37 | Introduction

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The word felt foreign on her tongue, yet she knew that it had always been there. She hadn't spoken since her one-liner that she had directed towards Shrimp Might, and her eyes weren't as bright as they usually were. The voices were gone, so nothing was there to drown it out.

And it hurt.

It hurt so much.

That nagging little voice she thought she had conquered was back. Or had it always been there? She couldn't really tell. The medic next to her placed a hand over her shoulder, blinking her back into reality.

Oh, that's right. She was in an ambulance.

It had been parked between all that was left of two buildings, a medic tent put up beside it. Stragglers that hadn't been able to make it out in time were being treated for their wounds, most minor. She had been told to sit inside the tent, but while she refused, thinking it was a waste of valuable space, she had plopped herself in between the open doors of the ambulance, still in her Guardian form. It caused a few to stare, but she paid no mind and absentmindedly glanced out into the rubble that was currently being sprinkled on by rain.

It was like someone had pulled her out of the shadows where she felt comfortable and into the hellfire aptly named society. She felt as though she was drowning so intensely she didn't register that a paramedic had shifted her into a chair next to the tent, closing the doors and starting the engine, beginning the journey to the local hospital with seriously injured patients on board. 

The wind blew softly her damp hair, causing the blanket that had been placed over her body to be pulled closer. She swallowed saliva down her raw throat, finally noticing how her limbs ached.

It was funny how sore she felt. This moment had played through her mind for the several years she had known, her imagination running wild with the idea that she would one day reveal herself to the world; the almighty Guardian had finally arrived. But as she sat in the rain, she didn't feel heroic. She had imagined her reveal to be this grand thing where no casualties could be found, the bad guys captured, and peace would finally be able to blanket the world for as long as she lived.

But, to almost contrast her current thoughts, a sob broke through from the tent, along with another waft of blood.

How had it gone so wrong?

She felt no pride for defeating All for One. No relief that she was able to save basically the entire city; and on a limb, the world. The world had literally collapsed around her.

Maybe if she had been faster?



Maybe, just maybe this wouldn't have happened.

She stood as a man hobbled out of the tent on a pair of flimsy crutches, allowing to sit. Silent, she began wandering, watching the ash and dust mingle in the air, disturbed as she walked past. Stopping in front of where a building previously resided, she glared at the rubble, desperately searching her memory for a glimpse of its former form.

Was this the accounting office, or the Kura Hero Agency Office? 

She went with the latter, and shuffled over to the closest piece of broken building, completely ignoring her throbbing legs. Hesitating, she glossed her fingers of the metal, the sudden movement causing her the duck her head. Other pieces around her flew up into the air, at what to seem to be random. Dust rising abnormally quickly, she coughed into her elbow, eyes closed. But once she looked back up, where rubble once was, the Kura Hero Agency Office now stood once again. 

Enchantress - Katsuki BakugouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant