. "How are you going with that shit anyway?"

"Slow and steady wins the race, I suppose." She could only imagine him nodding. "How's the plan going?" Aurora unconsciously turned to see if anyone was watching.

"On track. You sure you wanna go through with it?"

"Yeah. I need to do this. I'm sick and tired of waiting for answers."

"Ok, ok! Back down bitch." Aurora laughed at his comment, throwing her head back.

"Whatever Staples. I gotta go. Go fuck a bird or something."

"Will do captain. See you later."

"Bye." Hanging up, she headed out of the cabin, phone tucked safely in her pocket. She knew the plan was risky, but how else was she gonna go round and find answers?

Time Skip

Aurora felt like plucking Aizawa's beard out one strand of hair at a time.

She had been using two of her quirks non-stop for seven hours; her already higher level of skill and training forcing the loving and oh so caring parental figure of her life to give her extra work.

"I feel like a noodle." She mumbled for no specific reason, watching earth change to crystal and burst into flames as she sat on the ground completely still, and completely stiff.

Her eyes flickered over to her classmates who had been given hour breaks after the first six. They all looked beat but casually stood there, watching Aurora and slightly cheering her on.

It was slightly invigorating, however, they didn't exactly know she did this kind of thing on a regular basis.

Aizawa didn't either, really.

The crystal part of her elemental quirk wasn't something she usually used, not being a battle type.

Precious gems may be sturdy, but were difficult to make. Plus, it was something that people seemed to like only for the profit they could earn from it.

So using in front of people was slightly unnerving.

Bakugou looked on at Aurora, who from afar, looked quite relaxed. She was in the middle of a chaotic mess that morphed form every millisecond, changing materials and structure and everything else.

He wouldn't say it, but it was beautiful. The patterns of crystals that shone in the sun and suddenly turned into green flames due to the copper that seemed to be present in the stone made him adore Aurora just that much more. He blinked.

Wait a minute.

Where the fuck had that come from?


...Shit he was in deep.

His internal struggle went unnoticed by Aizawa, who pushed passed the deceased and mentally exhausted, and walked over to Aurora, effectively freeing her from hell.

"You're done." He grunted. She shook her head.

"No, I'm not. I can keep going." She spoke through gritted teeth. "Give me back my quirks." She glared at his currently glowing eyes.

"Have a break." He demanded, not breaking eye contact. His eyes were unblinking, but she knew it took a lot more out of him to erase her quirks, considering there was more than one.

She rolled her eyes.


Walking off, she felt her quirk return to her, her hair immediately catching fire. Shaking it out, she stomped into the building, entering the living room and throwing herself onto one of the lounges.

Staring up at the ceiling, she sighed. Her muscles were screaming at her, but she made no effort to stretch them out. Her anger had left her completely, fatigue completely enveloped her body, her eyes fluttering shut.

Only for them to snap open as she faintly her the tune of Africa by Toto being played. Her body snapped up, her eyes glaring at the blonde boy at the doorway with his phone in his hand.

"KAMINARI!" She roared as he put the volume up all the way, leaping over the back of the lounge and chasing after him, sending him screaming.

She bolted after him, pushing through the crowd at the door, sending Sero to the floor as she chased Kaminari around the field, sending water from the lake hurtling after him.

Yeah, sleep could wait.

Enchantress - Katsuki BakugouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat