4 | Letters & Lies

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"You got in?"
"...Why do you sound so surprised?"

Aurora's letter came two weeks later. She was in the kitchen, eating breakfast, when Aizawa sat opposite her, placing a bowl on the table. He unzipped the yellow sleeping bag and began to eat.

"I swear, you go through those things like toilet paper." She shook her head. He glared at her and pulled out an envelope from thin air.

"Well I'm guessing you don't want this then." He taunted, holding the UA letter in the air. She snatched it out of his hand and picked up her bowl.

"Be back in ten!" She yelled, sprinting up to her room, jumping up two steps at a time.

Her steps slowly faded away and her father chuckled. She was definitely something.

Her purple eyes widened as she sat at her desk, the importance of the next five minutes hitting her like a frying pan to the face.

The letter sat there, still and silent, taunting her as she looked down at it. She ripped it open, a hologram projector falling out and rolling around her desk.

"I AM HERE!" The desk chair toppled backwards, her legs flailing as she went down. Her eyes narrowed at the voice. A voice she had never wanted to hear again. As much as she tried, the tidal wave of memories invaded her thoughts. She shook her head. Now was not the time.

"Young Twilight, I am here to inform that you did very well on both the practical and written test!" He boomed, grinning as bright as ever. Her shoulders sagged. Good, well, wasn't good enough. She hadn't gotten i-

"And received the top score in both tests! You receive a total amount of 68 points and 70 hero points!" He finished, obviously building up to the news. What?

She had gotten in.

"Coming first in the UA entrance test is a very big achievement, Young Aizawa, so I will be looking forward to seeing you at school...

Because this year I am a TEACHER!"


Aurora had been fuming once she had found out her once-father was a teacher at her new school. The father that had abandoned her at the age of 6. It was something that you don't just forget about, or mention about in casual conversation to her if you wanted to live a little more longer than two seconds. However, she gently stuffed it down, only because of two reasons;

She had passed and come first.

And he didn't actually know she was his daughter, according to Aizawa's words.

"He didn't even bat an all-mighty eyelash. He must've smiled so much, his brain fell out."

It wasn't that she relieved she had been forgotten by her father, but the stress that would've come with him knowing, would most definitely have been overbearing.

Aizawa of course, congratulated her, in his own, dead-inside-way. Adding onto that he told her she would have to take up the name Twilight as her own and couldn't tell her classmates.

She agreed, knowing that secret was one of the bigger ones and should be kept under wraps for as long as possible.

Just like another secret she had to keep under wraps, bt that was for everyone's safety.


Aurora's first day of UA had arrived, and she was very excited.


Scratch that.

Aurora was absolutely ecstatic for her first day of UA.

Her motivational level was at a high and her confidence was at the same level. Her father on the other hand, was a completely different story.

"Dad, you have to get up." She kicked the yellow caterpillar. Using her quirk, she made the room slightly colder. He scrunched himself up tighter and muttered;

"Leave me alone or I'm expelling you." She sighed. She was definitely going to regret this.

"You can take your sleeping bag."

He was up.

Time Skip

Katsuki was royally pissed. Coming second had done absolutely nothing for his ego, only giving him the urge to fucking kill whoever beat him. Walking into the classroom, he scanned the room. It was empty. He clicked his tongue and stood at the back, not even bothering to sit down.

He wanted to be ready to destroy the bastard who beat him as soon as he entered the room.

Meanwhile, Aurora stood at the front gates, staring up and the giant letters adorning it. She felt at home. She f-

"You just gonna stand there all day?" Aizawa called out to her, not looking back. She ran after him, quickly catching up to him.

"I'm going to the teacher's lounge first, you head on over. I'll be there soon." He breathed, obviously wanting to go back to sleep. She nodded and headed in the opposite direction as they arrived at a joining hallway.

"Don't kill anyone yet!" She called back, very serious. He grunted, not promising anything.

Taking a few more turns, she reached the unnecessarily huge door, big red letters adorning it. She could hear chatter coming from the other side of the door; her classmates. She felt the anxiety creep up on her. It always seemed to do it at the most convenient of times.

What if they didn't accept her?

No. She was going to try to become one of the greatest heroes. So she needed to be brave. She took a breath and closed her eyes.

Breathe, just breathe.

So she opened the door and headed inside.

If the sound was loud before she opened the door, it had basically multiplied, different conversations layering over each other, making it difficult to hear any specific one of them.

The door closing loudly behind her was enough to quieten everyone. Aurora recognized one of the people she had saved at the entrance exam, who was walking over to her.

"You're the one who saved me from the zero pointer, aren't you? You were so manly!" The boy had spiky red hair and sharp teeth. He reminded her of a shark. She noticed his hair had changed from a dark black to bright red since she last saw him. She didn't question it, though. Mention of the zero pointer sparked interest among the crowd.

"You defeated the zero pointer?!" A girl with a pink complexion, hair, and yellow horns asked her eyes widened.

"Yeah! She zoomed back, ran up to it, jumped, and punched it in its head!" He grinned, waving his hands around like a lunatic. She felt her ears turn red.

"I was only helping." A tall boy with glasses marched over.

"One punch? That story sounds much like Midoriya's." He motioned to a boy with green unkempt-

"You're the boys from the assembly, aren't you?" She tilted her head slightly. The tall boy's eyes widened.

"You are the assembly instructor! I am Tenya Iida! I deeply apologize for holding up the assembly!" He yelled, bowing a little too deeply after realizing. She awkwardly accepted the apology.

"I'm Kirishima!"

"I'm Sero!"

"I'm Mina!"

A black-haired girl walked up to Aurora, hand outstretched. Aurora took it, smiling at the girl.

"I am Yaoyorozu."


"I'm waiting for you all to shut up." The yellow caterpillar murmured, sending all of the students rushing to their seats. "That took you 8 seconds. Not good enough." He unzipped his sleeping bag and walked out of it. "I am Aizawa-Sensei and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year."

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