27 | Return Trip

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Apology at bottom

Aurora didn't come back for another two weeks.

The start of the first week was filled with anxiousness that made the entire class jittery. Everyone was back from their internships, swapping stories and talking about the heroes they had stayed with. Bakugou had silently sat in the corner, frustrated with the weird feeling in his gut. He didn't know what it was, and he definitely didn't like it. It felt like someone had a hold of his stomach, squeezing it whenever he remotely thought about the dumbass who climbed out of the hospital window. He didn't know much about it except it was some sort of emotion other than anger, so he quickly shoved it down as far as it would go.

The third and fourth day went on, everyone taking note of how Aizawa kept glancing at the door from his sleeping bag. No one dare say anything, but they all knew there was something that their teacher nor Aurora had told them. It seemed like there was a dark cloud above the entire class, everyone looked miserable.

On the sixth day, a line had been crossed.

"Aurora has officially been reported missing." Aizawa announced dully at the start of class. The class had gone silent, everyone attempting to absorb the information that was just thrown at them. It made it seem so much more real now. However, what he said next was what set the entire class.

"However, she will come back when she is ready, so there isn't a point waiting time. Your major exams are only a week away. Those who fail, will not be participating in the summer camp."

The class went ballistic.

Mina and Kaminari looked like they were both about to collapse, explaining they hadn't studied at all during the holidays. Mineta boasted on how he had (somehow) studied and was up there on the leaderboard, everyone else freaking out around him. That's how he was accidentally kicked to the other side of the room.

Not Jirou or anything.

Aizawa ran a hand through his hair as he blatantly ignored the class that was freaking out in front of him. He hadn't slept for days and it was definitely starting to have an affect on him. Aurora was definitely a wild spirit, one who followed rules, but was willing to shatter them to escape or have her own way.

But she hadn't been gone this long.

The first time she had done this was when she was seven. She had accidentally set him on fire, leaving him with second-degree burns. She was so distraught that she had ran off to who knows where and come back two days later covered in dirt and almost an entire tree through her hair.

This was the longest she had left, and he wasn't handling it very well.

Time Skip

It was the day that marked the two week time span Aurora had been missing. The class had two days until their big exams started and everyone was nervous.

By this time, the police had been told to stay on lookout for Aurora. It had leaked throughout the school that she had disappeared, and rumours had started to spread.

What if she was dead?

Kidnapped by villains?

Because of this, the authorities started quietly upping their search scale, all officers in the nearby prefectures aiding in the search. The media hadn't found out yet and they all wanted to keep it that way.

But Aurora was apparently extremely talented in avoiding people. That is how, on the thirteenth day, she walked through the classroom door without anyone noticing.

She quietly sat down as everyone chatted among themselves, sitting herself down in her chair, her messenger bag sprawled out on her desk. It was the only bag she could find in her room, although now that she thought about it, she had seen her regular one in the corner of the hospital room.

Her eyes flitted to the group of kids that had just begun laughing. She had been gone for a while, and she wasn't expecting anything, but shouldn't they have noticed she had been absent for two weeks? Surely she wasn't that forgettable?

The bell rang and everyone filed into their seats, waiting for Aizawa to roll through the door.

It was Mina who spotted her first, freezing with one foot in the air, poised to kick Kaminari in the shins. Said boy had flinched away, waiting for the impact that never came. He untucked his head from his arms and followed Mina's line of sight, only to scream when Mina's foot came back to life.

"Aurora?" Mina questioned, ignoring the wailing boy on the ground next to her. She waved, glancing down to her bag.

Its contents were suddenly very interesting.

It was like someone had taken earplugs out of her ears, the noise was that deafening. As everyone fussed over her, throwing all sorts of questions into her lap, per say, she simply sat there, unable to process what was happening.

Why did they care so much? It was the main thought that happened to be rolling around her head as her fingers tangled themselves together.

It seemed like a lot, people asking her questions like this. Hell, she was usually over her head when it comes to talking to a stranger. She felt claustrophobic, the air thinning as time went on.

She wanted to leave, but she knew she couldn't.

This was how her peers reacted to her being gone, and she didn't like it. She didn't like how the guilt climbed from her legs, slowly filling her body up to the brim.

Her eyes were shining, but nobody noticed her inner battle. Especially when the door slammed open.

"Shut up!" Aizawa roared above the din. It shut everyone up, the class hearing him raise his voice for the first time.

It was when he somehow locked eyes with her through the sea of bodies. That awful feeling that felt like someone had shoved a lemon down your throat. She couldn't speak, hell, she could barely breathe.

Tears trailed down her face without her knowing. Ironically, at the same time, she was chanting 'Do not fucking cry' in her head. Aizawa strode over to her.

Five agonizingly long strides they were.

He was so close to her, she could see how deep the bags under his eyes ran. She knew what she did was wrong, and the silence felt wrong.

She wanted him to scream at her, expel her, yell how much he hated her, punch her, she didn't care. She knew she deserved it.

A heartbroken sob spilled out of her throat as Aizawa pulled her out of her chair and into a bone-crushing hug.


Now I realise how bad the A/N at the top sounds, but I'm not discontinuing the book or anything😂. Sorry if I freaked anyone out or anything.

I wanted to apologize on how long this chapter took to come out and how badly it's written. I've gone through a lot of shit lately, and I don't exactly handle that as well as i probably should. So basically mental health breakdown, intervention, etc. I'm also having trouble with this part of the book and it's pretty much a shit show.

So with that point I think I'm going to start looking for someone who can give me ideas, write little bits for me or even a chapter in an emergency. If your interested DM me and I'll ask a few questions. I might also ask for an example or something, like plot for next chapter, I don't know. I would also like internet friends! DM me for that too!

Also, 3k!!! Thank you all so much. You have all made my day each day someone reads a bit more of this trashcan😊. Did you also see my amazing 2nd place sticker? Kudos to taynu1996 for that.

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