38 | Next Time

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Bakugou didn't know how to feel.

It had been a week since... the thing, and Aurora had been avoiding him. Had he done something wrong? Did she realise she didn't feel the same?

It was frustrating him.

She wasn't exactly ignoring him. She would answer his questions as she would normally, with an extreme amount of sarcasm or sass, but she didn't begin any kind of conversation with him.

When he had been allowed to return to school with the rest of the Extras, he had felt weird. He would say it was nervousness and excitement, but his ego had built a Trump-like wall around the words, so he wasn't physically able to admit it.

Walking into the classroom was harder than he thought it would be. It was a totally normal day. Nothing different about it.

Fuck it no it wasn't.

And oh god, when Aurora came into his line of sight, he felt like a soldier that had just been bombed with that weird gas that makes you cough up a lung Aizawa had threatened them with.

"Hi." He had grumbled. She glanced at him, giving him a quick smile, but returned to her previous conversation with Yaoyorozu. Two things stuck out at him like a slap to the face;

She had basically ignored him.

And her smile was wrong.

Bakugou Katsuki could not tell you how many hours he had stared at Aurora. Whether it be quick glances or just plain staring, her features, habits and everything in between had been ingrained into his mind.

And no, he wasn't a creep.

But that smile she had sent him, it had been off. She bit her lip when she was distracted, so it wasn't that. And it wasn't that she was upset, because she would've been quieter than usual. And as his eyes glossed over her from where he had sat down, she seemed lively as ever.

Then he saw her flinch.

His eyes widened only a fraction as he realised.

She was in pain.

Time Skip

Her movements had been sluggish the entire class, and when it came to lunch, she had taken longer to get up out of her seat than usual.

"The hell is wrong with you?" Bakugou had growled, shoving her shoulder. Eyes snapping up, she realised they were the only two left in the room.

"What do you mean?"

"You're hurt." Her eyes widened.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you fucking are!" He spat, glaring at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, okay?"

"Bullshit!" He roared, taking a step closer. She stepped backwards, tripping back into her seat.

"Fuck." She seethed, holding her side. His eyes widened once more.

"You're still hurt?! What the hell!" His voice came out softer than anticipated as he knelt down to take a better look.

"It's fine."

"Shut the fuck up Aurora, no it isn't. We have to get you to Recovery Girl."

"No, that won't do anything, it'll stay there until it's fatal." She froze at her accidental overshare.

"What?" What the hell was that supposed to mean?

She let out a breathe staring him hard in the eyes, seemingly trying to make a decision.

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