1 | Bandaids & Bruises

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"I love you"
"Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"

Aurora's eyes glazed over as she landed roughly onto the concrete. The 6-year-old's eyes misted up as the pain from the fall caught up to her small body, the scraps on her knees beginning to sting slightly.

Quickly getting up from the ground, her shoes pounded the ground as she ran back up the driveway. Her wails could be heard over the slam of the front door, echoing once she got into the kitchen.

"Papaaa!" Her tears left trails down her slightly pink face. A tall figure picked her up and put her on the bench, before rifling through draws looking for the bandaids.

"What happened Aura?" The deep voice calmed down the child slightly, the tears slowing. She let a hiccup out, her face red.

"I fell over the floor again."

"And how did you do that? Because I'm pretty sure that the floor doesn't move by itself." The child's head bowed slightly in shame, her chocolate hair falling over her eyes as the figure finished cleaning up her knees. Her fingers curled themselves into a knot as they continued to shake. She replied, barely audible;

"I was running."

The figure smiled at the innocence the child was emitting. She hadn't done anything bad, however felt the need to feel guilty about the accident. He chuckled and picked her up.

"Well, maybe, we shouldn't have been running, should we?" The shake of her head was her only answer.

"Because, one day, you might run so fast, you'll fly away!!!" He spun around, putting her at arm's length. Giggles erupted from both of them, high pitched and deep-voiced mixing into one beautiful symphony. As he brought her back into her arms, she snuggled into his chest. Their heartbeats weren't in sync, the little girl noted, as she pressed her ear up against her father's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, her own pulse slowed in her ears.

However, the moment was short-lived as soon as the little girl heard the doorknob shake.

"MAMA!!!" The high pitched scream was released as the girl wriggled free of her father's embrace and bolted to the opening front door.

"Aurora!" The woman kneeled down, arms out to catch Aurora. Once she arrived at her mother, Aurora jumped onto her, sending them both down. Both of them a giggling mess, they stayed there on the ground, the woman's handbag completely forgotten, strewn across the floor next to them.

A hearty laugh erupted from above them, as Toshinori looked down at his beautiful wife and daughter. Picking both of them simultaneously, he gave them both a squeeze. The laughter died down and they were left there in each other's embrace. A comfortable silence stood still as both parents relished the moment with their daughter, whose world was most likely be overturned by receiving her quirk quite soon. But they knew it was normal for every child's life to change once they received their quirk.

However, they could never have predicted how much would truly change in the next few weeks.


A week later, Aurora's mother was to leave for a business trip.

"But mama, you only just got back!" Aurora's mother hugged her back tightly. She buried her face in her mother's silvery locks that very much looked like her own.

"I know darling, but I have to go." Over the child's shoulder, she worriedly glanced at Toshinori, who was dressed ready to go to 'work', if you could ever call it that.

"Well okay then. But you'll be back soon, right?" They both snapped out of their gazes, the child receiving her full attention.

"Of course she will, Aura, but in the meantime, we get to do stuff together too!" Toshinori exclaimed excitedly, successfully pulling the child's attention away from the subject.

Oblivious to the tension in the room, Aurora nodded firmly and skipped back to her room, falling up a couple of the steps. Toshinori turned back to her mother.

"You can't tell her, Toshinori."

"I know I can't, but that child is too smart for her own good. And besides, she will need her mother when she gets her quirk."

"If, Toshinori. If she gets her quirk. It skipped a generation in my family, remember?" He grabbed both of her hands, looking down at the rings on her finger. They both knew how dangerous this assignment was, and how quickly it could go wrong, but Aurora's mother had a duty to uphold.

"Just... Just come back to me. Come back to us, please?" He looked up at her with tears in his eyes. She rushed to embrace him.



Aurora walked home from school the next day, hoping and jumping over the cracks in the pavement. She wanted to get home early to tell her father that she aced the test she had today. She had taken a test with students 4 years older than her and beat all of them at a drop of a hat.

As she skipped up the driveway she noticed that the door was not wide open as it usually was. She shrugged, thinking her father might've just taken a nap or not gotten home yet. Locking the door behind her she unpacked her bag and headed into the kitchen to get an apple. Toddling back to the lounge room, she climbed the sofa and turned the television on. Biting into the apple, she changed the channel.

Cooking channel. No.

Sports channel. No.

Horror movie. No thank you.

News. N-
Aurora's eyes widened at the news report.

"Number 5 hero Tempest has been found murdered during a hero assignment that she was..." The words drowned out from that point on. The apple fell from her hands. She felt numb as a picture of a body covered with a white sheet was pulled into view.

It was her mama.

Her mama was gone.

She stayed motionless for hours on end, waiting for someone to come and save her from this nightmare.

Aurora's father didn't come home that night.

She knew he wouldn't. And deep down, she knew he wasn't going to come back. Ever again. She didn't believe herself, staying at the house for another day, hoping, praying her father would come home.

He didn't.

Her small mind brought around the fact that she would probably never see him again. And that's what hurt the most, for she had obtained her Quirk only three days ago and was planning to surprise both of her parents once her mother came back.

She had been abandoned. She was alone. So she did the only thing her small little mind could think of.

She ran out of the house, not looking back once. Running to the only place she knew she would be safe.

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