21 | The War is Over

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"Your determination and resilience, especially during the last round, will prove that you will be an outstanding hero! You should be very proud of yourself." He nearly yanked her off of the podium as he gave her a broken back-I mean hug.

"Because I am." He murmured quietly. She snorted into his shoulder.

"Alright, get off me you idiot, I can feel me spinal cord popping." He quickly released her, apologizing. He rested the first place medal on her shoulders, bowing to her.

Bowing back, she gave a small smile, which somehow, made his brighter.

As he turned, her eyes flickered down to Bakugou, who was staring right at her. He eyed her with frustration and something else that she couldn't place. What was that? Was that...


Time Skip

Aurora walked towards the gates, the school now quiet. The sports festival had finished for the day, and she had stayed back to help Aizawa with paperwork.

It hadn't been a lot, but after a couple of hours, she had called it a day.

As she passed the gates and was about to cross onto the footpath, a voice made her stop.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going, Bright Eyes?" Bakugou leant on the gate pillar, phone in hand. She turned to face him.

"Are you waiting for me?" She smirked, hands on her bag straps. He clicked his tongue.

"No, asshole, I need to talk to you." He growled. She inwardly snorted. Starting to walk down the road, Aurora followed him closely.

Was she going to die?

"Do I need to prepare my will?" She asked hesitantly. He looked back at her, rolling his eyes and kept walking.

They stopped at a park on the road that crossed into her own, Aurora hopping on the swings, while Bakugou stood in front of her.

"What did you want to talk about?" She swung back and forth quietly, waiting for him to start.

"You laughed when the Half and Half bastard asked Deku if he was All Might's secret love child. At first, I thought you just had a fucking weird-ass sense of humour, but I'm wrong aren't I?" He questioned. Her poker face didn't waver, still staring at him neutrally. He growled and kept going.

"And at the award ceremony, you called All Might, the number fucking one hero an idiot. And then there's the prophecy crap." He lowered his voice slightly. He knew he was risking it by saying it out loud, but he had to know what he was up against.

"Yeah." She nodded, startling him.


"Yeah, I am." Was it that easy? No, it seemed like something someone would have a hard time divulging, so why was she so easily spilling it to him? More importantly, why him?

"Because I trust you. You're my friend." She knew the look on his face. She wasn't one to trust someone easily, but the way he had lowered his voice, almost on instinct when talking about the Prophecy, she knew.

"No, I'm not." He grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Is that all?" She asked softly, feeling the seriousness of the conversation in the air. His eyes narrowed at her, something else obviously flying into his head.

"Quirks?" He spat.

"Four." She hopped off the swing, picking up her bag. To say he was shocked was an understatement. That wasn't possible.

"You're lying. You're just trying to make a fool out of me!" He yelled, fists clenched. First Deku and now her? She slowed to a stop.

Turning around, Aurora walked straight up to him, stopping only centimetres away from him. She felt his breath fan against her face.

"And why would I do that?" She whispered, staring him straight in the eye. She had to look up slightly, but she was completely serious.

"You're my friend, Fireworks." She repeated, before walking away. A blush bloomed on his face as he realized how close she actually was. The lingering smell of vanilla and coconut wafted around him.

No. He didn't like her. No. She was his competition. He needed to get to the top by beating her.


Time Skip

It was the day after the UA sports festival, and Aurora was watching the trees outside the classroom window while her fingers traced the spiderweb on her neck.

It wasn't her first scar, and quite frankly, she knew it wouldn't be her last. It matched her scar on her eyebrow in colour, which, she weirdly found cool.

She had been grateful to her friends, who had given her space as she entered the classroom, obviously seeing her exhaustion.

Her quirk had taken a lot out of her, as you'd think it would, healing a major wound. She had nearly overslept that morning, only being woken up by a bird slamming into her window.

It seemed as if Mother Nature was on her side.

Kaminari and Sero dived in their seats as soon as Aizawa walked into the room with his sleeping bag underneath his arm. His bandages were mostly off, which was a good thing.

"Although they are usually more evened out, these are the number of requests from agencies that want you to intern with them." He sidestepped revealing the tally with only ten names on it.

Izuku's eyes dropped. His name wasn't on there.

"What? I didn't get any?" Mineta whined, eyes wide.

"Wait, how does Todoroki have more than Bakugou?" Uraraka asked, mirroring quite a few of their thoughts.

"Oh yeah!"

"Kero, Twilight has the most, which is understandable, but Todoroki beat Bakugou? How?" Asui questioned. Kaminari cackled, nearly falling out of his chair.

"He scared the pros off!" He laughed, clutching his stomach. Bakugou immediately banged his fist onto the table, standing up.

"IF I SCARED OFF ANY PRO THEY MUST BE WEAK!" He roared, glaring at him.

"Sit back down." Aizawa told the fuming boy gruffly.

"Before I give you your intern form, you need to choose a name you can be addressed as for your internship." Composure was lost by most of the class. This was one of the most exciting things that being a hero entailed, and they were doing it today!

"Although these are not permanent aliases, I suggest taking this seriously, otherwise-"

"You'll have hell to pay!" Midnight basically kicked down the door, walking up to the podium that Aizawa had immediately stepped away from.

"Your hero name can have a big impact on how you are perceived by the world! Although you might not choose your hero name now, this name will most likely stick with you for the rest of your life! You have fifteen minutes to think of an idea!" Whiteboards were handed out to the class, Aurora carefully taking the board and marker out of Midnight's hand.

She glanced around the room to see people rapidly writing things down, most likely already knowing what theirs was going to be.

To be honest, she had never thought about this part of the job. Finding out she was the Guardian, she always thought she would be known simply as the 'Guardian'.

But now, looking down at this blank slate, she wasn't quite sure.

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